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Psychology 6/e

Test Bank II


Psychological Disorders

Learning Objectives

Perspectives on Psychological Disorders (pp. 532-538)

1. Identify the criteria for judging whether behavior is psychologically disordered.

2. Describe the medical model of psychological disorders, and discuss the bio-psycho-social perspective offered by critics of this model.

3. Describe the aims of DSM-IV, and discuss the potential dangers associated with the use of diagnostic labels.

Anxiety Disorders (pp. 539-544)

4. Describe the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorders, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

5. Explain the development of anxiety disorders from both a learning and a biological perspective.

Mood Disorders (pp. 545-553)

6. Describe major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.

7. Explain the development of mood disorders, paying special attention to the biological and social-cognitive perspectives.

Thinking Critically About Dissociation and Multiple Personalities (pp. 554-555)

8. Describe the characteristics and possible causes of dissociative identity disorder.

Schizophrenia (pp. 556-562)

9. Describe the various symptoms and types of schizophrenia, and discuss research on its causes.

Personality Disorders (pp. 562-564)

10. Describe the nature of personality disorders, focusing on the characteristics of the antisocial personality disorder.

Rates of Psychological Disorders (pp. 564-565)

11. Describe the prevalence of various disorders and the timing of their onset.

Defining psychological disorders, p. 532

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 1, Ans: d

1. Psychologists are most likely to define maladaptive behavior as disordered if it is:

a. unloving and prejudicial.

b. biologically based and habitual.

c. unconsciously motivated.

d. unusual and socially unacceptable.

Defining psychological disorders, p. 533

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 1, Ans: b

2. Tobacco dependence has been classified as a behavioral disorder largely because it is:

a. statistically infrequent.

b. personally maladaptive.

c. socially unacceptable.

d. ethically unjustifiable.

e. biologically motivated.

Understanding psychological disorders, p. 533

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 2, Ans: c

3. The conception of psychological disorders as biologically based sicknesses is known as the ________ model.

a. psychoanalytic

b. humanistic

c. medical

d. bio-psycho-social

e. trait

Understanding psychological disorders, p. 533

Easy, Conceptual, Objective 2, Ans: c

4. Mira claims that alcoholism is a disease that, like pneumonia or meningitis, can be cured or prevented with proper treatment. Her belief is most clearly consistent with:

a. the humanistic perspective.

b. psychoanalytic theory.

c. the medical model.

d. the social-cognitive perspective.

Understanding psychological disorders, p. 533

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 2, Ans: c

5. If research indicated that phobias result from a chemical imbalance in the central nervous system, this would most clearly give added credibility to:

a. trait theory.

b. psychoanalytic theory.

c. the medical model.

d. the humanistic perspective.

e. the DSM-IV.

Understanding psychological disorders, p. 534

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 2, Ans: b

6. The medical model of psychologically disordered behavior is most likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of:

a. anxiety and depression.

b. social circumstances.

c. personality disorders.

d. the DSM-IV.

e. genetic abnormalities.

Understanding psychological disorders, p. 534

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 2, Ans: d

7. Most mental health workers assume that disordered behavior is influenced by:

a. social circumstances.

b. inner psychological dynamics.

c. genetic predispositions and physiological states.

d. all the above.

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: e

8. A psychotherapist is most likely to use the DSM-IV in order to ________ various psychological disorders.

a. cure

b. prevent

c. excuse

d. explain

e. identify

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 3, Ans: d

9. The DSM-IV would be most useful for deciding whether:

a. Paula is chronically unfriendly.

b. Robert is excessively introverted.

c. Christie is insane.

d. Ronald is obsessive-compulsive.

e. Stacey is overly altruistic.

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: b

10. Neurotic disorders are most often contrasted with the more debilitating:

a. phobias.

b. psychotic disorders.

c. personality disorders.

d. panic disorder.

e. post-traumatic stress disorder.

