Biology Term Research Paper Assignment - PC\|MAC

Anatomy Research Paper Assignment (HONORS)

Topic: You may select any disorder or disease process pertaining to any organ system we studied in Anatomy class, one you found in the textbook, or one you are already interested in. (Please stay with physiological processes instead of psychological disorders) ie. No bipolar disorder, manic depression, schizophrenia, etc.

Goal: To learn how normal body processes and homeostasis can become compromised by anomalous situations in organs and organ systems. Also to understand the effects of the disorder or the disease process and how it can diminish life expectancy, quality of life, activities of daily living, etc.

Assignment: 1. After you have selected a disease or disorder, research the causes and effects of it using as many of the following resources as possible: textbooks, medical journals, internet (peer reviewed Web sites, preferably), medical dictionaries, interview a nurse or physician that treats the disorder/disease, interview a patient that exhibits the disorder/disease (**must have subject’s permission to include their information in your paper and a signed consent form), and any other credible resources you can find.

2. Type a 5-7 page paper about your chosen topic, using APA style of citations and documentation of sources.

3. Please include a cover page with title and a reference page with works cited. ** These are not part of the 5-7 pages. ** May include pictures/charts/diagrams on one page. Figures may be no more than 3” x 3” and must be cited in your works cited page for its source. This is not to be counted as part of your 5-7 pages of text. ** Margins must be 1 inch on each end and font bust be either 10 or 12 point and in Times New Roman black. ** Do Not: use 1st/2nd person narrative voice, use contractions, slang terms, or use bullet lists as “space filler”!!!!

Due date: Please have the paper turned in by end of the day December 17, 2014.

Possible Topics for Paper:




Nervous/Special Senses:








|Rubric Requirements |5 (highest |4 (good quality/above |3 (meets or satisfies |2 (falls short of |1 ( poor, |

| |quality/exceeds |average) |minimal requirements) |requirements) |effort/quality, |

| |standards) | | | |unacceptable) |

|Content |Topic is appropriate for |Topic is appropriate |Topic is acceptable, but|Topic is not aligned |Topic does not fall |

| |course and is categorized|for course and is |may not have a |with the study of |within the scope of |

| |as a homeostatic |categorized as a |significant impact |homeostatic anomalies |physiological |

| |imbalance that clearly |homeostatic imbalance/ |physiologically |and implications we |problems in the human|

| |impairs one or more |disease/disorder | |studied, it is more |body at all |

| |systems | | |psychological in | |

| | | | |pathology | |

|Mechanics |Paper is free or nearly |Paper has few |Paper has no more than |Paper has too many |Paper has too many |

| |free of grammatical |grammatical errors, |5-6 grammatical errors, |grammatical, spelling, |grammatical, |

| |errors, spelling |spelling errors/typos, |spelling errors/typos, |and syntax errors, does |spelling, and syntax |

| |errors/typos, and has |few structure or syntax|sentence |not have an intro and/or|errors, does not have|

| |clean, flowing sentence |errors, uses |structure/syntax is not |conclusion, does not use|an intro and/or |

| |structure and syntax is |appropriate transitions|completely coherent in |transitions between |conclusion, does not |

| |completely coherent, good|between intro, body, |every sentence, does not|ideas |use transitions |

| |use of transitions |and conclusion |use many transitions | |between ideas |

|Formatting |Follows APA style in body|Follows APA style, with|Follows APA style but |Does not follow APA |Does not follow APA |

| |of paper as well as works|minimal errors (less |with less than 10 errors|guidelines for any |guidelines for any |

| |cited page |than 6)citing in the | |documentation |documentation |

| | |body, and works cited | | | |

| | |page | | | |

|Quality/Quantity of |Well done research, |Research seems fairly |Paper could be written |Paper is not written at |Paper is poorly |

|Information |employs at least 5 |thorough, employs 3-5 |at a more advanced level|high-school level, |written, minimal |

| |reputable sources, |reputable sources, |but enough research done|research was not |effort was given to |

| |thoroughly explains |explains cause/effect |to get 3 main points |sufficient or employed |throw something |

| |process and cause/effect |relationship of the |that explain the process|less than 3 sources, |together, paper does |

| |relationship, Has an |process, Has a good |and its physiological |paper does not have a |not have intro, |

| |audience grabbing intro, |introduction, body, and|implications, has an |distinct intro, main |sufficient body, or |

| |at least 3 well written |conclusion with |intro, body, and |points in the body, or a|conclusion, no |

| |body points, and a |background research and|conclusion, but not |conclusion to tie up the|reputable sources |

| |complete conclusion to |main points of |really audience |main ideas |used in the research |

| |tie it together |cause/effect documented|grabbing, employs at | |of the material |

| | | |least 3-4 reputable | | |

| | | |sources | | |

|Completion |On time |One Day Late |Two Days Late |N/A |N/A |

Information to Include in Your Research Paper

Please address the following issues in the body of your research paper. Be as detailed as possible.

• Introduce the name of your chosen disease/disorder or process of imbalance. Does it have any common names in addition to its scientific name? (For example: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS is commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”….and Trisomy 21 is commonly called “Downs Syndrome”

• Is the disorder genetically linked? (sex-linked? Recessive linkage) Which chromosome(s) carry the gene(s) for this?

• What organ or organ system does the disorder primarily impact in humans? How might it affect the whole body if it is progressive?

• What are the chief symptoms of this disorder? (What are they key signs a physician looks for in diagnosing a patient with it?)

• How do these signs/symptoms affect the patient in terms of accomplishing activities of daily living? (Does it impact the ability to walk, talk, eat, bathe, brush teeth, work, etc)

• What are some therapeutic measures to counter the problems or at least lessen the severity of the problems with this disease/disorder? (medications , rehabilitative therapies, surgeries, etc.)

• What is the incidence of occurrence for this disease/disorder? What is the prognosis or outlook for a patient who has it?

• Any other pertinent information you want to include….


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