70th Birthday Greetings

70th Birthday Greetings

THANK YOU to all who sent Birthday Greetings:

From Edward Kwan, USA

A Happy & Blessed 70th To You!

Mi Mae and Kevin, Penang

Blessed 70th birthday! May the Lord continue to enrich your life and through you bring blessings to many.

From Richard, Maylin, Cassandra and Samuel Naden, Penang

I heard that its your birthday today, so here's wishing you a very blessed birthday!

Your years of ministry have blessed me and my family a lot and we thank you for your labor in the Lord. We will continue to uphold you in our prayers and trust that the years ahead of you will continue to bring blessings to everyone who you teach in one way or another! Blessed Birthday!

From Teo Pek Bing & Fang Fang, Penang

I came to know that today is your 70th Birthday! The Lord bless you and keep you (He has kept you!). Through you, He has blessed us all. You have been a channel of His blessings and we thank the Lord for you. You have brought His Word to us like no other, and taught me personally, how man shall live by EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of God. May the Lord continue to make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

From The Angs, (Su Fun, Jane, Grace, Boon Seng), Australia

God's richest Blessings and Love to you on this very SPECIAL Day

 Happy 70th Birthday. (Attached – The Principles of The Eagle)

From Kheng & Boon (Mr. & Mrs. Oh Boon Lian), Australia

Happy three score and tenth birthday; The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Num 6:24 – 26. Since this is a double celebration for the CNY and your 70th birthday, may you have a double portion of blessing.

From Roger Dahlberg, Julie and family, Philippines

Happy Birthday Brother. Have a great day. Right on Valentines too. Well done. God bless you.

From Mrs Ching, Taiping

Wishing our beloved brother, dear, dearer, dearest MR UNG,

 A very blessed 70th birthday!  Remembering you as a special servant of God who loves His Calling with passion, and that has become the meaning of your life for our SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.

 Mrs. Ung , you have been the faithful and loving wife that Pro 31 speaks of ! God bless you too. With much love thr His Grace.


From Andrew & Donna, Indonesia

Just a brief email to let you know that my family and I are wishing you a very happy 70th Birthday. We really appreciate your personal fellowship and support both for us and the wider ministry here. Thank you so much for being willing to stand in the gap for us. May the Lord richly bless you and your wife. In missions together.

From Low Chee Seng, Kuala Lumpur

A Happy 70 Birthday to you.  May the Lord continue to grant you good health and many more birthdays to come.

From Florence, Alistair, Rachel, David and Adam King, Kuala Lumpur

70 - Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. From Ps 70. We wish you God's richest blessings and, at this milestone, may you have an even increased awareness of His Goodness and Grace.


From Ho Sook Wah, Kepong.

I came to know that today is your 70th birthday. This is a very significant day and also cooincides with Valentine's Day, so let me wish you a very blessed and happy birthday and Valentine's day. I have been very blessed by your ministry and I wish God's bountiful blessings to you today and everyday.

From Choi Kim Hoong and Chooi Kim Cheong, Penang and ______

Remember us??? Let the old times of our YP fun days roll and a great thank you for the many ministerial messages we profit from you. May the Lord bless you on this auspicious day. God Bless.

From Edwin, Lay Kim, Zach, Zara & Zian, Penang

Birthday greetings are yours today for three score and ten (God willing, many more).

I look upon you as a spiritual mentor, one who has shown love for me and my family, and a spiritual example of what it is to be godly (not perfect, godly), a great inspiration of a man who has lived his life to glorify God in all that he has been called and gifted to do. You have shown me how I am to seek constantly to live my life as unto Him and Him alone. What I say cannot compare to the crown you will receive when you stand before Him, and I seek to gain that crown, too. Thank you from our hearts, and God bless

From Lee Kok Joo, Petaling Jaya

Wishing you God's Richest Blessing on your birthday. May the Lord continue to use you greatly for His work.

I shall see you when I am back for the Chinese New Year. Blessings in Christ.

From Edward & Rosalind Low, Penang

Our special Mr. Ung, Here's sending on our very special Birthday Greetings.

