English 7 Suggested Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes

7th Grade Suggested Word Parts


In an effort to streamline word study between grades at middle school, a committee of teachers has compiled a list of suggested roots, prefixes and suffixes. This list identifies the most important Greek and Latin roots as well as common prefixes and suffixes for 7th grade. These word parts are suggestions only, and may supplement the literary terms and vocabulary from reading selections students learn in the English 7: Literature and Strategies class, as well as the words studied from the adopted text, Houghton Mifflin’s Spelling and Vocabulary.

The word parts identified with an asterisk (*) are “no excuse” word parts that are taught in 6th grade and are reviewed in 7th and 8th grades. These word parts are the most important in terms of usefulness, and the ones that students should master by 8th grade.

Last revision date: May 2009.

Joint School District No. 2


|Suffix |Percent of All |Part of Speech |Meaning |Examples or Rules |

| |Suffixes | | | |

|-s*, -es* |31 |Plural of Noun | |cats, boxes |

|-ed* |20 |Past tense of a Verb | |sailed |

|-ing* |14 |Progressive tense of Verb, Verbal | |jumping, racing |

|-ly* |7 |Usually adverb sometimes adjective |like |slowly, lovely |

|-er*, or (agent) |4 |Noun |person who |runner, professor |

|-ion*, tion*, ation*, ition* |4 |Noun |that which is |action, transition, vacation |

|-able*, ible* |2 |Adjective |can do |lovable, incredible |

|-al*, ial* |1 |Adjective |relating to |global, logical, partial |

|-y* |1 |Adjective |state of being |funny, happy |

|-ness* |1 |Abstract noun |state of |kindness |

|-ity*, -ty* |1 |Noun |state of being |activity |

|-ment* |1 |Noun |agent of, action, process |merriment |

|-ic* |1 |Adjective, Noun |relating to |historic |

|-ous*, -eous*, -ious* |1 |Adjective |full of, qualities of |hideous, spacious |

|-en* |1 |Verb, Adjective |made of, make |quicken, thicken (v.); silken, golden |

| | | | |(adj.) |

|-er* (comparative) |1 |Adjective |more |bigger |

|-est* (superlative) |1 |Adjective |most |biggest |

|-ive*, -ative*, -tive* |1 |Adjective, Noun |like |alternative, pensive |

|-ful* |1 |Adjective |full of |wonderful |

|-less* |1 |Adjective |without |effortless |

|-ade |1 |Noun, Verb |action, result, process, a drink |blockade, lemonade |

|-an |1 |Noun, Adjective |of or belonging to, one who specializes |politician, American (n.) |

| | | | |Elizabethan (adj.) |

|-ant, -ance, |1 |Noun, Verb, Adjective |action, state, or quality |abundant, assistance |

|-ence | | | | |

|-ary |1 |Noun, Adjective |of or relating to |library |

|-ate |1 |Noun, Verb, Adjective |to make, function |create, duplicate |

| | | | |literate |

|-ery |1 |Noun, Adjective |the act of, state, quality, place of, relating to |bakery, fishery |

|-ish |1 |Noun |of, relating to |boyish, purplish, Turkish |

|-ize, -ise, -yze |1 |Verb |cause to be, can indicate a verb |analyze, plagiarize |

