Biology Gems of Wisdom

Biology Gems of Wisdom

|Frequently Used |Meaning |Examples |

|Root Words | | |

|a-, an- |not, without, absence |abiotic, asexual, anaerobic |

|ant-, anti- |against, opposite |antibiotic, antitoxin |

|-ase |ferment or enzyme |lipase, lactase, diatase |

|-bio-, -bic |life |biology, antibiotic, aerobic |

|carn-, carne- |meat, flesh |carnivore |

|ecto- |Outside |ectoderm |

|end-, endo- |in, inside |endothermic, endoskeleton |

|eu- |true, proper |eukaryote |

|ex-, exo- |out, outer, external |exoskeleton, expiration |

|glycol- |glucose |glycolysis, glycogen |

|herb- |plant (non-woody) |herbivore |

|heter-, hetero- |different, other |heterozygous, heterosexual |

|hom-, homo, homeo- |same, common |homozygous, homeostasis |

|hydro- |water |hydrolysis, |

|-ist |one who practices or studies |biologist, dentist, ecologist |

|-logy, -ology |study of |biology, zoology, geology |

|-ose |sugar |sucrose, fructose, glucose |

|pre-, pro- |before |prehistoric, prokaryotic |

|-som, -some, -soma |body |chromosome, somatic |

|sym-, syn- |to join, combine |symbiosis, photosynthesis |

|-vor, -vore |feed or eat |carnivore, herbivore, omnivore |

|Equations |Organic Compounds |DNA Components/Pairs |

| | | |

|Photosynthesis: |Carbohydrates: |Deoxyribose (Sugar) |

|6 CO2 + 6 H2O+ sunlight 6O2 + C6 H12O6 |Carbon, Hydrogen & | |

| |Oxygen (1:2:1 ratio) | |

| | | |

| |Lipids: |Phosphate |

| |Carbon, Hydrogen & | |

| |Oxygen | |

| | | |

|Cellular Respiration: |Proteins: |Nitrogeneous Base |

|6O2 + C6 H 12O6 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy |Carbon, Hydrogen, | |

| |Oxygen & Nitrogen | |

| | | |

| |Nucleic Acids: |Adenine – Thymine (A-T) |

| |Carbon, Hydrogen, | |

| |Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon & |Cytosine – Guanine (C-G) |

| |Phosphorous | |


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