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 3, Ans: b

11. Which of the following disorders would Freud have been most likely to describe as a manifestation of neurosis?

a. antisocial personality disorder

b. obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. bipolar disorder

d. schizophrenia

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: c

12. Psychological disorders in which people lose contact with reality and experience irrational ideas and distorted perceptions are known as ________ disorders.

a. panic

b. generalized anxiety

c. psychotic

d. obsessive-compulsive

e. dissociative

Classifying psychological disorders, p. 535

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: c

13. In order to facilitate diagnostic reliability, the DSM-IV typically bases diagnoses on:

a. chemical analyses of blood and urine samples.

b. physiological measures of blood pressure, perspiration, and muscle tension.

c. observable patterns of behavior.

d. all the above.

Labeling psychological disorders, p. 536

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: e

14. In a study by David Rosenhan (1973), researchers were admitted as patients into various mental hospitals after they falsely claimed to be “hearing voices.” This study best illustrated the negative effects of:

a. the medical model.

b. schizophrenia.

c. hallucinations.

d. linkage analysis.

e. diagnostic labels.

Labeling psychological disorders, p. 536

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 3, Ans: d

15. After Anika learned that her history professor had suffered an anxiety disorder, she concluded that the professor’s tendency to talk loudly was simply a way of disguising feelings of personal insecurity. This best illustrates the:

a. value of the psychoanalytic perspective.

b. shortcomings of the medical model.

c. unreliability of DSM-IV.

d. biasing power of diagnostic labels.

e. impact of student expectations on professors’ behavior.

Labeling psychological disorders, p. 536

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: a

16. If people form their impressions of psychological disorder from television, they are most likely to overestimate the percentage of people suffering psychological disorders who are:

a. violent.

b. depressed.

c. shy.

d. anxious.

Insanity and responsibility (Box), p. 538

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 3, Ans: d

17. Insanity is most clearly characterized by:

a. a selective loss of memory.

b. hallucinations and delusions.

c. a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state of emotion.

d. an inability to appreciate the wrongfulness of one’s own destructive actions.

e. a persistent, irrational fear of people that causes one to commit crimes against society.

Insanity and responsibility (Box), p. 538

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 3, Ans: e

18. When Mr. Greenbaum set his house on fire, he was unable to control himself or appreciate that he was doing something wrong. Mr. Greenbaum’s case most clearly provides an example of:

a. an antisocial personality disorder.

b. an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

c. a dissociative disorder.

d. schizophrenia.

e. insanity.

Generalized anxiety disorder, p. 539

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: a

19. In which of the following disorders is a person continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic arousal?

a. generalized anxiety disorder

b. antisocial personality disorder

c. dysthymic disorder

d. dissociative identity disorder

e. bipolar disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder, p. 539

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: d

20. Indira, a third-grade teacher, frequently suffers from dizziness, headaches, muscle tremors, fatigue, and irritability in the classroom. She is also continually agitated and unable to relax outside the classroom, but she cannot pinpoint a reason for her problems. Her behavior is most indicative of a(n):

a. dysthymic disorder.

b. phobia.

c. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

d. generalized anxiety disorder.

e. dissociative disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder, p. 539

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: b

21. Episodes of intense dread that last for several minutes and are accompanied by shortness of breath, trembling, dizziness, choking, or heart palpitations are most characteristic of a(n):

a. manic episode.

b. panic disorder.

c. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

d. dysthymic disorder.

e. dissociative disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder, p. 539

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: b

22. Panic attacks are most closely associated with:

a. schizophrenia.

b. anxiety disorders.

c. dissociative disorders.

d. mood disorders.

e. personality disorders.

Generalized anxiety disorder, p. 540

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: d

23. A person who has agoraphobia is most likely to:

a. avoid dust and dirt.

b. stay away from fire.

c. avoid household pets.

d. stay close to home.

Phobias, p. 540

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: a

24. Phobias are most likely to be characterized by:

a. a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

b. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy the person.

c. the misinterpretation of normal physical sensations as signs of a disease.

d. a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal.

e. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism.

