Unit 1 Test Review Guide - Loudoun County Public Schools

Name: __KEY_____

Biology: Unit 1 Intro to Biology - Test Review

This test will cover: The Scientific Method, Characteristics of Life, Viruses, and Classification. This information can be found in your notes or in Chapters 1 and 19-3 of your textbook.

The following questions provide an idea of the subject matter that will be covered. Just because something isn’t listed does not mean that it will not be on the test.

1. The independent variable in an experiment is – Variable you manipulate. “I change”

2. The dependent variable in an experiment is – The results or what happens because of IV

3. What is a hypothesis? Purposed explanation or statement. Starting point for experiment

4. What is a conclusion? Statement if your hypothesis was supported or not

5. What are constants in an experiment? Items in the experiment that aren’t changed or remain the same.

6. The characteristics or features that distinguish a living thing from a non-living thing:

a. Living things are made up of one or more _cell__.

b. Living things ____respond_____ to stimuli in their environment.

c. Living things can _____grow___ (get bigger over time)

d. Living things can ______reproduce______, creating another generation of organisms.

e. All living things are built and run according to instructions in the DNA.

f. All organisms need __energy__ to run the reactions in their cells, keeping them alive.

g. The inside conditions in an organism are maintained at a fairly constant level. This is called _homeostasis__.

h. Species can _____Adapt___ or change over time.

7. Create a Bar Graph from the following data table: Bite Pressure Data Table

|Type of animal |Average Bite Pressure in psi |

|Human |130 |

|Alligator |3500 |

|Hyena |1200 |

|Lion |2000 |

|Great White Shark |1800 |

|Rottweiler |235 |

*Use a ruler to create a graph.

8. List six characteristics of viruses are (I gave you 7 or 8):

a. Made of Genetic Material b. Can reproduce, only inside other living things

c. No cell parts d. Extremely small

e. Specific to an organism and cell type f. Variety of shapes

g. Parasitic

9. Viruses are made of __genetic__ material surrounded by a _capsid or_

protein coat_.

10. List 8 diseases that are caused by viruses:

1. HIV 5. Measles

2. Common Cold 6. Herpes

3. Small Pox 7. Polio

4. Ebola 8. Flu

11. List some ways in which viral diseases can be transmitted amongst people.

Body fluids, Intravenous needles

12. How is the treatment for a bacterial infection different from that of a viral infection?

Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections, viral infections cannot be treated. You must get a vaccination before contracting the virus in order to be protected.

13. Compare AND contrast the work of Edward Jenner to that of Jonas Salk.

Jenner: used a vaccination, but you had to become sick in order to be protected.

Salk: used a vaccination, but you didn’t have to become sick in order to be protected.

14. How does a vaccine work?

A vaccine in a weakened or altered form of the virus, it causes the body to build up antibodies to the virus.

15. Why is it more difficult to make a vaccine for RNA viruses than DNA viruses?

RNA viruses are unstable and mutate quickly.

16. The two types of viral life cycles are the ____lytic___ cycle and the __lysogenic__ cycle. You should be familiar with both of these cycles!

17. Which of the two viral cycles leads to a rapid cell death? ___lytic__

18. Which of the two viral cycles has a dormant period? _lysogenic___

19. Who was Francesco Redi and what did he do? Started the disproval of spontaneous generation by following the steps of the Scientific Method.

20. What is spontaneous generation? Belief that life can come from non-life

21. Measure the line below in cm and mm.


_10.2__cm _102__mm

How many mm in one centimeter? _10_ How many cm in one meter? __100__

22. Convert these measurements: 20 mm = __2__cm 4 mm =___0.4___cm

9 cm = __90__mm 500 mL = _0.5_ L 24mL = _0.024__ L 6 L= __6000__mL



Depend. Var. on y-axis

Independ. Var. on x-axis


Be sure to label both the x and the y axis!!

29. How much liquid is in the graduated cylinder? ___43mL_____

30. How many mL in one liter? ___1000___


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