Biology - Flagstaff Unified School District


Flagstaff High School

Michael S. DoBosh

Email: mdobosh@

Phone: (928) 773-8100 ext. 6660


I would like to welcome you to Biology at Flagstaff High School. It’s going to be a very exciting and educational year. Biology is intended for those students seeking a lab science that deals with living organisms. The class will investigate the living world through lab activities and real life experiences. Through an open mind and hard work I know you will have a successful experience.

Daily Materials:

1. Divided Notebook (3 Sections)

1. Biology Notes

2. Labs

3. Journal

2. #2 pencil or blue / black ink pen

3. Biology Text


1. Show respect for everyone in class.

2. Bring appropriate materials to class everyday.

3. Follow instructor’s directions and use class time appropriately.

4. Clean up after yourself.

5. No Food or Drink

Make-Up Work

1. You will be given one additional day for everyday you are absent (excused only) to make-up any work assigned on the day of your absence.

Late Work

1. Late work will not be given credit, please turn in work on time.


1. Any combination of 10 or more absences and/or tardies will place you on attendance probation and you may lose credit for the semester.


1. Grading Scale

100% to 90% = A

89% to 80% = B

79% to70% = C

69% to 60% = D

59% to 0% = F

2. 15% of your semester grade will come from a final exam.

3. 20% of your semester grade will come from daily practice.

4. 20% of your semester grade will come from labs, projects and presentations.

5. 60% of your semester grade will come from unit tests.

Instructional Strategies

As a student you should expect to participate in a variety of classroom activities. These activities will allow us to incorporate other content areas including Mathematics, English, Art and Physical Education/Health. These activities will include but are not limited to the following:

Lectures Individual and group reading/writing assignments

Labs Lab Practicals

Research Projects Individual and group projects

Online Activities/Labs Demonstrations

Videos Guest Lecturers

Class Debates Group Discussions

Unit and Final Exams Weekly Quizzes

Vocabulary Activities Notebook checks

Tentative Course Content:

Fall Semester

Unit One: Science Introduction

Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century

Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life

Unit Two: Cells

Chapter 3: Cell Structure and Function

Chapter 4: Cellular Energy

Chapter 5: Cell Growth and Division

Chapter 18: Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes and Viruses

Unit Three: DNA

Chapter 6: Meiosis and Mendel

Chapter 7: Mendelian Genetics

Chapter 8: DNA to Proteins

Chapter 9: Biotechnology

Spring Semester

Unit Four: Adaptation

Chapter 10: Principles of Evolution

Chapter 11: The Evolution of Populations

Unit Five: Classification and Diversity

Chapter 17: The Tree of Life

Chapter 19: Protists and Fungi

Chapter 20: Plant Diversity

Chapter 23: Invertebrate Diversity

Chapter 25: Vertebrate Diversity

Unit Six: Ecology

Chapter 13: Principles of Ecology

Chapter 14: Interactions in Ecosystems

Chapter 16: Human Impact on Ecosystems


Textbook: Nowicki, S. (2008), Biology, Washington, D.C.: McDougal Littell



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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