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Kindergarten Lesson Plans- December (Week 1)

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Sight Words | We, of |

|Predicatable chart | We will make lots of ______. |

| |Letters: Vv and Kk |Letter Expert for K. (“No More |Letter Expert for V. |Make words that start with “V” by |Letter/sound test. Teacher says the|

|Letters |Pass out cards to students and they |Letter of the Week” book) View Kk |Students will recall V and K words|writing “van” on a mini-whiteboard,|word and students write the letter |

| |will take turns to sort word wall |and Vv PowerPoints. Draw 2 K and 2 |and help to write them on chart |students will copy and change |that the word starts with (use |

| |words/pictures by initial sound onto |V pictures; label and write |paper, with the class helping |letters to make new words. |paper with picture support to |

| |pocket chart. |sentence about it |decide the letters/sounds. |(Van-fan-man) |record answer). |

| |Use Christmas pocket chart rhyme |Read “The Bear Snores On” and |Read “Bear Stays up for |Read a non-fiction story about |Discover animals that hibernate |

|Reading |from: |discuss the characters in the story|Christmas.” Compare to yesterdays |bears and other animals from “Bear |using and non-fiction |

| | the time of the year |story and draw favorite part of |Snores On” series. Compare real |books. Sort fiction and non-fiction|

| |as.html |(fall/winter). Illustrate the |story. |bears to pretend bears on chart |books. |

| |Students will match rhyming words to |characters/setting. | |paper. | |

| |what is heard at the end of the | | | | |

| |rhyme. | | | | |

| | Ordinal Numbers- Practice first, |Find shapes that have a line drawn |Place reindeer cut-outs in ordinal|Place stockings in number order and|Quiz show and/or Ordinal number and|

|Math |second, third, fourth, fifth, |on them to show equal parts and |order with Santa first, Rudolph |by saying the ordinal words. |fractions Test |

| |sixth-tenth using the calendar. |ones that do not. Sort onto a |second, etc. |Compare to a story by retelling. | |

| | |T-chart. | | | |

| | Make a “Christmas words” counting |Continue book from yesterday then |Make a number book using ordinal |Continue book from yesterday then |Work on incomplete books and choose|

|Writer’s Workshop |book…1 santa, 2 ornaments,etc.. |use remainder of time to read |numbers (first, second, third, |use remainder of time to read |books to take home to read to |

| | |stories to each other. |fourth) to tell the order of what |stories to each other. |parents. |

| | | |happens. | | |

| |View & discuss “Christmas Traditions”|Compare Thanksgiving to Christmas |Germany- Cut various triangle |Kwaanza-Place 3 red, 1 black and 3 |Mexico-Los Posados |

|Social studies |Powerpoint from |using Venn Diagram and picture |shapes and place in order to make |green candles in order on the |Make poinsettia by cutting out |

| |greenbeankinder-garten..|squares. |a Christmas tree. Add red paint |candle holder. Discuss tradition. |flower petal and gluing. Add |

| | | |for apples. | |glitter middle/leaves |

Learning Stations

|Reading |Poetry |Writing |

| | | |

|Hang stockings in ordinal numbers 1-12. Each day write the |“Rudolph” paper bag puppet. Trace hands and cut out for antlers. Use|Trace a Christmas hat and add white cotton outline. Use Christmas |

|name of a Christmas or holiday book on each stocking, then |glue and red glitter (in a salt shaker) to make the red nose. Use |word wall words on the pocket chart, to write Christmas words and |

|have students read those books in that order. |blue stamp pad to make fingerprint eyes. |illustrate |

| |Santa Puppet:  Color the portion under the flap red. Cut out a |Write Christmas cards |

| |triangular red shape for the hat. Glue triangle to the top. Add | |

| |cotton to cover the edge where the triangle is glued to the bag and | |

| |on top.  Glue wiggly eyes on the flap, a red circle for a nose and | |

| |two pink circles for cheeks.  Glue cotton to make eyebrows and | |

| |mustache. | |

|Art |Word study |Computer |

| | | |

|Make ornaments, using tracers. Provide shapes to glue to the|Provide letter squares (pre-cut) and have students form sight words |Access websites: to play “The Quiet Machine, |

|ornament. Provide a mirror to challenge students make |or other words they choose. |, , KidPix software, WebQuests |

|symmetrical ornaments. | |research project, or Waterford early learning |

|Puzzles & games |Manipulatives |Blocks |

| |Copy or create a design with foam/wooden shape pieces | |

|Use the timer to see how long it takes to put together a |Make a pattern with tiny erasers |Use wooden blocks to build a real and pretend building. Tell how it|

|puzzle of choice. |Build letters with unifix cubes |can be used and what makes it special. Draw it in Learning Station |

|Record in Learning Station journal. |Lego’s-make a new design |journal. |

|Compare to last week’s time. Did you get better? |Use magnet blocks to create 3-D images | |

| |Use spooky erasers to pattern | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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