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DAY TWELVE:Name(s): Jadzia Lawrence ????????????????????????????????Subject: Social StudiesGrade: 3rd Grade ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Lesson Topic: New Year’s TraditionsIntegration of Learning OutcomesStudents will be able to explain that New Year’s Day is celebrated with different traditions by different cultures.Students will be able to explain the different traditions of Chinese New Year and Songkran in Thailand.Students will be able to define what a new year is. StandardsPA Standards:8.4.3.C: Compare and contrast selected world .1.2.3.B: Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to support .1.2.3.L: Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and .1.4.3.C: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, details, and illustrations, as .1.4.3.F: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and spelling9.1.3.H: Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work and performance spaces.5.1.3.F: Identify state symbols, national symbols, and national holidaysNCSS Themes:Culture Theme C: Describe ways in which language, stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture.Culture Theme E: Give examples and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within and across groups.Time, Continuity, and Change Theme A: Demonstrate an understanding that different people may describe the same event or situation in diverse ways, citing reasons for the differences in views.Anticipatory SetTeacher has student volunteers hand out whiteboards to the class.Teacher has students write their New Year’s traditions on the whiteboards.Then, teacher has students share with those at their table, and then has five volunteers share their traditions with the whole class.ProceduresTeacher tells students that they will be continuing with their discussion of holidays. Unlike the past few days, when the focus was on a major religion and a major holiday within the religion, today will focus on how different cultures celebrate the same holiday. The focus will be New Year’s.Students do a think-pair-share about the definition of a “New Year”.Teacher is looking for something along the lines of “the start of a new calendar year.”Ask students to think about why we don’t start each new school year with a new calendar year.Students discuss with a peer, and the teacher walks around to listen on the different comments. Then, the teacher has five student volunteers share their responses, commenting as appropriate.Explain that a new year is a start to a new calendar year. Teacher writes this on the board, and has students copy it into their notebooks.Explain that different countries celebrate the New Year on different days and in different ways. To illustrate this, read Happy New Year, Everywhere! By Arlene Erlbach and illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm. {Teacher will not read the entire story, but will select five countries to read. Make sure to read “China” because Spring Festival is one of the traditions students will study in this lesson. (For this example, Brazil, China, Germany, Mexico, and Nigeria were selected)}Pull up a world map on the Smartboard. Ask for five student volunteers to locate and circle the five countries on the world map.Link to world map: : HYPERLINK "" the introduction and selected countries from Happy New Year, Everywhere! by Arlene Erlbach and illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm. Once finished reading, ask the students if New Year’s is celebrated the same way by different cultures (no).Ask for some specific similar and different traditions that they heard while listening to the story. (Possible answers for the example selected countries:)Brazil: Like the United States, celebrations fall on December 31st and January 1st. Unlike the United States, Brazilians travel to the beach on New Year’s Eve, to honor the sea goddess, Iemanja’.China: Unlike the United States and Brazil, China celebrates their New Year sometime between mid-January and February. It also lasts for fifteen days instead of two. Everyone turns a year older, regardless of when their birthday is. The Chinese honor the Kitchen God, rubbing honey on his lips so that he will report sweet things about the family to the gods in heaven.Germany: Like the United States and Brazil, Germany celebrates their New Year on December 31st and January 1st. Unlike any of the other countries, Germans like to predict what will happen to them in the upcoming year. They do this by purchasing a special kind of lead that melts easily in water. The shapes of the cooled lead will serve as the predictors.Mexico: Like the United States, Brazil, and Germany, Mexico celebrates their New Year on December 31st and January 1st. Unlike any of the other countries, Mexicans build castles and towers out of wood. They string these with firecrackers, and at midnight, set them off. People will also quickly eat twelve raisins or grapes at midnight to bring good luck for each month.Nigeria: Like the United States, Brazil, Germany, and Mexico, Nigeria celebrates their New Year on December 31st and January 1st. ?Unlike any of the other countries, Nigerians will spend New Year’s Eve scaring away evil spirits and washing away bad luck.Remark that four out of the five countries celebrate the New Year on December 31st and January 1st, with the New Year being on January 1st. Ask students what that means in terms of their definition of a new year. (Four out of the five countries begin their new calendar year on January 1st)Explain that today, the students will be exploring