BIOLOGY Monday 8 Jan 2018 - Steilacoom


Monday 8 Jan 2018

Entry Task

Take out a sheet of paper (to be turned in) & complete the following.

? Write a proper 5 sentence paragraph.

? Describe something interesting you did over winter break.




RNA & Protein Synthesis


Progress reports will be sent out this week. ? Any student D

Guest teacher this Friday, 12 Jan.

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, 15 Jan. ? "No School"

RNA & Protein Synthesis

Alien Genes article.

? Read through the article.

? Answer the two questions at the end of the article within your ISN.

RNA & Protein Synthesis

N"RaNtuAre&oPf rMotaetitnerSvyoncthabeusilsa"ryvogcrapbhuilcary graphic organizer:

? Cut & tape into your notebooks. ? Write the definition for each word

underneath each tab.

Note: The "RNA & Protein Synthesis" vocabulary graphic organizer can be located on the Biology webpage @ link: /6355

p. 362-383


Tuesday 9 Jan 2018

Entry Task

Grab a ChromeBook from the cart.

? Be sure to grab the number that corresponds to the number on your desk.

? Log into the ChromeBook & wait for further instruction.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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