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Date: 9/16/2004

GAIN Report Number: VM4055



Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards

Country Report


Approved by:

John Wilson

U.S. Embassy

Prepared by:


Report Highlights: The annual update of Vietnam FAIRs report

Includes PSD Changes: No

Includes Trade Matrix: No

Unscheduled Report

Hanoi [VM1]













Metal Residues allowed in food products mg/kg (pmm) 43

As: 15 Pb: 25 Cd:7 Hg: 3.3 (Mecyl of Hg)APPENDIX II 43


Key Government Contacts 44


Vietnam’s Standing Committee of the National Assembly (NA), the country's legislature approved the Ordinance on Food Safety in July 22, 2003, which regulates the hygienic processing of foods and foodstuffs.

The ordinance, with seven chapters and 58 articles, provides that all food producers and processors, including households, individuals, and organizations, must ensure hygiene during processing.

It bans all activities processing stale, addled, contaminated, poisonous and unclean foods, which are harmful to people's health. The trading of food and foodstuffs containing germs or disease is also prohibited.

The ordinance regulates all genetically modified foods, which are quite new for most Vietnamese consumers, must be clearly labeled as such.

The ordinance became effective from November 01, 2003 (for more detail pls. see VM 3014)


(Nutritional Labelling, Green Labelling, Health Claims, Organic Labelling)

On August 30, 1999 the Prime Minister of Vietnam issued a new decree concerning the labelling of consumer products in Vietnam. Decision TTg 178-99 nominally went into force on March 1, 2000. To date, the implementing regulations have yet to be issued by all relevant ministries. The Ministry of Trade (MOT) is responsible for the decree’s implementation. It is important to note that one of the key elements of the decree is the requirement of a Vietnamese Language panel. Production and application of the Vietnamese language label will in almost all cases be done by VN importers/distrubutors after the goods have cleared customs prior to retail sale. The Market Police will enforce the decree by spot checks at retail outlets. The following are provisions of the 1999 Decree and the 1995 Decree.

Decree No178-99/QD- TTg on August 30, 1999, by the Prime Minister




( Issued together with Decision No178/1999/QD-TTg

of August 30, 1999, of the Prime Minister)

Chapter I


Article 1: Governing scope

This Regulation prescribes the labeling of goods made in Vietnam for circulation in the country and for export, as well as foreign-made goods imported for sale on the Vietnamese market.

1. Goods are defined as being processed foodstuffs, raw and fresh foodstuffs, essential commodities and necessities which are not ready-packed and sold directly to consumers; foods and drinks which are ready-packed and are consumed within 24 hours, shall not be governed by this Regulation.

Article: Objectives of Application

Subject to this implementing Regulation are organizations, individuals and merchants that produce and /or trade in goods made in Vietnam for domestic circulation, and/or for export; as well as organizations, individuals and merchants that import goods for sale in Vietnam.

Article: Interpretation of terms

In this Regulation, the following terms shall be construed as follow:

1. Goods labels are inscriptions, printings, drawings, images or signs, which are imprinted or embossed directly or affixed, stuck or pinned firmly on goods or their packings to display necessary and principal information about such goods.

2. Merchandise packings are those directly attached to goods and sold together with such goods to consumers, including holding packings and exterior packings:

a) holding packings are those directly holding goods, forming shapes and figures of goods or tightly covering goods to their shapes and figures;

b) exterior packings are those used to contain one or several goods holding packings.

3. Non-merchandise packings are those not retailed together with goods, including various kinds used in the transportation and preservation of goods for means of transportation or in warehouses.

4. Goods labeling is the inscription of necessary and principal information about goods on their labels in order to provide consumers with basic information to identify goods and serve as the basis for purchasers to decide on the selection, consumption and use of such goods, and for functional bodies to effect the inspection and supervision of such goods.

5. Compulsory content of goods labels is the part containing the most important information about goods that must be inscribed on the goods labels.

6. Non-compulsory content of goods labels is the part containing other information other than the content compulsory inscribed on the goods labels.

7. Principal display panel (PDP) is a part on which the compulsory contents of goods labels are inscribed, which can be easily and clearly spotted by the consumers in normal goods display conditions, and designed according to the actual size of the packing directly holding goods, and must not be laid out on the packing’s bottom part.

8. Information part is the part laying to the right of the principal display panel, on which the non-compulsory contents of the goods label, or some compulsory contents in cases where the principal display panel is not large enough to contain such compulsory contents, are inscribed.

Article 4: Basic requirements of goods labels

All letters, numerals, drawings, images, signs and /or marks put on goods labels must be clear, and true to the real properties of goods. They must not be ambiguously inscribed, thus causing misunderstanding or mistakes with other goods labels.

Article 5: Language used to display goods labels

1. Labels of goods to be circulated in the country must be inscribed in Vietnamese, but depending on the requirements of each kind of goods, they may be inscribe in foreign language(s), but in smaller sizes.

2. Labels of export goods may be inscribed in the language(s) of the country(ies) or territory(ies) importing such goods, if it is so agreed upon in the goods sale/purchase contracts.

3. For goods imported for circulation and sale on the Vietnam market, the language(s) on such goods’ labels shall be displayed by one of the following methods: :

a) When signing the import contract, the merchant shall request the goods suppliers to agree on the inscription on original label of compulsory content’s information in Vietnamese.

b) In cases where the agreement defined at Point a) Cause 3 of this Article cannot be reached, the merchant importing the goods shall have an auxiliary label inscribing the compulsory contents’ information in Vietnamese and apply it together with the foreign language original label of such goods, before such goods are put on sale or circulation on the market.

Chapter II



Article 6: Goods appellations

1. Goods appellations are particular names of goods or names already used in the Vietnamese Standards of such goods. The names of goods shall be inscribed in letters or a height not shorter the half (½) of the highest letter on the goods label.

2. In cases where a goods item has not had its name specified in the Vietnamese standards (the VS), its name shall be the one specified in the International Standards, published for application by Vietnam.

3. In cases where a goods item has no name specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, such goods shall use the name followed by coding title specified in the International Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System already published for application by Vietnam.

4. In cases where a goods item has no name specified in Clause 1,2 and 3 of this Article, such goods item shall be entitled to use a name concretely describing or clearly stating its utility.

Article 7: Names and Addresses of merchants responsible for goods.

1. In cases where a goods item is completely produced at a production establishment, the of merchant responsible for such goods shall be the name of such production establishment, with the following inscription on the goods label:

Manufactured at______________, or Produce of _______________

2. In cases where a goods item is assembled from components and spare parts produced by different production establishments, the name of the merchant responsible for such goods shall be the name of the establishment that assembles finished products, with following inscription on the goods label:

Assembly establishment_____________, or assembled at____________

3. In cases of imported goods or goods sold by sale agents for foreign merchants, the name of the merchant responsible for such goods shall be the name of the importing merchant or the merchant acting as the sale agent, with the following inscription on the goods label:

Importing merchant____________, or Agency merchant_____________

4. Each address shall comprise: house number, street (village, hamlet), ward (commune), urban district (rural district, provincial town), city (province).

Article 8: Quantity of goods

1. Quantity of goods is the actual number (counting number) or net weight, volume or measures of goods, contained in merchandise packing.

2. Measuring units used to denote the quantity of goods are the lawful measuring units of Vietnam, under the international system of measuring units (S.I).

If another system of measuring units is applied, the coefficients for converting such system into the S.I system of measuring units must be inscribed., except for such special goods as picture tubes of television set (T.V), crude mineral oils, etc.

3. The size and numerals for inscribing goods quantity on goods labels shall be designed depending on the size of the principal display panel (PDP).

4. The quantity shall be inscribed on the position below the PDP with an area equal to 30% of that of the PDP and a height equal to about 1/3 (one third) of that of the PDP.

5. The letters and numerals used to inscribe the quantity shall be lined up in parallel with the packing’s bottom.

Article 9: Composition

1. Goods being ready-packed foodstuffs, drinks or cosmetics, which are composed of two or more constituents must have their constituents inscribed on the labels.

2. Other goods composed of two or more constituents must have the constituent(s) decisive to the goods’ use value inscribed on their labels.

3. Goods constituents shall be inscribed in order from high to low volume or content (volume percentage), with the following inscription: Composition__________, or constituents______________

4. For goods which are required to ensure safety for human beings and environment, when being used and having a complex composition of two or more constituents, the names of such complex composition as well as its constituents must be inscribed in order from high to low volume or content (volume percentage).

5. Those constituents or substances in a complex composition of a special type, which have been treated by radiation, genetic engineering or preservatives..., of which the use doses have been prescribed or which have been put on the list of substances that cause reactions or hazards... must be inscribed on the goods labels under the international regulations already published for application by Vietnam.

Article 10: The principal quality criteria

The principal quality criteria decisive to the use value and the human and environmental safety criteria set for goods when they are consumed must be inscribed on such goods labels.

Article 11: Production date, expiry date and preservation duration

1. For the goods of which the production date, under detailed guidance of the branch managing ministries defined in clause 2, Article 19 of this Regulation, is required to be inscribed, such production date must be inscribed on the goods’ labels. A goods item’s production date is the index of the day, month and year, when the production of such goods item is completed.

