Microsoft Word - Guide to Fiscal Policies and Procedures

2922270-6731000 Policies & Procedures Mission and Vision Webb City Church of the Nazarene (Webb City Naz) exists to passionately?love?our neighbors, to intentionally?connect?people to the hope found in Christ, and radically?serve?our community. ?The ultimate desire of the Webb City Naz family is to create an authentic community of Jesus followers, who experience a city transformed by the life-changing reality of knowing Jesus as their lord and savior, whatever the cost.Therefore, we desire Webb City Naz to be a place that is welcoming and accommodating to first-time attenders and those discovering just who Jesus is for the first time in their lives. We, in no way, want to be a stumbling block to those who may not fully understand what being a disciple truly means. We further purpose to create as many opportunities as possible for people to encounter the person of Jesus Christ through caring, sharing, worship, preaching, activities and events, and so forth.Paul writes to the Romans informing them:14?How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them??15?And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”Romans 10:14-15 "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."Matthew 28:19-20 Making disciples begins by creating opportunities to “bring good news” to first-time hearers. The hope is that they respond to Jesus’ love and grace and receive Him into their hearts (their being), experiencing salvation.Here I am! I stand at the door and?knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 If we?confess?our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.I John 1:9 Making disciples for Jesus and being a disciple of Jesus is a life-long endeavor. None of us should quit growing in the knowledge of and intimacy with God. Through this discipleship process we continue to experience the grace and presence of God. We also receive our individual callings and responsibilities to be performed within the church—the Body of Christ.It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.Ephesians 4:11-13 A true disciple will exhibit the characteristics of Jesus in everyday life. As the Bible states in various places, a disciple is involved in “good works” daily. These good works are not the basis or cause of our salvation, rather they are the results of God’s love and grace pouring out of us. Jesus said that we are “salt” and “light.” This means that enhancing flavor and shedding light is our nature—it is who we are; not necessarily something we do.Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:34-40 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.Ephesians 2:10 The Mission and Vision of Webb City Naz cannot be accomplished without concerted efforts and organized leadership. This policies and procedures manual provides a simple framework with which the leadership and members of the Webb City Naz family may work and operate in a way that is transparent, predictable, as well as flexible and in line with governing authorities. These policies are not meant to constrain, but to clarify. We follow the “spirit” of the policy/procedure as opposed to the “letter”.The Church of the Nazarene Webb City Naz is a denominational member of the Church of the Nazarene. As such, it is in full harmony with the doctrine and polity of the Church of the Nazarene. All references herein to “Church” refer to both Webb City Naz and the denomination, unless specifically or by context a different application is intended.Key Characteristics of the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian Community and Mission The Church of the Nazarene (the “Church”) is a community of faith that exists to exercise and express the Christian beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene. A. The Church of the Nazarene’s Christian Beliefs. The Church is a community of faith based on the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs, which include the following.Articles of Faith. The Church of the Nazarene has adopted Articles of Faith set forth in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.Christian Mission and Values. The Church has adopted the following mission to which all activities of the Church are directed:“To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”In carrying out this mission, the Church activities are conducted in accordance with the following Biblical values:We Are a Christian People: As members of the Church Universal, we join with all true believers in proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and in embracing the historic Trinitarian creedal statements of Christian faith. We value our Wesleyan-Holiness heritage and believe it to be a way of understanding the faith that is true to Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience. We Are a Holiness People: God, who is holy, calls us to a life of holiness. We believe that the Holy Spirit seeks to do in us a second work of Webb City, called by various terms, including "entire sanctification" and "baptism with the Holy Spirit"-cleansing us from all sin and renewing us in the image of God. This infilling of the Holy Spirit empowers us to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves; and, produces in us the character of Christ. Holiness in the life of believers is most clearly understood as Christlikeness.We Are a Missional People: We are a sent people, responding to the call of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go into all the world, witnessing to the Lordship of Christ and participating with God in the building of the Church and the extension of His kingdom (2 Corinthians 6:1). Our mission (a) begins in worship, (b) ministers to the world in evangelism and compassion, (c) encourages believers toward Christian maturity through discipleship, and (d) prepares women and men for Christian service through Christian higher education.We are a Christian Community: The Church believes that God desires people to live out their faith in community with other believers, and that accordingly Church’s Christian community is itself an exercise and expression of its Christian beliefs. The Church of the Nazarene believes that the local church is the visible organized expression of the Body of Christ and that the local church finds broader meaning and outreach in fulfilling its biblical responsibilities within the life and witness of the denomination. In addition, those who participate in the life of the Church of the Nazarene, including the Church representatives, are following the biblical command to live out their faith in community with other believers. Accordingly, the Church is itself an exercise and expression of the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs.Christian Community Standards for Ministry Activities A.General Standards. The Church shall engage in activities and use its facilities solely to exercise and express the Christian beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene and to further the mission of the Church. In furtherance of this mission, the Church may provide services or goods to, and may allow use of its facilities by, other groups and persons who are not members of the Church of the Nazarene. But no Church activity, nor any use of Church facilities by another group or person, may be conducted or permitted if the Church determines that such activity or use expresses a message that is contrary to the Christian beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene.B.Current Trends.In response to current cultural and legal trends, the Church has determined to articulate more specifically its Christian beliefs and associated community standards on the following subjects.1. Gender Identity. The Church subscribes to the Christian belief that God creates human beings in His image as two distinct genders, male and female, and that the intended gender of an individual is determined by such individual’s biological sex at birth. The Church shall apply this belief regarding gender identity in all policies and programs in the Church Christian community. If an individual’s biological sex at birth is not certain, then the Church shall discern the gender through a process of prayerful dialogue with such individual.2. Marriage. The Church subscribes to the Christian belief that God has instituted marriage as a covenant relationship between one man and one women. The Church shall recognize only such marriages for all policies and programs in the Church Christian community. In addition, all uses of Church facilities for marriage related activities shall comply with the Marriage and Wedding Policy.3. Sexual Conduct. The Church subscribes to the Christian belief that husbands (men) and wives (women) are called to exclusive sexual fidelity and that unmarried singles are called to abstain from sexual relations. 