Phobias, p. 540

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: d

25. Mark is extremely shy and is so easily embarrassed in front of other people that he often misses his college classes just to avoid social interactions. Mark appears to suffer from a(n):

a. dissociative disorder.

b. dysthymic disorder.

c. antisocial personality disorder.

d. phobia.

e. generalized anxiety disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp. 540-541

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: b

26. An anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts and actions is called a(n) ________ disorder.

a. bipolar

b. obsessive-compulsive

c. dissociative

d. panic

e. post-traumatic stress

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp. 540-541

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: b

27. Ravi brushes his teeth 18 times a day. Each time, he uses exactly 83 strokes up and 83 strokes down. After he eats, he must brush twice with two different brands of toothpaste. Ravi suffers from a(n):

a. dysthymic disorder.

b. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

c. phobia.

d. generalized anxiety disorder.

e. bipolar disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp. 540-541

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: c

28. While driving to work, Pedro hears a radio advertisement for a new restaurant. Throughout the day, the tune associated with the advertisement keeps running through his head. Pedro’s inability to forget the tune best illustrates the nature of a(n):

a. delusion.

b. hallucination.

c. obsession.

d. compulsion.

e. phobia.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp. 540-541

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 4, Ans: b

29. Compulsions are best described as:

a. persistent fears.

b. repetitive behaviors.

c. illusory sensations.

d. suicidal thoughts.

e. false beliefs.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, pp. 540-541

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: b

30. Repeatedly checking to see if your stove is turned off is to ________ as repeatedly thinking you might kill your own children is to ________.

a. depression; mania

b. compulsion; obsession

c. hallucination; delusion

d. neurotic; psychotic

Explaining anxiety disorders, pp. 541-542

Easy, Conceptual, Objective 5, Ans: c

31. A rape victim may experience a panic attack when she sees anyone wearing a ski mask like the one worn by her attacker. This reaction is best explained from a ________ perspective.

a. trait

b. psychoanalytic

c. learning

d. biological

e. humanistic

Explaining anxiety disorders, pp. 541-542

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 5, Ans: d

32. Predictable aversive stimulation is to ________ as unpredictable aversive stimulation is to ________.

a. obsessive-compulsive disorder; a dissociative disorder

b. a mood disorder; schizophrenia

c. a depressive disorder; bipolar disorder

d. a phobia; generalized anxiety disorder

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 542

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 5, Ans: a

33. A therapist suggests that Mr. Ozawa’s fear of darkness can probably be traced back to his early childhood when he was occasionally beaten and locked up in a small, dark closet by an older brother. The therapist’s suggestion most clearly reflects a ________ perspective.

a. learning

b. psychoanalytic

c. humanistic

d. biological

e. trait

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 542

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 5, Ans: b

34. Learning theorists have suggested that obsessive-compulsive disorders are:

a. habitual defenses against unconscious impulses.

b. reinforced by anxiety reduction.

c. classically conditioned habits.

d. conditioned reactions to childhood sexual abuse.

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 542

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 5, Ans: d

35. A therapist suggests that Mr. Broshi continues to bite his fingernails because this behavior often reduced his feelings of anxiety in the past. The therapist’s suggestion most clearly reflects a ________ perspective.

a. biological

b. humanistic

c. psychoanalytic

d. learning

e. trait

Post-traumatic stress disorder (Close-up), p. 543

Easy, Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: b

36. Two years after being brutally beaten and raped, Susan still experiences anxiety and has trouble sleeping and vivid flashbacks of her assault. Susan is most clearly showing signs of:

a. a dissociative disorder.

b. post-traumatic stress disorder.

c. dysthymic disorder.

d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

e. bipolar disorder.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (Close-up), p. 543

Medium Conceptual, Objective 4, Ans: e

37. A post-traumatic stress disorder could best be described as a(n) ________ disorder.

a. psychotic

b. dissociative

c. dysthymic

d. personality

e. anxiety

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 542

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 5, Ans: c

38. Although World War II air raids were extremely traumatic for those who experienced them, few of these people developed lasting phobic reactions to overhead planes. This fact is best explained from a(n) ________ perspective.

a. learning

b. psychoanalytic

c. biological

d. humanistic

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 542

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 5, Ans: a

39. Research on anxiety disorders indicates that:

a. some people are genetically predisposed to develop anxiety disorders.

b. obsessive-compulsive disorders are more common than phobias.

c. people, but not animals, may acquire fear through observational learning.

d. phobic reactions to cats are much more common than to dogs.