2. Depending on the characteristics and requirements of the instructions on the use and management of each specific group and category of goods, one of the following dates must be inscribed on the goods labels:

a) For goods groups and categories being food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, the expiry date must be inscribed. The expiry date is the number indicating the day, month and year, beyond which the goods must not be circulated and used;

b) For goods groups and categories requiring quality safety in their preservation and storing, the preservation duration must be inscribed on their labels. The preservation duration is the number indicating the day, month and year, during which the goods can be kept in preservation storage and beyond which the goods quality may deteriorate before they are put on sale or consumed.

3. The way the production date, expiry date and preservation duration are inscribed:

a) They are inscribed according to calendar day, month and year;

b) Day indicator comprises two numerals; Month indicator comprises two numerals or in letters; Year indicator comprises two last numerals of the indicated year.

Article 12: Preservation instruction and use instruction

1. There must be on goods labels the reservation instruction, the use instruction and cautions of possible harms if the goods are used improperly, as well as the way of dealing with possible harmful occurrences.

2. In cases where a goods label is not large enough for inscribing the above-said instructions, such instructions must be inscribed on a manual to be provided together with the goods to the goods purchasers.

Article 13: Goods’ origin

For export goods and import goods, the names of the countries of origin must be inscribed on the goods labels.


Article 14: Besides the compulsory contents that must be displayed on the goods labels, depending on the special requirements and peculiarities of each goods item, other necessary information may be inscribed, which, however, must not contravene the provisions of law and this Regulation, and at the same time must hide nor lead to misunderstanding of the compulsory contents on the goods labels.

Chapter III


Article 15: Contents of the State Management (by State management agencies) over the goods labeling

Compiling and submitting to the competent State agencies for promulgation or to promulgate according to assigned competence the legal documents on goods labeling.

Supervising and inspecting the observance of the legal documents on goods labeling.

Detecting, preventing and handling according to assigned competence or proposing the competent agencies to handle violations of the legislation on goods labeling.

Article 16: The agencies in charge of the State Management over goods Labeling

The Ministry of Trade shall have responsibility of State management over the labeling of goods circulated in the country, as well as that for the exported and imported goods.

The specialized State management agencies shall have to coordinate with the agency in charge of the State management over trade in performing the State management over the goods labeling according to the provisions of law.

Chapter IV


Article 17: Acts of violating the legislation on goods labeling include:

Following is the violating acts of commodity labeling law:

Circulating goods without goods labels as prescribed.

Inscribing on goods labels information in images, drawings or letters which are not true to the real properties of such goods.

Using goods labels which are so unclear and dim that the Contents inscribed thereon cannot be real by bare eyes.

Failing to fully inscribe on goods labels the compulsory Contents as prescribed.

Displaying Contents on goods labels not in the prescribed sizes, positions or languages or by improper inscribing method.

Erasing, crossing out or modifying contents inscribed on goods labels.

Changing goods labels for the purpose of deceiving consumers.

Using goods labels already protected by law without their owners’ consent.

Using goods labels identical to those of the same kind of other merchants, which are protected by law.

All of organizations and individuals that commit any of the above-said violation acts shall be handled according to the provisions of law.

Article 18: The forms of and competence for handling of violations.

The forms of and competence for the handling of violations in the field of goods labeling shall comply with the regulations on the handling of administrative violations in the field of commerce.

Chapter VI


Article 19: Effect

1. This Regulation takes effected 6 (six) months after its promulgation.

The branch-managing ministries shall have to base themselves on their respective management functions and the requirements regarding the use and preservation of particular goods items under their charge, to provide detailed guidance for the labeling of such particular goods items, which must not contravene the provisions of this Regulation, then submit them to the Ministry of Trade for summation and report to the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister


On August 15/8/00, The Prime Minister has promulgated the Decision No.95/2000/QD-TT amending Decision No.178/1999/QD-TT. The amendment can be summarized as follows:

1). Revision of Article 6, column 1: The height of Vietnamese name of goods on its label is not shorter than 02 mm.

2). Revision of Article 8, column 4: The Quantity shall be inscribed on the main position of the PDP.

3). Revision of Article 9, column 1: Goods being ready-packed foodstuffs, cosmetics and drugs, which are composed of two or more constituents, must have their constituents inscribed on the labels.

This regulation takes effect as of January 1, 2001.


November 29: Diskasing with Mr. Nguyen Dang Minh, Director CODEX Vietnam, Directorate for Standards and Quality.

November 30: Meeting with Mr. Le Minh Tam, Director, Who has prepared this Regulation

Ms. Hue, Head of Technical Service

Mr. Khue, Technical Service

Ms. Phuong, Head of Inspection Service

Ms. Loan, Head of Admin. Service

Department of Good quality and Measure Management, Ministry of Trade


- Consumers Protection.

- Resist the false goods in Vietnam Market

- Resist the smuggling and dodge taxes

On December 15, 2000, Ministry of Trade issue the Circular No.34/1999/TT-BTM on Guidelines for implementing Decree No.178/1999/QD-TTg.

According to the Decree, this regulation should have been effective from March 1, 2000. Before this time, all import commodities will be applied the old Regulation, in case the goods is not over used date, it will be continued to circulate in the country until it’s used duration is expired. However, because of differerent reasons, the effectiveness of Decree No.178/1999/QD-TTg was postponed to July 1, 2000.

For goods imported for circulation and sale on the Vietnamese market:

In cases, Importers can not request the good supplier to agree on the inscription on the original label of the compulsory content’s information in Vietnamese, the importer shall have to make an auxiliary label in Vietnamese and stick it together with the original label before put on sale or circulated on the market. The auxiliary label shouldn’t be cover the original label, and the size of auxiliary label depends on the size of goods and original label.

For example: Importer can stick an auxiliary label in Vietnamese in the wine bottle-neck

Customer couldn’t stop to control the import goods (for example wines, canned foods and foodstuff) without auxiliary label or no information in Vietnamese on the original label, because the auxiliary

label is be required to stick only before such goods are put on sale or circulated on the market. The importer or Foreign agency in Vietnam is responsible to make auxiliary label.

In the auxiliary label should be inscribed the compulsory content’s information in Vietnamese: 1. Good appellation

2. Name and address of merchants responsible for goods (producer, Importer, Agency...)

3. Quantity of goods

4. Composition

5. Principal Quantity criteria

6. Production date, expiry date and preservation duration

7. Preservation instruction and used instruction

8. Good’s origin

This information should be in accordance with the information on origin label.

For the alcoholic drinks import could be in according the toxin require of Ministry of Health

For some special foods, cosmetics... Health certificate is requirements, and it is issued by origin country (please see attached)

Every year, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment has issued the list of Import, Export goods are required National quality control. For example, in 1999 approximate 100 goods have been required to do National Quality Control.

Decree No23 TDC/QD on February 20, 1995 by the Vietnamese General Department of Standard - Measurement - Quality (All the regulations on food labelling issued before are invalid). This document regulates the following aspects:

1. General requirement:

The regulation is in accordance with Codex Stan 1 - 1991.

2. Terminology:

This part gives out the explanations of some terminology in order to avoid misunderstanding.

3. Mandatory labelling contents:

The following information must appear on an imported food product label:

i) Name of foodstuff

The name of the foodstuff must be specific, not abstract. It can be a certain name in the List of Vietnamese Standards (TCVN) or in any legal national document. In case no specific requirements for foodstuff name is available, a name given by Codex or the ISO can be used. The name of the foodstuff can be a common name clarified by a descriptive term in order to avoid misunderstanding.

ii) List of ingredients:

All the ingredients of the foodstuff must be listed on the label unless there is only one ingredient.

iii) Net content and drained weight

Net content is announced according to the International system of measurement or the Anglo-Saxon system of measurement.

For food products packaged in solutions (such as water, sugar solution or salt solution, vinegar, etc.), the drained weights must be put on the labels.

iv) Name and Address of manufacturing and/or packaging company

v) Country of origin

The country of origin of imported food is the name of the manufacturing country. For food reprocessed in a country other than the exporting country and totally changed, the other country is the country-of-origin.

vi) Number code and bar code

vii) Quality registration number

viii) Shelf-life

The shelf-life of the following pre-packaged food must be included on the labels:

- Children's food: Nutritional powder

Other nutritional products

Tinned food for children

- Milk and dairy products:

Condensed milk with sugar

Powder milk

Sanitised milk


Butter and milk

Cheese (except for solidified cheese)

- Coffee, cacao and their products:

Powder coffee, dissolving coffee and other coffee mixtures with milk and butter.

Powder cacao, cacao butter and chocolate.

- Packaged ice-cream

- Fat oil, vegetable oil and their products

Fat oil and vegetable oil

Vegetal butter

Margarine and shortening

- Beverages


Beverages with alcoholic content of less than 10%

Fruit juice (packed)

Other beverages (except for packed beverages and purified water)

- Biscuits and bread

- Instant noodles

- Tinned meat, fish and vegetables (For imported tinned food, date of production is allowed on labels)

- Egg products

- Sauces

- Food additives with shelf-life of less than 18 months

The shelf-life for the above-mentioned food must be written on the labels as follows:

- The labelled shelf-life should be the best recommended shelf-life.

- Write shelf-life on the label: "Best before + (time)

Time should include date, month and year for products with the recommended shelf-life of less than 3 months.

Time should include month and year for products with the recommended shelf-life of more than 3 months.

Date, month and year must be written in normal numbers which are divided into three couple of digits separated by points (for example, 02.09.99 means September 2, 1999).

