École primaire à Saint-Laurent

HI dear students,

Here you have a birthday party invitation. Read the model above then try to write your own invitation. Don’t forget to include all the necessary information :

From (your name)

To (the friend you want to invite)

The message (where you celebrate your birthday, the address, activities that you plan on doing during the party, food that you serve etc)


Writing Task: Birthday Party Invitation

Writing Task: Birthday Party Invitation

To: Marilia@

From: Natasha@

Subject: My Birthday Party

Hi Marilia,

It’s my birthday next Saturday, June 4th. I’m having a party at my house from 2 until 6. Can you come? I hope so. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

We are going to decorate the house with balloons and streamers. At the party we are going to play games and after that we are going to have birthday cake and ice-cream. I’m going to have a DJ too so there will be great music and dancing.

Please let me know if you can come. Hope to see you on Saturday.






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