two types of New Year’s traditions at learning centers, one for Spring Festival in China, and one for Songkran in Thailand.Have a student volunteer locate Thailand on the map.Give an overview of the stations to the students. Allow fifteen minutes at each station.Hand out worksheets to the students.Spring Festival/Chinese New Year StationStudents watch an informational video on Chinese New Year, Fortune Tales: The Story of Chinese New Year by Panda Express TV, filling out the worksheet as they watch and listen.Link to Spring Festival video: done, students move to a different table, which contains sheets with famous people born in the zodiac years that correspond with the current year and the students’ birth years (this example is for the current year of 2016, and the birth years of 2007 and 2008).Make sure to include the directions sheet here as well.There will also be twelve bookmarks covering each animal of the Chinese zodiac. Students may take a bookmark of any zodiac animal they would like.Link to Chinese zodiac bookmarks: (the bookmarks would be printed and cut out at the station)Students will write a paragraph on whether they align with their zodiac animal’s characteristics.Songkran/Thai New Year StationStudents will read New Year in Thailand: Songkran by Heather Clydesdale, filling out the worksheet as they read.Link to article (these would be printed as hardcopies for the station): done, students will draw a picture illustrating the major events of the four days of Songkran, with labels for each day.Teacher divides the class in half, and half go to the Spring Festival station, and half go to the Songkran station. After fifteen minutes, the groups switch. While the students are working, teacher will circulate the room, observing students, asking questions, and answering questions.Once the students are done at the stations, teacher has the students gather on the rug, telling them to bring their worksheets with them.Teacher asks for volunteers to share the different ways Spring Festival and Songkran are celebrated (possible answers, but not the only answers: Spring Festival lasts for fifteen days, and Songkran lasts for four; in Thailand, people visit the temple and give clothes and food to monks on New Year’s Day; in China, children and unmarried adults receive red packets filled with money; in Thailand, water is special during Songkran, and in China, the color red is special.) DifferentiationVisual learners: Map to connect the discussion of places to where they are located, and the stations that used videos and pictures to connect to concepts.Intrapersonal learners: All activities were done independently, and the Spring Festival station had the students self-reflect.ClosureAsk students to turn in their worksheets, and then asks them to come back to the rug.Put this definition on the Smartboard: “A new year is January 1st.” Teacher asks if this definition is true. (thumbs up/thumbs down) Put this statement on the Smartboard: “All countries celebrate New Year the same.” Teacher asks if this statement is true. (stomp feet/clap hands) Teacher says that all the students did a wonderful job and worked hard today, and now they’ll get ready for the next lesson of the day.Formative / Summative AssessmentFormative Assessment: Teacher will ask students if different cultures celebrate the New Year the same after reading Happy New Year, Everywhere! By Arlene Erlbach and illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm. This will show teacher if students comprehended the concept after listening to the story. She will also ask students what it means in terms of the definition of a New Year that four out of the five countries they read about in Happy New Year, Everywhere! celebrated New Year’s Day on January 1st. Teacher asks this to see if students can apply the definition they discussed earlier to what they just read. Teacher will ask the students to identify the different traditions between Spring Festival and Songkran. This highlights the objectives a second time. After the stations are complete, teacher will have volunteers explain the differences based on the answers to the worksheet. In the closure, teacher will post a false statement on the Smartboard (All cultures celebrate New Year the same), and tells students to clap if it is true, and stomp their feet if it is false. Depending on what the students do, the teacher will be able to determine if students have grasped this concept. Teacher will also ask what the correct statement should be, in order to see if it is known. Also in the closure, teacher will post an incorrect definition of a new year on the Smartboard (A new year is January 1st). Teacher will have students put thumbs up if it is true, and thumbs down if it is false. This will let teacher know if the students have grasped this concept. Teacher will also circulate the room while the students are working at their stations, to observe how the students are doing, to see if the students are understanding the concepts, and to answer any questions and provide any help that may be needed.Summative Assessment: ?Teacher will collect the completed worksheets from students. Materials / EquipmentIn general:ComputerProjectorSmartboardHappy New Year, Everywhere! By Arlene Erlbach and illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm.Worksheet with questions that pertain to the main ideas of the Chinese New Year video and the Songkran article.Spring Festival/Chinese New Year Station:Computers/laptopsHeadphonesChinese zodiac bookmarksDirections sheetsThree information sheets: One on the current year’s zodiac, and two for the