Biology: Unit Two Calendar

HONORS Biology Unit One 2013-14

echevalier@, [pic]@ChevalierOPSci, [pic]Ms. Litten’s Bio Page, [pic]Litten, Winnie

Cell Biology Part I: Scientific Process, Chemistry, Cell Structures and Membranes

|Date |Class Items (we do this in class) |Homework: (do this following scheduled class or earlier if you would |

| | |like) |

|8/28 |Welcome! Discuss Seating, Clickers, Bozeman |Bozeman Unit 1: Biology (link on my webpage) |

| |Distribute: Unit 1 Calendar, Class Expectations, and Lab Safety Sheet. Discuss|Complete your online Learning Modality Assessment (get it signed too), |

| |Learning Modality Assessment found on my webpage. |due 9/4 |

| | |Study/Review your lab safety rules. |

|8/30 |Collect: Bozeman, U1: Biology |Bozeman Unit 1: Essential Char. Of Life |

| |Finish/Review Lab Safety Rules. |Read Chapter 1 and do terms (listed in notes)! |

| |Objectives 1-3 (remember: you do objective #4 () |START COLLECTING Roly-Polies! Need 5/team |

| |Remember to discuss seating concerns with me today! |Review for lab safety test, get modality signed |

|9/4 |Collect: Lab Contract, Learning Modality, Ch. 1 Terms & Bozeman Unit 1: |Bozeman Unit 1: Scientific Method |

| |Essential Char. Of Life |Make sure you have all your Roly-Polies |

| |Seating Chart: choose wisely |You could work on your Chapter 2 Terms early |

| |Practice signing in as yourself for clicker testing. | |

| |Finish Ch. 1 objectives, if needed | |

|9/9 |Collect: Bozeman, U1: Scientific Method |Review objectives 1-3 and be sure to do your additional objective #4 |

| |Take Lab Safety Test |(Keep organized.) |

| |Lab 1: Scientific Method: need roly-polies today!!!!! | |

|9/11 |Finish Lab and review for quiz, if time |Bozeman Unit 2: Biological Molecules |

| |HQ1-1 (objectives 1-4) |Read Chapter 2 and do Terms (listed in notes) |

|9/13 |Collect Bozeman, U2: Biological Molecules and Chapter 2 Terms |Review |

| |Start Objectives 5-8 | |

|9/17 |Finish Objectives 5-8 (9-11) |Review and make sure you do your additional objectives! (Keep them |

| |Prep Lab 3: Chemical Composition of Cells, if time |organized!) |

|9/19 |Lab 3: Chemical Composition of Cells |Bozeman Unit 3: A Tour of the Cell |

| | |Review for HQ1-2 |

| | |Read Chapter 3 and do Terms |

|9/23 |Collect Bozeman, U3: A Tour of the Cell and Terms for Chapter 3 |Review |

| |HQ1-2 (objectives 5-11) | |

| |Objectives 12-15 (16) | |

|9/25 |Finish Objectives 12-15 |Bozeman Unit 3: Cell Membranes |

| |Introduce/Start Lab 4: Cell Structure and Function |Review for HQ1-3 |

| | |Read Chapter 4 and do Terms |

|9/27 |Collect Bozeman, U3: Cell Membranes and Terms for Chapter 4 |Make sure your homework packet is put together in this order: Terms for|

| |HQ1-3 (Objectives 12-16) |Chapters 1-4. Stamps should be in top rt. corner/staple in top left |

| |Objectives 17-18 (19) |corner |

|10/1 |Collect HW Packet |REVIEW: GO papers, Bozeman Videos, online practice quizzes from my |

| |Finish Objectives 17-18 |website, textbook practice quizzes, end of chapter tests, labs, |

| |Activity: DNA Extraction from Banana |additional objectives ….INPUT and OUTPUT reviewing! |

| |Practice Quiz HQ1-4 (if time) | |

|10/3 |UNIT ONE EXAM! |Read Chapter 5 and do Terms |


Chapter One: The Study of Life

1. Describe the scientific process.

2. Describe the common characteristics of life.

3. Describe life’s organization and classification. Know the three domains, five kingdoms, and their organization, nutrition and representative example.

HOW TO DO HANDLE ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES (in italics): I do not lecture the “Additional Objectives”. Read the page indicated and look for the answers to the questions on the calendar from the reading. Write out your answers and keep them! I will never see/grade your answers, BUT I will ask you these same questions on each quiz and test. Keep/Organize all your additional objectives for the unit because these will also show up on your final!

4. Bioethical Focus: p. 14, The Pros and Cons of DDT: a. Why was DDT initially used? b. How (2 ways) has it saved millions of human lives? c. Explain how DDT can be harmful. d. Be prepared to respond to the “Form Your Own Opinion” questions as well.

