Diversity & Classification

Diversity & Classification


Name:_________________________ Class Period:______

Instructions: Read and follow all directions.

Fill in the blank; (1 pt. per blank = 15 pts.)

1. ___________________ is the variety of organisms in a given area.

2. Taxonomy is _________________ things according to their _____________________.

3. ______________________ + _____________________ = Scientific Name

4. The modern Linnaean System of classification is divided in 3 broad groups _______________________, _________________________ and _____________________.

List the groups in the classification system from LARGEST to SMALLEST.

5. _____________________(largest)

6. _____________________

7. _____________________

8. _____________________

9. _____________________

10. _____________________

11. _______________________ (smallest)

Matching items: Match the definitions by writing the CAPITAL letter from the right hand column in the space provided in the left hand column. (2 pts. Each = 14 pts)

|Common Farm Animal |Scientific Name |

| | |

|______Turkey |Sus scrofa |

|______Sheep |Ovis aries |

|______Pig |Meleagris gallopavo |

|______Horse |Gallus gallus domesticus |

|______Goat |Equus caballus |

|______European Cattle |Capra hircus |

|______Chicken |Bos tarus |

Dichotomous Key Activity. Look at the pictures and solve the dichotomous key for the answers. Once you have solved the chickens, write the names in the blanks below each picture. (2 pts. Each = 12 pts)

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|18. _____________________ |19. ____________________ |20. ___________________ |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | |

|21. ___________________ |22. ____________________ | |

| | |23.___________________ |

|1a. Fluffy feathers _______ (go to #2) |7a. Short tail with yellow beak. ____ (go to #10) |

|1b. Non Fluffy feathers_____ (go to #3) |7b. Big feather tail with red beak ____ (go to #11) |

| | |

|2a. White _______ (go to #4) |8. White Silky Chicken |

|2b. Black _______ (go to #5) | |

| |9. White Frizzle Chicken |

|3a. Black with red heads _____ (go to #6) | |

|3b. White chickens. ____ (go to #7) |10. California White Chicken |

| | |

|4a. Soft feathers with feathers all over head ___ (go to #8) |11. White Rose comb Chicken |

|4b. Thick feathers with a beak showing ____ (go to #9) | |

| | |

|5. Black Frizzle Chicken | |

|6. Cornish Chicken | |

Multiple Choice; Read each question carefully and circle the correct answer.

(2 pts each = 6 pts)

24. A species is…

a. A group of organisms with different characteristics.

b. A group of organisms with the exact characteristics.

c. Group of birds with different characteristics.

d. Unique group of organisms united by heredity or interbreeding

25. A kingdom is…

a. A small group of similar animals

b. Encompasses large groups of organisms

c. Group of similar classes

d. Organisms that are different

26. The first person to develop a classification system was…

a. Aristotle

b. Dr. Rudy Tarpley

c. Gregor Mendel

d. Linnaeus


Diversity & Classification


Fill in the blank; (1 pt. per blank = 15 pts.)

1. Biodiversity is the variety of organisms in a given area.

2. Taxonomy is grouping things according to their characteristics. _________________________.

3. Genus + Species = Scientific Name

4. The modern Linnaean System of classification is divided in 3 broad groups Eukaryote, Prokaryote and Archaea.

List the groups in the classification system from LARGEST to SMALLEST.

5. Kingdom(largest)

6. Phylum

7. Class

8. Order

9. Family

10. Genus

11. Species (smallest)

Matching items; match the definitions by writing the CAPITAL letter from the right hand column in the space provided in the left hand column. (2 pts. Each = 14 pts)

|Common Farm Animal |Scientific Name |

| | |

|___j_Turkey |Sus scrofa |

|___i__Sheep |Ovis aries |

|___h__Pig |Meleagris gallopavo |

|___l__Horse |Gallus gallus domesticus |

|___m_Goat |Equus caballus |

|___n__European Cattle |Capra hircus |

|___k__Chicken |Bos tarus |

Dichotomous Key Activity. Look at the pictures and solve the dichotomous key for the answers. Once you have solved the chickens, write the names in the blanks below each picture. (2 pts. Each = 12 pts)

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|18. Cornish Chicken |19. Black Frizzle Chicken |20. White Silky Chicken |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | |

|21. California White Chicken |22. White Rose Comb Chicken | |

| | |23.White Frizzle Chicken |

|1a. Fluffy feathers _______ (go to #2) |7a. Short tail with yellow beak. ____ (go to #10) |

|1b. Non Fluffy feathers_____ (go to #3) |7b. Big feather tail with red beak ____ (go to #11) |

| | |

|2a. White _______ (go to #4) |8. White Silky Chicken |

|2b. Black _______ (go to #5) | |

| |9. White Frizzle Chicken |

|3a. Black with red heads _____ (go to #6) | |

|3b. White chickens. ____ (go to #7) |10. California White Chicken |

| | |

|4a. Soft feathers with feathers all over head ___ (go to #8) |11. White Rose comb Chicken |

|4b. Thick feathers with a beak showing ____ (go to #9) | |

| | |

|5. Black Frizzle Chicken | |

|6. Cornish Chicken | |

Multiple Choice; Read each question carefully and circle the correct answer.

(2 pts each = 6 pts)

26. A species is…

e. A group of organisms with different characteristics.

f. A group of organisms with the exact characteristics.

g. Group of birds with different characteristics.

h. Unique group of organisms united by heredity or interbreeding

27. A kingdom is…

a. A small group of similar animals

b. Encompasses large groups of organisms

c. Group of similar classes

d. Organisms that are different

26. The first person to develop a classification system was…

a. Aristotle

b. Dr. Rudy Tarpley

c. Gregor Mendel

d. Linnaeus


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