students’ birth years. Famous people born in one of the zodiac’s years?is also on this sheet.PaperPencilsBins where students can turn in their papers on whether they align with their zodiac animals’ characteristics.Songkran/Thai New Year Station:New Year in Thailand: Songkran article by Heather Clydesdale.Construction paperColored pencils/crayonsPencilsBins where students can turn in their Songkran drawingsTechnologyLink to world map: to Chinese New Year video:?????????????? Name: _____________________________________ ??????????????????????????????????????????????????Date: ______________Spring Festival and SongkranDirections: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.Spring Festival:Introduction:1. ?How long does Spring Festival last?Answer: Spring Festival lasts for fifteen days.The Legend of Chinese New Year:2. ?Who was Nian, and why was he a problem?Answer: Nian was a monster, who would scare the villagers on the nights of the new moon.3. ?What was Nian afraid of, and how did the villagers use this to scare him away?Answer: Nian was afraid of loud noises, fire, and the color red. The villagers scared Nian away by banging loudly on their drums, lighting every firecracker they had, and wearing red.4. ?What did the celebration of the new moon become?Answer: The celebration of the new moon became Chinese New Year.The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac:5. ?How many animals are in the Chinese zodiac?Answer: There are twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac.6. ?What is said about the birth year your animal is named after?Answer: It is believed that the animal of your birth year will shape your personality and your destiny.Chinese New Year Today7. ?What is the purpose of the red envelopes?Answer: The red envelopes are given to children and unmarried adults. There is money inside the envelopes, which symbolizes prosperity in the coming year.Songkran:8. ?What is Songkran also known as?Answer: Songkran is also known as the “water festival”.9. ?Why is water an important part of Songkran?Answer: Water is believed to clean and wash away the sorrows of the previous year.10. ?What does Songkran mean, and when is it celebrated?Answer: Songkran means the shift of the sun from one side of the zodiac to another. Songkran is celebrated when the sun moves from Pisces to Aries, beginning a new astrological year.11. ?Describe the four days of Songkran in your own words.Answer: Answers and word choice will vary. An example answer could be: On day one, people clean their homes. On day two, food is made for the monks. The third day of Songkran is New Year’s Day. On day three, people visit the temple and give food and clothing to the monks. Also, an image of Buddha is cleaned with jasmine-scented water, and people take part in rituals to bring good luck. On day four, people pay respects to ancestors and elders. As elders say blessings and wishes for the New Year, water is poured over their hands or shoulders.Directions for Spring Festival Station1. ?Click on the link opened on the computer, and watch the video Fortune Tales: The Story of Chinese New Year by Panda Express TV to learn about Chinese New Year!2. ?As you watch the video, answer the questions under the “Spring Festival” section.3. ?Once you finish with the video, move to the table at the right.4. ?At this table, you’ll see a sheet with this year’s Chinese zodiac, and the Chinese zodiac of everyone’s birth years. You’ll also see some famous people born in those years. Check it out!5. ?There are also bookmarks for each of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. You may take one of each. Study the characteristics of your animal, and write one paragraph on whether you have these characteristics.6. ?Once done, turn your paragraph into the bin.Directions Sheet for Songkran Station1. ?Read the article, New Year in Thailand: Songkran by Heather Clydesdale. Answer the questions on your worksheet under “Songkran” as you read.2. ?After you finish reading, take a piece of construction paper and illustrate the four days of Songkran. Make sure you label each day!3. ?Once done, place your drawing into the bin at the station.Vocabulary Sheet for Spring Festival Station1. ?Prosperity (pronounced: pros pear i tee)-a good amount of fortune or money.Vocabulary Sheet for Songkran Station1. ?Pisces (pronounced: pie seas)-the twelfth, or last, sign of the zodiac. (December)2. ?Aries (pronounced: air ees)-the first sign of the zodiac. (January)3. ?Astrological (pronounced: as tro lodge i cul) year-a new zodiac year.Zodiac Sheet for 2016Year of the Monkey:Famous people born in a Year of the Monkey:1. ?Julius Caesar-Roman emperor who lived from 100 BC to 44BC; destroyed the Roman republic and built the Roman Empire.2. ?Leonardo da Vinci-famous artist who lived from 1452-1519; most famous painting is the Mona Lisa.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Students born in 2007Year of the Pig:Famous people born in a Year of the Pig:1. ?Steven Spielberg-famous director who was born in 1946; directed the movies ET: The Extra-Terrestrial and Jaws.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2. ?Former U. S. President Ronald Reagan who lived from 1911- 2004; served from 1981-1989.Students born in 2008Year of the Rat:Famous people born in a Year of the Rat:1. ?Wolfgang Mozart-famous classical music composer (writer) who lived from 1756-1791.2. ?William Shakespeare-famous playwright who lived from 1564-1616; some of his famous plays are Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ................

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