- Shelf-life must be put in an easily recognised place on the label. Otherwise the label should refer to the place of shelf-life (for example, on the bottom of the tin).

ix) How to preserve

x) User's introduction

xi) Radioactive food products

The labels including the above-mentioned mandatory information must meet the following requirements:

Labels must be printed, stuck, etc. firmly on the containers.

Labels must be easily recognised and read, and remain intact during consumption and usage under normal conditions.

When the labelled products are repacked, the package must include the necessary information as put on the inside labels, or it must be transparent enough to see through the labels inside.

The name of the product and its net content should be put in the most easily recognised place on the label.

xii) Food additives

The labelling of food additives based on Codex Stan 107-1981 is applied to food additives produced domestically and imported for domestic consumption. The labelled names of food additives include:

The name of the group which contains the additives

The name of the additives

The international codes

If there are more than one food additive in one package, list them in details in order of greater percentage in the package.

For a mixture of flavour enhancer, label it "flavour" beside an adjective reflecting its characteristic such as "Natural" or "Artificial".

If in a mixture of additives there is an additive which is given a maximum limit, its real percentage or number should be clearly labelled.

Label the atomic formula and other information about the quality of the additives.

4. Voluntary labelling contents

Additional information can be included in the label if it doesn't go against the concerned legal documents. The quality-ranking indication (for example: One of the top 10 food products) can also be included as long as it is easy to understand.

Imported food products could be labelled in either Vietnamese or English. An original foreign label and its Vietnamese sub-label is permitted.

5. Nutritional labelling

The information which must appear on a nutritional labelling is as follows:

i) Nutritional Declaration: (Mandatory)

ii) List the nutrients (mandatory)

- Power value

- The quantity of Protein and digestible carbon-hydrate (such as sugar, powder, except food fibre) and fat.

- The quantity of other nutrition claimed on the label.

- Other concerned nutrition.

- Nutrient content

- Permitted tolerance levels

iii) Additional information (voluntary): Additional information to nutritional labelling to help consumers recognise the nutritional values of nutrients.

The following nutritional claims are not allowed to be announced:

i) Claims which assure that this foodstuff can provide all major nutrition (except for food products which are recognized, by an authoritative organisations or in a specific Vietnamese Standard (TCVN) or Codex Standard, that they can duly provide all major nutrition)

ii) Claims which imply that a balanced regimen with ordinary food products can not duly provide all major nutrition.

iii) Claims which cannot be proved or clarified.

iv) Meaningless claims about absolute and comparative nutritional contents.

The following nutritional claims are conditional:

i) Claims that a food product has special nutrient values or added nutritional values with such nutrition as vitamins, minerals and amine acids must follow legal documents.

ii) Claims that a food product has special quality by reducing or eliminating some nutrition must be based on research on nutrient contents and must follow legal documents.

iii) Such terms as "pure", "natural", etc., must follow specific requirements when used.

iv) Claims that the food product has no added nutrition must follow the mandatory nutritional declaration (as mentioned above).

The following health claims are not allowed to be announced:

i) Claims that the food product can prevent, relieve or treat a disease, function troubles or a special biophysical state, except for food products specialised for diet regimens which has been regulated in Vietnamese standards or Codex standards.

ii) Claims which may cause consumers to doubt or worry about similar food products.

iii) Meaningless claims about absolute and comparative contents.

Manufacturers are totally responsible for their implied claims. If the authorities find out the implied claims are not true, manufacturers can be fined or even withdrawn of their business registrations.


There are no regulations on the size or weight of imported food containers. Additionally, there are no laws or regulations on container product recycling. However, there are restrictions on the use of packaging materials. These restrictions are issued on pages 56-61/Part B (Standards on the Safety and Hygiene of Food Packaging Materials)/ Stage II (Limitations on Contaminants)/ Chapter I (Limitations on Food Additives and Contaminants)/ List of Food Product Hygiene Standards issued accompanied with Decree Number 867 by the Ministry of Health, dated 04th April, 1998 (for more detail, Pls. see VM9019). The restrictions are imposed on the following groups of packaging materials:

- Ceramics and Glass;

- Synthetic plastic;

- Alloy.

For each group of materials there are: 1) regulations on the permitted/non-permitted level of impurities; and, 2) testing methods of its specific sub-groups of material (e.g., for PVC, the content of ibutyltin must be no more than 55 ppm, cresyl phosphate no more than 1000 ppm vinyl clorua no more than 1 ppm; testing the content of ibutyltin at 250C in 1 hour, etc.)


The Ministry of Health defines food additives as substances which are not considered food or the main ingredients of food, and which have little nutritional value, and are added in food in limited amounts, and are harmless. Food additives are used in order to maintain the quality, shape, odor, alkalinity or acidity of food, or, to meet the technological requirements for the production, processing, packaging, transportation and preservation of food. Such contaminants as poisonous micro-fungus, heavy metals, herbal preserving agents, animal medicines, etc., are not considered food additives.

Food additives are regulated in the "Temporary Regulation on the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods"; Appendix 2 and Appendix 3; Stage I; Chapter I; and, "List of Food Product Hygienic Standards"; part 10; Chapter 1; "Some Temporary Standards on Hygiene" (issued accompanied with Decree No. 505 BYT/QD, April 13, 1992). The names of the food additives and food additive groups are available in English. All other information (Name of sub-groups, technological functions) is in Vietnamese.

Food additives must be restricted so that they do not change the physical, chemical and nutritional contents and commercial value of the food; and, the use of food additives should be as limited as possible.

Food additives should meet VNG Purity Standards. For food additives named in the JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) list, but not in the approved list by the VN Ministry of Health, the manufacturer must follow registration procedures.

The manufacturer must list clearly in the registration documents the names of the food additives used and their limitations; this list must be approved by the relevant health authorities.

The additive list approved by the Ministry of Health, amended July, 1993, has 23 groups according to their technological functions and sub-groups (Ref.: "Temporary Regulation on the Labelling of Pre-Packaged Food"; Appendix 2).

Acidity regulator



Flavour enhancer

Galazing agent



Bulking agent

Emulsifying salt

Foaming agent



Anticaking agent


Firming agent




Antifoaming agent

Colour retention agent

Flour treatment agent

Gelling agent

Raising agent

Special requirements or restrictions on the use of additives in food products (Ref.: "Some Temporary Standards on Hygiene"/ Chapter 1/ Part 10):

- Artificial sugar is not permitted in food products. In food products for diabetics, artificial sugar with clearly labelled name and purpose is permitted only under approval of the Ministry of Health.

- Additives without clearly identified origins or labels, or with defective containers are not allowed. Additives beyond the approved list issued by the Ministry of Health are not allowed.

- New-to-market additives in food processing and preservation must be approved by the Ministry of Health.

The list of CODEX-approved food additives for imported food products is accepted by the VN Ministry of Health.


In Vietnam, there are no regulations applied particularly to pesticide/contaminant residues in imported food products. They are regulated the same as those in domestic products. Such regulations have been issued for the sake of consumers to protect them from poisoning and other bad effects.

At present, the valid document relevant to this subject is the "List of Food products Hygienic Standards" under the Decision No 867 by the Ministry of Heath dated 04th April, 1998. Within this, pesticide residues and their maximum limits in specific food products are clearly defined. Pesticides and contaminants in food products that draw great concerns of competent agencies include: mycotoxin; micro-organisms; metals; veterinary drugs; plant protection chemicals. It is the National Committee of Food Security which belongs to the Ministry of Health that specialises in supervising the performance of such regulations.

Followings are the summary and description of some pesticide/contaminant legal regulations in the mentioned "List of Food products Hygienic Standards".

1. Micro-organism residue limits in food products (Ref: “List of Food products Hygienic Standards", Chapter II, Stage IV)

All food products are divided into 13 main categories: meat; fish and other seafood; eggs; milk; cereal, potato and bean; fruits and vegetables; mineral water and other bottled water; spices; sauces; specially-used foods; ice-creams and icy water; canned foods and oiled foods. The allowed residue of each kind of micro-organism per 1g or 1ml of food products varies up to each kind as well as each group of material. For instance, as to fresh meat, frozen meat or meat that has undergone thremochemically treated, the maximum residue of E.coli (Escherichia coli) is 102 per 1g/ml. In some special cases, take the vegetable category for example, the G.A.P is used to regulate the maximum residue of micro-organisms in food products.

2. Mycotoxin maximum residues in food products (Ref: “List of Food products Hygienic Standards", Chapter I -Limitations on Food Additives and Contaminants, Stage II, Part A.)

Order Mytocoxin Food products Maximum residue (ppb)

1 Afratoxin or B1 Food 10

2 Afratoxin M1 Milk 0.5

3. Other Mytocoxin Food 35

3. Maximum veterinary drug residues in meat products (Ref: “List of Food products Hygienic Standards", Chapter I - Limitations on Food Additives and Contaminants, Stage II, Part F)

This section of the document lists the names of allowed drugs, the products that can contain such drugs, the ADI (Acceptable daily intake) as well as the maximum residues in detail. Through this part, five groups of drugs drawing great attention of researchers are: drugs against parasitical worms (Levamisol); aspirins (Cloramphenicol, Flumequin, Olaquindox, Spectinomycin, Sunfadimidin); drugs against primitive animals (Ronidazol); Glucocorticosteroit (Dexametazon); Trypanocit (Diminazon).

4. Plant protection chemical residues in food products (Ref: “List of Food products Hygienic Standards", Chapter II, Stage II.)