  BLESSED 70th BIRTHDAY!  We thank God for your life and your ministry. Our love & thoughts,

From Ng Hoe Bok & Priscilla, Australia

1. Just heard that it is your 70th birthday today. Both my wife, Priscilla & I wish you a Happy Birthday. May the Lord continue to bless you richly with good health & strength & a long life as you seek to serve HIM. Many have indeed been blessed by your Ministry & the sharing of the word of God. Many blessings for today & many days to come.

2. We just heard that it is your birthday today. The Lord is great for giving you wonderful health & a sharp mind to minister to us. Indeed we have all gained from your ministry all these years.

Happy Birthday. May HE bless you with many more fruitful years as you seek to do His will.  Many blessings.

From Chor Ming, Ng, Kuala Lumpur

Greetings from Kuala Lumpur.  A little bird whispered to us that you are not only celebrating Valentine's day but also your 70th Birthday. Congratulations and May the Lord continue to add on to your years as you go about doing His will. Not sure if you remember me but I am sister of Kan Yoon and Hon Yuen... those "naughty brats of the 60's" haha. God bless.

From Hooi Ling, Penang and K.L.

I want to wish you a very HAPPY & BLESSED BIRTHDAY! =)

Also want to take this opportunity to thank you for your teachings, guidance and prayers for me, waiyee, phaiklin and choryan throughout the years. Thank you so much... To Mr and Mrs Ung.... Happy Valentine's Day!

From Low Fook Soon, Penang

Blessed Birthday! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family daily as you've blessed many.

From Dr. & Mrs. Ong Guan Boon, Penang

A very blessed and happy birthday day to you. Love in Christ,

From Chan Bee Leng, Kuala Lumpur

I somehow learnt from a little bird that it's your birthday today and you are also 3 score and 10.

So, here's your sheep wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY VALENTINE'S

DAY, baa baa. lots of love

From Janice Tan ( Joyce/ Simon Tan's sister), Kuala Lumpur

Shalom Mr. Ung, On this wonderful day - 70th birthday, I take this opportunity to thank our Lord for your endless and untiring labour in his Kingdom. May your work continue to be fruitful and multiple many fold.

But of course, I also would like to wish you a Blessed Birthday ...and may our Lord keep you in good heath - spiritually and physically, today and forever more! Blessings.

p.s. I am now worshipping in FGA, KL but have not forgotten my brethren roots! :)

From David Kam, Penang

On behalf of PGASF, I would like to wish you a Happy & Blessed Birthday. May our good Lord continue to bless you with good health and strength and to remove whatever difficulties and hindrances that may hinder you from serving Him. God bless

From Johnny & Lei Suat, Daniel & Eunice, Butterworth


From Dennis & Esther Sim, Penang

Dear Brother Ung, Wishing you a happy birthday!

Remember me & my wife, we are from CCC (Christ Commission Center) and were attending your Sunday 5:30pm study of Revelation. This year, we could not attend as we have a new born and other things to take care as well. Nonetheless, it is really encouraging to see you serving at your age.

May God bless you again on your birthday and onwards. Love,

From Kenny Lim, Malacca

Dear Uncle Kim Cheng, Or should I be addressing you as my dear spiritual father for it was you who on the day back  in 12th Dec 1962 who spoke in the youth camp in Penang Hill and I  gave myself to the Lord. Blessed 70th birthday. This greeting is from Malacca, currently I am pastoring the daughter  church of Full Gospel Tabernacle here. Love and GOD bless you. Together in His service.

From Kong Yeng Phooi, Petaling Jaya

Many happy returns of the day!! May the Lord continue to bless you with good health and a clear mind so that He can continue to use your tremendous gift to bountifully bless those who are privileged to hear from the lips of one who God has surely anointed. With warmest Christian love.

From Robert Ng, Cheras

       Warmest Birthday Wishes to you today 14th Feb 2007 & Many Happy Returns. Have a Great Celebration!


From Chan Meng Yin, Kuala Lumpur

Hi! Mr. Ung, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I hope i got the day right.  You didn't mention in your last email what day it was, just that it was this month.  If i did not get it right, my humblest apologies and instead HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!  Hee! Hee!  This is what the Cantonese call "Chup Sarng".  Anyway i do wish you the very, very best and brightest for this your 70th year.  That you will be able to look back on the lighted street and enjoy the many fruits of your tireless labour!  Thank you for the abundant wisdom found in your last email.  I think you have been a lamplighter for many along the years!  May God continue to use you mightily in His service! Much Blessings Mr Ung!

