Biology iPad Lesson Plan 3 - Weebly

Biology iPad Lesson

Linda S. Davis

Liberty University Online

Biology iPad Lesson

|Grade & Topic: |

|10th Grade |

|Biology: Research the Process of Mitosis (RM Education, 2014) |

|Standards of Learning: |

|Science Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools (2010). Biology. Standard BIO 5. |

|Retrieved from |

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|BIO 5 The student will investigate and understand common mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. Key concepts include the following: |

|a) cell growth and division; |

|b) gamete formation; |

|c) cell specialization; |

|d) prediction of inheritance of traits based on the Mendelian laws of heredity; |

|e) historical development of the structural model of DNA; |

|f) genetic variation; |

|g) the structure, function, and replication of nucleic acids; |

|h) events involved in the construction of proteins; |

|i) use, limitations, and misuse of genetic information; and |

|j) exploration of the impact of DNA technologies (VDOE, 2010, p. 7). |

|Objectives: Students will research the process of mitosis to gain knowledge of the process. |

|Create a diagram to model the stages of mitosis and explain the processes occurring at each stage. |

|Describe the importance of cell specialization in the development of multi-cellular organisms. |

|Determine under which conditions mitosis will occur. |

|Explain if the laws of heredity apply to mitosis (VDOE, 2010, p. 13). |

|Create an ePub featuring text and images. |

|Materials: Students will need the following items: |

|iPad |

|Internet access |

|Mitosis Application |

|Book Creator Application |

|AirPlay for Apple TV |

|Lesson instructions |

|Diversity / Differentiation for Exceptionalities: |

|20 Students (10 Girls, 10 Boys) |

|6 LEP |

|4 ADD |

|4 ADHD |

|4 Gifted |

|2 ED |

|Learning Styles (modalities / multiple intelligences) - Planning this lesson consists of using a design that enables students to understand the information by |

|using their personal learning style. Visual learners learn best using visual aids, such as images with descriptions. Kinesthetic learners learn best by utilizing|

|hands-on projects, observations, or note-taking. Audio learners learn best from guided questions or question and answer sessions. These students work well in |

|group activities or discussion groups. |

|Gifted - The gifted student will easily understand how to manipulate and explore the applications. These students will most likely all ready understand how to |

|operate the iPad as well as navigate the sites. |

|LEP – The LEP students struggle with English skills and will benefit most from group activities. These students perform best using visual aids and information. |

|LD, ED, ADD/ADHD – These students learn best by focusing on visual aspects and will appreciate the time-lapsed video and diagrams of the Websites. These students |

|will benefit from staff support and partnering of students. In addition, they may need encouragement to remain focused and to participate in groups keeping them |

|on task. |

|Multicultural Connections – The multicultural students learn best through cultural comparisons as well as past and present history. |

|Socioeconomic Diversities – These students may not have an iPad for the assignment. Therefore, it will be essential that the school supply iPads to the students. |

|Technology Inclusion: To guarantee that the assignment is a success the teacher must ensure all of the following: |

|iPads are available to every student |

|iPads are fully charged |

|Students can access the Internet |

|Book Creator application is available to the students |

|Students have access to DropBox or Apple TV. |

|Provide written How-To instructions for students to successfully navigate the Websites as well as learn to use the various applications. |

|Provide demonstrations on navigating the various applications. |

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|The following describes inclusion of technology into the assignment: |

|The instructor determines the Websites, videos, and provides the links for access |

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|The instructor determines if the applications are available as FREE downloads |

|The instructor determines the assignment will be performed on an iPad |

|Students will use the iPad to access the Internet for viewing information and video(s). |

|Students will use the iPad to access, investigate, and collect data through the applications for a 45 minute lesson. |

|The instructor will use an interactive SMART Board to demonstrate to the class navigation of the applications. |

|Procedures: |

|A description of the instructional elements and techniques for the Process of Mitosis assignment. |

|Instructional Set: |

|This lesson for the 10th grade Biology class takes place in the regular classroom using iPads. |

|Developmental Activities: |

|Instruction: |

|Introduction – The instructor will provide written How-To instructions to students on how to navigate and use the various applications for the assignment. The |

|instructor introduces the topic as the Process of Mitosis. |

|Media - This instruction consists of using technology to view sites of the Internet as well as videos on the topic. In addition, students will use TouchDraw to |

|create a diagram of the stages of mitosis as well as the processes that occur in each stage. Students will use a Book Creator application to create an ePub |

|featuring images and text. Students will share their ePub using Apple TV or DropBox. The student will spend the bulk of his or her time using independent |

|practices. However, as seen before the least amount of time used on guided practices defines and shapes the student’s gathering of data during explorations. The |