4. Abortion. The Church of the Nazarene subscribes to the Christian belief that all individuals are known by God from before the foundation of the world and that human life begins at conception. The Church accordingly believes that no procedures should be performed for the primary objective of terminating a pregnancy and taking the life of an unborn child (such procedures are referred to herein as abortions) except in extraordinary circumstances where other Biblical, moral principles prevail, such as where it is medically necessary to preserve the life of the mother. The Church of the Nazarene’s beliefs further prohibit paying for or otherwise facilitating such procedures.As dictated by these beliefs, the Church as an organization shall not fund abortions in any manner, including through a health care benefit plan that covers prescription drugs that induce abortions, except in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances unless in a particular situation (i) any such drug is prescribed and used solely for a non-abortive therapeutic treatment of a covered medical condition or for an abortion in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances and (ii) coverage is approved by the duly appointed Benefits Committee. In addition, the Church shall not participate through its health care benefit plan in a program that uses the plan as a means for providing drugs used to induce abortion, except in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances. Any requirement to facilitate abortions by participating in such a program, and any penalty for failing to participate in such a program, would directly and substantially burden and undermine the Church’s exercise and expression of its Christian beliefs.5. Religious Activities. The Church engages solely in activities that further its Christian mission. All such activities can and should be vehicles for spiritual growth. Therefore, the Church considers all of its activities to be a form of religious worship.The Church distinguishes between exclusive religious activities and integrated religious activities. Exclusive religious activities include devotional worship services such as chapel services conducted by the Church, and distinctly theological or pastoral education.Integrated religious activities include activities similar to those conducted by nonreligious organizations for the benefit of society. The Church conducts such activities in furtherance of and in accordance with its Christian beliefs.The Church shall not agree to any limitations on its integrated religious activities. The Church may agree not to conduct exclusively religious activities in certain facilities or programs.C. Implementation.To the extent the pastor determines it to be necessary or advisable to further the Church’s mission or to cultivate the Church’s Christian community, he or she may establish additional standards based on Holy Scripture and the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs for the activities and programs conducted within the community or for Church representatives or other community participants. The determination as to whether any particular activity or use of Church facilities is not permitted under this Policy requires spiritual discernment applied to each particular circumstance and shall be made in the sole discretion of the spiritual leaders of the Church designated by the church members. With respect to uses by other groups or persons, the Church may consider without limitation both the content of the proposed activities and whether the group or person is generally perceived by the public as advocating views contrary to the Christian beliefs of the Church of the munity Standards for Church of the Nazarene Representatives A.Roles and Expectations. In response to God’s calling on their lives, Church representatives exercise and express the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs by working together to advance the Church’s Christian mission. Church representatives are responsible for defining, cultivating, leading and/or representing the Church’s Christian community as an expression and exercise of the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs. Accordingly, each Church representative shall be expected to (i) model the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs for others, (ii) perform all of their duties as a service to God and (iii) comply with the following obligations: 1.Christian Beliefs. Each Church representative shall affirm their agreement with the Church of the Nazarene’s statement of faith and other Christian beliefs and shall not subscribe to or promote any religious beliefs inconsistent with these beliefs. 2.Christian Conduct Standards. Church representatives shall at all times (both during working and nonworking hours) endeavor to conduct themselves in a manner that affirms Biblical standards of conduct in accordance with the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs.3.Distinctly Christian Activities. Each Church representative shall be ready, willing, and able to lead or contribute to distinctly Christian activities such as worship or prayer services. B. Noncompliance by Representatives. If any Church representative does not comply with the obligations set forth above, such representative shall have an obligation to disclose such noncompliance to the Church. The Church may determine whether such representative intends or is likely to continue in such noncompliance. If so, then the Church may dismiss such representative from his or her position on the basis that such representative's noncompliance is inconsistent with and undermines the expression and exercise of the Church Christian community. Such action shall be taken in accordance with any applicable procedures in the Uniform Policy on Discipline, Restoration and Appeal.C. Mission-Based Exceptions. In situations where the Church of the Nazarene’s Ministry Organization mission can best be advanced by employing an individual who cannot comply with one or more of the foregoing obligations, the individual designated by the Church governance authority shall have the discretion to authorize an exception to this Policy and approve such individual's employment. However, such exceptions may not be granted unless it is first determined that such exception will not materially impair the distinctive Christian-expression and exercise of the Church. Any individual granted an exception shall be required to acknowledge that he or she understands and agrees to support the Church’s mission and valuesD.Volunteers and Contract Workers. Volunteers and contract workers are