The audio recording to hear what doctors are saying. (18 min) Click on the icon


The following information is about Natural Cellular Defense, a purified colloidal zeolite drop, which is a 100% natural, non-toxic product that was granted a United States patent entitled “Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug.”

There is very pertinent information in this article and really good news at the end!

Beginning of the transcription of the recording


Audio Track 2, 5:32. My name is Dr. Ross Taylor. I am a medical doctor, a practicing Gastroenterologist with special certification as a Nutritional Support physician focused on the treatment of cancer patients. I practice medicine at the Cancer Treatment Centers of American in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which is a national organization dedicated to provide treatment and hope for cancer patients.

I would guess that by me saying that I treat cancer patients, images of suffering may have already surfaced in your mind. Chances are that someone you know or love may have been afflicted with cancer. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, approximately one out of every two men and one out of every three women will contract some form of cancer in their lifetime. Cancer is a horrible disease that can cause pain and anguish to the victim, their family, and loved ones.

Many of the patients who come to our Cancer Center have already been told that their cancers have spread and that the disease is at an advanced stage. They have often been given weeks or months to live and frequently have been told to go home and get their affairs in order, or to consider enrolling in a hospice program. Many are depressed and have lost hope as a result of their condition. A significant part of our job is to restore their hope and to let them know that there is almost always something that can be done to help.

We provide a whole-person, integrative approach to cancer care, including state-of-the-art, cutting edge science-based, conventional cancer treatment, alternative therapies, naturopathy, advanced nutritional support, psychology, prayer, and spiritual care. It can be very challenging to witness the pain and suffering these terminally ill patients and their families have to go through. No one should have to go through this suffering.

Despite $Millions for Research, Still No Cure for Cancer

Since 1971 when the US government enacted legislation to increase federal funding for cancer research, hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent–and yet today, there is still tremendous suffering from the disease of cancer. The real shame is that many of these cancers we treat are preventable. With simple lifestyle changes, including diet modification, exercise, weight loss, proper nutritional supplementation and smoking cessation, many cancers could have been prevented. It has been estimated that two-thirds to three-fourths of all cancers are the result of harmful toxins and carcinogens that irritate and damage our genetic material, our DNA. These carcinogens and harmful toxins are everywhere–they are in the food that we eat, the water we drink, and even in the air that we breathe.

We have all read articles or read news reports that describe how harmful chemicals have seeped into our water supply or how heavy metals and toxic fumes are released into the air, or how hormones and anti-biotics and other drugs are injected into our livestock, or even how pesticides and herbicides are routinely sprayed onto our fruits and vegetables.  In fact, one recent study conducted by the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City found an average of 91 potentially cancer-causing chemicals and toxins in routine blood and urine samples of their patients. A small amount of toxins are often now immediately noticeable to the body, but accumulation of harmful toxins in our body over time may ultimately result in damage to our DNA. Other vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys, can seriously impair the function of our immune system.

Body cells with damaged DNA eventually produce cancerous growth. An optimally functioning immune system acts as the first line of defense for our body to rid itself of cells with damaged DNA before they can develop into a cancerous growth. A priority, therefore, in preventing cancer is the elimination of these cancer-causing toxins from our body, and the maintenance of an optimally functioning immune system.

Recently, I was introduced to a product that focuses on cancer prevention. This product is based on a natural mineral that has such unique properties that it safely and harmlessly can remove many of these dangerous cancer-causing toxins from the body. It’s a product that I am using and that my family is using as well. It has become a major part of my family’s daily cancer prevention program, and quite frankly, I believe that everyone should use it.

Over the last 30 plus years, cancer treatments have greatly improved the odds of survival with this deadly disease, but why would anyone want to subject himself or herself to the risk of developing cancer. Clearly, prevention is the key to living a long, healthy and cancer-free life. We all need to start thinking about prevention today.


Audio Track 3, 7:10 Rik Deitsch - CEO of NutraPharma

When I was a child my father was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease, which at that time was an incurable fatal cancer. He enrolled in a clinical trial for an experimental treatment at Temple University in Philadelphia. I was just six at the time, but I remember it vividly. My mother used to take me along with my two brothers and two sisters to visit him frequently. My mother was desperate to know if the treatments were working, but the physicians wouldn’t give her the time of day. Then one day she spotted a group of young guys in blue jeans and white lab coats walking the halls of the hospital. They were the biochemists running the clinical trials, and they sat down with her to patiently explain everything. She was relieved and overjoyed, and I knew right then that I wanted to be a biochemist. I wanted to be able to help those closest to me any way that I could.

