
Charlotte High School 2020-2021

Coach Mentzer

Room G221

Phone: (941) 575-5450 ext. 1728


Course Description

Course Number: 2000310

Number of Credits: 1

Course Length: 1 year

Biology is the study of life. Topics include, but are not limited to, cell biology, genetics, classification, animals, plants, and ecological relationships.

Course Objectives and Outline

The course will be divided into three basic categories:

Unit 1: Biochemistry, Cells & Genetics: Chapters 1, 2, 7-14: Students will study:

Organization and development of living organisms, heredity and reproduction, matter and energy transformations

Unit 2: Biodiversity & Evolution: Chapters 15-40: Students will study:

Diversity and evolution of living organisms, classification, body systems

Unit 3: Ecology: Chapters 3-6: Students will study:

Earth systems and patterns, energy, diversity of living organisms, interdependence

Text and Ancillary Materials

Biology Pearson Prentice Hall by Miller & Levine or on-line


*3-Prong folder with pockets specifically for biology

*Package of loose leaf notebook paper

*Writing utensil (pen/pencil)

Policies and Procedures

1. Enter quietly.

2. Get your assigned book or computer from shelves if needed.

3. Take a picture of Promethean board &/or write information in planner.

4. Put cell phone away in backpack/pocket/bin.

5. Go directly to your assigned seat.

6. Place all items in the cubby except textbook, biology folder with paper, and writing utensil.

7. Check back board for objective/activities.

8. At the end of class, return your book to the shelf & place in numerical order, check your area, and throw away papers/trash.

9. Roll chair under table & check for writing on table. (except 7th period, put chair on table.)

10. Use restroom and get water between classes.

Grading Scale

Tests 100 points each A=90-100

Quizzes 25 points each B=80-89

Class Work 5 points each C=70-79

Homework 5 points each D=60-69

Labs 5-25 points each F=59 and below

Projects 25-100 points each

Google Classroom Assignment 5-25 points each

***Grade will be calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible***

Make-up work will be provided for all students however no activities or assignments can replace the learning that occurs in the classroom when the student is present. Two (2) days for each day of eligible absences shall be given to complete all class make-up work. Exams, tests, or quizzes will be rescheduled at the discretion of the teacher. Keep track of your grades in FOCUS.

Course Procedures

During the course, students will read, create power notes and projects, complete Google Classroom assignments, and participate in labs while working individually as well as in groups. Students are expected to study at home daily for quizzes and tests, and to complete all power notes & assignments on time. Students are also expected to participate in class, and keep track of their progress on FOCUS and in their classroom portfolio, and complete a science fair project.

General Course of Study

Semester 1 Semester 2

Chapter Standard Chapter Standard

|1 |SC.912.N.1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 3.1, |13 |SC.912.L.16.5, 16.9 |

|The Science of Biology |3.4 |RNA Protein Synthesis | |

|2 |SC.912.L.18.1, 18.11, 18.12 |14-15 |SC.912.L.16.10 |

|The Chemistry of Life | |Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering | |

|7 |SC.912.L.14.1, 14.3, 14.4 |16-17 |SC.912.L.15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.8, |

|Cell Structure & Function | |Evolution |15.10, 15.12, 15.13, 15.14, 15.15 |

|8 & 9 |SC.912.L.18.6, 18.7, 18.8, 18.9, 18.10 |18-19 |SC.912.L.14.5, 15.8, 15.4, 15.5, |

|Photosynthesis & Cellular | |Classification & History of Life |15.6, 15.8, 15.10 |

|Respiration | | | |

|22-24 |SC.912.L.14.3, 14.7 |3-4 |SC.912. L.17.2, 17.4, 17.5, 17.8, |

|Plants | |Ecology & Communities |17.9, 17.13. 17.20 |

|10 |SC.912.L.16.8, 16.16, 16.17, |5-6 | |

|Cell Growth & Division | |Populations & Humans in the Biosphere |SC.912.L.14.6, 17.10, 17.11, 17.20 |

|12 |SC.912. L.16.3, 16.4 |31-35 |SC.912.L.14.52, 14.26, 14.36, 16.13|

|DNA Replication | |Body Systems (brain, heart, immune, | |

| | |reproductive) | |

|11 |SC.912. L.16.16, 16.9. 16.17, 16.1, 16.2 |25-28 |SC.912.L.14.6 |

|Introduction to Genetics | |Comparative Anatomy | |

**Return to Coach Mentzer

Parent/Student Information

*I have received the syllabus for my child’s Biology class, and understand the information it contains.

Student Name (print): _______________________________________Signature: ________________________

Student e-mail address _______________________________________________________________________

Parent Name (print): ________________________________________Signature: ________________________

Parent e-mail address________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________

My child _______does _______does not have internet access at home. (Check one)

I _________ do ________ do not give permission for my child’s picture to be posted on the Edline Webpage.

(Check one)

Please list anything that I should know that would help your child’s succeed: (examples: allergies, dietary, seating, or restroom needs, etc.)





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