From Chan Bee Hon, Kuala Lumpur

Hello Mr. Ung, Happy Birthday! Have a blessed day and many happy returns of the day!! With best regards

From Eric and Junie Simon, Petaling Jaya

Hello My Dear Brother Kim Cheng,

A love bird from Penang dropped this note on the roof of my house this morning while I was away. Although it’s coming to the tail end of your Birthday for today, it’s never too late to wish you. 

May Our Good Lord Grant You Good Health and Strength And Also Many More Birthdays To Come. God Bless

From Dr. Lim Seang Chye, Marvis and Chin Ai, K.L

I have just come to know that today is your birthday.  Allow me therefore to share your joy and to wish you a Very Blessed Birthday. We continue to give thanks to the Lord for keeping you in good health and strength and above all using you in the ministry of His Word to build up  and strengthen  so many in Malaysia, Singapore and elsewhere.  The Lord bless you and give you much joy in His service.

Our warm regards to Mrs. Kim Cheng as well. 


From Sonny Chuah, Australia

Many Happy Returns! Wow, what a way to celebrate Valentine's Day and your 70th.

God is good indeed! God bless.

The Lord blesses us with each day as He has assignments for us to do.

So, the fellowship of eternity with Him starts even from now till eternity.

What a privilege to have this hope as we walk with Him. Keep up the good work of using your gift of teaching.

From Alex Loh, Singapore

We are glad to know that Mr.Ung’s birth day is today. And we wish him to celebrate many scores of birth days as the Lord grants him to serve Him on this earth.

From Chee Swee Foo and Beng Hong, Butterworth

A joyous and blessed birthday on this day of love. May the good Lord bless you with many, many more birthdays as you continue to labour for Him. JOYOUS BIRTHDAY.

From Dr. Teoh Leng Chee and family, Batu Gajah.

Strength, Wisdom, Compapassion, God’s bless you with these true gifts, Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to you from all of us in Batu Gajah.

From Vincent and Phoebe Teoh, Singapore

Thank you and your children very much for your invitation to your 70th Birthday celebration. Indeed, we had a dilemma but other practical considerations prevailed and we are very sorry to decline the invitation.

However, we wish to give our blessings to you and to thank the Lord for his faithfulness and loving care in preserving you and making you a blessing to many.

From Ravi, Mary and Matthew, Nilai

Wishing you a very Blessed and Happy Birthday on this 70th year of your life on this day of 14 Feb 2007

Num 6:24-26 - The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

  May you be a blessing to many lives as The LORD gives you many more birthdays.

  Happy Chinese New Year too. God Bless.


From Jessie and Wayne Gurney, Australia

Greetings and good wishes from  Wayne, Jessie Leanne and Laura.

Just want to wish you God's continued blessing for good health and strength to carry on His work to the glory and praise of God. A very hip hip Happy Birthday to you. I heard you are 70 today.

From Kong Min Sen, Kuala Lumpur

Happy and blessed birthday to you. One more year of your teaching shared so graciously, laboriously prepared each week. May our Lord bless and continue to keep you in spite of your recent throat illness. Words will do from you.

From Adrian Chin, Singapore

Greetings from Singapore! Would like to wish you a Blessed 70 Birthday.

From Yuen Choy Leng, Bangkok (?)

Just heard that you celebrated your grand 70th birthday yesterday. Rejoicing together with you in the Lord's goodness to you.

Thank you again for all the teaching and introduction to aorist tense ( I heard it from you first) and to the Newberry Bible, and your enthusiasm in study of the Word. I am sure more was caught than taught. Thank you for being an example. May the Lord continue to bless and prosper you in spirit, soul and body.

From Andre Aw & Christina, England

Congratulations on your 70th birthday on 13/2/07.

We wish you every rich blessing in the Lord’s work, as you continue with Him for the glory of His Name and for the building-up of the saints. …he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully     2 Cor. 9: 6

From Kenny and Tina Kong, Penang

Happy Belated Birthday & Blessed Chinese New Year to you and Mrs. Ung.

