BOLD the correct answers and highlight them with RED.

|1. |Which of the following are modes of asexual reproduction? (There may be |9. |The plant Cas casuria is a herb that has been propagated by monks using |

| |more than one correct answer). | |asexual techniques for over two hundred years. Which of the following is|

| |Binary fusion | |the most likely reason why the monks take time to do this? |

| |Fragmentation | |The plant can cure disease. |

| |Spore formation | |The plant is economically lucrative. |

| |Gametogenesis | |The plant has religious meaning. |

| |Cutting | |The plant has advantageous traits that need to be maintained. |

| |Grafting | | |

|2. |Which of the following organisms practice budding as a form of asexual |10 |Which of the following is the aim of growing plants from cuttings? |

| |reproduction? | |To make the parent plant smaller. |

| |Hydra and yeast | |To remove insect infected leaves. |

| |Hydra and bacteria | |The cutting helps to produce new roots, stems or both, and develops into|

| |Bacteria and Amoeba | |a new plant. |

| |Bacteria and flatworms | |To prevent disease from spreading. |

|3. |The following are all forms of vegetative propagation: grafting, cutting,|11 |Which of the following is not a form of cutting? |

| |runners, fragmentation. | |Root cutting c. Stem cutting |

| |True b. False | |Hard-wood cutting d. Meristem cutting |

|4. |Which of the following is not considered a definition for asexual |12 |Which of the following is the alternative to vegetative propagation? |

| |reproduction? | |Root propagation |

| |Offspring arising from a single parent. | |Stem propagation |

| |Reproduction involving ploidy, and fertilization. | |Seed propagation |

| |Reproduction without the fusion of gametes. | |Leaf propagation |

| |Methods involving agamogenesis. | | |

|5. |Which of the following is NOT a medium used when cultivating plants from |13 |Which of the following plants is not usually cultivated using vegetative|

| |cuttings? | |propagation? |

| |Polyvinyl chloride c. Rockwool | |Red pea c. Potato |

| |Soil d. Potting mix | |Banana d. Onion |

|6. |Which of the following are advantages of asexual reproduction? (There may|14 |Which of the following are genetic consequences of asexual reproduction?|

| |be more than one correct answer). | |(There may be more than one answer). |

| |Large numbers of offspring are reproduced. | |Promotes evolutionary change. |

| |Energy is required for the process. | |Large scale susceptibility to diseases |

| |One parent only. | |Increased chance of mutation. |

| |Large colonies can form that can out-complete other organisms. | |Genotypes and phenotypes may be defenseless against predation. |

| | | |Lack of genetic recombination. |

|7. |What does totipotent mean? |15 |The plant Cas casuria is a herb that has been propagated by monks using |

| |The total plant can be used. | |asexual techniques for over two hundred years. Which of the following is|

| |Each plant cell has the potential to regenerate into a complete plant. | |NOT a disadvantage to growing plants in this manner? |

| |The plant is strong and virile. | |A negative mutation can make asexually produced organisms susceptible to|

| |The plant is poisonous. | |disease. |

| |The plant is resistant to disease. | |The plants remain unevolved. |

| | | |Unfavourable conditions can wipe out entire colonies |

| | | |Produce offspring that are close together and compete with one another |

|8. |Which of the following are artificial modes of vegetative propagation? |16 |Which of the following are natural modes of vegetative propagation? |

| |(There may be more than one answer). | |(There may be more than one answer). |

| |Grafting | |Runners |

| |Cutting | |Tubers |

| |Fragmentation | |Grafting |

| |Tissue culture | |Meristem/node |

| |Runners | |Cutting |

| |Tubers | | |

| | | | |

|17 |What is another term used for tissue culture? | |Which of the following plants are correctly matched with their modes of |

| |Grafting | |vegetative propagation? |

| |Micropropagation | |Pumpkin- runner |

| |Cloning | |Rhododendron- cutting |

| |Striking | |Apple- grafting |

| | | |Lilac-cutting |

|18 |Look at slide #40 on the current PowerPoint presentation entitled Asexual| |Arrange the following stages of asexual reproduction in Amoeba in the |

| |Reproduction by Group 1 and answer the following question. | |following order from start to finish. |

| |Which process/es is/are not shown on the slide? | | |

| |Fragmentation | |A. The pseudopodia are pulled in and the nucleus divides. |

| |Spore formation | |B. Two daughter Amoeba are formed. |

| |Budding | |C. Amoeba divides after it has grown to certain size. |

| |Cutting | |D. The cell body begins to divide after the nucleus has split. |

| |Splitting | | |

| | | |A, B, C, D c. C, A, D, B |

| | | |A, C, D, B d. C, D, A, B |

|19 |What is the consequence of the lack of genetic recombination? | |Which of the following is not a requirement to generate plants from |

| |More genetic alternatives | |tissue culture technique? (There may be more than one answer). |

| |Fewer genetic alternatives | |Nutrient solution |

| |All genetic alternatives are unsatisfactory | |Light |

| |Genetic alternatives are hybrids | |Sterile conditions |

| | | |Large space without ait, almost like a vacuum |

| | | |Hardening of the plantlets before replanting outdoors |

Essay Questions

Type the responses to your answers in the spaces below each question.