Explaining anxiety disorders, p. 544

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 5, Ans: b

40. An overarousal of brain areas involved in impulse control and habitual behaviors is most characteristic of:

a. dissociative identity disorder.

b. generalized anxiety disorder.

c. schizophrenia.

d. major depressive disorder.

e. antisocial personality disorder.

Major depressive disorder, p. 545

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: c

41. Because it is so pervasive, ________ is often considered “the common cold” of psychological disorders.

a. agoraphobia

b. schizophrenia

c. depression

d. dissociation

e. low self-esteem

Major depressive disorder, p. 545

Easy, Conceptual, Objective 6, Ans: a

42. Norby, an 18-year-old college freshman, has missed almost all his classes during the past month. He spends most of his time in his bedroom, frequently not even bothering to get dressed or eat meals. He thinks his whole life has been a failure and blames himself for being a social misfit. Norby is most likely suffering from:

a. major depression disorder.

b. an antisocial personality disorder.

c. a dissociative disorder.

d. agoraphobia.

e. panic disorder.

Major depressive disorder, p. 545

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: b

43. Low self-esteem is most likely to be characterized by:

a. specific phobias.

b. dysthymic disorder.

c. manic episodes.

d. antisocial personality disorder.

Bipolar disorder, p. 546

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: d

44. Bipolar disorder is most likely to be characterized by:

a. a massive dissociation of self from ordinary consciousness.

b. the simultaneous experience of delusions of persecution and delusions of grandeur.

c. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently intrude into conscious awareness.

d. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism.

e. a chronic lack of guilt feelings.

Bipolar disorder, p. 546

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: b

45. Which of the following disorders is classified as a mood disorder?

a. catatonia

b. bipolar disorder

c. generalized anxiety disorder

d. antisocial personality disorder

e. phobia

Bipolar disorder, p. 546

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: c

46. Manic episodes are most likely to be associated with a(n):

a. panic attack.

b. phobia.

c. bipolar disorder.

d. generalized anxiety disorder.

e. antisocial personality disorder.

Bipolar disorder, p. 546

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 6, Ans: d

47. Mania is most likely to be characterized by feelings of:

a. guilt.

b. fear.

c. ambivalence.

d. optimism.

e. indifference.

Bipolar disorder, p. 546

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 6, Ans: c

48. After several weeks of feeling very apathetic and dissatisfied with his life, Mark has suddenly become extremely cheerful and so talkative he can’t be interrupted. He seems to need less sleep and becomes irritated when his friends tell him to slow down. Mark’s behavior is indicative of:

a. an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

b. schizophrenia.

c. bipolar disorder.

d. dissociative disorder.

e. dysthymic disorder.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 546

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

49. Compared to men, women are much more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from:

a. an antisocial personality disorder.

b. a bipolar disorder.

c. alcoholism.

d. depression.

e. any of the above.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 547

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: a

50. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, depression results from:

a. the internalization of anger.

b. learned helplessness.

c. self-defeating attributions.

d. an unconscious fear of death.

e. a weak conscience.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 547

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 7, Ans: d

51. Although it has been 2 years since his girlfriend left him, Joaquin still suffers from depression. His therapist believes that Joaquin remains depressed because the girlfriend reminded him of his mother, who died when he was a child. The therapist’s interpretation most clearly reflects the ________ perspective.

a. humanistic

b. social-cognitive

c. trait

d. psychoanalytic

e. biological

Explaining mood disorders, pp. 547-548

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: c

52. The incidence of major depressive disorder is ________ among those with an identical twin who suffers from depression than among those with a fraternal twin who suffers from depression. The incidence of bipolar disorder is ________ among those with an identical twin who experiences a bipolar disorder than among those with a fraternal twin who experiences a bipolar disorder.

a. higher; lower

b. lower; higher

c. higher; higher

d. lower; lower

Suicide (Close-up), p. 548

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: a

53. In the United States, ________ are much more likely to attempt suicide than ________.

a. women; men

b. the poor; the rich

c. adolescents; adults

d. blacks; whites

Suicide (Close-up), p. 548

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: c

54. Suicide rates are ________ among the rich than the poor, and they are ________ among younger men than older men.

a. higher; higher

b. lower; lower

c. higher; lower

d. lower; higher

Suicide (Close-up), p. 548

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: b

55. Suicidal thoughts are most likely to be associated with:

a. generalized anxiety disorder.