Chapter Two: The Molecules of Cells

5. Describe what all matter, living and nonliving, is composed of.

6. Describe how atoms react with one another to form molecules and compounds.

7. Name and describe the important inorganic molecules: carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water.

8. Name, describe and recognize the structures and functions of the four important organic molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

9. Ecology Focus: p. 30, The Harm Done by Acid Deposition: a. What is the pH of normal rain? Acidic rain? b. How does acid rain effect lakes? Forests? c. What responsibility should the U.S. assume for the damage caused by our acid rain pollution in Canada?

10. Health Focus: p. 36, A Balanced Diet: a. Chemically, what is the difference between a “whole-grain” carbohydrate and a simple carbohydrate. b. What is one potential reason that there is an increase in adult-onset diabetes? c. Why are some fats “good” for you and some “bad” for you? Be sure to name these types of fats as well.

11. Bioethical Issue: p. 41, Blue Gold: a. What % of the earth’s water contains salt? b. Where is most of the fresh water in the world located? c. Where is North America’s largest underground aquifer, the Ogallalla located? d. Be prepared to respond to the “Form Your Own Opinion” questions as well.

Chapter Three: Cell Structure and Function

12. State the cell theory and describe how we can view cells and their components.

13. Name, recognize and describe the functions of the various organelles of a typical animal and plant eukaryotic cell.

14. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

15. Describe the endosymbiotic hypothesis.

16. Bioethical Focus: p. 64, Therapeutic and Reproductive Cloning: a. Define cloning. b. Define therapeutic cloning and how it could be used for “good”. c. Where would the stem cells come from? d. Describe reproductive cloning. e. Be prepared to respond to the “Form Your Own Opinion” questions as well.

Chapter Four: Membrane Structure and Function

17. Describe the structure and function of the plasma membrane. Explain how the membrane’s structure affects its permeability.

18. Describe the following transport mechanisms:

a. osmosis and tonicity

b. facilitated and active transport

c. exocytosis and endocytosis

19. Table 4.1: Passage of Molecules Into and Out of the Cell: know this table

Labs: You and your lab partner may (and should) come in during 7th period to work on/get ahead in your work…usually not enough class time to finish them all. See Labs as part of your HW ~ we don’t have much! (

20. Lab 1: Scientific Method:

a. outline the steps of the scientific method

b. formulate a hypothesis, design a repeatable experiment

c. reach a conclusion based on observations.

21. Lab 3: Chemical Composition of Cells:

a. be able to state the components of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids

b. describe the tests (process and positive test indicator) to identify their presence.

22. Lab 4: Cell Structure and Function:

a. distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

b. identify and state the function of animal and plant cell structures/organelles

c. define, describe and be able to predict results relating to the process of diffusion and osmosis

Honors Biology Unit One Terms

Directions: You need to hand-write your terms, with black or dark blue ink on standard pages of 81/2 x 11 sheets of paper. You need to number the terms. Use your textbook for the definitions. You diminish the purpose of this assignment if you turn it in to “busy-work”. The goal of the assignment, as well as the Bozeman Videos, is to help you engage in the content and prepare your brain for the information you will receive in class. The more comfortable you are with the chapter’s terminology and materials the easier it will be for you to learn and apply the content! Some students choose to answer the additional objective questions below the last term for that particular chapter.

HBio Chapter 1

1. adaptation

2. behavior

3. biodiversity

4. biosphere

5. community

6. control

7. deductive reasoning

8. development

9. domain

10. ecosystem

11. eukaryote

12. evolution

13. gene

14. homeostasis

15. hypothesis

16. inductive reasoning

17. metabolism

18. natural selection

19. population

20. prokaryote

21. response variable

22. scientific theory

23. systematics

HBio Chapter 2

1. acid

2. atomic mass

3. atomic number

4. base

5. buffer

6. calorie

7. carbohydrate

8. covalent bond

9. dehydration reaction

10. denaturation

11. emulsification

12. enzyme

13. functional group

14. hydrogen bond

15. hydrolysis reaction

16. hydrophilic

17. hydrophobic

18. ion

19. ionic bond

20. isotope

21. monomer

22. organic molecule

23. peptide bond

24. polymer

25. solute

HBio Chapter 3 Terms

1. capsule

2. cellular respiration

3. chromatin

4. chromosome

5. cristae

6. cytoplasm

7. cytoskeleton

8. endosymbiotic theory

9. fimbriae

10. matrix

11. motor molecule

12. nuclear pore

13. nucleoid

14. nucleolus

15. nucleoplasm

16. organelle

HBio Chapter 4 Terms

1. active transport

2. carrier protein

3. cell recognition protein

4. channel protein

5. concentration gradient

6. crenation

7. cytolysis

8. differentially permeable

9. diffusion

10. endocytosis

11. facilitated transport

12. fluid-mosaic model

13. glycolipid

14. glycoprotein

15. hypertonic solution

16. hypotonic solution

17. isotonic solution

18. osmosis

19. phagocytosis

20. pinocytosis

21. plasmolysis

22. solvent

23. turgor pressure


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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