Essay Question

|Bananas and sugar cane are two crops usually grown by vegetative propagation. |

|a). Explain why these crops are usually grown using this technique. (3 marks) |

| |

| |

|b). List two advantages of their growing the crops using this technique. (2) |

| |

| |

|c). Mr. Jones has 20 acres of banana. Recently, he saw that a few trees in his orchard came down with a virus that killed them rapidly. Mr. Jones is extremely|

|concerned about his farm. Based on the way in which he propagated his bananas, explain why his concern is not irrational. (3) |

| |

| |

|d). What would you advise Mr. Jones to do to immediately reduce the threat to his acres? (2) |

| |

| |


BOLD the correct answers and highlight them with RED.

|1. |What does the carpel consist of? |9. |Cross-pollination is to _______, as self-pollination is to________. |

| |Anther, filament | |genetic stability……variation |

| |Stigma, filament | |genetic conservation…….genetic diversity |

| |Stigma, style | |genetic diversity…….genetic conservation |

| |Anther, ovary | |wind……insect |

|2. |Which part of the gynoecium becomes a seed after fertilization? |10 |Pollination occurs when |

| |ovule | |pollen grains from the stigma fall on the anther of a plant |

| |embryo sac | |pollen grains from the anther fall on the stigma of a plant |

| |ovaries | |the nucleus within the pollen grain fuses with a single nucleus in the |

| |integuments | |ovule |

| | | |the nucleus within the pollen grain fuses with the two nuclei in the |

| | | |ovule |

|3. |Sperm cells are to animals as ______ are to _______. |11 |Protandry and protogyny ensure that ______ flowers are not always able |

| |pollen grains……flowering plants | |to_______. |

| |egg cells……animals | |hermaphrodite…..self-pollinate |

| |anthers…….stigma | |old……reproduce |

| |androecium…..gynoecium | |dicotyledonous……bear fruit |

| | | |monoecius……cross-pollinate |

|4. |Which of the following parts of the plant make up the androecium? (There |12 |The relationship between insects and insect-pollinated flowers is a |

| |may be more than one answer). | |symbiotic one. Which type of symbiotic relationship do they show? |

| |I stigma | |mutualistic |

| |II filament | |parasitic |

| |III ovule | |commensalistic |

| |IV style | |epiphytic |

| |V anther | | |

|5. |Carpel is to _______ as stamen is to _______. |13 |Cross-pollination is to _______, as self-pollination is to________. |

| |androecium……gynoecium | |natural selection…..artificial selection |

| |gynoecium…..androecium | |artificial selection….natural selection |

| |pollen tube……integuments | |out-breeding… |

| |protandry……protogyny | |in-breeding…..out-breeding |

| | | | |

|6. |The thorns of a rose are found on the ____. |14 |Calyx is to ______ as corolla is to ______. |

| |peduncle | |sepals…..petals |

| |pedicel | |petals……sepals |

| |perianth | |androecium……gynoecium |

| |receptacle | |gynoecium…..androecium |

|7. |Why are hermaphrodite flowers called complete or perfect flowers? |15 |Which of the following is not an agent of pollination? |

| |They produce large fruit with seeds. | |Fire |

| |They produce sweet fruit. | |Wind |

| |They possess gynoecium or androecium. | |Water |

| |They possess gynoecium and androecium. | |Insect |

|8. |Look at slide 33 of Groups Two Presentation “Sexual Reproduction in |16 |How many pollen sacs are there in 3 anthers? |

| |Flowering plants”. Which diagrams represent Perigynous, Epigynous and | |1 |

| |Hypogynous arrangement of the receptacle? | |4 |

| |B, C, A | |12 |

| |A, B, C | |32 |

| |A, C, B | | |

| |C, A, B | | |

|17 |Robin has a Flucca plant which grows only red female Flucca flowers. |18 |Monica has a patty-pan squash plant in her garden. She notices that |

| |She recently bought a purple male Flucca plant. If the Flucca plants | |although she has had it for two years and it has flowers on it, it does |

| |reproduce mainly by cross-pollination, where will she find evidence of | |not bear any fruit. All of the flowers are the same and incomplete. |

| |this? | |She also notices that the plant has enough sunlight and water and bees |

| | | |are regularly in her garden for insect-pollination to occur. Recently, |

| |There will also be purple flowers on the red Flucca plant | |Monica found that a patty pan squash was on her plant. Later that day |

| |There will be flowers on the red Flucca plant that have both red and | |in her kitchen she also killed a bee from Farmer Brown’s hive which is |

| |purple mixed | |situated five miles away. Which of the following could be reasons why |

| |Seeds from the red Flucca plant will give rise to purple, red or mixed | |Monica’s squash took so long to bear fruit? |

| |Flucca flowers | | |

| |Seeds from the purple Flucca plant will give rise to purple, red or mixed| |I Self-incompatibility |

| |Flucca flowers | |II Hermaphroditism |

| | | |III Patty pan squash is monoecius |

| | | |IV Patty pan squash is dioecius |

| | | |V Protandry |

| | | |VI Protogyny |

| | | | |


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