Suffolk Public Schools Blog

966916-275590Tic-Tac-Toe Geometry Project0Tic-Tac-Toe Geometry ProjectThis game has the same principles as everyone’s favorite childhood game of tic-tac-toe where you get 3 in a row. You need to complete 3 projects that result in three in a row, where each box is worth 33 points with one point for turning it in on time; each of the projects will be done on a separate piece of colored card stock. Or you may work with one a partner and complete all 9 of the projects, where each box is worth 11 points, with one point for turning it in on time; each of the projects will be done on a separate piece of colored card stock. Below are the guidelines for each of the boxes; the numbers correspond with the numbers on the tic-tac-toe board. Attach this rubric, Tic-Tac-Toe completed project(s) with all work shown. Highlight the projects you created on the rubric. Do not put a numeric score, as I will do so. Ten points/day will be deducted, should this arise. 1. Give a brief geometry lesson to the class about a Geometry topic that interested you. Make it entertaining to the class and give multiple reasons why it is important to know and hints that help you remember the topic. Remember, you are the teacher!2. Create a poem/song that contains information about an important geometry concept. The song/poem needs to be at least THREE verse and each verse must contain FOUR lines.3. Create a crossword puzzle which contains at least 20 words out of the Geometry Storybook pre-typed. Each word must have at least 2 sentences describing the words.4. Create a t-shirt which includes a picture for your logo and the geometry word must be involved somewhere in the logo. Must be school appropriate and colorful! Please design the front and back of the shirt.**5. Think of a time in your life when geometry played a very important role. Explain an experience when the knowledge of geometry helped you out, someone else’s knowledge of geometry made a huge impact or something else that comes to mind that relates to geometry being used in your life. Do NOT write about how you use geometry in school! This is asking about experiences outside of school. Your life experience must be at least 2 paragraphs long (or longer, typed in New Times Roman, font size 12.6. Create a cartoon/comic strip will be graded for neatness, color, content and effort. You must have at least 5 boxes if you do a comic strip. You may NOT print one from the internet.7. Create a geometry review quiz, designed like quizzes in my classroom which is worth 20 points. Include questions worth 2, 4 and 6 points where the more rigorous questions are worth the most. You must turn in 2 copies; one for a student and one with the answers, completely worked out. Quizzes must be typed or in blue/black ink.8. Create a geometry board game which involves geometry concepts. It should include multiple concepts from a topic. Game must include instructions for playing. It must be at least 20 spaces. You will be graded on your neatness, content, creativity of the board design and playing pieces.9. Imagine you are a TV reporter. Your news report should be 1 minute long and geometry words describing the event in an exciting way. Explain why the rest of the class needs to know about this news report.(Hint: Imagine the report to be VERY important….get excited!)966916-275590Tic-Tac-Toe Geometry Project0Tic-Tac-Toe Geometry ProjectThis game has the same principles as everyone’s favorite childhood game of tic-tac-toe where you get 3 in a row. You need to complete 3 projects that result in three in a row, where each box is worth 33 points with one point for turning it in on time; each of the projects will be done on a separate piece of colored card stock. Or you may work with one a partner and complete all 9 of the projects, where each box is worth 11 points, with one point for turning it in on time; each of the projects will be done on a separate piece of colored card stock. Below are the guidelines for each of the boxes; the numbers correspond with the numbers on the tic-tac-toe board. Attach this rubric, Tic-Tac-Toe completed project(s) with all work shown. Highlight the projects you created on the rubric. Do not put a numeric score, as I will do so. Ten points/day will be deducted, should this arise. 1. Give a brief geometry lesson to the class about a Geometry topic that interested you. Make it entertaining to the class and give multiple reasons why it is important to know and hints that help you remember the topic. Remember, you are the teacher!2. Create a poem/song that contains information about an important geometry concept. The song/poem needs to be at least THREE verse and each verse must contain FOUR lines.3. Create a crossword puzzle which contains at least 20 words out of the Geometry Storybook pre-typed. Each word must have at least 2 sentences describing the words.4. Create a t-shirt which includes a picture for your logo and the geometry word must be involved somewhere in the logo. Must be school appropriate and colorful! Please design the front and back of the shirt.