From Esther Ong, Kedah [24 Feb]

I would like to convey my congratulations and wishes to you on reaching your 70th birthday! Sorry for the late wishes but I hope it’s better late than never. My prayer is that God will continue to bless you with good health and strength so that you can continue to serve Him as you’ve done these past decades.

All the Best and God Bless You Richly. Psa. 92: 13-15& Isa. 46:4

From Shirley Wong & Aloysius [25 Feb]

Heard from Phoebe & Vincent that you are celebrating your 70th Birthday on the 10th March, 2007.

I do praise our Lord Jesus Christ for His wonderful Grace & Mercy He has bestowed upon you. May you be continually blessed with good health as you minister for Him.

Wishing you a God Bless Happy 70th Birthday!

In His Grace, Bro. Aloysius (The one who brought you from Senai Airport to Singapore)

Short Messages Services (SMS):

From David Lim, Penang: Blessed 70th Birthday. Agape.

Wong Ee Ling, Penang: Blessed Birthday, Mr. Ung. May your good Lord continue to sustain you n bless you.

Ng Leong Yoke, Kuala Lumpur: 1. Happy and Blessed Birthday 2 U, Sifu. Just got 2 know dat 2day Valentine Day is yr actual b’day. I shall remember this day in de future. Fr all of us.

2. 2day as you celebrate ur 70yrs, even though we cant b there personally 2 share ur joy, our prayers r with you. May our Good Lord cont 2 bless u with strength and health as u strive 2 serve Himday by day! Best wishes.

4. Brenda Lim, Batu Gajah: Happy Birthday to you. May God’s richest blessings abide upon u!

Card Greetings:

From Daniel and Ruth Jevaraj, Taiping

As you grow older in age, you grow stronger in the Lord, Surely goodness and mercy follow all the days of your life. Happy Birthday – May God continue to bless your itinerary ministry. – Daniel

Psa. 92: v. 12-15. May this be a wonderful year 70, 3 score + 10, for your God is great and greatly to be praised. His mercies are new every day and every year. God bless you with good health + strength. Have a happy evening on March 10TH. Will be thinking of you all. Love and prayer. Ruth

From Edward and Rosaling Low, Penang

Very specially for Mr. Ung, wishing you God’s blessings on your birthday and in all the days ahead.

Happy 70th Birthday! Rejoicing with you, with our Love and thoughts.

From Leonie, Yau Chuan & Suet Ling, Sri Damansara, KL

May this be a day of rejoicing, may it be a day of good cheer as you celebrate your birthday and God’s gift of another year. God Bless.

From Teresa Ooi, Butterworth

God bless you on your birthday and keep you all year through – May His love and wisdom always guide you on your way and His light shine down upon you now to bless this special day.

Blessed 70th Birthday and many, many more birthdays to come. With lots of good wishes.

From Mr. & Mrs. Tan Hin Oon, Singapore

Psa. 37:18 – The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever.

It is a pleasure to share in this special day – for you are a pleasure to know. May God bless you and give you an extra happy 70th Birthday.

From Wei Chin and Lai Wah, Penang

On your 70th Birthday. All your birthdays are special but when this one appears you’ll have so many memories to recall across the years – and may this time remind you that in your own loving way – you make special occasions out of every single day. Happy Birthday with Love. You are truly blessed by God, by family and by friends who share your joys on this auspicious day! Lots of love, Psa. 118:24

David and Molly Kam, Penang

On your Birthday – surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Psa. 23:6

A Happy and Blessed 70th Birthday to you. May God continue to shower His blessings on you as you serve Him.

Wong Ee Ling, Penang

With Love on Your Birthday. Like the nature whose beauty never fades, may the joys of your birthday never fade.

Isa. 96:4 – Even to your old age and gray hair, I am He, I am He Who sustains you; I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

May the Lord continue to grant you many years ahead of you.

Here’s hoping that Your Birthday Will Fulfil in every way, All The Special Wishes within your heart today. Enjoy Your Birthday to the fullest. Happy Birthday.