Plant protection chemical is defined as a finished product that derives from chemicals, plants, animals, micro-organisms in order to protect plant sources. All the food products that are bought and sold on the market must not contain more than the allowed amount of plant protection chemicals (mg/kg) as listed in this regulation.

5. Metal residues in food products (Ref: “List of Food products Hygienic Standards", Chapter I, Stage II, Part E and as given in Appendix 4 of this Report)

As stated above, maximum tolerance levels set for most approved pesticides are the same for both domestic food products and imported ones except the case that there is no regulation for a specific food product and CODEX standards are applied. Since Vietnam’s law on imported food products has not been perfectly completed and the development level of the country, on the other hand, still ranks at the bottom compared with the average world development pace, it is quite beneficial, according to an officer of National Committee of Food Security, for exporters of other countries to access into Vietnamese food product market. The list of pesticide residues appears to be very positive and conform to the international regulations. In fact, most of food products that have obtained the exporter’s country’s quality certificates can easily enter Vietnamese market. Of course, the exporter’s country must be a prestigious business partner with higher development and the exporter himself has no suspicious scheme.

All food products as well as pesticides that want to be imported into Vietnam must be inspected and registered before circulation. Every year, the Government, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and the Ministry of Health co-ordinate to bring out an annual list of export/import goods that must be inspected in terms of quality. This list changes very little year by year. With new pesticides that have not been recognized in the domestic market, it is necessary for them to be fully registered at the Ministry of Heath. Imported food products and pesticides that are not allowed to be freely consumed in the domestic market will not be granted registration certificate by the Ministry of Heath. With contact to the Ministry of Health or the Municipal Committees of Food Security, foreign exporters can have detailed information on this question.

Fees for Pesticide Registration

On Feb.21, 2000, Deputy Minister of Finance, Pham Van Trong signed Decree No.22/2000/QD-BTC setting a new fee structure for pesticide registration. According to the Decree, the fee for processing an application and granting permission to undertake testing is VND600,000 (about $42 at VND14,050=$1.00) for both local and foreign-invested companies. Foreigners must pay $150 for the service. The cost for test trials is set at VND1million (about $71) for local firms and $200 for foreign firms. The fee for reporting on final results and granting a business certificate is

VND3million (about $214) and $500, for local and foreign entities, respectively. Renewing a certificate will cost VND600,000 (about $42) for local and $150 for foreign businesses. The Decree went into effect 15 days after the signing date.

On Arpil 14, 2004 Vietnam’s Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD) issued Decree No. 15/2004-QD-BNN promulgating the list of plant protection drugs permitted for use, restricted from use or banned from use in Vietnam. The new Decision is effective from May, 2004.

The list of plant protection drugs permitted to use in Vietnam include: 421 drugs for use in agricultural with 1,215 trade names, 6 termiticides with 6 trade names, 4 forest products preservitives with 5 trade names and 5 fumigants with 5 trade names. The list of plant protection drugs restricted from use in Vietnam consists of 9 drugs for restricted use in agriculture with 19 trade names, 2 termiticides with 2 trade names, 5 forest product preservatives with 5 trade names and 3 fumigants with 9 trade names. The list of plant protection drugs banned from use in Vietnam, including 20 pesticides and forest products preservatives, 6 pant fungicides, 1 rodenticides and 1 herbicides. Post will update the list in a separate report.


(Product Registration, Testing, Certification, Special Documentation or Conformity Assessment Requirements)

1. Product Registration

Ref: “National Regulation on Import Food products’ Quality” issued under the Decision No 1370 by the Minister of Health dated 17th July, 1997/ “Inter-ministerial Circular No 65” by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment dated 19th August, 1995/ “Regulation on Food products Registration” issued under the Decision No 2481 by the Ministry of Health dated 18th December, 1996

Product registration is required in all cases of food product importation into Vietnam. It is the importer that has to carry out this procedure. The process usually takes a lot of time despite the recent improvement of administrative control in Vietnam. In terms of registration cost, Chapter IV of the “National Regulation on Import Food products’ Quality” issued under the Decision No 1370 by the Minister of Health states that the registration cost is equivalent to 0.1% of the whole tested food products package value (based on CIF price or the price imposed by the Ministry of Finance). However, this cost must not be lower than VND 300,000 and greater than VND 10,000,000. The registration cost management is performed under the current state regulation which is the “Inter-ministerial Circular No 65” by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment dated 19th August, 1995. For registration, the exporter must submit a three copy file. Each copy includes:

i) Registration of quality inspection for export/import food products. Each product acquire a separate registration form. The importer has to fill in the given registration form with conformity to the 4th article of the “Regulation on Food products Registration” issued under the Decision No 2481 by the Ministry of Health dated 18th December, 1996. The article says that registration grounds for imported food products include:

- Compulsory Vietnamese standards and standards that the producers volunteer to apply.

- Safe and hygienic requirements of food products issued by the Ministry of Health.

- Other standards (either Vietnamese or foreign) that the producers volunteer to apply unless they are not lower ranking to the relevant ones of Vietnam.

- CODEX standards in case there is no Vietnamese reference.

ii) Usage and Warranty guidelines for food products.

iii) Inspection Certificate of an authorised agency in Vietnam or of other foreign agencies that are recognized in the country.

iv) A sample of imported food products.

v) Certificate of good producing performance (if available)

vi) Certificate of the local authority on free circulation of the product within the country.

vii) Other relevant documents and certificates.

When importing food products belonging to the annual list of export/import goods that needs testing at national level, the importer must register quality inspection in one of the authorised inspection bodies (The Institute of Nutrition - Ministry of Health; Nha Trang Pasteur Institute - Ministry of Health; The Technical Centre for Measurement and Quality - Region 1, 2, 3 - General Department for Standards - Measurements and Qualities; The Institute of Public Health - Ho Chi Minh City.) at least 5 days before the goods arrives at import port. Necessary documents include:

- Registration of quality inspection for import food products (2 copies)

- A duplicate of the trade contract or L/C

- Bill of lading

- Invoice

- Packing list

- All documents concerning the import food product such as Certificate of Origin, Quality Registration Form, Inspection Result, etc.

- All certificates concerning the quality test at national level which are mentioned in Article 7 above.

- Registration of goods location which is suitable for food product preservation.

When there is a dispute over quality registration of food products, Chapter V, Article 14 of “Regulation on Food products Registration” issued under the Decision No 2481 by the Ministry of Health dated 18th December, 1996 are used as reference. Registered food products must be withdrawn in the following situations:

- Products bought and sold on the market do not conform to their registration commitments (Names, trademarks, quality standards, packaging, ingredients, etc....)

- Products that do not come up to the registered quality commitments.

2. Testing

Ref: Decision No 1604 by the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment dated 20th October, 1997/ Decision No2481 by the Minister of Heath/ Regulation on Import Food products’ Quality issued under the Decision No 1370 by the Minister of Health dated 17th July, 1997/

With a view to ensuring conformity to import standards, every year, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment issues an annual list of import/export goods that needs testing at national level. For example, such list of 1998 was brought out under the Decision No 1604 by the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment dated 20th October, 1997. In the list, imported food products that must be quality-tested include: milk and ice; wheat flour; fruit juices; all kinds of water and bottled water; beer; kinds of wine (tested by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and the Ministry of Health); frozen seafood and all finished products for animals (tested by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and the Ministry of Marine Products.).

In addition, according to the 6th Article, Chapter I of the Decision No 2481 by the Minister of Heath, the Ministry has the responsibility of managing and granting registration forms for food products by foreign-owned and import enterprises. At the same time, the Ministry can authorise the local Heath Institutions or Departments to do the testing and supervising food products quality at the premise as well as on the market. In turn, the municipal government Heath Departments are in charge of granting registration forms for all the local enterprises and leading inspectors of heath centers in coordination with other relevant branches to directly test and supervise food products quality. This means that food products are monitored by the above mentioned bodies at the retail/wholesale distribution level.

However, according to the National Inspection Regulation on Import Food products’ Quality issued under the Decision No 1370 by the Minister of Health dated 17th July, 1997, import food products can be exempted from national test in one of the following situations (Article 7):

i) Has acquired Food product Safety and Hygiene Certificate of an authorised inspection body in the export country who has performed inspection at shipment port under a Convention that Vietnam previously signed.

ii) Has been certified and conformed to the standard of the export country or of the region’s common market.

iii) Has acquired exemption of the Ministry of Health from quality inspection in the following cases:

- The quality history of the import food product has been recognized by the Ministry of Health as stable and reliable through previous inspections and has obtained the exemption certificate of the Ministry.

- Has received the licence of inspection exemption after at least 2 import times if that food product is still imported from the same source which has been recognized as of import quality standard.

In some specific situations, certificates of quality inspection by other countries or international agencies can recognised as long as those organisations (countries and international agencies) are long-standing partners of Vietnam, within a economic-cooperating region which includes Vietnam or also signed an international Convention.

Each year, VN has issued the regulations on list of import items that must be inspected before entering market. Under the Decree No.117/2000/QD-BKHCNMT by Ministry of Environment, Science & Technology on Jan. 26, 2000, is listing import products that require National inspection. Table bellow presents list of agricultural products requiring state inspection.