not considered to be representatives of the Church’s Christian community unless they are serving in leadership positions. Nevertheless, when such persons serve with the Church, they shall be required to acknowledge that they understand and agree to support the Church’s mission and values. The Church may give preference for such service to volunteers and contract workers who share the Church of the Nazarene’s Christian beliefs.When in doubt of a particular policy or proper procedure, the most current Manual-Church of the Nazarene will be a presiding document and aid in providing guidance and definitions.The Church Board Objective The objective of the Church Board is to provide the resources required to accomplish the Webb City Naz mission and vision as outlined in the Webb City Naz Mission Statement. The general plans include providing the necessary worship and fellowship environments which facilitate the salvation of sinners, the sanctification of believers, and the continued spiritual growth of everyone. All other efforts are secondary to these essentials. OfficersThe Pastor is Chairman of the Board, ex-officio. The board shall elect a Secretary and a Treasurer, whose duties shall be as prescribed in the Manual/Church of the Nazarene. Following the annual church elections and before the start of the first monthly meeting’s business, the newly elected Church Board shall meet in an organizational meeting to elect the Secretary and a Treasurer. OrganizationIn accordance with the Manual/Church of the Nazarene, the Church Board is composed of the pastor, the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) superintendent, the president of the Nazarene Youth International (NYI), the president of the Nazarene Missions International (NMI), the stewards, and the trustees of the church, and the members of the SDMI Board when elected as the Education Committee of the church board by the annual church meeting. If the NMI president is the pastor’s spouse, and chooses not to serve on the board, the vice president may serve; however, if the president is the pastor’s spouse and chooses to serve on the board, he or she shall not be a part of the review process of the pastor.There shall be no more than 25 regular members of the church board. Due to our current membership, Webb City Naz church board will consist of no more than nine members, which includes the presidents of SDMI, NMI, and NYI. Additionally, no SDMI Board or Educational committee will be paneled, but may at a time when church membership increases to a size that would warrant such a committee. Church officers and active members of the local church board are to be individuals who profess the experience of entire sanctification and whose lives demonstrate the grace of God that calls us to a holy life; who are in harmony with the doctrines, polity, and practices of the Church of the Nazarene; and who support the local church faithfully in attendance, active service, and with tithes and offerings. Church officers should be fully engaged in “making Christlike disciples in the nations.”Ordained and district licensed ministers unassigned by the district and paid employees of the local church are not eligible to serve on the local church anization in time of Pastoral TransitionWhen the annual meeting of a local church comes during a time of pastoral transition, the local nominating committee, chaired by the district superintendent, may, with the approval of the district superintendent, present the congregation with a resolution, no later than 30 days prior to the annual meeting, to retain the current church board for the upcoming church year. This resolution may be adopted by majority favorable vote by ballot of the church members of voting age present and voting at a duly called special meeting of the church. Should the resolution fail to pass, the church board shall be elected by the annual meeting as usual.MeetingsThe church board takes office at the beginning of the church year and shall have at least a bimonthly meeting (Webb City Naz will meet monthly on the second Sunday of each month following morning worship) and shall meet specially when called by the pastor or district superintendent. The church board secretary shall call a special meeting of the board only with the approval of the pastor, or the district superintendent when there is no pastor. Between the annual church meeting and the beginning of the church year, the newly elected church board may meet for organization purposes, at which time it shall elect a church board secretary and a church treasurer as provided hereafter and any other officer that it shall be their duty to elect.ResponsibilitiesThe responsibilities of the Webb City Naz Board are designated in the current edition of the Manual/Church of the Nazarene under Government/ The Local Church Board. These duties include, but not limited to: Monitoring the church budget and reporting on the financial conditions and concerns of the church,Determining the pastor’s compensation and to review it annually,Providing ways and means to support the pastor and other paid staff and workers with lifelong learning requirements. This will include the recommendation of a sabbatical for the pastor during the seventh consecutive year of service,Assisting the pastor with all church oversight (except that which is solely the pastor’s responsibility) from property upkeep and maintenance, to lay ministry and outreach, to members and non-members, to finance and budgeting.All other specific duties can be found in the current Manual/Church of the Nazarene, section 129. Observance of current financial laws and recommendations need quarterly review. Reporting and Evaluating Growth/Success Webb City Naz is required to report “attendance” to the Joplin District Office on a monthly basis. We are also required to complete an annual report of specific measures in attendance, service/ministry, financial giving, and individuals making a commitment to follow Jesus, especially by witness of baptism.In order to provide a clear understanding of how we will evaluate attendance and report as accurately as possible all measurements, we will do the following:Reporting Period—The reporting period will consist of Monday to Sunday. Any Bible Study or Discipleship Group meeting will fall under the SDMI Attendance record. Any ongoing, regularly scheduled times of worship will fall under Worship Attendance.Who We Count—For SDMI Attendance, we may only count 1 person per reporting period. If a person attends a Wednesday group and a Friday Bible Study, we may only count that person as attending once.Likewise, we may only count 1 person per reporting period in Worship Attendance. If a person attended Thursday evening worship as well as Sunday morning worship, we may only count that person once.ALL INDIVIDUALS ATTENDING IN PERSON, OF COURSE, ARE COUNTED. ALL INDIVIDUALS ATTENDING ONLINE/DIGITALLY MAY BE COUNTED IF THEY ENGAGED BY WAY OF REQUESTING PRAYER, GIVING OFFERINGS VIA ONLINE ACCESS DURING THE SERVICE, OR PROOF THEY HAVE PARTICIPATED VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE RECOGNITION OR 7 MINUTES OF RECORDED VIEWING PARTICIPATION.How We Count—CHECK-INFor Sunday mornings, we are responsible to get an accurate attendance for both Discipleship attendance and Worship attendance. This meets the reporting expectations of our denomination. Further, we may record each attending individual’s name and basic contact information per Contact Tracing requirements for our liability insurer and local governing authorities.The most accurate accounting of both legibly obtained names and information, as well as total count is via our member database system. By an immediate check-in of each member and/or guest, we