From Martha Samuel, Penang

A Birthday Prayer For You. Dear Lord…I’m asking you to bless someone in such a special way, they’ll know within their heart that someone prayed for them today. They’ll know they’re loved and cared for, and have such a sense of peace, that their birthday will be perfect, and their joys will just increase. (Emily Matthews)

Happy Birthday to you and may God grant you good health as you know His love, joy and peace.

I said a prayer for you today the way I often do, I asked the Lord to fill your day with joys and blessings, too.

I asked Him to be close to you and hear you when you call, and to give you life’s sweetest gifts for you deserve them all. Happy Birthday.

Birthday Greetings for 10th March.

From: Yo Meng & Poo Suan, Klang

Happy 70th Birthday to you…. May memories of the year you're leaving behind bring a smile to your heart…

May the dreams you're keeping for the days ahead come true…

And may there always be enough quiet moments to leave worry and care far behind.

On your birthday and always, you're wished those things

that fill your soul with JOY and your heart with HAPPINESS.

 Have a Beautiful Day. This is the day which the Lord has made,

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  -   Psalm 118:24

From Sel, Sasi, Zen & Jez, Batu Gajah

Just want to wish you a blessed birthday and many more good years of teaching His Word. Happy to know you have recovered and look forward to seeing you in Batu Gajah during the PAN Meeting.

From Chan Tey and Aik Meng, Penang

Wishing you God’s abundant blessings on your special day.

From Chua Say Yang, Penang

A very blessed Birthday to you. Many happy returns of the day. God bless you and your family with good health, joy and peace in your service for Him.

From Daniel and Jenny Lee, Penang

Wishing you God’s richest blessings on this day and the days to come. With love.

From Martha Samuel, Penang

With Love and God’s rich blessings.

From Chee Swee Foo and Ung Beng Hong, Butterworth

The good gracious Lord will surely bless you with many, many more years of blessed happiness and the best of health.

From Saw Choo and Khye Khoon, Butterworth

Congratulations, God’s Blessings and good health on the occasion of your 70th Birthday.

From Lee Kim Seong & Jesamine, Penang

Thanks for having us to share in this joypous occasion. May our Lord continue to bless you richly. Blessed Birthday. Agape.

From Mrs. Helen Wong, Bukit Mertajam

A Blessed Happy Birthday to you.

From Yuen Cheng & Sook Yee, Penang

Blessed Birthday

From Tiong Leng & How Meng, Penang

Blessed Birthday in the Lord

From Mr. & Mrs. Tan Boon Sai

Wishing you God’s abundant blessings on your 70th Birthday.

From Mr. & Mrs. Lim Seok Hoay, Cheras.

Happy Birthday.

From Hin Seng & Chiew Ngo, Penang

Congratulations for reaching three score and ten. The Lord continue to watch over you & Keep you in His Love & Service.

From Mr. & Mrs. Ong Eng Guan, Penang

A Blessed 70th Birthday

From David & Katherine Martin, Penang

Happy 70th Birthday. May you continue to enjoy His grace and mercy as you plod this sod. His mercies are new every morning,

From Chee Seng & Yenni, Penang

God Bless.

From Mrs. George Ung

Happy 70th Birthday. May the good Lord continue to extend His grace to you as you walk with Him and serve Him.

From Simon & Yim Lie, Penang

We rejoice with you on this happy occasion.

From Kha Kooi & Wai Leng, Penang

May the Lord continue to bless you with good health and your hope is in Him alone. Blessed Birthday

From Soon Swee Kee, Penang

Wishing you a Very Blessed 70th Birthday.

From Nathan & Lily

Happy Birthday – God bless you and your family

From Wong ee Ling, Penang

Blessed Birthday.

From Mr. & Mrs. Lim Eng Lay

May God bless you always.

From Christina and David Lim, Penang

Blessed Birthday and May God bless you with many more birthdays to come.

From Wei Chin and Lai Wah, Penang

You are now 4 score years and ten! Who can beat that? Not many. – Praise and Bless the Lord. Blessed Birthday. Lots of Love.

From David and Molly

A Happy and Blessed 70th Birthday to you.

Dr. & Mrs. Beh Liang Kueh

May our Good Shepherd greatly bless you and family this very memorable day and all the days to come.



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