SCIENCE 1206 – Ecology Unit Test

Part 1:

1. What is an example of a biotic factor?

a) acid rain

b) predators

c) temperature

d) nutrient levels

2. What are wind, waves, running water, and sunlight all examples of?

a) abiotic factors

b) popular factors

c) renewable resources

d) unrenewable resources

3. What is a step by step sequence showing how organisms feed on each other called?

a) ecosystem

b) food chain

c) population

d) ecological flow

4. What term is different from all the others means photosynthesizer ?

a) autotroph

b) carnivore

c) consumer

d) heterotroph

5. Food chains are not as stable as a food web, why is this true?

a) Food webs contain more species providing for less feeding relationships.

b) Food webs contain more species providing for more feeding relationships.

c) A food chain has many different pathways for energy.

d) A food chain has producers for energy.

6. Examine the following food chain:

Algae Capelin Cod fish Human

What organism in this food chain would be considered to be a secondary consumer?

a) algae

b) capelin

c) human

d) cod fish

7. What is a group of organisms of the same species living in a specific area called?

a) ecosystem

b) community

c) population

d) niche

8. Pilot fish swim along side whales feeding off of debris from the whales mouth. What type of relationship is demonstrated by the interaction between pilot fish and whales?

a) commensalism

b) mutualism

c) parasitism

d) predation

9. What is an example of parasitism?

a) a birds nest in a tree

b) tapeworms in the stomach of a dog

c) birds eating ticks on a rhino’s back

d) a lichen

10. What description best fits with the term albedo?

a) the ability of an object to radiate heat

b) the ability of an object to reflect light

c) the ability of an object to absorb light

d) the ability of an object to absorb heat

11. What type of organisms might be identified as pioneer organisms?

a) fir trees

b) migratory birds

c) lichens and algae

d) small shrubs

12. What climax community would one find on the island of Newfoundland?

a) deciduous trees (ex. birch and maple)

b) coniferous trees (ex. fir and spruce)

c) mostly grasses

d) small shrubs

13. At each stage of the food chain the concentration of pesticides become greater. What is this called?

a) first-generation pesticides

b) second-generation pesticides

c) bioaccumulation

d) bioamplification

14. Robins fighting for space in a lawn to collect worms would be an example of?

a) interspecific competition

b) parasitism

c) commensalism

d) intraspecific competition

15. Spring runoff of nitrogen and phosphate in fertilizers

a) helps improve the quality of waterways

b) promotes the growth of excess amounts of algae

c) provides more oxygen for fish and other aquatic organisms

d) is generally beneficial to the environment

16. Which biome do we live in?

a) tundra

b) boreal forest

c) temperate deciduous forest

d) grasslands

17. Which of the biomes has the least amount of precipitation on an annual basis?

a) tundra

b) boreal forest

c) temperate deciduous forest

d) grassland

18. Which of the biomes has highly acidic soil?

a) deciduous forest

b) grassland

c) tundra

d) boreal forest

19. What type of organisms carry out cellular respiration?

a) consumers

b) producers

c) plants

d) all organisms

20. In the process of nitrogen fixation, What do bacteria in the roots of legume plants convert

nitrogen gas into?

a) ammonium

b) nitrites

c) nitrates

d) nitrogen oxide

21. What biome has permafrost and very low precipitation each year?

a) tundra

b) boreal forest

c) grassland

d) temperate deciduous forest

22. What biome has very changeable weather and 40 cm of precipitation or more per year?

a) tundra

b) boreal forest

c) grassland

d) temperate deciduous forest

23. Animals get their source of nitrogen

a) from their food.

b) directly from the atmosphere.

c) from nitrates in the soil.

d) from the water they drink.

24. Which of the processes listed below will remove CO2 from the air?

a) denitrification

b) respiration

c) photosynthesis

d) nitrification

25. Oxygen found in the atmosphere is mainly produced by which process?

a) Bacterial decay

b) Volcanic eruptions

c) Cellular respiration

d) Photosynthesis

26. The process of photosynthesis is described as

a) carbon dioxide + oxygen → sugar + water.

b) carbon dioxide + sugar → oxygen + water.

c) carbon dioxide + water → sugar + oxygen.

d) sugar + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water.