I began to study the field of biochemistry and learn about how the body responds and interacts with outside nutrients, chemicals and drugs so that I could help others and make a difference in people’s health and well being. I am now a Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Biochemist. After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and a Master’s in Biochemistry I conducted research with some of the country’s most preeminent pharmaceutical researchers in a laboratory run by a Noble prize-winning scientist, Gertrude Ellia at the Duke University Medical School Comprehensive Cancer Center. The research we conducted expanded my knowledge based on the importance of early detection and prevention of cancer.

Presently, I am the CEO of a publicly-traded biotechnology company called NutraPharma Corporation ( ). NutraPharma is constantly seeking new technologies we can help to bring to the marketplace. For the most part, we look for drugs that have the strong patent protection and address disease states or conditions that are currently without treatment options. We presently have drugs undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, HIV, and Adrenal Milo Neuropathy.

Not long ago we were investigating a drug that was being studied by a small pharmaceutical company for the treatment of cancer. It seemed to be a very nice fit for our current product portfolio. The company that had this drug was looking for a partner to help them fund drug trials and negotiate the FDA drug approval process. As we examined the drug, we realize that it was a 100% natural mineral that had been used in its raw form for thousands of years in Asia.

Unique Activation and Delivery System Developed

This researcher had developed a unique activation process and delivery system.  In essence, they “built a better mouse trap.” In fact, the researcher had been working on this product for over 40 years. Back in its early days one of his friends had died from breast cancer, and this young researcher promised his friend he would find something so others would not have to suffer. For years he searched and came upon a natural mineral that had formed over thousands of years from the remains of volcanic ash.

For years he worked with this mineral to develop a process to enhance its potency so it could be used as a cancer drug. This mineral is generally classified as zeolite – a group of minerals known for their unique molecular structure. With his clinical work complete, the company had applied for and received a patent from the US government for the method and composition of this product. The patent is entitled “Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug.” The clinical work that supported the patent had shown some incredible results for treating cancer. This natural compound had a 100% cancer kill when in direct contact with cancer cells.

With my background in nutritional products, and understanding the costs and time involved in getting a new drug through the FDA approval process, I realized the fastest way to bring this miracle to market was to immediately launch it as a nutritional supplement. It could take seven to ten years and cost as much as $800 million dollars to get a drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. I also realized the most efficient way to get this into the hands of multitudes of people without incurring the millions of dollars in advertising costs is through the direct selling or word-of-mouth channel. This would allow the millions of people not currently diagnosed with cancer to have access to the product, whereas an approved cancer therapy would have a much narrower market.

About this Amazing Zeolite

Let me tell you a little bit about this particular zeolite. First of all, it is 100% natural, safe, and non-toxic. It has a very unique molecular structure that absorbs and traps harmful toxins and viral particles that you come in contact with every day. Picture a cage that has holes and cores and tunnels throughout it. This cage has a negative charge that attracts and hold positively-charged molecules, compounds, and particles and removes them from your body. These toxins are in the food you eat, the air you breathe, the water you drink. They are in automobile exhausts you breathe every day, household cleaners you use at home, skin care products you apply to your face and body, second-hand smoke – I really could go on and on.

Let me share with you the benefits of this amazing mineral. First and foremost, it detoxifies your body of all the harmful toxins that I just mentioned–literally hundreds of toxins that the EPA, the FDA, and the CDC have declared to be carcinogenic or cancer-causing. A recent study by Mount Sinai Hospital found an average of 91 toxins and cancer-causing carcinogens in their participants. By eliminating these toxins from your body it will strengthen your overall immune system, meaning fewer colds or getting over them quicker and potentially having less effect from allergies.

Because it eliminates toxins and chemicals from the body, this in turn can reduce your risk of cancer because so many cancers are due (in large part) to these substances that get into our bodies and damage our cells. This product is also a broad spectrum antiviral agent. It absorbs viral particles that travel through your body, not allowing for viral assembly. This is a process that allows a virus to form. When the virus cannot form, it cannot further reproduce and it is eliminated from your body. It also balances your body’s pH levels–this is especially important for people on a low carb, high protein diet. Popular low carb diets can force the body into ketosis or ketone acidosis where the blood is a low or acid pH. This is the perfect environment for bacterial growth and can lead to fatal blood poisoning. Natural Cellular Defense helps to balance and buffer the pH of the bloodstream.