|students’ main objective consists of exploring the Websites, videos, and using additional software to create an ePub to share with their classmates using DropBox |

|or Apple TV. |

|Content Objectives – |

|To understand the stages of mitosis as well as the processes occurring at each stage. |

|To recognize the importance of cell specialization in the development of multi-cellular organisms. |

|To understand the conditions in which mitosis occurs. |

|To explain if the laws of heredity apply to mitosis (VDOE, 2010, p. 13). |

|Process Objectives – |

|Process and analyze information for ePub. |

|Share results with classmates. |

|Explicit knowledge – The guided discussion starts (anticipatory set). |

|Determine the students’ knowledge level of the process of mitosis. |

|Discuss exactly what the process of mitosis involves. |

|Determine whether the students grasp the concept of mitosis. |

|Students conduct research using the provided links. |

|Students explore and research the process of mitosis to create a diagram using TouchDraw of the stages and processes occurring at each stage. |

|Guided Practice: The instructor reviews the project instructions explaining to the students the expectations of researching, exploring, and collecting the |

|information to create their diagram and ePub. The guided practice consists of the following: |

|Passing out and explaining the written instructions to the students. |

|Explaining the purpose of the assignment. |

|The instructor uses an iPad with a SMART Board to perform a demonstration for using TouchDraw and creating an ePub. In addition, the instructor demonstrates how |

|to share the ePub through DropBox or Apple TV. |

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|Instructor questions used prior to guiding the students to the videos consist of the following: |

|What do you know about the process of mitosis? |

|What do you know about the stages of mitosis? |

|Explain the processes of mitosis and why cells divide? |

|The instructor guides the students to the Websites and the video. |

|The instructor guides a Q&A session after the 45 minutes of research. This allows students to learn from one another, and to feel free to ask questions as well as|

|have the opportunity to receive explanation and feedback on details for creating their ePub to share their results. |

|The instructor gives permission for students who would like to group up to create an ePub to share their results. |

|Students will be allowed to view the shared ePub and prepare to discuss the results over the next two class times. |

|Students may work alone if they so choose. |

|The instructor ends the 90 minutes of class encouraging the students to view as many of the ePub as they can before the next class time. In addition, students are|

|encouraged to make notes for the ensuing discussions. |

|The instructor encourages student to continue to work on their ePub while the information is still fresh in their minds. The instructor reminds the students of |

|the submission deadline within two days. |

|Independent Practice: The independent practice consists of the following: |

|Students will visit the Internet sites to research, collect information, and view the video: |

|Mitosis available at |

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|Mitosis Drosophila Larva available at |

|Cell Division available at |

|Mitosis, Meiosis, and Inheritance available at |

|Students may ask to be grouped or partnered together to understand the assignment better. |

|Students use TouchDraw to create a diagram of the stages of mitosis as well as the processes that occur in each stage. |

|Students will use a Book Creator to create an ePub. |

|Students will share their ePub with the class using Apple TV or DropBox. |

|Closure: |

|This lesson researches information on the process of mitosis and its stages. |

|The lesson requires students to create an ePub to share their results with classmates. |

|Evaluation/Assessment: Progress and assessment tools. |

|The instructor observes the students during the viewing of the Websites, video, collection, and analysis of information to provide assistance as needed and to |

|assess students’ understanding of the assignment. |

|The instructor ends the class with guided questions/discussion to assess student learning experiences. |

|The instructor assesses the students’ ePub. |

|The instructor offers encouragement/praise for correct answers and gently guides students to correct wrong thinking. |

|The instructor assesses the students during the follow-up class discussion sessions. |

|Risk Analysis: |

|Ensure all students have an iPad. |

|Ensure students are offered learning experiences fitting their individual learning styles. |

|Ensure iPads are fully charged prior to the beginning of the assignment. |

|Ensure students have access to all necessary applications for the assignment. |

|Ensure the links being used for the lesson are available prior to the beginning of the assignment. |

|Prepare handouts in advance of the scheduled assignment. |

|References: Sources and Websites |

|Cell Division. (n.d). Retrieved from |

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|Mitosis. (2014). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from |

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|Mitosis Drosophila Larva [Video File]. Retrieved from |

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|Miko, I. (2008). Mitosis, Meiosis, and Inheritance. Nature Education. Retrieved from |

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|RM Education. (2014). iPad lesson ideas. Retrieved from |

| |

|Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). (2010). Science standards of learning curriculum |

|framework: Biology. Retrieved from |

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|framewk/biology.pdf |

|Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). (2010). Science standards of learning for Virginia Public |

|Schools. Biology. Standard BIO 3. Retrieved from |

| |


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