Biology C in Review - Mr. Eagen's Science Classroom

Biology C in Review

Booklet Instructions

Number each page at the bottom

Include the headings for each page and then each section in all caps and underlined just as it is below. Under each heading include the required information

Each section on a page will be worth 2 points for completion. In addition, organization (1 pt) and neatness (1 pt) will be worth 2 points per page


Should have a cover with artwork that represents what will be learned in the book

Should be colorful with a drawing done by hand not a picture


A. definition of producer and consumer

Include an example of both in the definition

B different types of consumers

Give definitions and examples for herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, and decomposer

C. food chains and food webs

Draw a food chain with at least 4 trophic levels. Identify each organism as a herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, decomposer, producer, consumer (primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary). Some may have multiple labels

D. nutrient cycles

Sketch a drawing of the Carbon cycle- include 3 ways Carbon is cycled back into the atmosphere and 3 ways that carbon is stored during the carbon cycle

Also explain the importance of bacteria in the Nitrogen fixation during the Nitrogen cycle

E. greenhouse effect

Give an explanation of the greenhouse effect-include a drawing

List at least 3 greenhouse gases and how they are produced

Explain how an increase in greenhouse gases can lead to an increase in global warming.

List 3 possible negative effects of global warming on the Earth

F. Ecological Succession

Explain the process of succession

Explain how primary succession and secondary succession are different- give an example of both

G. population growth

Explain immigration and emigration and how they lead to population growth or reduction

Explain exponential growth-include a graph

Explain logistic growth- include a graph

Explain carrying capacity- identify it on your logistic growth graph


A. Natural Selection

Explain the 3 parts of Natural Selection- struggle for existence, survival of the fittest, and descent with modification

Include an example of each

B. Evidence of evolution

Explain the five types of evidence for evolution-fossil record, geography, homologous structures, embryology, and DNA similarities.

Give specific examples showing how the evidence supports evolution (Humans and chimps have extremely similar DNA- this provides evinces that shows they are closely related to each other and must share a common ancestor).

C. peppered moth lab

Explain what caused the change in tree color

Which moth was favored before and after the change?

Explain how this is an example of survival of the fittest

D. Species

Define what a species is and how you can tell if two organisms are of the same species

Explain how DNA evidences is used to determine how closely related two species are

E. Speciation

Define speciation

Explain what reproductive isolation is and how this leads to the creation of separate species

Explain and give one example of geographical isolation, temporal isolation, and behavioral isolation

Define gene pool

Explain genetic drift and describe how it can change a gene pool

F. Other

Define the following terms- fitness, biodiversity, vestigial structure, and genetic variation

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

A. Equations

Give the equation for photosynthesis in words then as a chemical formula

Give the equation for cellular respiration in words then as a chemical formula

Explain why photosynthesis and cellular respiration are described as cycles of one another

B. Photosynthesis

Explain where photosynthesis occurs in the cell

Explain the energy transformation/conversion takes place in photosynthesis

Why photosynthesis causes an organism to gain mass

C. Cellular Respiration

Explain where cellular respiration occurs in the cell

Why cellular respiration causes and organism to lose mass


Draw a diagram of ATP

Explain how ATP releases energy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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