b. a mood disorder.

c. schizophrenia.

d. dissociative identity disorder

e. antisocial personality disorder

Explaining mood disorders, p. 549

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

56. Depression is associated with ________ norepinephrine levels and ________ serotonin levels.

a. high; low

b. low; high

c. high; high

d. low; low

Explaining mood disorders, p. 550

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: b

57. Severely depressed individuals are especially likely to show reduced brain activity in the:

a. right frontal lobe.

b. left frontal lobe.

c. right occipital lobe.

d. left occipital lobe.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 550

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: b

58. Learned helplessness is most closely associated with:

a. dissociative disorders.

b. depression.

c. schizophrenia.

d. phobias.

e. compulsions.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 550

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

59. Self-blaming attributions are most likely to be associated with:

a. schizophrenia.

b. obsessive-compulsive disorders.

c. phobias.

d. mood disorders.

Explaining mood disorders, pp. 550-551

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: c

60. Failures are most likely to lead to depression if they are explained in terms that are:

a. internal, unstable, and specific.

b. external, unstable, and global.

c. internal, stable, and global.

d. external, stable, and specific.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 550

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 7, Ans: b

61. A therapist believes that Chet is chronically depressed because he takes too little credit for his many achievements and assumes too much responsibility for his few failures. The therapist’s interpretation reflects a ________ perspective.

a. psychoanalytic

b. social-cognitive

c. trait

d. humanistic

e. biological

Explaining mood disorders, p. 550

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: a

62. The rise of Western individualism appears most clearly responsible for an increase in:

a. depression.

b. schizophrenia.

c. personality disorders.

d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

e. phobias.

Explaining mood disorders, p. 551

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

63. It has been suggested that women are more vulnerable to depression than men because women are more likely to respond to negative life events with self-focused rumination. This suggestion best illustrates a ________ perspective.

a. trait

b. biological

c. psychoanalytic

d. social-cognitive

Explaining mood disorders, pp. 551-552

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

64. The vicious cycle of depression is often initiated by:

a. a breakdown in selective attention.

b. unrealistic optimism about the future.

c. excessive levels of norepinephrine.

d. stressful life experiences.

e. external attributions of blame.

Explaining mood disorders, pp. 552-553

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: d

65. One way for people to break the vicious cycle of depression is to:

a. accept more personal responsibility for their own bad moods.

b. spend more time in quiet rest, seclusion, and personal meditation.

c. frequently talk to their friends about their negative thoughts and depressive feelings.

d. participate more often in activities they consider pleasant and rewarding.

e. do all the above.

Loneliness (Close-Up), p. 553

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 7, Ans: c

66. Which of the following is thought to contribute most to feelings of loneliness?

a. people’s tendency to generalize their feelings of inadequacy

b. reinforcement for avoidance of social contacts

c. the emphasis on self-fulfillment

d. lack of personal control

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 554

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 8, Ans: a

67. Dissociative disorders are most likely to be characterized by:

a. disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity.

b. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.

c. a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state of emotion.

d. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 554

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 8, Ans: d

68. The major characteristic of dissociative disorders is a disturbance of:

a. sleep.

b. mood.

c. appetite.

d. memory.

e. perception.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 554

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 8, Ans: a

69. Several weeks after being fired from a job he had held for over 20 years, Harold awoke one morning in a state of bewildered confusion. He had little sense of who he was and even failed to recognize his wife. Harold’s experience is most indicative of:

a. dissociative disorder.

b. phobia.

c. generalized anxiety disorder.

d. panic disorder.

e. dysthymic disorder.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 554

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 8, Ans: c

70. Individuals with a dissociative identity disorder are usually:

a. males.

b. victims of schizophrenia.

c. nonviolent.

d. children of permissive and overindulgent parents.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 555