3. Sample and mail order shipment policy

Ref. Cicular No 06 by General Department of Post and Telecommunication in coordination with General Department of Customs dated 11th December, 1998 on “Customs Procedures of packages, parcels, import/export goods sent by mail or express service”.

The above mentioned document is the latest regulation in place of the one issued by the two General Departments in 1995. According to this, all the product samples shipped via express mail or parcel post are subject to import regulations (Point 3/Part I). Those product samples must not belong to the annual “List of goods forbidden from import/exportation” of Vietnam, the “List of goods forbidden from importation” of the receiver’s country as well as all international conventions on sending prohibition that Vietnam has signed.

Also within Point 2/Part I of the Circular, product sample importers are forced to carry out the following procedures:

- Customs procedures; test and supervision from customs offices;

- Pay taxes and fees;

- Fully perform all the valid regulations of other authorised bodies under law.

When there is any dispute over this matter, Part IV of the Circular can be used as reference. This part also defines that product samples without receivers will be returned to the export country and all the procedures concerning this are clearly regulated in the Inter-ministerial Circular No 227 by the Ministry of Finance and General Department of Post and Telecommunication dated 31st August, 1992.


At present, all inspection norms of import food products are based on the Vietnamese standard system (TCVN), most of which was introduced in the early 1980s. Due to the early introduction, some of the standards are to be reconsidered and some standardized with conformity to those of the International Standard Organization (ISO). This means that until the year 2000, food products that are mentioned in the annual list of import goods and have already acquired a recognized certificate of quality inspection still can enter Vietnam’s market easily and without many barriers.

i) Consumer Packaging or Municipal Waste Disposal (Already mentioned in Section III of this Report)

ii) Weights and Measures

There is no specific regulation on weights and measures of imported food products. However, the metric system is regarded the main measurement in Vietnamese practice.

iii) Vitamin-Enrichment requirements

Vitamin-enrichment requirements vary from each kind of food products. In general, vitamin proportion are defined so as to assure the nutrition of each food products.

iv) Novel Foods (Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs))

Vietnam is a developing country with very low economic starting point. Novel foods (GMOs) sound somewhat strange to Vietnamese consumers. Regulations on this subject are not available now in the country. However, the GVN supports research in to GMO food crops such as rice, corn and soybean. Guidelines on GMO foodstuffs will no doubt follow in future years.

Vietnam is working on Biotechnology Regulation and the attached below is the draft of Biotechnology Regulation.

Biosafety Regulations for GMOs and their Products in viet nam


Chapter I

General Principles

Article 1: Objectives of Regulations

- These regulations are established to ensure the safe research, management, production, development, import, export and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products.

- These Regulations addresses issues related to food safety.

Article 2: Scope of Regulations.

These regulations shall apply to all organizations, individuals which have related Research, Production Development, Management; Export, Import, Use; Release GMOs activities.

Article 3: Definitions

For purpose of these regulations, the following terms shall be defined as follows.

- “Biotechnology” mean any process that uses living organisms, in their entirety, or parts or subparts there, of to make or modify products or to improve or develop plants or microorganisms for specific use.

- “GMOs” mean a genetically modified organisms. These are living organisms who genetic material has been altered or modified by any of the varieties of techniques of modern molecular biology to make them capable of producing new substances or perform new functions.

- “Organism” means any microscopic or ultramicroscopic organism able to replicate it’s own genetic material.

- “Microorganism” means any microscopic or ultramicroscopic organism able to replicate it’s own genetic material. This included bacteria, fungi and viruses.

- “Release” mean the introduction of GMOs for field trials in the environment or commercial use.

- “Risk” is defined as the magnitude and likelihood of adverse effect.

- “Risk assessment” means the process of identifying hazards to human health and the environment that may be caused by any planned release activity, including the process of assigning magnitudes and probabilities of the adverse effects.

- “Risk management” means the measures designed to ensure safety in the handling, use and release of GMOs.

- “Transgenic” means an organism whose cells, including the germline cells, contain foreign DNA. Transgenics are genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

- “Transboundary” means the transformation of GMOs and their product from one country in to another country.

Article 4: Procedures for notification.

All organizations, individuals exporting GMOs and their products in Viet Nam shall have to submit in advance to organizations, individuals importing all necessity information (see appendix 1).

- Before application of GMOs and theirs products, organizations and individuals in Viet Nam which have requirement to apply the research results of GMOs and their products for field testing, release, food stuff industry and drugs shall have to submit to users (see appendix 1).

- Organizations, individuals importing or exporting GMOs and their products must submit to relevant Ministry necessity information. After receiving registration certificate from relevant Ministry, these GMOs and their products will be permitted to develop in Viet Nam.

- All GMOs brought in to Viet Nam by the proponent for release should comply with existing Viet Nam Regulations the proposal should consist of information specified (see Appendix 1).

Chapter II

Export, import of GMOs and their products

Article 5: Procedures for import

Organizations, Individuals importing GMOs and their products shall have to ask exporter for sending necessery information as provided under article 4 and carrying-out field testing under article 13.

- After completion of testing for GMOs and their products, organizations, individuals importing shall have to submit to relevant Ministry all testing results (see appendix 2). Relevant Ministry will review and give them certificate for importing GMOs and their products. Procedures for import have to follow the regulations of Ministry of commerce.

Article 6: Procedure for export of GMOs and their products

- Organizations and individuals exhorting and importing shall have to implement the importation regulations of Viet Nam and appear in the contract of export.

Chapter III

Transport, risk assessment, risk management of genetically modified organisms and their products

Article 7: Transportation

- Before being transported, genetically modified organisms and their products must be carefully packaged in case of missing and/or losing on transport. On the outside package it shall be labeled and marked fully: name and address of the sender and the receiver, GMOs and their products, requirements for transport, storage, use and safe handling.

- Permit for transport issued by the evaluation Agency (i.e. producer or storage manager of genetically modified organism and their products) must show clear criteria on the label and markings, transport route under permit, destination and the duration of the permit.

Article 8: genetically modified organism and their products

- Should the consignor genetically modified organism on transit he is required to inform the receiver in Viet Nam (in compliance with appendix 2) at least 15 days in advance and to comply with provisions in Chapter IV of this regulation.

- In the event of the consignment mistakenly arriving in Viet Nam the Customs Office is responsible for blocking it the whole and informing the consignor, the carrier to arrange transport of that out of Viet Name territory immediately. Should the consignor, the carrier within 48 hours as of the notice do not destroy the whole of that in order to prevent the genetically modified organism from penetrating in to the natural environment in Viet Nam.

Article 9: Risk assessment

- The risk assessment must be made on the basis of science, logicality and clearness (with contents as per appendix 2), which is appropriate to risk assessment techniques developed by relevant international organizations and other available scientific evidence in order to find out and assess possible adversed effects of GMOs, their products upon the environment, preservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity diversity and human health. At the same time the attention must be drawn to the possible economic, social and cultural effects of those.

- The exporter is responsible to assure that the risk assessment is made under appropriate conditions as in Viet Nam. Financial responsibilities for risk assessment are to be agreed between the exporter and the importer.

- Measures of risk assessment must be proceeded under the supervision by a scientific organ of respective branch, with is recognized by the respective branch management ministry (as provided under article 13)

Article 10: Risk management

- All the related activities from research, development, field testing, production development, export, import must be provided with measures of risk management.

- The importer must keep contact with the exporter to appropriately adjust the use and management of genetically modified or organisms and their products. It is required that they notice in time the risk that happens and immediately apply the preventive measures as provided under article 10.

- Research organs. Scientists shall be responsible for observing and notice in time the risk that possibly happens as the results of their research and provide the application receiver with due measures to recover that.

- The exporter is responsible for supporting the application receiver with finance and techniques to overcome the risk as arising under article 17.

Chapter IV

Biosafety in research, development

Article 11: Research activities in laboratory

- Organization, Individuals engaged in scientific research must inform the respective branch management ministry of objectives, contents, place and time for research of genetic transformation. The research activities sponsored by the State must comply with the regulations in force on management and science.

- Organizations engaged in scientific research and the scientists have right to keep the course and results of the research in secret.

Article 12: Development (test)

- Before testing the results of the research the said organizations, Individual must apply for permission by the respective branch management ministry and attach the specification as per appendix 1 and shall carry out the activities as accordingly permitted.

- At the place of intended test the organizations, individuals importing GOMs livestock breeds and/or seedlings must inform in advance to the local authorities and the farmers who receive the test of necessary information as provided under article 4 of this regulation.

- All the genetically modified organisms either domestically researches or imported for the purpose of breeding must be tested before applied in extensive production.

- The test results must be risk assessed as provided under article 11. The contents of the assessment are per appendix 2.

- All the products made from the genetically modified organisms and to be used for the purpose of food for human or livestock, or drug and others either domestically researched or imported must be tested and risk assessment.

- The test results must be assessed by a scientific organ with the contents as under appendix 2 and be recognized by the respective branch management ministry, subject to which those can be put into production.

- Subject to the extent and consequence of the risk the following levels of penalties shall be imposed:

+ Warning

+ Money punishment

+ Activities delayed

+ Permit withdrawal

+ Casualties compensation

+ Criminal prosecution

Chapter V

State management of biosafety

Article 13: Responsibilities assignment

Responsibilities of Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

- Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment shall undertake the unified state management of biological safety in the whole country and be responsible for organizing and providing guidelines of biosafety.

- Planning state strategy to the Government for approval and issuance or issuing under its authority legal document on the management of biosafety.

