
The Seasons

Identify the signs of autumn, learning about swallows and some of Ireland’s most common deciduous trees. Identify the signs of winter, looking at what we wear in colder weather and exploring the ways animals (e.g. geese) survive in winter. Identify the signs of spring, explore animal mothers and their babies, and learn about St Brigid. Finally, identify the signs of summer and learn about some of the most commonly found birds in Ireland.

|Notes |

|If possible, use the school grounds and surrounding area for outdoor exploration. |

|The Useful Links section provides some vivid photographs of a single location during each season. |

|Printable KWL and Design and Make templates are available on FolensOnline. |

|Materials |Books |

|Materials to make a recycled bird feeder (depend on |Creaturepedia by Adrienne Barman |

|the method chosen – see video in Useful Links) |Thinking About the Seasons series: Autumn; Winter; Spring; Summer by Clare Collinson |

|Drinking straws and rubber bands for a St Brigid’s |Naturama by Michael Fewer |

|cross |Wild Things at School by Éanna Ní Lamnha |

|Useful Links |

|photos-show-exact-location-changes-different-times-year |

| |

|children |

|YouTube: Make Your Own Recycled Bird Feeders by SciShow Kids |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Autumn |Winter |Spring |Summer |

|fallen leaves |bare tree |daffodil |bee |

|pine cone |icicles |frogspawn |ants |

|blackberries |woolly hat |nest |green leaves |

|horse chestnut |frost |lamb |hay bale |

|swallows |migrate |butterfly |shear |

|oak |feathers |duckling |blackbird |

|acorn |hibernate |eggs |magpie |

|sycamore |geese |St Brigid |wren |

|helicopter seed | |St Brigid’s cross |blue tit |

|beech (nut) | | | |

|Integration |Home/Parental Involvement |

|Language: Oral language – Discuss the signs of each season. As Gaeilge,|Help your child to learn about the different seasons and plants and |

|cover the theme of An aimsir. |animal life by engaging in outdoor exploration with them during each |

|Visual Arts: Create drawings and/or paintings based on each season. |season. |

|Theme Overview |

|D indicates an Explorers Digital Resource on FolensOnline. |

|P indicates an Explorers Print Resource in the Explorers Student Book. |


|AUTUM|Focus: Exploring the signs of autumn |Focus: Autumn trees |Focus: Clothes for autumn |

|N | | | |

| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |P Which trees lose their leaves? |D Autumn: Bingo |

| |and want to know about autumn. |p. 11 |Play Autumn Bingo. |

| |P What happens in autumn? p. 10 |Look at the deciduous trees. Discuss whether |Create an acrostic poem about autumn. |

| |Tick the pictures that show signs of autumn. |children have seen them before. |Discuss suitable clothes for autumn. Design |

| |Read about swallows and discuss. |Go on a leaf hunt. Look out for leaves from |an outfit to go to a pumpkin festival. |

| |Fill in the blanks to complete sentences |oak, sycamore, horse chestnut and beech |Add to the L section of the KWL. |

| |about autumn. |trees. | |

| | |Draw and label the leaves found. | |

|WINTE|Focus: Exploring the signs of winter |Focus: How animals survive during winter |Focus: Design and make a recycled bird feeder|

|R | | | |

| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |P How do animals survive during winter? p. 27|D Winter: Bingo |

| |and want to know about winter. |Discuss how different animals adapt to |Play Winter Bingo. |

| |P What happens in winter? p. 26 |survive winter. |Create a winter bucket list with fun things |

| |Tick the pictures that show signs of winter. |Read each sentence and draw a picture to |children could do or see. |

| |Draw a picture of what you wear in cold |illustrate it. |Design and make a recycled bird feeder to |

| |weather. Label it. |Read about geese and discuss migration: Can |help birds in winter. Choose your preferred |

| |Fill in the blanks to complete sentences |you remember another bird that migrates? |method from the video in the Useful Links |