have an instant record of that person’s attendance.Therefore, we must train individuals who are able to quickly input data into the system in a way that is inviting and non-cumbersome to members and guests. In order to encourage guests to at least provide their names and a phone number or email, we will offer a separate Guest Check-In apart from the Member Check-In. The Guest Check-In will include a check-in computer, a name-tag printer, and a welcome gift for each individual/family guest. The Member Check-In will only need a check-in computer and name-tag printer (if name tags are preferred). IN THE EVENT THAT A COMPUTER FREEZES OR POWER SUPPLY GOES OUT, we will utilize Check-In cards for guests and a check-in chart for members. The Check-In hosts/hostesses will write out guest information and/or record members attendance.What We Need to Count--It is the hope of our church family that we are able to record, on a weekly basis,.. those whom we have served in some tangible capacity, those we have prayed with,those who have heard or been offered the way of salvation through Jesus,those who have become followers of Jesus,those who have been baptized,those who have participated in service/ministry throughout the week,those who have attended a Discipleship/Support Group or Bible Study,those who have attended a weekly worship.Church Finances The Pastor and the Webb City Naz Board shall appoint at least two people to act as a Finance Committee along with the Treasurer who will be responsible to develop and recommend to the Church Board a church budget of projected income and expenditures and all budgetary matters of the church including all budgets, special project offerings, and staff and employee salaries and benefits. The budget shall be divided into functional groups with specific group allocations.This budget is to be provided to the Church Board two months before the beginning of the new year for review and approval.The pastor, treasurer, and finance committee members will monitor the church budget and report to the Church Board on the financial conditions and concerns of the church. The treasurer will provide a monthly report to the church board.The pastor and treasurer will ensure that at least two counters will count weekly offerings and record accurately the contributions from each individual or entity. Offerings will be deposited to the appropriate accounts and ensure all designated funds are used as the giver intended. After the offering is taken, the funds should be placed in the church safe unless it is to be counted immediately. After counting, the money should be returned to the safe or taken immediately to the bank and placed in the night depository, if needed. At no time should anyone be asked to be responsible for the security of money in his sole possession or in his home. It should be in the church safe or in the bank. Offerings and Donations will be designated as Ministry/Missions funds or Capital Costs. Our denominational responsibilities portion will be applied to the Ministry/Missions revenue, which is currently 5.5% of raised funds; and will be calculated and paid to the General Treasurer-Church of the Nazarene on a monthly basis. Approximately 10% of Ministry/Missions offerings will be paid to the Joplin District and will be divided between District Ministries (5.5%), Pensions and Benefits (2.25%), and Education/MidAmerica Nazarene University (2.25%). This will also be paid on a monthly basis.All monthly bills shall be paid, by the treasurer (or business manager), upon receipt, if possible, subject to the advice of the pastor (or administrative pastor) and unless otherwise directed by the church board. The treasurer will be the person authorized to sign checks and does so for all disbursements. If the treasurer is not available, another individual, or two, may be added to the account to be able to sign checks in the treasurer’s absence and approved by the treasurer or pastor to do so. It is not recommended to require two signatures per check since this has been found to lead to poor accounting practices. All transactions will be audited and can be reviewed by the board members at their request.According to the Manual, Church of the Nazarene, 516.15: The pastor shall be, ex-officio, president of the local church, chairperson of the church board, and a member of all elected and standing boards and committees of the church he or she serves. The pastor shall have access to all records of the local church.This means the pastor may exercise his/her right to view any and all financial records.Furthermore, according to Manual, Church of the Nazarene 518:The pastor and members of his or her immediate family are prohibited from creating financial obligations, spending funds [this means spending unbudgeted or unapproved funds], counting moneys, or having unrestricted access [meaning access without Treasurer’s knowledge, and as a signatory on accounts] to financial accounts of the church. The church board or church meeting may, by majority vote, request an exception from the District Advisory Board and district superintendent. If the district superintendent and a majority of the District Advisory Board approve the exception, the district superintendent will provide written approval of the request to the church board secretary, who will record the action in the church records. Immediate family shall include spouse, children, siblings, or parents.Moreover, the Pastor may assist the Treasurer and Finance team with assuring the monthly reports are accurate and up to date. ANYONE’S ACCESS TO THE CHURCH’S ACCOUNTING RECORDS SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT AND KNOWN TO THE FINANCE TEAM AND REVIEWED IN THE ANNUAL AUDIT.ALL PAID CLERGY will be paid according to IRS guidelines for clergy. The pay period will be every two weeks (26 pay periods per year). ALL PAID NON-CLERGY will be compensated according to IRS guidelines as contracted employees (1099 tax receipts) unless IRS rules dictate a position warrants payroll tax be paid (W2 tax receipts). LINK Excel.Sheet.12 " Finance/Payroll/Payroll Periods.xlsx" "Sheet1!R1C1:R30C4" \a \f 4 \h Webb City Naz 2021 Biweekly Payroll CalendarPeriodPay Period Begin DatePay Period End DateCheck Date????112/24/20201/6/20211/8/202121/7/20211/20/20211/22/202131/21/20212/3/20212/5/202142/4/20212/17/20212/19/202152/18/20213/3/20213/5/202163/4/20213/17/20213/19/202173/18/20213/31/20214/2/202184/1/20214/14/20214/16/202194/15/20214/28/20214/30/2021104/29/20215/12/20215/14/2021115/13/20215/26/20215/28/2021125/27/20216/9/20216/11/2021136/10/20216/23/20216/25/2021146/24/20217/7/20217/9/2021157/8/20217/21/20217/23/2021167/22/20218/4/20218/6/2021178/5/20218/18/20218/20/2021188/19/20219/1/20219/3/2021199/2/20219/15/20219/17/2021209/16/20219/29/202110/1/2021219/30/202110/13/202110/15/20212210/14/202110/27/202110/29/20212310/28/202111/10/202111/12/20212411/11/202111/24/202111/26/20212511/25/202112/8/202112/10/20212612/9/202112/22/202112/24/2021It is advised that quarterly giving statements should be sent to all donors. The minimum expected standard will be to send annual giving statements at the conclusion of the tax year. For non-monetary donations, a receipt of goods should be provided to the donor.At the end of each church year, a fiscal audit is recommended to be completed by an independent group; and if not, a required audit should be completed by members approved by the pastor and the Webb City Naz Board.Accounting Practices (NTS software)The Treasurer, Business Manager, and Contributions Recorder will maintain all accounting information and be responsible for accuracy and timeliness of weekly records. Weekly reports will be provided to the Pastor and monthly reports will be provided