Chinese at Chatterton

|SUBJECT/Grade Level: Chinese 1, 7th grade |

|Unit # 3 Title: My Family |

|In this unit of study students begin to learn how to communicate effectively about their family in Chinese. They learn to describe their family in detail. Furthermore, students learn to ask and respond to |

|questions about age, appearance, personality and professions of their family members. In addition they become aware of the differences in describing birth dates and age in Chinese and the year of birth represented |

|by the Chinese zodiac. Students also learn about where and how families live in China. Through the study of families, they gain knowledge and insight into the concepts of family relationships and family order in |

|China and their own. |

|Essential/Focus Questions: |

| |

|How do families in China compare to families in the USA? |

|How do I describe my family members and their relationship to each other? |

|How do families celebrate birthdays? |

|What is the difference between full age and function age? |

|What do the zodiac signs represent? |

|Where and how do families live in China? |

|What is the attitude of Chinese and American families towards pets? |

|Estimated Length of Time: 6 Weeks |

|CCSS Curriculum |Instructional Strategies |Resources |Assessment |

|What do we want students to learn? |How will we deliver the curriculum? |What materials/resources will we need to ensure |How will we know if students learn? |

| | |mastery? | |

|Students will: | | | |

| |Interpersonal communication | | |

|Ask and answer basic questions about family (1.1.N.SL.b) |Students interacting with other students in the |Nihao 1 – Chinese Language Course – Introductory |Pre and post test |

|Ask questions about physical appearance, character and |target language |Level (ChinaSoft) |Periodic formative assessment (classroom |

|personality traits of family and home (1.1.N.SK.g) |Interpretive communication |Nihao 1 – Workbook |discussion, worksheets, daily warm ups) |

|Ask questions about the attributes of places and things in |Students understanding information presented in the |Nihao 1 – Teacher Manual |Create family book |

|their immediate environment and answer using a list of traits |target language from the teacher or other students | |Create birthday card and post in classroom |

|(1.1.N.SL.h) |Presentation communication | |Classroom surveys and interactions |

|Use the target language to make introductions (1.1.N.RW.a) |Students create dialogues or projects and present | | |

|Exchange information by asking and answering basic questions in|them to their peers or teacher in the target | | |

|writing about family (1.1.N.RW.b) |language | | |

|Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in |Comparisons | | |

|target language such as family and home (1.3.N.S.b) |Learn about the target culture and compare it to | | |

|Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as|their own | | |

|an advertisement, poster, or menu (Room in home) (1.3.N.W.a) | | | |

|Explain the practices and significance of an important personal| | | |

|or family holiday or celebration within a community or culture | | | |

|in which the target language is spoken (birthday) (2.1.N.F.e) | | | |

|Reinforce previously learned content knowledge through the | | | |

|target language (3.1.N.a) | | | |

|Use audio, visual and/or print materials available only in the | | | |

|target language to recognize that a topic or situation may be | | | |

|viewed differently in one’s own culture than in the target | | | |

|culture (3.2.N.a) | | | |

|Identify baskc differences and similarities in vocabulary | | | |

|between one’s own language and the target language (cognates | | | |

|and borrowed words – mama, baba, ayi) (4.2.N.a) | | | |

|Willingly use the target language within the classroom | | | |

|settling. | | | |

| | | | |

|Key Concepts | | | |

| | | | |

|Adjectives: big, small, possessive pronouns | | | |

| | | | |

|Birthdays: months and dates | | | |

| | | | |

|Family members: mother, father, younger and older sister, | | | |

|younger and older brother, grandparents | | | |

| | | | |

|Lunar calendar: 12 Zodiac signs used in the Chinese lunar | | | |

|calendar | | | |

| | | | |

|Numbers: 1 – 100 | | | |

| | | | |

|Personality characteristics: nice, kind, warmhearted, | | | |

|athletic, hard-working, friendly, lovely, fun, interesting, | | | |

|okay | | | |

| | | | |

|Physical attributes: tall, short, thin, heavy, cute, handsome,| | | |

|beautiful | | | |

| | | | |

|Professions: doctor, lawyer, student, teacher | | | |

| | | | |

|Verbs: you = have – Meiyou = polite negative response: No, | | | |

|(subject) don’t/doesn’t have – You = polite positive response: | | | |

|Yes, (subject) have/has | | | |

| | | | |

|Virtue: respect the old | | | |

| | | | |

|Topics | | | |

| | | | |

|Numbers / Dates / Time | | | |

|Family members | | | |

|Pets | | | |

|Chinese zodiac / | | | |

|Age | | | |

| | | | |

|Vocabulary | | | |

| | | | |

|Students will read and write in characters the bolded | | | |

|vocabulary words. Students need to recognize only the unbolded | | | |

|words. | | | |

| | | | |

|百bǎi - hundred | | | |

|1~100 | | | |

|年 nián – year | | | |

|月yuè – month | | | |

|日 rì- day | | | |

|号 hào - # | | | |

|几岁jĭ suì - how old | | | |

|星期xīng qī - Week | | | |

|星期一 xīng qī yī - Monday | | | |

|星期二 xīng qī èr - Tuesday | | | |

|星期三 xīng qī sān - Wednesday | | | |

|星期四 xīng qī sì- Thursday | | | |

|星期五 xīng qī wŭ - Friday | | | |

|星期六 xīng qī liù - Saturday | | | |

|星期天 /日 xīng qī tiān / rì - Monday ~ Sunday, | | | |

|点 diăn - o’clock | | | |

|分fēn – minutes / penny | | | |

|今天 jīn tiān – today | | | |

|明天 míng tiān – tomorrow | | | |

|昨天 zuó tiān – yesterday | | | |

|现在 xiàn zài – now | | | |

|谁 shéi / shuì - who | | | |

|谁的 shéi de / shuí de - whose | | | |

|爸爸 bà ba – dad | | | |

|妈妈 mā ma -  mom | | | |

|哥哥 gē ge - older brother | | | |

|姐姐 jiĕ jie - older sister | | | |

|弟弟 dì di - younger brother | | | |

|妹妹 mèi mei - younger sister | | | |

|爷爷 yé ye - grandpa (dad’s dad) | | | |

|奶奶 năi nai - grandma (dad’s mom), | | | |

|外公/老爷 wài gōng / lăo yé - grandpa (mom’s dad) | | | |

|外婆/姥姥 wài pó / lăo lao grandma (mom’s mom) | | | |

|有yǒu - have/has | | | |

|没有méi yǒu - don’t have / didn’t | | | |

|喜欢 xĭ huān - like, | | | |

|爱 ài - love | | | |

|猫 māo – cat | | | |

|狗 gŏu – dog | | | |

|鼠 shǔ - rat | | | |

|牛 níu - cow | | | |

|虎 hǔ - tiger | | | |

|兔 tù - rabbit | | | |

|龙 long - dragon | | | |

|蛇 shé - snake | | | |

|马 mǎ - hours | | | |

|羊 yáng - sheep | | | |

|猴 hóu - monkey | | | |

|鸡 jī - rooster | | | |

|狗 gǒu - dog | | | |

|猪 zhū - pig | | | |

|个 gè - # of something | | | |

|只 zhī - # of animal | | | |

|两 liǎng – two of … | | | |

| | | | |

|Sentence Patterns | | | |

| | | | |

|今天 (明天 / 昨天) 星期几? | | | |

|jīn tiān (míng tiān / zuó tiān) xīng qī jĭ? / What’s today | | | |

|(tomorrow / yesterday)? | | | |

| | | | |

|今天 (明天 / 昨天) (几月) 几号? | | | |

|jīn tiān (míng tiān / zuó tiān) (jǐ yuè) jĭ hào?  / What’s | | | |

|today (tomorrow / yesterday)’s date? | | | |

| | | | |

|现在几点?xiàn zài jĭ diăn? / What time is it? | | | |

|你(我/他/她)有____吗? nǐ (wǒ / tā / tā) yǒu ____ ma ? Do/does | | | |

|you (I / he /she) have/has ___? | | | |

|你有没有___?nǐ yǒu méi yǒu ____? / Do you have _____? | | | |

|你(我/他/她)喜欢什么?nǐ (wǒ / tā / tā) xĭ huān shén me? / What| | | |

|do you (I / he /she) like(s)? | | | |

|你爸爸/妈妈/哥哥/姐姐/妹妹/弟弟/叫什么? | | | |

|nǐ bà ba / mā ma / gē ge / dì di  / jiĕ jie / mèi mei jiào shén| | | |

|me? / What’s your dad / mom / brothers / sisters’ name? | | | |

|你几岁?nǐ jĭ suì? / How old are you? | | | |

|你有几个/只 ____?nǐ yǒu jǐ gè / zhī ___?  / How many ___ do | | | |

|you have? | | | |

|你家有几个人? nǐ jiā yǒu jĭ gè rén? / How many people are in | | | |

|your family? | | | |

|你/他/她是谁?nǐ/ tā /tā shì shéi? / Who are / is you / he / | | | |

|she? | | | |

| | | | |


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