|-like |1 |Adjective |relating to |childlike, ladylike |

|-ol |1 |Noun |containing alcohol |alcohol, ethanol |

|-ology |1 |Noun |study of |biology, psychology |

|-ose |1 |Adjective, Noun |full of, chemical |verbose, glucose |

|-ure |1 |Noun |action, process, function or group |legislature, composure |

Joint School District No. 2


|Root |Meaning |Origin |Examples |

|arch/archeo |primitive, first, ancient |Latin |archives, archeology, monarchy |

|ast* |star |Greek |astronaut, astronomy, asteroid |

|Auto |self or self caused |Greek |automatic, autobiography |

|bio* |life, living |Greek |biology, biography |

|Cred |to believe or trust |Latin |credible, credit |

|cris/crit |to decide, judge or separate |Greek |criticize, critic, crisis |

|Cycl |circle |Greek |cycle, cyclone, bicycle |

|cyto/cyte |cell, hollow |Greek |cytoplasm, leukocyte |

|dict* |speak, tell |Latin |dictator, dictate, dictionary |

|Epi |upon, above |Greek |epidermis, epidemic |

|fract, frag |to break |Latin |fracture, fraction, fragment |

|genos, gen |birth, race, produce |Greek |genetics, genealogy, genotype |

|geo* |earth |Greek |geology, geography, geometry |

|Gest |to bear, carry or bring |Latin |ingest, digest |

|graph*, gram |to write |Greek |autograph, biography, photograph |

|Homo |same, alike, man |Greek |homogeneous, homo sapiens, homozygous |

|hydr (aqua) |water |Greek |hydropower, hydroelectric |

|Ject |to throw |Latin |eject, inject, reject, project |

|manu* |hand |Latin |manual, manage, manicure |

|Mem |mindful |Latin |memory, memoir, remember |

|meter* |measure, unit of measure |Greek |thermometer, centimeter, diameter |

|Min |little or small |Latin |minimum, miniature, minimal |

|mit*, mis |send |Latin |mission, transmit, missile |

|Ped |foot |Latin |pedestrian, pedicure |

|Phon |sound |Greek |symphony, phonics, microphone, telephone |

|Photo |light |Greek |photosynthesis, photograph |

|Phys |nature |Greek |physics, physiology |

|Psyche |mind, mental |Latin |psychology, psychiatrist, psychic |

|port* |to carry |Latin |transport, portable, import, export |

|Rupt |to break |Latin |disrupt, erupt, rupture, interrupt |

|Scope |see, watch |Greek |telescope, microscope |

|scrib*/script |to write |Latin |scribble, manuscript, inscription, inscribe, describe |

|Sign |mark or seal |Latin |signature, design, signal |

|Sist |to stand |Latin |insist, resist, assist |

|Solv |to loosen |Latin |resolve, solve, solution, solvent |

|Soph |wise |Greek |sophomore, sophisticated, philosophy |

|spect* |to see |Latin |inspect, spectator, respect |

|Spir |breath or spirit |Latin |respiration, aspiration, spirit |

|sta/sti |to stand |Latin |substitute, stamina, status, state |

|struct* |to build or form |Latin |construct, destruction, instruct, structure |

Joint School District No. 2


|Prefix |Percent of Words Containing |Meaning |Examples |

| |Prefix | | |

|un-* |26 |not, opposite of |unaware, unbelievable, unsure |

|re-* |14 |again |redo, replay |

|im-*, -in, -il, -ir |11 |not |impossible, incapable, illogical, irregular |

|dis-* |7 |not, opposite |dishonest, disgraceful, discover |

|en-*, em- |4 |cause to |enable, emblaze |

|non-* |4 |not |nonstick, nonfiction, nonexistent |

|in-*, im-* |3 |in, into |inject |

|over* |3 |too much |overtime, overeat |

|mis-* |3 |wrongly |misunderstand, misuse |

|sub-* |3 |under |subsurface, subway |

|pre-* |3 |before |prepay, preschool |

|inter-* |3 |between |international, interact |

|fore-* |3 |before |forethought |

|de-* |2 |opposite of |decaffeinated, dehydrate |

|trans-* |2 |across |transatlantic |

|super-* |1 |above |superhero, supermodel |

|semi-* |1 |half |semiannual, semicolon |

|anti-* |1 |against |antiwar, antisocial |

|mid-* |1 |middle |midyear, midnight |

|under-* |1 |too little |underweight, underpaid |

|a-/an- | |not, without |atypical, anarchy, apathy, anonymous |

|Ab | |away from |absent, abnormal, absorb, abduct |

|Ad | |to, toward |admit, addition, adhesive, adjust |

|Bi | |two |bicycle, biceps, biathlete, bimonthly |

|col-/con-/com- | |with, together |convene, converge, compact, combine, collaborate, collect |

|dis-/dys-/dif- | |away, not, negative |dismiss, differ, dysfunction |

|exo | |outside, outer |exodus, exoskeleton |

|hect | |hundred |hectogram, hectograph, hectometer |

|hemi-/semi-/ | |refers to half |semicircle, hemisphere |

|hep- | |seven |heptagon, heptameter |

|hex- | |six |hexagon |

|hydro- | |water |hydrogen, hydrophilic |

|hyper- | |too much, over |hyperactive, hypersonic, hyperlink |

|oct- | |eight |octave, octagon, octopus |

|omni- | |all |omnivore, omnipresent, omniscient |

|poly- | |many, much |polygon, polytheist, polymorphic |

|post- | |after |postgraduate, posthumous, postpone |

|psyche- | |mind, mental |psychology, psychiatrist, psychic |

|quad- | |four |quadrilateral, quadrant, quadriplegic |

|quint- | |five |quintuplets, quintessential, quintessence |

|sept- | |seven |septennial, septillion |

|tri- | |three |tricycle, triceratops, triumvirate |

|uni- | |one |universe, uniform, unicycle |


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