Biology Unit 1: The Scientific Method Score Sheet

Section 1: BellworkName of BellworkPoints Possible*Points receivedWhat is biology?4Characteristics …4Observation…4The Scientific…4The Metric…4Unit 1 Review4Total24*2pts per question, 2 per answerSection 2: GlossaryName of wordPoints Possible*Points receivedbiology2organism2metabolism2homeostasis2experimental group2control group2dependent variable2independent variable2hypothesis2constant2theory2quantitative data2qualitative data2Total26*1pt per definition, 1pt per pic/exampleSection 3: NotesName of NotesPoints Possible*Points receivedCharacteristics …4The Scientific…4The Metric System4Total12*2 pts for notes, 1 pt for student questions, 1 pt for summarySection 4: HomeworkName of SectionPoints Possible*Points receivedThe Study of …4UnifyingThemes…4Scientific Thinking.4Biologists’ Tools…4Biology and …4Unit 1 Test Review8Total28*Full points given to complete, on time HW. ? points given to late, incomplete HWLabs/ActivityName of Lab/ActivityPoints PossiblePoints receivedCharacteristic of LifeMetric SystemObservation Vs InferenceCricket LabSurface Tension LabControls and VariablesCarrot Lab50*Labs are graded for completeness and accuracyUnit 1 Test Score:______% Letter grade_____*Tests may be retaken for a grade of up to 70%To Do List: You have one week from the unit test to turn in missing work for partial credit.1.__________________________________2.__________________________________3.__________________________________4.__________________________________5. __________________________________Current overall grade%_________Letter Grade_______ Goal Grade:___________How can you improve next time?________________________________________________________How will you achieve your goal grade?____________________________________________________Parents/guardians: Please review scores with your student, and then sign to acknowledge grades. ................

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