This product also helps to improve digestion and is a potent antioxidant. According to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas (the number one ranked cancer center in the United States) up to two-thirds of all cancer cases may be preventable. Some researchers say that up to 95% of all cancers are caused by environmental pollution. This may account for the US having the highest per capita cancer rate in the world among its men and women.

Shouldn’t you be doing everything you can to protect yourself and the ones you love? I want you to briefly hear from a number of preeminent physicians who feel so passionate about this issue that they wanted to join me and say something to you regarding cancer prevention and Natural Cellular Defense.


Audio Track 4, 1:17. My name is Dr. Stephen Trobianie. I am a Yale-trained, Board-certified Neurologist with 29 years of clinical experience. Nothing that I have dealt with has a greater emotional impact than cancer. The very nature of the treatment is disturbing. Essentially, we in the medical profession, attempt to poison the cancer before the poison we are administering kills our patient. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, we are unsuccessful. Despite our efforts the cancer advances over the course of months, leading to prolonged and often painful death, with our treatment only adding to the misery. So the old adage, “An Ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure” takes on a new meaning with cancer. Where cures are seldom, an ounce of prevention is worth years of an otherwise shortened life versus a ton of ineffective and miserable treatment. Since most cancers are caused by toxins, either in ingested or inhaled.  Prevention means ridding our bodies of these toxins. I will be using this, and I will be recommending this to every member of my family and every patient I see.


Audio Track 5, 1:22. Hello. My name is Dr. Steve Ellio. I am a medical doctor, a Board-certified Internist and Geriatrician in the Metro Philadelphia area. I deal with cancer and cancer risk on a daily basis. It is a physically and emotionally devastating disease from everyone can and should seek protection.

In my practice the almost universal response from my patients is, “What can I do to protect myself?” Despite the surgery, chemo, and radiation treatments that are available, patients also want to take back control of their lives and their health. They want to protect themselves and their families today for the concerns of tomorrow. Natural Cellular Defense gives them this opportunity.

It is a 100% natural, safe and non-toxic oral detoxification and treatment agent with no side effects and no drug interaction. It offers patients a direct-to-consumer, non-prescription agent that can protect, detoxify, and treat viral illness and exposure to environmental pollutions like heavy metals, pesticides, and household chemicals–common cancer-causing toxins that we get exposed to every day. At less than $40 a month, this product should be part of everyone’s immune system enhancement and cancer protection program. I take it, my family takes it, and I am recommending it to all my patients.


Audio Track 6, 3:56. My name is Dr. Alex Lee. I am Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and have been practicing medicine for over 15 years. I am also as Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine. In my years of practice, no diagnosis is as feared or as devastating to a patient and their families as cancer. As a Gastrointerologist I see patients with gastrointestinal cancers all too often. I have personally experienced first-hand the pain and anguish of watching a family member succumb to cancer and the overwhelming feeling of helplessness in not being able to intervene.

We know that the accumulative effects of pollutants, toxins, heavy metals, and carcinogens can have a devastating effect on our bodies. No matter what we try to do to minimize exposure, we are all at risk due to their presence in our environment–the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. Certainly, diet and lifestyle modification may help reduce some of the overall risk, eating a healthy, low-fat diet, rich in fiber and antioxidants, for example. However, it is abundantly clear that the diet and lifestyle changes are not enough. Environmental factors, like chemicals in household cleaners, toxic ingredients in our daily skin care products, and heavy metals in the air we breathe increase our risk of cancer and are generally beyond our control.

What if there is a product whose physical properties were to trap and eliminate from your body harmful toxins, heavy metals, and carcinogens, such as nitrocimines and nitrites. Who would benefit from such a product? The simple answer is EVERYONE! Waiora’s Natural Cellular Defense is a unique, all-natural product that 100% safe, non-toxic, easy to use, and affordable. As a practicing physician, I know that prevention and decreasing your risk of cancer is a far better alternative to surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment.

Prevention is clearly the best form of health insurance you and your family can get. If you have any interest at all in getting started on this remarkable all-natural product, I would urge you to contact the person that shared this information with you. Do it today, and share this information with the people you care about. You’ll be glad you did.

End of transcript

To find out more about Natural Cellular Defense, a new breakthrough in nutrition technology which excels in it's ability to remove heavy metals and toxins from our bodies, go to: or contact Phillip W. Warren at: phillip_warren@ . For more information on Natural Cellular Defense go to access the information there. Phone and voice mail: (604) 946-4919


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