**5. Think of a time in your life when geometry played a very important role. Explain an experience when the knowledge of geometry helped you out, someone else’s knowledge of geometry made a huge impact or something else that comes to mind that relates to geometry being used in your life. Do NOT write about how you use geometry in school! This is asking about experiences outside of school. Your life experience must be at least 2 paragraphs long (or longer, typed in New Times Roman, font size 12.6. Create a cartoon/comic strip will be graded for neatness, color, content and effort. You must have at least 5 boxes if you do a comic strip. You may NOT print one from the internet.7. Create a geometry review quiz, designed like quizzes in my classroom which is worth 20 points. Include questions worth 2, 4 and 6 points where the more rigorous questions are worth the most. You must turn in 2 copies; one for a student and one with the answers, completely worked out. Quizzes must be typed or in blue/black ink.8. Create a geometry board game which involves geometry concepts. It should include multiple concepts from a topic. Game must include instructions for playing. It must be at least 20 spaces. You will be graded on your neatness, content, creativity of the board design and playing pieces.9. Imagine you are a TV reporter. Your news report should be 1 minute long and geometry words describing the event in an exciting way. Explain why the rest of the class needs to know about this news report.(Hint: Imagine the report to be VERY important….get excited!)Tic-Tac-Toe Rubric for _________________________ & _________________________________ Block _______ _____1. Speech (presentation)_____/11Lesson is 2 minute long (1 points)Student discusses geometry concept, importance of concept, and gives an example to the class (4 Points)Explain why the rest of the class needs to know this concept. (1 points)Act as a teacher.(2 points)Appropriate demeanor. (3 points)_____2. Poem/Song_____/11Contain information about geometry concepts (4 points)Main reasons for needing to know about geometry concepts (4 points)Three verses (2 points)Each verse contains four lines. (1 points)_____3. Crossword/Puzzle_____/11Contains 20 words out of the Geometry Storybook (5 points)Each words has 2 sentences describing the words (4 points)Visually appealing/creative (2 points)_____4. T-Shirt_____/11Contains a picture and the geometry word is included (7 points)Detailed and descriptive (2 points)Well drawn, shows effort (1 points)Minimal spelling and grammatical errors (1 points)_____5. Geometry Experience (Both persons must complete)_____/112 paragraphs long, typed in new times roman, with 12 point font (5 points)An experience from outside of the learning environment (4 points)Detailed and descriptive, grammatically correct(2 points)_____6. Cartoon/ Comic Strip (presentation)_____/11Explains cartoon to the class (2 points)Appropriate presentation demeanor (2 points)Creative, neat, effort given (5 points)Relevant to geometry (2points)_____7. Make your own quiz_____/11At least four simple 2 point questions (3 points)At least four medium 4-point questions (3 points)At least two higher level 6-point questions (3 points)Two copies turned in (student copy and answer key) well written, typed/black/blue ink, no errors (2 points)_____8. Board Game_____/11Contains at least 2 geometry concepts (5 points)Well written instructions, neatness, creativity, relevant to geometry (4 points)20 spaces (2 points)_____9. News Report (Presentation)_____/11Script is 1 page long (2 points)Appropriate demeanor while presenting (5 points)Creative, original, includes geometry concept (4 points)Tic-Tac-Toe Rubric for ___________________________ Block ____________1. Speech (presentation)_____/33Lesson is 2 minute long (5 points)Student discusses geometry concept, importance of concept, and gives an example to the class (10 Points)Explain why the rest of the class needs to know this concept. (5 points)Act as a teacher.(3 points)Appropriate demeanor. (5 points)_____2. Poem/Song_____/33Contain information about geometry concepts (10 points)Main reasons for needing to know about geometry concepts (10 points)Three verses (10 points)Each verse contains four lines. (3 points)_____3. Crossword/Puzzle_____/33Contains 20 words out of the 64 word packet (20 points)Each words has 2 sentences describing the words (10 points)Visually appealing/creative (3 points)_____4. T-Shirt_____/33Contains a picture and the geometry word is included (15 points)Detailed and descriptive (10 points)Well drawn, shows effort (5 points)Minimal spelling and grammatical errors (3 points)_____5. Geometry Experience (Both persons must complete)_____/332 paragraphs long, typed in new times roman, 12 point font (15 points)An experience from outside of the learning environment (15 points)Detailed and descriptive, grammatically correct (3 points)_____6. Cartoon/ Comic Strip (presentation)_____/33Explains cartoon to the class (5 points)Appropriate presentation demeanor (5 points)Creative, neat, effort given (20 points)Relevant to geometry (3 points)_____7. Make your own quiz_____/33At least four simple 2 point questions (7 points)At least four medium 4-point questions (10 points)At least two higher level 6-point questions (10 points)Two copies turned in (student copy and answer key), well written, typed/black/blue ink, no errors (6 points)_____8. Board Game_____/33Contains at least 2 geometry concepts (15 points)Well written instructions, neatness, creativity, relevant to geometry (15 points)20 spaces (3 points)_____9. News Report (Presentation)_____/33Script is 1 page long (10 points)Appropriate demeanor while presenting (15 points)Creative, original, includes geometry concept (8 points) ................

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