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 8, Ans: b

71. Sharon demonstrates seven different personalities that appear to take turns controlling her behavior. Evidence that all the alternate personalities actually share the same common life memories would most clearly rule out the contribution of ________ to her disorder.

a. childhood sexual trauma

b. dissociation

c. motivational conflict

d. role playing

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 555

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 8, Ans: e

72. The dramatic increase in reported cases of dissociative identity disorder during the past 30 or so years most strongly suggests that symptoms of this disorder involve:

a. low self-esteem.

b. illicit drug usage.

c. promiscuous sexual behavior.

d. internal attribution of blame.

e. role playing.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 555

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 8, Ans: b

73. Evidence that dissociative identity disorder is not simply a product of conscious role playing is most clearly provided by the:

a. periodic intervals during which patients become uncontrollably violent.

b. distinct brain and body states associated with differing personalities.

c. inability of psychiatric experts to hypnotize these patients.

d. dramatic increase in reported cases of this disorder during the past 30 or so years.

e. persistent autonomic nervous system arousal experienced by patients.

Dissociation and multiple personalities (Box), p. 555

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 8, Ans: e

74. Midori’s therapist suggests that she developed a dissociative identity disorder as a way of protecting herself from an awareness of her own hatred for her abusive mother. The therapist’s suggestion most directly reflects a ________ perspective.

a. trait

b. social-cognitive

c. humanistic

d. biological

e. psychoanalytic

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: b

75. Schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by:

a. suicidal thoughts.

b. disorganized and fragmented thinking.

c. a lack of guilt feelings.

d. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism.

e. periodic intervals of uncontrollable violence.

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Easy, Conceptual, Objective 9, Ans: c

76. Mr. Kalish, a long-term government employee, falsely believed that his supervisor was a communist agent who was putting poison in the employees’ coffee. When Mr. Kalish was referred to a psychiatrist, he claimed to be the grandson of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Kalish is most likely suffering from:

a. dissociative identity disorder.

b. a phobia.

c. schizophrenia.

d. panic disorder.

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

77. False beliefs of persecution that may accompany psychotic disorders are called:

a. obsessions.

b. compulsions.

c. delusions.

d. phobias.

e. hallucinations.

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: b

78. Hallucinations and delusions are most likely to be experienced by those who suffer from:

a. dissociative identity disorder.

b. schizophrenia.

c. major depressive disorder.

d. agoraphobia.

e. borderline personality disorder.

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 9, Ans: e

79. Seeing one-eyed monsters would be a(n) ________. Believing that you are Abraham Lincoln would be a ________.

a. delusion; compulsion

b. obsession; delusion

c. hallucination; compulsion

d. obsession; compulsion

e. hallucination; delusion

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 556

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

80. The hallucinations experienced by those who suffer from schizophrenia are most likely to involve ________ things that are not there.

a. seeing

b. feeling

c. hearing

d. tasting

e. smelling

Symptoms of schizophrenia, p. 557

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: d

81. Which of the following disorders is most resistant to cure?

a. generalized anxiety disorder

b. dysthymic disorder

c. phobia

d. schizophrenia

e. dissociative identity disorder

Types of schizophrenia, p. 557

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

82. One of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes:

a. an expressionless face.

b. a lack of guilt feelings.

c. delusions of persecution.

d. flat affect.

Types of schizophrenia (Table 15.2), p. 557

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: a

83. A tendency to remain motionless for long periods of time is most common among those with ________ schizophrenia.

a. catatonic

b. disorganized

c. undifferentiated

d. paranoid

Types of schizophrenia, p. 557

Difficult, Conceptual, Objective 9, Ans: b

84. “Gradually developing” is to “suddenly developing” as ________ schizophrenia is to ________ schizophrenia.

a. reactive; process

b. chronic; acute

c. process; chronic

d. acute; reactive

Types of schizophrenia, p. 557

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: a

85. The chances for recovery from schizophrenia are considered to be greatest when the disorder develops:

a. rapidly in response to a stressful life situation.

b. slowly over a period of years.

c. in reaction to abnormalities in brain chemistry.

d. during adolescence or early adulthood.