to the Church Board.The process of Receiving and Payables will be as follows:All offerings/donations will be received Monday afternoon thru Sunday. Currently, the Contributions recorder (Eunice LeRoy) will be joined by one other individual to count all contributions received to date. The individual donors and amounts will be recorded in NTS, a deposit slip may be generated for the deposit that will be completed at the bank immediately following the count.The NTS logon and input procedures must be adhered to in the following sequence:Power up Treasurer LapTopOpen up the NTS softwareOpen up BackUp & Restore option from main menu/dashboard2905125717550Check the box by Restore/Download Data12612383809900Check the boxes by Contributions and Checkbook.169545049403000176543429654500 Check the box by Cloud Folder or…215265034162900Input Cloud password when prompted305689170421600Make sure to check the Cloud Folder box in the Checkbook section…217106437465100Then click the Start Restore button220028484709000Once all updated Cloud information is downloaded, you may exit the backup section and begin inputting contributions in the Contributions section or recording transactions or producing checks in the Checkbook Section.Upon completion of work, please go to the Backup & Restore option from the main menu/dashboard. Then, click on the Backup/Upload option at top and make sure that Contributions box is checked and Register box is checked; then, make sure upload to Cloud box is checked on each option. Then, click start button at bottom. Once Cloud Backup is complete, you can exit.Local Missions The Pastor and the Webb City Naz Board shall approve local funds to be distributed to local ministries/missions that share the same values as Webb City Naz as well as provide funds for care and benevolence that are directly distributed to recipients through Compassionate Ministries. The pastor and board will also communicate to the greater church family the ministries that are supported and encourage them to join in the passionate Ministries/Benevolent CareGrace is the gifting of love and acceptance, resources, and so forth to those who are not deserving. At the same time, grace does not provide the recipient a “license to abuse such grace.” Therefore, our benevolence should be guided by discernment and the overall goal to earn the chance to share the Gospel.Webb City Fund/Compassionate Ministry RequestsThe purpose of Webb City Fund is to provide financial resources for benevolent care to our church family members as well as members from the community who meet benevolence criteria. At times, circumstances may warrant the giving of special assistance to members of the church family with rent, utilities, or medical needs. The Compassionate Ministries Director and the pastor have the discretion to make this determination, being mindful of the frequency of such needs and counseling them on money management to prevent this assistance from becoming habitual. Currently, needs are met with first come first serve mentality. Our budget at this time is $200 per month; and persons are helped as the team deems necessary, whether that is one person getting the whole $200 worth of assistance or several requests splitting it over the month. Occasionally the team reaches out to members of the Church for assistance if the need is too big for our budget.People who frequently receive assistance over a short amount of time may be cut off for a period of time to allow other people to receive assistance. We have had to do that with a few people. We are still able to help them, just not financially. If someone request help with a need, whether in person or over the phone, a request form needs to be filled out to the best of their ability. Even the hard or uncomfortable questions such as, what has caused this need? (why are you in this Situation). This helps the compassion team when it comes to determining how to help.Requests are filled after they requester has attended a service or small group, unless specifically worked out with ministry team, they have to attend to receive assistance, because as important as helping is, it is more important to help them spiritually. Bread MinistryCurrently, Tom Bonebreak is in charge of arranging pick up times with JJ at Bimbo Bread and contacting people to help him load and unload. As of now he has 3 helpers Bev, John, Ron. The current scheduled pick up times are Tuesdays at around 10:30 AM. Changes happen frequently depending on weather and the staffing at Bimbo.Helpers meet Tom at the church a few minutes before pickup time and ride with Tom to Bimbo to load the bread onto the trailer. The bread is then brought back to the church and unloaded.Calls are made to local ministries and other Nazarene churches in the areas to schedule a time for them to pick up. Alison currently makes the calls. If Tom or Alison are out of town or unable to do the tasks, please contact Joshua Roberts so he can fill in the gaps and continue to have the Ministry function as usual.A plan is in place to start skipping the drop off of the bread at the church, to take it straight to the businesses in the community. Bill Keys has a list of places he delivers to weekly when the bread is available. He should be contacted every week to help with distributions of the bread.Food DistributionTo obtain food for the food distribution, our church has Contacted local businesses for donations of resource. These are Opal foods in Neosho for eggs,. We Care of the Four States in Joplin for Milk occasionally has meat products such as hamburger or sausage, and produce boxes, Jasper products for Juice/ off brand Gatorade. Melvin at MOARK for produce or meat, weekly bread pick-ups at Bimbo. We keep extra bread for the distributions when scheduled. When contacting businesses for donations, schedule a pick-up time that works for Tom Bonebreak and the donating company. Product will be brought back and unloaded into the fellowship hall until distribution. We Schedule distributions times between 10AM and Noon on Saturdays:Joshua Roberts contacts the volunteers to help with Distributions, including setting up and putting things away afterwards. Volunteers come between 8:30 and 9 AM depending on the amount of set up needed. Regular Volunteers are Tom and Michelle Horn, Tom Bonebreak, Trevin and Joana Thompson, Glen and Laddona Thompson, Beverly, Ron, John Lionberger, Jason and Elizabeth Grindstaff.Food is staged by the South East entrance.A sheet is printed out to get names of people receiving food and also their prayer requests. One person is outside along the road where the cars are lined up, to get the names and prayer requests. The also ask how many families they are picking up for, no more than 4 families. Then they are given a small piece of paper that number of families on it.The cars come in the main entrance off Oranogo and are to drive through to the 10th St exit where they will drive under the Car port. Persons in the car will give a team member the number slip and the team will work together to load their vehicle with the food items for each family.Free SaleDonations are dropped off at the church and placed into the big shed outside. Once the shed is full schedule a date to hold the free sale that doesn’t have anything else on it that weekend, because it usually takes several volunteers to run the event. Held from 8AM-2PM Friday and 8AM-Noon Saturday.Joshua Roberts contacts people to help run the Event. Some are similar helpers from the food distribution.Kolhs Care is able to help set up and donate, if contacted in a timely manner.Tables are set outside and set up like a free sale. We make an entrance/ Check out area and run caution tape around the perimeter so the people come in