| |about winter. | |section. |

| | | |Add to the L section of the KWL. |

|SPRIN|Focus: Exploring the signs of spring |Focus: Who was St Brigid? |Focus: Make a St Brigid’s cross |

|G | | | |

| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |P Who was St Brigid? p. 59 |D Spring: Bingo |

| |and want to know about spring. |Read about the life of St Brigid and St |Play Spring Bingo. |

| |P What happens in spring? p. 58 |Brigid’s Day. |Create an acrostic poem about spring. |

| |Tick the pictures that show signs of spring. |Illustrate the story and answer the |Model making a St Brigid’s cross using |

| |Look at pictures of animal mothers and |questions. |straws. The children could try to make one in|

| |babies. Complete the table. |Retell the story of St Brigid to a partner. |pairs. Instructions for the teacher are |

| |Fill in the blanks to complete sentences |Hot-seat: The teacher plays |available in the Useful Links section. |

| |about spring. |St Brigid and the children ask questions. |Add to the L section of the KWL. |

|SUMME|Focus: Exploring the signs of summer |Focus: What birds live in Ireland? |Focus: End-of-year review |

|R | | | |

| |Record on a KWL chart what the children know |P What birds live in Ireland? p. 73 |D Summer: Bingo |

| |and want to know about summer. |Read about the different birds commonly found|Play Summer Bingo. |

| |P What happens in summer? p. 72 |in Ireland. |Create a summer bucket list with fun things |

| |Tick the pictures that show signs of summer. |Go bird-watching. Look out for the blackbird,|children could do or see. |

| |Follow the instructions to draw a butterfly. |magpie, wren and blue tit. Can you spot any |Add to the L section of the KWL. |

| |Fill in the blanks to complete sentences |fledglings? |Create an end-of-year review poster that |

| |about summer. |Draw and label one of the birds you see. |includes the following: Something I learned; |

| | | |A new friend/someone who helped me; My |

| | | |favourite memory; My favourite season; My |

| | | |favourite book/story, etc. |

|Curriculum Information |

|History |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Story: Stories |Working as a historian |

|Listen to, discuss, retell and record a range of myths and legends from different |Time and chronology |

|cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds in Ireland and other countries |Change and continuity |

|Discuss the actions and feelings of characters |Cause and effect |

|Express or record stories through simple writing, art work, drama, music, mime and |Using evidence |

|movement and using information and communication technologies |Synthesis and communication |

|Myself and my family: Myself |Empathy |

|Explore and record significant personal dates and events | |

|Construct simple personal timeline or storyline | |

|Geography |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Natural environments: The local natural environment |A sense of place and space |

|Identify, explore and discuss aspects of some major natural features in the local |A sense of place |

|environment |A sense of space |

|Observe, collect and investigate a variety of natural materials in the local |Maps, globes and graphical skills |

|environment |Using pictures, maps and globes |

|Record and communicate experiences and observations using simple drawings, plans, |Geographical investigation skills |

|displays, models and sketches. |Questioning |

|Natural environments: Weather |Observing |

|Identify ways in which weather influences the lives of people |Predicting |

|Observe and record the influences weather and seasonal changes have on people, animals |Investigating and experimenting |

|and plants in the locality |Estimating and measuring |

| |Analysing |

| |Recording and communicating |

|Science |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Living things: Plants and animals |Working scientifically |

|Variety and characteristics of living things |Questioning |

|Observe, identify and explore a variety of living things in local habitats and |Observing |

|environments |Predicting |

|Recognise and describe the parts of some living things |Investigating and experimenting |

|Recognise that trees are plants |Estimating and measuring |

|Group and sort living things into sets according to certain characteristics |Analysing |

|Processes of life |Recording and communicating |

|Appreciate that living things have essential needs for growth |Designing and making |

|Understand that seasonal changes occur in living things and examine the changes in |Exploring |

|plant and animal life during the different seasons |Planning |

| |Making |

| |Evaluating |


54 1st and 2nd Class Teacher's Guide

1st and 2nd Class Teacher's Guide 53


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