27. A maggot is an example of a:

a) decomposer

b) producer

c) primary consumer

d) top carnivore

28. Which of the following is an abiotic part of an ecosystem?

a) grass b) bacteria c) water d) bird

29. Which of the following best defines an ecosystem?

a) All the interactions between living things in a biome.

b) All the interactions between non-living things in a biome.

c) All interactions between trophic levels in a biome.

d) All of the interactions between living things and their environment in a biome

30. The term “primary consumer” is used to define an organism that

a) eats only plants for energy.

b) eats only animals for energy.

c) makes its own food for energy.

d) doesn’t need any food for energy.

31. Which biome has the most biodiversity?

a) Tundra

b) Boreal Forest

c) Temperate Deciduous Forest

d) Tropical Rain Forest

32. The mathematical equation that best describes the population growth is:

a) population growth = births + deaths – immigration – emigration

b) population growth = births + emigration – deaths – immigration

c) population growth = births + immigration – deaths – emigration

d) population growth = immigration + emigration – births – deaths

33. Which factor below could be classified as a density independent factor:

a) drought

b) food shortage

c) increased predation (number of predators increased)

d) competition for mates

34. The carrying capacity of a population is defined as:

a) the maximum number of individuals that can be supported indefinitely in an ecosystem

b) the maximum number of offspring a species could produce if resources are unlimited

c) the nutrient that is in the least supply and limits the population size

d) the limited range of abiotic factors range within which an organism can survive

35. The nitrogen cycle is most likely to contain which substances:

a) CO; CO2; Na2CO3

b) C6H12O6; CO2; H2O

c) N2; NH4; NO3

d) H2O vapour; liquid H2O; CO2

36. An example of a density-dependent limiting factor of a species could be:

a) drought

b) forest fire

c) volcano eruption

d) disease

Long Answer Section

Answer questions in the space provided. Show all work where applicable

1) Identify the four trophic levels for this food chain. (2 marks)

algae crustacean fish bald eagle

algae trophic level ____________________________________

crustacean trophic level ____________________________________

fish trophic level ____________________________________

bald eagle trophic level _____________________________________

2) List two biotic and two abiotic factors that might cause a population to decrease.

(4 marks)

Biotic factor #1:__________________________________________________

Biotic factor #2:__________________________________________________

Abiotic factor #1:_________________________________________________

Abiotic factor #2:_________________________________________________

3) Describe what will happen with the release of DDT into the food chain below. In your description the name of the process should be included. (3 marks)

DDT in water zooplankton small large bald

(aquatic plant) fish fish eagle

4) Define and provide an example for the following: (3 marks)

a) Density-dependent factor

b) Density-independent factor

5) Design a food web from the Tundra, Boreal Forest, Deciduous Forest, or Grasslands biome. Your food web must contain at least 5 living things and 4 trophic levels. The names of the living things instead of labeled drawings are acceptable.

(3 marks)

6) In January 2000, the hare (rabbit) population in a forest ecosystem was 100. For the entire year, the following data for hares (rabbits) was obtained:

births = 50 deaths = 35 immigration = 5 emigration = 3

Calculate the population of hares in January 2001. (1.5 marks)

7) Which level of organism has the least energy available to it and explain why.

(1.5 marks)

Beetle Spider Sparrow Hawk


a) Which country is showing a very fast population growth? (1 mark)

b) Hypothesis why Sweden has a higher percentage elderly population than the USA.

(1 mark)

9. Describe 4 ways in which (coniferous) trees of the boreal forest are adapted to the snowy winter?

10. Human activities have had a huge impact on the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Describe three human impacts on either of these cycles, and describe three things humans are doing to negate our impact on theses cycles. You must tell me:

- what the impacts are

-why they are affecting the cycles

-what we are doing to negate the affect

-why our actions will repair the problem

11. In a community there are 5000 ferns, 1500 slugs, 15 sparrows, and 1 hawk.


(a) Draw a pyramid of numbers to represent this community.

b) What would you have to do to construct a pyramid of biomass?

(c) Suppose a toxin were introduced to control the slugs. Explain why the toxin may be found in higher levels in the hawk.


Mexico United States Sweden


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