through one area. They sigh in and write down prayer requests and brief questions about church home and if they would like more info on out church or would like staff to call them. Upon check out we bag their goods and assist them to their cars if needed. Any donations go to NYI, children’s and youth group.For clean up, we call Salvation Army or DAV in Joplin to see if they can take the leftovers, then we load Tom’s trailer and take it to them and unload it with a couple of passionate Ministry RequestsIf some has a need whether in person or over the phone, a request form needs to be filled out to the best of their ability--even the hard or uncomfortable questions such as, what has caused this need? (why are you in this Situation). This helps the compassion team when it comes to determining how to help.Josh is then informed about the requests and works with team on how to best help, if possible. Chad and Alison and Eunice can also approve requests when it is communicated with ministry team, that way people who have over received help cannot continue to used different members of the staff to take advantage. Cash and or checks written to requestors are never acceptable. We as a church do not give money directly to the people. If groceries are needed, we will supply them. Same thing for fuel, utility bills, and any other need. This keeps every one accountable and the people are getting the help they have asked for. Currently needs are met with first come first serve mentality. Our budget is currently 200 per month and persons are helped as the team deems necessary, whether that is on person getting the whole 200 worth of assistance or several requests splitting it over the month. Occasionally the team reaches out to members of the Church for assistance if the need is to big for our budget.People who frequently receive assistance over a short amount of time may be cut off for a period of time to allow other people to receive assistance. We have had to do that with a few people. We are till able to help them, just not financially. Requests are filled after they requester has attended a service or small group, unless specifically worked out with ministry team, they have to attend to receive assistance, because as important as helping is, it is more important to help them spiritually.Pastoral Care and ReviewThe Lead Pastor’s compensation and any performance reviews are to be communicated to and conducted in concert with the Joplin District Superintendent. The Webb City Naz Board shall have final approval of the details of the compensation package and follow all recommendations as set forth in the current Manual/Church of the Nazarene as well as abide by the IRS requirements for religious organizations.Reviews will take place in accordance with the Manual/Church of the Nazarene.Pastoral StaffChurch staff and/or volunteers with official capacity are to be hired and supervised by the Lead Pastor, or designated staff member, with the advice and consent of the Webb City Naz board.A staff member’s compensation will be recommended by the Lead Pastor with final approval by the Webb City Naz board. Performance reviews are the sole responsibility of the Lead Pastor, or designated supervisor. Any recommendations for continued service or to terminate service will be with the consent of the Webb City Naz Board.As stated in the Finances section, ALL PAID CLERGY will be paid according to IRS guidelines for clergy. The pay period will be every two weeks (26 pay periods per year). ALL PAID NON-CLERGY will be compensated according to IRS guidelines as contracted employees (1099 tax receipts) unless IRS rules dictate a position warrants payroll tax be paid (W2 tax receipts). I. Personnel GuidelinesThere shall be up to 10 days paid sick leave per year for each member of the pastoral staff.All paid personnel will have up to two weeks paid vacation per year. The Nazarene manual will be the source book for determining vacation time for pastors.Any expenditures by the pastor or any staff member that have not been pre-approved within the annual church budget that exceed $100 must be approved by the Church Board. All office staff may run emergency errands “on the clock” if the circumstance constitutes an emergency in their understanding.Normal office hours will be from 9:00-3:00 Monday thru Friday. Staff who spend additional hours shall do so on their own, unpaid, time.A list shall be maintained of ALL persons who have church keys in their possession. This list should be updated every six months. Persons no longer attending Webb City Naz must surrender any keys in their possession.ActivitiesAll church activities will be considered worship services and should be moving our church toward its mission.Facilities UseThe use of facilities will reflect the values, beliefs, and mission of Webb City Naz. In addition, the facilities and how they are used will adhere to local zoning regulations and federal and state laws regarding safety and access.Americans with disabilities regulations that Webb City Naz are not exempt from must be followed. This must be reviewed by the Lead Pastor and Church Board on an annual basis.Service AnimalsService animals will be admitted upon an individual’s verbal confirmation at their first visit/day of attendance at any service or church event. If the individual will need to attend regularly with his/her service animal, documentation must be on hand to confirm the animal is a certified service animal.NO other ANIMALS will be permitted inside the building, especially in carpeted areas, unless approved by the Church Board. Animals may be permitted in the gymnasium for special services, competitions, “Pet Day,” and so forth, that are approved by the Church Board. When animals are in the gym, they will be on a leash. Any “messes” created by the animal will be cleaned up by the owner unless other arrangements have been made.Rental PoliciesSanctuaryThe Webb City sanctuary is not available for rental by the public, apart from weddings (see section relating to Guidelines for weddings) and funerals. The sanctuary may be used for funerals with a donation of $50 for a sound tech, $50 for cleaning and a minimum of $50 for the musicians. Members of Webb City are not required to pay any fees.Webb City CafeFirst preference will be given to members for any use. There is no charge for members to use this space within the church facility. The charge for non-members will be a $25 deposit up front and a $25 per hour rental fee. The up-front deposit is refundable after the area has been cleaned and furniture has been put back in place by the renters.Group LodgingAll groups desiring to rent our facility must be approved by church leadership and must agree to respect our Christian beliefs and standards. An up-front deposit of $250 must be paid no later than two weeks prior to the reserve date. The deposit will be returned to the group upon verification of no damages or extra cleaning. The per night rental fee will be $60. Groups who must cancel their reservation will receive a 100% refund of the deposit. Groups will be given a “rules and information” checklist to which all parties in the group are expected to adhere. Failure to do so will result in nullifying any requests for future use by that group.Office EquipmentPermission must be obtained by members and non-members alike to use the copy machine so as not to interfere with staff use. There will be no fee for member use and a 25 cent per sheet charge for all non-members.The Use of Facilities for Weddings The wedding ceremony is one of the most sacred rites of the church. It is the desire of the lead pastor and the church family to make every ceremony a beautiful and worshipful experience. It will be considered a