- Providing standards of biosafety

- Researching, applying scientific progress and technology in relation to biosafety

- Publicizing, training, improving the awareness in respect of biosafety.

- Undertaking international cooperation in the field of biosafety.

- Organizing state inspection of biosafety.

- Establishing state council for biosafety to provide constancy on the policies of biosafety in case of necessity.

- Residing in co-ordination with relevant ministry, branches and localities in overcoming the risk that has happened to the environment and human health.

- Annually presiding in co-ordination with ministries, branches and localities in summarizing practices of biosafety management in the whole country to report to Prime Minister of the Government.

Article 14:

Responsibilities of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Conducting implementation and guidelines to state management activities in respect of biosafety in agriculture.

- Planning branch strategy in the field of biosafety.

- Issuing legal documents, normative acts according to authority in respect of biosafety management in agriculture.

- Researching, applying scientific progress and technology in relation to biosafety in agriculture

- Publicizing, training, improving the awareness in respect of biosafety in agriculture.

- Undertaking international cooperation in the field of biosafety in agriculture.

- Presiding in co-ordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and in conducting impaction of biosafety in agriculture.

- Presiding in co-ordination with relevant ministry, branches and localities in overcoming the risk that has happened to the environment and human health.

Article 15:

Responsibilities of Ministry of Fisheries

- Conducting guidelines to state management activities in respect of biosafety in fisheries.

- Planning branch strategy in the field of biosafety.

- Issuing legal documents, normative acts according to authority in respect of biosafety management in fisheries.

- Providing branch standards of biosafety

- Researching, applying scientific progress and technology in relation to biosafety in fisheries.

- Publicizing, training, improving the awareness in respect of biosafety in fisheries.

- Undertaking international cooperation in the field of biosafety in fisheries.

- Presiding in co-ordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and in conducting inspection of biosafety in fisheries.

Article 16:

Responsibilities of Ministry of Health Care

Conducting guidelines to state management activities in respect of biosafety in domain of health care.

- Planning branch strategy in the field of biosafety.

- Issuing legal documents, normative acts according to authority in respect of biosafety management in domain of health care.

- Providing branch standards of biosafety

- Researching, applying scientific progress and technology in relation to biosafety in domain of health care.

- Publicizing, training, improving the awareness in respect of biosafety in domain of health care.

- Undertaking international cooperation in the field of biosafety in domain of health care.

- Presiding in co-ordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in organizing inspection of biosafety in domain of health care.

Article 17:

Responsibilities of Ministry of Industry

- Conducting guidelines to state management activities in respect of biosafety in domain of foodstuff industry

- Planning branch strategy in the field of biosafety.

- Issuing legal documents, normative acts according to authority in respect of biosafety management in foodstuff industry.

- Providing branch standards of biosafety

- Researching, applying scientific progress and technology in relation to biosafety in foodstuff industry.

- Publicizing, training, improving the awareness in respect of biosafety in foodstuff industry.

- Undertaking international cooperation in the field of biosafety in foodstuff industry.

- Presiding in co-ordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in organizing inspection of biosafety in domain of food industry.

Article 18:

Responsibilities of Ministry of Trade:

Co-ordinating with relevant ministries, branches in permit for import, export of genetically modified organisms and their products.

Article 19:

Responsibilities of People’s committee of province, city:

People committee of province, cities under central are responsible for managing biosafety within the respective locality. Before using genetically modified organisms and their products to develop local economy they shall consult the respective branch management Ministry in advance.

Chapter VI

Implementation provisions

Article 20: This regulation comes into force as of the date of signing

Article 21: In implementation of this regulation if finding any of contents that need adjusting the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is responsible for collecting comments of relevant Ministries to submit the Government for consideration.

AppenDix 1

Requirement announces information

(to organizations and user)

1. Name and characteristics of GMOs and their products.

2. Level of taxonomy, usual (local name, scientific name) site of harvesting or collection, biological characteristics related to biosafety).

3. Name, detailed contact address of organizations or individuals exporting (exporter).

4. Name, detailed address of organizations or individual importing (importer).

5. Design time (date, month, year) to imported port. Applauding site.

6. Genetic center, diversity variety of received individual or motherly biology. Describing environment which can exits or reproduction.

7. Describing nucleic acid, applying technic characters and results of GMOs and their products.

8. To intend to use GMOs and their products.

9. Quantity or amount of GMOs, their products will release into the environment.

10. Report of risk assessment (following appedix2).

11. Suggestion of risk management methods (management, storage, transportation, including of packing, labeling, references, safe arranged procedures).

12. Biosafety regulations for GMOs and their products in exporting nation: Is it forbidden in exporting nation? Who? Causes? Is it approved allowing to use? Is it forbidden in any importing sides, direct applying users.

13. All information related to GMOs, their products, using purpose (from exporting and importing sides, direct applying users?

To guarantee information above are true.

AppenDix 2

Risk assessment


goals of risk assessment in this regulation are determined and assessed for transportation management, using of GMOs and their products.

Using of risk assessment

Results of risk assessment will supply information to authorities which related to allow transportation, management, using of GMOs and their products.

General principles

Conducting of risk assessment is precaution. To define damages can occur and accept. Risk assessment must be based on sound scientific and clearly.

The risk can appear in transportation process, management. The using has to research in content of using received individuals which parents changed or using motherly individuals in the environment.

The risk estimating need to carry out in every case it depend on relation between GMOs, their products with purpose of using, method and received environment.


In order to get target, risk assessment required suitable to flowing steps:

1. To define characters which relate to combine of genetic material of GMOs, their products, may harmful influence to biodiversity in received environment, including risk with health of human being and economical and social problems.

2. Risk assessment may happen, including levels and reaction of received environment.

3. To assess consequence of each risk.

4. To guess all risk damageable by GMOs, their products or depending on risk assessment may be happen and consequence of each category.

5. To recommend risk can accept or manage. If necessary organizations or users have to build regulation of risk management and methods of reducing the harmful consequences.

Risk assessment need to notice technical and scientific requirements, specially guiding were established by international organizations.

Depending on each case, risk assessment including detail technical and scientific requirements with relations as follows:

- Characters of received individuals or motherly biology: biological, Physiological, genetic, ecological of received individuals, motherly body relation, biodiversity safety, need to estimate risks.

- Characters of donor body: Capacity of disease causing and toxicity.

- Characters of contagious body: including resources and host area.

Characters of nucleic acid or modification.

- Characters of GMOs, and their products: the knowledge about difference between GMOs and their products and received individual, motherly body or their products. All characters of physiology, genetics, ecology need to evaluate.

- All information related to used purpose; including using of GMOs and their products or using only change of received body or motherly body doesn’t change yet.

- Received environment: information are about places, characters of geography, climate and ecological of received environment.

- Problems about safety for health of animals and human being: information about influences of GMOs and their products with health of human being and animals.

- Economical and social problems: Information about influences to economics and society of imported countries specially influence continuously to traditional and national programs on agricultural sustainable.

v) Dietetic or Special Use Foods (Already mentioned in Section II of this Report)

vi) Food Hygienic Laws/Guidelines (Already mentioned in Section I, V and VI of this Report).

v) Marine Products

Ref: Decision No 570 by the Ministry of Aquaculture on “List of marine products subject to quality registration in 1998” dated 25th November, 1998.

vi) Beverages Products

v) Wine, Beer and Other Alcoholic Beverages (Already mentioned in Section II of this Report)

vi) Organic Foods and Health Foods

vii) Product Samples and Mail Order Shipments

Ref: Circular No 06 by General Department of Post and Telecommunication in coordination with General Department of Customs dated 11th December, 1998 on “Customs Procedures of packages, parcels, import/export goods sent by mail or express service”.

The Government of Vietnam recently promulgated several Ordinances on agricultural related areas including the Ordinance on Plant Varieties, the Ordinance on Animal Breeds (pls. see VM4032) and the Ordinance on Veterinary Medicine (pls. see VM 4051)

For management of importation of materials for animal feed, MARD issued the Decree No.35/2000-QD/BNN-KNKL The Table bellow provides the criterias of agricultural import products for animal feed industry. The MARD is going to issue a new list soon and Post will update it in a separate report.

Note: Post has officially complained to MARD that certain standards for moisture content and sand & silica content exceed usual contract specifications and are therefore trade limiting. As of July7, 2000, MARD an amenment of certain specificaitions.


