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 ??Property of MTACalciumChlorideIdk what else some other minerals??Most retentive post- parallel smooth Parallel seratedTapered smoothTapered serated??Mandibular denture should be Below the tongueAbove the tongueNot assoc with the tongue??Compound odontoma pic?? Pic internal resorption?? AOT exact pic in El Maestro??Pic that looked like this but with a few teeth left, it was mentioned that pt wore dentures. Cause: i chose candidiasis??Case: Rpd and fulcrum line. They will give missing teeth. They provided a pic but its not the same teeth missing lol. ??Implant placement questionAnemiaPrevious medications??Patient has flat ulcers and crusty lipsErythema multiformeApthous ulcerPemphigoid??Patient has large white lesion , cytology showed hyperchromatic cells and abnormal hyperplasiaWhat to do next?Incisional biopsyRepeat brush biopsyExcisional??Patient has moderate gagging, needs complete denture, what to do?Let patient talk to a relative who is using cdLet pt place spoon to the back of the palate I forgot other choices??Question says pt has skull with beaten metal appearance -crouzon??Mentions bifid ribs- gorlin goltz??When curing composite, top layer is sticky. Why?Oxygen inhibit polymerizationNot enough curing light??Anes with high chance of hematomaPsan??Pt needs serum calcium checked, what dse?Hyperparathyroidism??Amalgam fracture at isthmus, why?Not enough depth??Signs of abuse in patient??Patient taking non selective beta blocker, what should u be cautious of?Injection of vasoconstrictorInjection of anestheticShort appointments??Blanching lesion-Hemangioma??Major side effect taking antibioticsSteven Johnson SyndromeI forgot other choices but i think it was just nausea or something like that??Pt has small pa lesion on a tooth that had rct 8 months ago, tx?Non surgical retreatmentObserve and recall in 6 months??Pt had pfm fracture on lower molar, opposing molar has zirconia crown, what could not have caused fracture.Over reduced occlusalUnder reduced occlusal??Removes smear layer exceptCalcium hydroxideEdtaPhosphoric acid4th option??Picture of impression that had fucked up margins. Looked like this but worse Ans: cant use this??Omeprazole moa?Inhibits h2Proton pump inhibitor??Most popular anti depressant moa?Inhibits serotonin reuptakeInhibits uptake of norepinephrineInhibits mao ??Pt’s chief complaint is “ i think i have cavities” havent been to the dentist in a long time, what open ended question to ask???Case: Pic of small ulcerations on palate, hx says patient had this two years ago. Chose recurrent herpesChoices: candidiasis, apthous stomatitis, primary herpes??Case: molar rct 1 week ago, dentist said he needed a crown. Pic given, whats the radiolucency under the filling. Pic similar to this.??Case: Ellis fracture on enamel, forgot choices. Pic was given?? Supragingival marginKinder on gingiva during impressionOther choices were esthetics ??Why bevel composite??Patient has maxillary sinusitis after exo of max molar, what’ the initial tx?Abx and decongestantsCaudel luc procedureBuccal tissue somethingOther invasive procedure??Mandibular molar pa has radiolucency, i think it was rct’d, what to do after?HemisectionRoot amputation?? Internal bleaching, all are reasons that tooth changed color exceptDesiccationWetting of surface??Cause of discolouration of a necrotic toothObstructed pulpBlood something into dentin tubules??Best describes subgingival calculusYellow and white coloredGrey and black colorMinerals from saliva4th option??Pt has slight sensitivity to cervical area of mandi pm and there is a non cavitated lesion in the area, what to doApply desensitizerGic Composite??Pt has a 1.5 mm diastema on centrals, treatment exceptComposite veneersIndirect VeneersComposite resto in interproximalFull ceramic crowns??Demographic with autoimmune dseMiddle age menMiddle age womenAdolescent menAdolescent women??Gorlin glotz isAutosomal dominantAutosomal recessiveX linked recessiveY linked recessive??Which is not hereditaryFibrous dysplasiaCleidocranial dysplasiaAmelogenesis imperfectaEtc??What would cause a sickle crisisHypoxia??Morphine acts onEnkephalin??Which causes cross sensitivity?Morphine- codeineOptions were bzn + antipsychoticSorry??What makes benzodiazepines good as anxiolytic?Rebound sedative effectAmnesia??Old people are more prone toAbuse drugs than misuse drugsAbuse alcohol??fibroma isHyperplasiaAnaplasiaDysplasia??Patient wearing mandibular denture, had lesion between molar and pm. Dx?NeurofibromatosisTraumatic neuroma??All are important in evaluation of implant supported prosthesis except Labial and buccal undercutCrown height??Frankl behavior in children??Best tx to examine uncooperative 2 y/o childSedationLet parent hold childLet assistant hold child??Most that cause oral cancer (no smoking or viruses ) AlcoholArtificial sweetenerCarbs??fluoride in 4 y/o child with less than .3ppm??A teenager comes to your office with lesion on molars, found out that it was empty. Dx?Traumatic bone cyst??pt with rheumatic fever what not to doAbx prophylaxis?? Pt comes in the office bp is high. He is having slurred speechCVA??Pt has ulcers, all are differential diagnosis exceptVerrucous carcinoma??Pt has neck injury how to establish airway?? Adolescent patient with difficulty speaking and involuntary movementsCerebral palsy ................

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