Christian worship service; and, in agreement with our position on Human Sexuality. (Nazarene Manual, paragraph 32) FacilitiesThe church facilities are available as the church calendar permits. It is required that all items be returned to their original place, at the conclusion of the wedding.The anticipated date and arrangements must be cleared with the officiating pastor or wedding coordinator before the wedding is entered on the church calendar. NOTE: The pastor requires the bride and groom to participate in pre-marital counseling. Appointments should be made with the pastor as soon as possible. The pastor will marry only those who are members of Webb City Naz or whose immediate family members attend Webb City Naz. (see Board minutes for April, 2015)MusicArrangements of any organist/pianist must be cleared by the wedding coordinator prior to any contact with that organist/pianist. All music used with the ceremony should be in keeping with the sacredness and dignity of a church wedding. This is especially true of vocal music; therefore, it will be necessary that copies of all planned music be presented to the wedding coordinator in advance for approval.Sound System and LightingWhere the use of the church sound system is desired for the musicians and/or ministers, it is required that a sound engineer from the church operate the system.PhotographsWe request that the photographer (or family or friends) not in any way detract from the sacredness of the ceremony by their movements. A photographer should never move in front of the couple or onto the platform during the ceremony.Flash pictures should not be taken after the ceremony has begun.Floral DecorationsAll floral decorations are the responsibility of the wedding party.The wedding party should arrange with the church office before decorating the church as well as to arrange for access to the building.Only dripless candles may be used to prevent wax drippings. In all cases where candles are used, a sheet of plastic shall be placed under the candles.All rented equipment should be removed at the end of the wedding unless special arrangements have been made.There will be no nails, tape, or tacks attached to the walls or furniture. Masking tape will be permitted provided it is removed after the wedding (on the same day.)BirdseedBirdseed must be restricted to the outside of the building. Birdseed should be swept away from the church entrance. No rice or confetti throwing is to be permitted at all.ReceptionsReceptions may be held in the church fellowship area.The kitchen facilities may also be used with the understanding that the kitchen and all equipment used are to be left clean and in good working order.No alcoholic beverages are to be used at any time in any way, nor is there to be any smoking anywhere in the church facilities. The bride and groom will make these rules known to all members of the wedding party.The wedding party will not use the church’s supplies.Refreshments shall be restricted to the Fellowship area.FeesFor the church members or regular attenders and their immediate family members the fee structure is as follows:Musicians - $40.00 (for each musician used)Sound Engineer - $40.00Custodial - $40.00 (to be paid directly to the church)For non-church members (or those not regular attenders or immediate family members of same), all the above fees apply in addition to a $200.00 non-member fee for the Life Center and a $200.00 fee for the fellowship hall.It is customary to present an honorarium to the minister from the wedding couple as a thank you for his time spent in interviews/counseling, rehearsals, and the wedding service. The suggested honorarium is $300 for non-members and $150 for members.Safety Plan Webb City Naz will have a designated safety and security team whose purpose is to comply with local, state, and federal laws for public meeting places and non-profit entities as well as our denominational guidelines for employees and volunteers.Property Protection Policy Outside doors should remain locked at all times, except when the facilities are being used by a known group. When only the secretary and/or pastor is present, outside doors should remain locked until they can identify the person desiring entrance. Designated persons should be responsible for making sure all doors are locked following any church activities or outside groups using the facility.All interior doors containing electronic equipment should be locked unless the room is in use.All electronic equipment should be easily identified through the engraving of the church name and address in a visible location.The church building shall be in total compliance with all codes as set forth by the fire safety inspector. Fire alarms and extinguishers must be periodically checked by a member of the church trustees. Fire alarm batteries and batteries for emergency lights must be changed semi-annually.The church building address should be clearly visible from the adjacent street to enable emergency vehicles to quickly identify the site.A list of all utility cut-off sites shall be posted in the hallway near the office.Safety checks must be made in all storage areas to prevent flammable materials being placed near open flame or in hazardous manner.An inventory of church property should be completed and placed in a safe location away from the church building for easy identification of missing or damaged items in the event of theft or disaster.The church should be an active partner with the local neighborhood watch so that persons nearby will bring awareness to unusual activity when church personnel is not present.Bushes and plants should be trimmed to diminish the ease of hiding places for those individuals seeking unwarranted access to the building.Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems should be cleaned and inspected annually.People Protection Plan A floor plan of the building with the exit routes clearly marked in the event of a fire danger should be posted near the sanctuary doors, the classroom hallways, in the Tea Room and in the gym. Classroom teachers should be responsible for reviewing and/or implementing safe evacuation of their area. The pastor shall inform the sanctuary congregation of the safety plan in that area. All procedures and routes should be reviewed semi-annually. Fire evacuation gathering areas need to be at least 150 ft. from the church building.A floor plan of the building indicating “safe” areas in the event of a tornado should be posted near all the fire evacuation plans throughout the building. These should be reviewed with all persons present any time the weather is threatening.A designated individual should be assigned to monitor weather conditions when activities are ongoing and dangerous weather might occur. A weather radio placed in the church office might be an effective way to monitor. Should a warning occur, this individual should immediately inform and direct persons present into the “safe” areas.All exterior and interior church areas should be checked for potential tripping hazards and corrected by whatever means the church trustees deem necessary.Any sources, such as the church directory, of information regarding names, addresses or phone numbers of members should not be in ready access or in sight of all persons entering the church premises on any occasion.Medical Emergencies In the absence of anyone medically qualified to deal with emergencies of a nature, one person should be authorized to call 911 if there seems to be cause for concern to the untrained eye.It would be advisable for the church board to offer CPR and first aid training to all church members. This training is provided through the Springfield fire department or the American Heart Association.A