Dicision No. 35/2000-QD/BNN-KNKL, April 5, 2000

(It is effective from April 5, 2000)


Animal feeds, Feed ingredients containing hormones, antihormones: Referring definition in the Item 7, Article 12, Decree No.15/CP, March 19, 1996


| | |Technical Requirements |

| |Feed |Moisture |

| |Ingredients | |

| | |Max% |

|37 |DL- Methionine | Purity: Min. 98% |

|38 |Threonine | Purity: Min. 98% |

|39 |Triptophan | Purity: Min. 98% |

|40 |Vitamins for anim.feed| Purity: Min. 98% |

Note: KDP: Negative


Complete feeds, Concentrated feeds (Refering definition in the Item 5,7; Article 1; Decree No.15/CP, March 19, 1996)

Pet foods

Feed for special animals

Vitamin Premix, Mineral Premix, Vitamin-Mineral Premix

Mineral, Mixed minerals feed grade

Feed additives: Anti-Oxidant, Antimould, Anti-caking, Blinder, Flavour, Couloring, Enzyme, Anti-biotics

Milk substitute

Registration at Department of Agricultural & Forestry Extension/MARD



Completed feeds

Concentrated feeds

All kind of raw material for animal feed


1. Trademark and brand name protection

Trademarks and brand names are protected under domestic laws, particularly, with reference to Chapter II of the Decree No 86 by the Government dated 24th October, 1996 and the Civil Code of Vietnam. Actually, a trademark is protected if it fully meets all of the following demands:

i) Is formed from one or one of the most unique and outstanding features or from many features that form a unique and outstanding whole unit.

ii) Is not so similar or coincident that it can cause confuse with another trademark, which is also protected in Vietnam (including trademarks protected under international conventions that Vietnam signed).

iii) Is not so similar or coincident that it can cause confuse with trademarks mentioned in Trademark Protection Application Form which has been turned in to an authorised body with earlier priority day (including applications for trademarks submitted under international conventions that Vietnam signed).

iv) Is not so similar or coincident that it can cause confuse with trademarks of other producers which have expired or suspended but it is not 5 years since the suspension or expiry.

v) Is not so similar or coincident that it can cause confuse with trademarks of well-known producers (based on Article 6 of Paris Convention) or with other trademarks that have been widely used and recognized.

vi) Is not so similar or coincident that it can cause confuse with goods’ name of origin that has been protected.

vii) Is not coincident with industrial models that have been protected or have been applied for Protection Certificate with earlier priority day.

viii) Is not coincident with any figure, character which belongs to another person unless there is that person ‘s approval.

Trademarks with the following signals can not be protected under Vietnamese laws:

i) Signals that can not be worked out or differentiated such as simple shapes, figures, letters, or letters which are not able to form a meaningful word, letters of an unpopular foreign language except for the case these signals have been widely used and recognized.

ii) Signals, symbols, shapes or regular names of food products of any language that have been popularly used and known by many people.

iii) Signals that tell time, place, production methods, category, quantity, quality, ingredients, usage that help describe the goods, service and their origin.

iv) Signals that make consumers misunderstand, confuse about food products’ origin, functions, effects, quality, etc.

v) Signals similar or coincident with quality, inspection, warranty ones of Vietnam, foreign countries as well as international organizations.

vi) Signals, names, pictures, symbols that are so similar or coincident that they can cause confuse with national flags, heraldries, leaders, national heroes, famous people and places of Vietnam and foreign countries without their permission.

Industrial protection of trademarks originates on the basis of a protection certificate granted by an authorised agency as defined in the 3rd chapter of the 63 Decision of Vietnam’s Government dated 24th October 1996. Besides, it can also be regulated by Madrid Compromise.

The protection certificate granted by an authorised agency - the Department of Industrial Protection under the control of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is the only sign of national recognition and is valid throughout the state of Vietnam. In Hanoi, the Department is situated at 96+98 Nguyen Trai street. The protection certificate of trademarks is the Certificate of Trademark Registration which is valid within 10 years since the conformable application day and can be continuously renewed for many times of 10 years each.

The application for Protection Certificate of Food product trademarks must satisfy the certain requirements (Point 5.2, Article 5, Chapter 2, Circular number 3055 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment dated 31st December 1996). Following are some main ones:

- Each application is used for one correlative certificate of protection and the application kind must be suitable with the goods that needs granting protection certificate.

- The application itself and all documents enclosed are written in Vietnamese. There are some exceptions in which those documents can be in other languages but with a Vietnamese translation enclosed (defined in Point 5.3).

- All documents are set up in portrait in A4 paper size (210*297mm) with margins of 20 mm at four sides.

Who have the right to apply for the Protection Certificate? The answer can be found in Point 2, Article 14, Chapter 3, Decree number 63 of Vietnam’s Government dated 24th October, 1996. The legal applicants include:

- Individuals, legal persons and other subjects that are legally performing manufacturing process can apply for Protection Certificate of trademarks used for products they produce and will produce.

-Individuals, legal persons and other subjects that are legally doing service business can apply for Protection Certificate of trademarks used for services they produce and will produce.

- Individuals, legal persons and other subjects that are legally doing business can apply for Protection Certificate of trademarks used for products of others they put onto the market in condition that the producers themselves do not use the same trademarks for their similar products and do not oppose the application.

- With reference to trademarks of a whole unit, the right of applying for Protection Certificate falls on individuals or legal persons that act for the whole group which do business in conformity with the same food product trademarks.

- The right of applying for Protection Certificate as well as the submitted application can also be transferred.

When applying for Protection Certificate, the applicant must pay a fee. The Department of Industrial Protection and other authorised agencies have the responsibility of collecting all the fees correctly, on time and contribute to the National Budget in conformity with the state regulations on fees and costs. Fees of application for Protection Certificate are decided by the Ministry of Finance in co-ordination with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment so that they are suitable with the current conditions in Vietnam and international practice. In case fees have been already submitted but the relevant work has not been done yet owing to mistakes of the Industrial Protection body, those fees must be returned to the applicants with their approval and certificate of returning. (Article 32, Chapter 3, Decree Number 63 of Vietnam’s Government dated 24th October, 1996).

For more detailed information on application fees, Circular number 23 of the Ministry of Finance dated 09th May, 1997 conducting how to pay, collect and spend fees and costs of industrial protection correctly can be a lot of help. The Circular is enclosed with a detailed list of fee levels for Vietnamese and foreign organisations.

With reference to trademark and brand name registration, there is no limitation in Vietnam. For more thorough research, one can refer to Decree number 63 of Vietnam’s Government on Industrial Protection dated 24th October and Circular number 3055 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment dated 31st December, 1996 as a detailed guideline of the 63 Decree.


Food products named in the annual list of goods that need quality testing at the national level are allowed to enter the domestic market by Customs, after being issued one of the following documents granted by the state authorised agency:

i) Certificate of Import Standard Food products. (Already mentioned in Section V of this Report).

ii) Notice of Inspection Exemption as defined in the 7th Article of the National Regulation on Import Food products’ Quality which was issued accompanied by the Decision number 1370 of the Ministry of Health dated 17th July, 1997 (already mentioned). However, the notice is valid only when all other terms of transportation, delivery or unloading, etc make no influence on the goods’ quality.

As a result, if an organization wants to import food products into Vietnam, they need to register for a quality inspection. Then, under the general regulation of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, imported food products will be quality tested by the authorised bodies including: The Institute of Nutrition - Ministry of Health; Nha Trang Pasteur Institute - Ministry of Health; The Technical Centre for Measurement and Quality - Region 1, 2, 3 - General Department for Standards - Measurements and Qualities; The Institute of Public Health - HCMC.

Ref: Decision No 1369 by the Ministry of Heath dated 17th July, 1997 on “Testing imported food products quality at national level”

Customs is only in charge of rechecking these certificates and supporting Vietnamese export/import rules for exporters/ importers. In case the import food products are spoiled, damaged during transportation, etc, and a compensation request is built based on international practice, the Customs still approves certificates granted by VinaControl without specific certificates of the state inspection body.

All import documents must be translated into Vietnamese. Documents in other languages, even English, serve as reference only.

In Vietnam, it is very difficult to determine how long the entire customs clearance procedure takes. Notwithstanding, it can take one month or more, depending whether it is the first time for the organization to import food products into Vietnam.

Every year, Vietnam revises list of import products that must be inspected by assigned state quality control agency before it entering Vietnam. However, the list of imported agricultural products requiring State Qualilty Control in 2000 are still applicable and are presented in the table bellow.

List of Agricultural Import Items Requiring State Quality Contro in 2000

(Issued in attachment to Decision No. 117/2000/QD-BKHCNMT of January 26, 2000

Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health in coordination with the Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment.

tate Quality Control Bodies: Centres for Technology, Standards, Measurement & Quality 1, 2, 3; National Nutrition Institute; Ho Chi Minh City Public Medical Hygiene Institute ; Tay Nguyen Hygiene & Epidemic Institute

|Group |HS Code |Name of products |Basis of Inspection |

|‘0401 | |Uncondensed, unsweetened milk & ice cream |

| |‘0401.1 |- With fat content not exceeding 1% |- TCVN5860-1994 and Ministry of Health |

| | | |Regulation 67/1998/QD- BYT of Apr.4,1998 |

| | | |(micro biological |

| | | |bacteria) |

| |‘0401.20 |- With fat content of more than 1% but less than 6% |- As noted above |

| |‘0401.30 |- With fat content exceeding 6% |- As noted above |

|‘0402 | |Condensed, sweetened milk and ice cream |

| |‘0402.10 |- In powdered or crystalline form or other types |- TCVN 5538-1991 & Ministry of Health |

| | |of solids with fat content not exceeding 1.5% |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

| | |- In powedered or crytalline form or ther types |- TCVN 5540-1991 & Ministry of Health |

| | |of solids with fat content exceeding 1.5% |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

| | |- Sweetened condensed milk |- TCVN 5539-1991 & Ministry of Health |

| | | |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

|1101 | |Flour or meslin powder | |

| |‘1101.10 |- Flour |- TCVN 4359-1996 & Ministry of Health |

| | | |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

|1507 | |Soybean oil | |

| | |- Soybean oil and ingredients of soybean oil that are either refined or |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | |unrefined without change in chemicalcomponents |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