Types of schizophrenia, p. 557

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: d

86. People are more likely to recover from ________ schizophrenia than from ________ schizophrenia.

a. acute; reactive

b. process; chronic

c. chronic; acute

d. reactive; process

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 558

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

87. Cocaine may ________ symptoms of schizophrenia by ________ dopamine levels.

a. increase; decreasing

b. decrease; increasing

c. increase; increasing

d. decrease; decreasing

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 558

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: e

88. A shrinkage of cerebral tissue is most likely to be associated with:

a. dissociative disorders.

b. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

c. post-traumatic stress disorder.

d. dysthymic disorder.

e. schizophrenia.

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 559

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: a

89. Schizophrenia victims’ difficulty with focusing attention is most likely to be related to a shrinkage of the:

a. thalamus.

b. cerebellum.

c. hypothalamus.

d. pituitary gland

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 559

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: e

90. Evidence suggests that ________ contribute(s) to schizophrenia.

a. the internalization of anger

b. depressed serotonin levels

c. a pessimistic explanatory style

d. conscious role playing

e. prenatal viral infections

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 559

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: d

91. North Americans born during the winter and spring months are at a slightly increased risk for:

a. depression.

b. bipolar disorder.

c. generalized anxiety disorder.

d. schizophrenia.

e. antisocial personality disorder.

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 559

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

92. People born in ________ during the month of ________ are at an increased risk for schizophrenia.

a. the United States; September

b. Argentina; February

c. Australia; September

d. South Africa; February

Understanding schizophrenia, pp. 559-560

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: c

93. If one identical twin is diagnosed as having schizophrenia, the probability that the other twin will at some point be similarly diagnosed is approximately ________ percent.

a. 10

b. 25

c. 50

d. 75

e. 90

Understanding schizophrenia, p. 561

Difficult, Factual/Definitional, Objective 9, Ans: d

94. A short attention span is an early warning sign of:

a. dysthymic disorder.

b. a phobia.

c. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

d. schizophrenia.

e. antisocial personality disorder.

Personality disorders, p. 562

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: d

95. Psychological disorders characterized by inflexible, enduring, and socially maladaptive behavior patterns are called ________ disorders.

a. psychotic

b. dissociative

c. schizophrenia

d. personality

Personality disorders, p. 562

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: a

96. A schizoid personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by:

a. a detachment from social relationships.

b. shallow, attention-getting emotional displays.

c. a sense of self-importance.

d. an insatiable desire for attention.

e. a fear of social rejection.

Personality disorders, p. 562

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: d

97. Those with a histrionic personality disorder are most likely to display:

a. a lack of guilt feelings.

b. delusions of persecution.

c. apathy and lack of energy.

d. shallow, attention-getting emotions.

Personality disorders, p. 562

Medium, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: d

98. A borderline personality disorder is most clearly characterized by a(n):

a. insatiable desire for attention.

b. irrational fear of people.

c. lack of guilt feelings.

d. unstable sense of self.

Personality disorders, p. 562

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: b

99. A lack of conscience is most characteristic of those who have a(n) ________ disorder.

a. dissociative

b. antisocial personality

c. dysthymic

d. panic

e. obsessive-compulsive

Personality disorders, p. 562

Medium, Conceptual, Objective 10, Ans: a

100. Within the last year, Mr. Shangkun has been fired by three different employers because they each discovered that he was stealing money or materials from their companies. Although he feels no remorse for his misdeeds, his outward signs of repentance have dissuaded his former employers from taking him to court. Mr. Shangkun’s behavior is most indicative of:

a. a personality disorder.

b. a phobia.

c. schizophrenia.

d. a dissociative disorder.

e. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Personality disorders, p. 563

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 10, Ans: c

101. The surging rates of violent crime in Western nations during the past 40 years are best explained from a(n) ________ perspective.

a. medical

b. psychoanalytic

c. bio-psycho-social

d. evolutionary

e. trait

Rates of psychological disorders (Table 15.3), p. 565

Easy, Factual/Definitional, Objective 11, Ans: b

102. Compared to women, men are ________ vulnerable to depression and ________ vulnerable to alcohol abuse.

a. more; more

b. less; more

c. more; less

d. less; less







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