well-stocked first aid kit which includes a supply of rubber gloves should be available, with ready access, and the location known to all the congregation.Emergency Response to Natural Disasters In the event of a natural disaster, such as a tornado, a designated person should contact 911 services after determining the approximate number of persons present, the nature and severity of any injuries, and any safety concerns which might affect emergency responders.Access should be gained to utility cut-off points, removing the danger of gas leaks or fires.Persons should evacuate the building to a safe gathering area, if possible, but leave the physical address of the church until emergency responders have arrived to determine the safety of such actions.Render such emergency care to the injured as personal knowledge deems appropriate. Do not move the injured unless the danger of the site is imminently deteriorating.Emergency Response to Man-Made Disasters In our culture today, we cannot assume that the church is a safe place. Neither can naively state that God will protect us. Evil exists in our world and Christians are not immune from its, sometimes, devastating consequences. Therefore, while no plan can be devised to cover all possible scenarios, there are some things that can be done to minimize the negative effects of man-made disasters.An immediate call to 911 by anyone who has access to a cell phone should be made. The caller should inform the emergency services of the address; the location within the building of the intruder/intruders; the number of people at risk of danger and the of the threat. Rather than hang up after the call, leave the phone line open so emergency services can monitor the sounds coming from the affected location.Everyone should hide out of view of the potential threat, as much as possible. If there are alternative evacuation exits that can be safely accessed, anyone near such exits should leave the area.When the first safety officers arrive on the scene, persons should stay in a position. Do not call to the officers or, in any way, distract them from their task of securing the scene. These first officers will not attend to the wounded. A secondary wave of emergency personnel will be present as soon as they can safely do so.In order to be proactive, it is recommended that a training video, produced by the office of Homeland Security, be viewed by all persons who might be present should such an occurrence become reality. The local police are also a source of helpful information regarding proper response to emergency situations. They will give on-site lectures to provide optimum preparedness.The Church Board should consider the installation of a “panic button” or silent alarm within easy access of the pastor at the podium and in the secretary’s office. This warning system should activate notification to anyone in the Children’s wing of the need for a lock-down for all persons present in that area. Such a warning system would notify the police quickly without alarming an intruder, which might cause greater harm. Children’s Ministries: Screening PolicyThis policy shall apply to all current and future workers, compensated and/or volunteer, who will have the responsibility of supervising the activities of preschoolers, children, youth and mentally handicapped persons. Prior to consideration for a position, any candidate who may be working with preschoolers, children, youth, or the disabled will complete and return the initial ministry application. A ministry leader, or designee, will carefully review the ministry application to make certain the worker will be appropriate for the ministry position, based on the information provided. If the person appears to be appropriate for the ministry work all references will be checked to confirm information provided on the ministry application. Any information indicating a candidate poses a threat to others or has had prior history of physical or sexual abuse directed against another person, will result in immediate removal of the individual candidate from consideration for a ministry position within this organization. Whether disclosed voluntarily or by result of the criminal background check, charges for crimes and/or convictions will be reviewed by trained members of the East Kentucky District Children’s Ministries Council for interpretation of the criminal history record transcript. Only qualified persons (as stated above) may view information obtained on the criminal history record transcript. A criminal background check may be performed through a state law enforcement agency with respect to all candidates seeking to work with preschoolers, children, youth or the disabled. At the applicants’ request, this organization shall allow the applicant to review his/her criminal history record and transcript, in no event shall the applicant be allowed to retain and/ or copy his/her transcript. Proper notification shall be made to ministry directors if an internal grievance (applicant disputes) is filed by an applicant because of incorrect information or other reasons related to criminal histories provided by the agency. The ministry director shall submit, in a reasonable time period, the Criminal History Record Resolution Request or a similar document to the agency.Children’s Ministries: Discipline Policy for WorkersAny person, who is discovered to have committed an act of abuse on a child during a church sponsored activity as defined by Missouri or Federal law, will be removed from their position and reported to appropriate authorities. Webb City Naz may be bound to join in the criminal or civil prosecution of said person. In any event, proper spiritual and therapeutic care will be offered to both the victim as well as the perpetrator. The goal would be the healing and restoration of the victim; and, the salvation of the perpetrator through penance, restitution, and the acceptance of all consequence of his or her sin.Children’s Ministries: Worker SupervisionWhen at all possible, at least two unrelated adults should be present at every function, and in every classroom, vehicle or enclosed area, during every preschool, child, youth or ministry program for the disabled. A reasonable ratio of adult workers must be maintained in each situation involving the supervision of children. Program directors will supervise and make unannounced visits to classes and program sites periodically. Supervisors should maintain a log indicating rooms and activities visited including the time and date of such visits. An identification system shall be adopted so adults who drop off a child are the same adults who pick up the child. Permission slips will be available for adults to sign, authorizing the release of the child(ren) to other adults. Lists of workers, who meet the organizations approval, shall be posted for public viewing in an area where minors are located. Parental permission shall be obtained in advance for involvement in church sponsored programs, activities or whenever an adult might be spending time alone with a child in an unsupervised situation--as in a counseling situation.A door without a window must remain open at all times.Use a “check-in/check-out” procedure for all kindergarten-aged children and younger. Educate all volunteers and paid workers with minors regarding the policies and procedures adopted concerning the matter of child abuse. Children’s Ministries: Discipline Policy for ChildrenTBDApproved by Church Board:(date)Board Secretary:(signature)Lead Pastor:(signature)This policy handbook shall be reviewed each January for input or revisions. It should also be reviewed each time a new pastor comes on staff. ................

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