| |1107.90 |- Other |- As noted above |

|1508 | |Groundnut oil |

| | |- Groundnut oil and ingredients of groundnut oil that are either refined |- TCVN 6047-1995 & Ministry of Health |

| | |or unrefined without change in chemical components |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |1508.90 |- Other |- As noted above |

|1509 | |Olive oil | |

| | |- Olive oil and ingredients of olive oil that are either refined or |- TCVN 6047-1995 & Ministry of Health |

| | |unrefined without change in chemical components |regulation 867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

| | |- Pure and refined |- As noted above |

| |1509.90 |- Others |- As noted above |

|1511 | |Palm oil | |

| | |- Palm oil and ingredients of palm oil that are either refined or |- TCVN 6047-1995 & Ministry of Health |

| | |unrefined without change in chemical components |regulation 867/1998/QD- BYT of April 4, |

| | | |1998. |

| |‘1511.10 |- In liquid form (palm Olein, palm oil) |- As noted above |

| | |- Condensed form for production of shortening (palm Stearin) |- As noted above |

| |1511.9 |- Others |- As noted above |

|1515 |- Other types of fats and vegetable oils and their ingredients that are |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| |either refined or unrefined without a change in chemical composition. |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|1602 | |Meat and edible animal organs (heart, liver etc..) |

| | |that are either processed or preserved |

| | |- Meat and canned meat |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|1604 | |Processed fish | |

| |1604.13 |- Canned sardines |- Codex Stand 94-1981; |

| | | |28 TCVN 106-1997 |

| |1604.14 |- Canned tuna |(Micobiological indication, histamine and|

| | | |content of heavy metals) |

|1905 | |- Bread, cakes, biscuits and other types of |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | |cakes with or without cocoa |867/1998/QD |

| | | |-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|2001 | |Vegetables, fruits and edible part of trees that are either processed or preserved with vinegar or acetic acid |

| | | |

| | |- Various types of canned vegetables & fruit |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD |

| | | |-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|2009 | |Fuit juice (including grape wine draft), unfermented vegetable juice that is unmixed |

| | |with alkohol and with or without sugar or sweeteners |

| | |- Various types of fruit juices |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|2905 | |Various types of alkohol made of wheat and their conductors |

| |2905.44 |- Synthetic sweeteners: D-Glucotil/Sorbitol |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

| | | | |

|2912 | |Aldehydes (aerobic or anaerobic) etc. |

| |2912.41 |- Vanillin |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

| | | | |

| |2912.42 |- Ethyvanillin |- As noted above |

| | | | |

|2924 | |Compounds containing Carbonxvamide etc. |

| |‘2942.10 |- Aspartane synthetic sweeteners |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|2925 | |Coumpounds containing Carbonvimite etc. |

| |2925.11 |- Saccarine synthetic sweeteners and salt |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | | |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|3204 | |Organic artificial colour with or without chemical identification |

| | | |

| |3204 |- Organic artificial colour used for colouring |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | |food |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

|3302 | |Mixed flavourings and mixtrues |

| | |- Mixed flavourings used in production of |- Ministry of Health regulation |

| | |foodstuff or soft drinks |867/1998/QD-BYT of April 4, 2000 |

| |

|2. Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD) in association with |

|Ministry of Science, Technoloyg and Environment. |

| |

|- State Quality Control bodies: Centres for Technology, Standards. Measurements and Quality 1,2,3; |

|Department for Preservation of Marine Produce Resources; Centre for Quality Control & Marine Hygiene. |

|Group |HS Code |Name of products |Basis of Inspection |

|3080 | |Pesticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides etc. |

| |3080.1 |- Pesticides |- TCVN2740-86; TCVN 2741-86; TCVN |

| | | |2742-86; TCVN 4541-88;TCVN 4542-88 |

| |3808.20 |- Fungicides |- TCVN 4543-88 |

| |3808.3 |- Herbicides |- TCVN 3711-82; TCVN 3712-82; TCVN |

| | | |3713-82; TCVN 3714-82 |

| |3808.4 |- Sterilants |- TCVN 4541-88; TCVN 4543-88; 10 TCN |

| | | |233-95 |

| |3808.9 |- Others |TCVN 4543-88; TC 90-98-CL |

|Note: Products of Group 3080 presented above must follow the MARD's annual regulations regarding the List |

|of Pesticides that are either permitted, restricted, or banned in Vietnam |

| |

|3. Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Fishery in association with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. |

| |

|- State Quality Control bodies: Centres for Technology, Standards. Measurements and Quality 1,2,3; Department for Preservation of Marine |

|Produce Resources; Centre for Quality Control & Marine Hygiene. |

|Group |HS Code |Name of products |Basis of Inspection |

|2309 | |Products used as animal feed |

| |2309.9 |- Mixed feed tablets for breeding shirmp |- 28 TCN 102-1997 (indications of raw |

| | | |Protein, Salmonella, Aspergillus Flavus |

| | | |and Aflatoxine |


Metal Residues allowed in food products mg/kg (pmm)

Order |Food Product's Name |Asen(As) |Pb |Cu |Sn |Zn |Hg |Cd |Sb | |1 |Milk and Dairy products |0.5 |2.0 |30 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |2 |Meat and its products |1.0 |2.0 |20 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |3 |Fish and its products |1.0 |2.0 |0.1 |40 |100 |0.5 |1 |1 | |4 |Cooking oil |0.1 |0.1 |30 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |5 |Vegetables |1.0 |2.0 |10 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |6 |Vegetables juices |0.1 |0.5 |150 |40 |5 |0.05 |1 |15 | |7 |Tea and its products |1.0 |2.0 |30 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |8 |Coffee |1.0 |2.0 |70 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |9 |Kakao |1.0 |2.0 |30 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |10 |Spices |5.0 |2.0 |30 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |11 |Sauces |1.0 |2.0 |5 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |12 |Drinks |0.2 |0.5 |10 |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |0.15 | |13 |Water: need watering* |0.5 |1.0 |2 |40 |25 |0.05 |1 |0.15 | |  | Instant served |0.1 |0.2 |5 |40 |5 |0.05 |1 |0.15 | |14 |Children's food |0.1 |0.5 |  |40 |40 |0.05 |1 |1 | |15 |Canned food |  |  |  |250 |  |  |  |  | |

* The maximum limit before being watered.

The acceptable daily intake (ADI) is based on g/kg of body weight/week:

As: 15 Pb: 25 Cd:7 Hg: 3.3 (Mecyl of Hg)


Key Government Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

2 Ngoc Ha Street, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 844-845-9670; Fax: 844-845-4319

Email: leminhmard@fpt.vn

Contact: Mr. Le Van Minh, Director, International Cooperation Dept

Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD) / HCMC

Crop Protection Department / Phytosanitary Sub- Dept.

28 Mac Dinh Chi, Dist.1, HCMC

Tel: 848-829-4568; Fax: 848-829-3266

Email: kdtv2@nam.vn

Contact Mr. Nguyen The Phu - Director

Regional Animal Health Center / HCMC

124 Pham The Hien, Dist.8, HCMC

Tel: 848-8568-220; Fax: 848-8569-050

Email: rahhcm@hcm.fpt.vn

Contact: Mr. Dong Manh Hoa, Director

Federation of Commodities Control (FCC)

No.45 Dinh Tien Hoang Str, District 1, HCMC

Tel: 848-822-3183; Fax: 848-829-0202

Email: fcc@hcm.vnn.vn

Contact: Mr.Tran Phuong, Director

Hanoi People’s Committee

Department of External Relations

81 Dinh Tien Hoang

Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 844-826-7570; Fax: 844-825-3584

Contact: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thu, Director

Email: ntm@hn.vnn.vn

Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee

Department of External Relations

6 Alexandre de Rhodes, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Tel: 848-822-4224; Fax: 848-825-1436

Contact: Mr. Le Quoc Hung, Director

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)

9 Dao Duy Anh Street

Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 844-574-2161; Fax: 844-574-2020

Contact: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thang, Deputy General Director, International Relations Department (Cellphone: 84-913-024-244)

Email: vcci@fmail.vnn.vn

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam (VCCI) / HCMC

171 Vo Thi Sau St, District 3, HCMC

Tel: (84-8)932-7301; Fax: (84-8)932-5472

Email: vcci-hcm@hcm.vnn.vn

Contact: Mr. Nguyen Duy Le, Deputy Director General (Cellphone: 84-903-704-570)

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam (VCCI)

Trade Service Company, General Trading & Consultancy Department

79 Ba Trieu Street

Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 844-826-5667 Fax: 844-826-6649

Email: vcci_tsc@

Contact: Mr. Dao Duy Tien, General Manager

Vietnamese Websites:

NOTE: Most Vietnamese websites contain both English and Vietnamese documents.

Vietnamese Embassy in Washington

Ministry of Health .vn

Directorate for Standards & Quality .vn

Vietnamese Customs Agency .vn

Ministry of Foreign Affairs .vn

Ministry of Finance .vn

Ministry of Fishery .vn

Ministry of Trade .vn

Ministry of Ag and Rural Development .vn

Agricultural Market .vn/agr

Vietnam Fruit

Contact Vietnam

Local exporters list, commercial law .vn

Hanoi Dept. of Planning and Investment .vn

Info on Mekong River Delta viic-mekong-

Info on Mekong River Delta’s capital .vn

Legal documents .vn

Representative office up procedures

Vietnam Trade .vn

HCMC airport

HCMC tourism

HCMC Tax Bureau .vn


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