Population indicators to include vital rates (birth rate ...

Population indicators to include vital rates (birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, infant mortality rate, changes over time, life expectancy, migration rate and population density) for countries at different stages of development.

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L6Peo3 Mortality

Highest Death rates in LDCs esp, Sub Saharan Africa [Identify]

Introduce Shael and Sub sahraan region

SAHEL = Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea

Link to map



Liberia, Niger, Sierra Leone, Zambia + Zimbabwe all over 20/1000

[Think Independent, Drought, Blood diamond, Copper, Mugabe]

Prep – 5 minute presentation / round up on one country each



BUT also some of the lowest are found in LDCs Kuwait [2/1000], Bahrain [3], Mexico [5]. WHY?

Infant Mortality

The chance of dying in the first year of life

Prime indicator of socio economic development – most sensitive. Sierra Leone [163], Liberia [142], Finland [3]. Direct correlation with mortality.

Medical Infrastructure – High level of care equals low mortality – prenatal, post natal, facilities [hospitals, clinics + surgeries], professionals and ignorance of the need for care (BarkRedSkin 152)

No. of people per doctor – are high values good or poor?

Life Expectancy

Higher in MDCs; WHY

LDCs have poverty, poor nutrition [+diet], a lack of clean water + sanitation.

See Fig 5.3 BarkRedSkin Pg152

Only 58% of population has access to sanitation – FACT

Be ‘choropleth careful’ here though; National statistics mask regional and local disparities. Link between poor sanitation + access to water.


One is non-communicable diseases, one infectious and parasitic: Which is which? [Think cancer, diabetes, malaria, AIDS]



AIDS – any similarities?

Most effect in sub-Saharan Africa

Now over 40 million worldwide [Total pop = ?]

In some countries in S Africa over 20% affected – Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana+ Zimbabwe

[pic] What are the surrounding countries?

Out of 7 million AIDS sufferers in S + SE Asia 5 million are in India

Infection rates declining in some countries

Globally mortality rates are falling – people more willing to control mortality than fertility.

Population Density

The distribution of a population is how spread out people are across a country.

Density is the number of people in a particular area usually a square kilometre.

|Sparse Low density evenly |Sparse population clustered in NW |Densely populated Clustered in the |Evenly distributed dense. |

|distributed |corner |NE |Whitehaven |

| |Las Vegas |Newcastle o T |New York |

|Wild West USA | | | |

General feeling is that LDCs have higher population distribution

NOT THE CASE [DVD 4.1 = yr2000] How have these figures changed?

Somalia 14

Ethiopia 70 51

Netherlands 394

UK 251 [WPDS -2007]

But poorer countries concentrated into cities [high level of urbanisation] so it is a matter of distribution.

|Highest Densities 2005 |Lowest Densities 2005 |

|Bangladesh |1005 |Australia |2 |

|Taiwan |636 |Mongolia |2 |

|South Korea |492 |Namibia |2 |

|Nehterlands |395 |Botswana |3 |

|Lebanon |368 |Canada |3 |

Source geog.gcse

To what extent to you agree with the hypothesis

Population density relates to level of development?

How would you test this?

Spearmans rank

Could you update the data for last year? – where from?



Sudan Region [not country]

Which Country?

Sub Sahara


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