Symbolism in “What Do Fish Have To Do with Anything

Symbolism in “What Do Fish Have To Do with Anything?”

short story by Avi

symbol - noun

1. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible; the concrete to represent the abstract.

2. A person, place, object, or activity that stands for something beyond itself.

For example, a flag is a colored piece of cloth that stands for a country.

3. A symbol is something that is itself and also stands for something else.

For example, a dove is a bird that represents peace.

4. In literature, symbols can be universal. For example, a voyage suggests life.

5. Symbols can also be created from the way an author uses something in a given work.

For example, the cave fish in the short story “What Do Fish Have to Do With Anything?”


Choose one of the three symbols in the story.

Decide what the symbol represents.

Find a minimum of two pieces of text evidence to support your ideas.

Create a graphic representation of the symbol.

Put the graphic, the name of the symbol and the text evidence on a piece of paper.

Be creative!


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