St. ethelberts catholic primary school and nursery

St. Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery

‘Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus’

Diocese of Northampton

Wexham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 5QR

Headteacher: Mrs F. Maynard Telephone: 01753 522048


This form is for entry to the Nursery only. Children accepted into the Nursery are not automatically admitted into Reception at the age of 4. A separate application form will need to be submitted which can be collected from the school office. You must also register your child’s application with the local authority by completing an online CAF form which is available on the council website at .uk Failure to register will risk your child’s space in Reception.

Please complete all sections of this form and sign where required. Thank you.

|Details of Student: |

|Legal |Legal |Middle |

|First Name: |Surname: |Name: |

|Preferred Surname: |Preferred First Name: |

|(if different from above) |(if different from above) |

|Date of Birth: |Gender: Male / Female |

| |

|Home Address: |

|House Number/Name: |Street: |

|Town: |County: |Postcode: |

|Home telephone number: |

|Mother’s email: |Father’s email: |

| |

|Details of Parent/Carer(s): |

|We are required by law to keep a record of all parents of students at the school. This includes natural and adoptive parents and guardians, all of whom are |

|entitled to vote in elections for school governors, etc, even if they do not have custody of the child. Please put a tick in the right-hand column of those |

|parents who have custody. |

|Contact |Title |Forename |Surname |Telephone Number |Relationship to |Custody(() |

| | | | | |child | |

| | | | | | | |

|1 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | | |

|Address (if not same as Students Home Address): |

|Is your child adopted |Yes |No |

|Is your child fostered |Yes |No |

|Is your child subject to a special guardianship order |Yes |No |

| | |

|To whom should letters be addressed? | |

|Siblings (brothers/sisters) already at St. Ethelbert’s School: |

|Name of Sibling |Class and Year Group |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |

| |

| |

|Other than parents, who should the school contact in case of an emergency: |

| | | | | | |

|Contact |Title |Full name |Address |Telephone Number |Relationship to Child |

|1 | | | | | |

| 2 | | | | | |

| |

|Previous Education: |

|Please list previous schools attended with dates. Use the right-hand column to give details of any special educational provision etc. |

|School |From |To |Notes |

|(Name & Address) |(DD/MM/YYYY) |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Languages Spoken (please ( appropriate box(es)): |

|English | | |First language: |

|French | | |Home language: |

|Italian | | |Is English an additional language for your child: |

| | | | |

| | | |Yes / No (delete as appropriate) |

|Polish | | | |

|Other (please specify): ………………………………………… | | |

| |

|Religion (please ( appropriate box ): |

|Please tick one box only. Some religions may have more than one denomination. If you wish, you can say which denomination on the space at the bottom of this |

|section. |

|Roman Catholic | | |Other (Please specify): …………………………………… |

|Christian | | | |

|Hindu | | | |

|Muslim | | | |

| | | |Denomination: …………………………………………… |

|Sikh | | | |

|No Religion | | | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Nationality (please ( appropriate box): |

|British | | |Scottish | |

|English | | |Welsh | |

|Irish | | |Other (Please specify): |

|Recent Arrivals: |

|1. Date of Arrival in the U.K: | |

|2. Country of Origin : | |

|Transport to School: |

|1. Bus | |5. Taxi | |

|2. Car/Van | |6. Train | |

|3. Coach/Mini Bus | |7. Walking | |

|4. Cycling | |8. Other |

|Equal Opportunities Survey: |

|Please take the time to answer these questions to help us see that your child and other children get the best out of their schooling. The government has asked|

|schools to collect this information – but you do not have to give it unless you want to. Any information you do give will be treated in strict confidence. An |

|information booklet is available from schools which gives further details. |

|This part is about ethnic background. It is not about citizenship or nationality. Please tick the ethnic group which your child belongs to. Please tick one |

|box only. |


|Afghanistan | |

|African Asian | |

|Albanian | |

|Angolan | |

|Arab | |

|Asian/Black | |

|Asian/Chinese | |

|Asian/Other | |

|Bangladeshi | |

|Black Caribbean | |

|Black European | |

|Black North American | |

|Black/Chinese | |

|Black/Other | |

|Bosnian-Herzegovinian | |

|Chinese/Other | |

|Congolese | |

|Cornish | |

|Croatian | |

|Egyptian | |

|Filipino | |

|Ghanaian | |

|Greek | |

|Greek Cypriot | |

|Gypsy/Roma | |

|Hong Kong Chinese | |

|Indian | |

|Iranian | |

|Iraqi | |

|Italian | |

|Japanese | |

|Kashmiri | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Kashmiri Pakistani | |

|Korean | |

|Kosovan | |

|Kurdish | |

|Latin American | |

|Lebanese | |

|Libyan | |

|Malay | |

|Malaysian Chinese | |

|Mirpur Pakistani | |

|Moroccan | |

|Nepali | |

|Nigerian | |

|Other Asian | |

|Other Black African | |

|Other Black background | |

|Other Chinese | |

|Other Ethnic Group | |

|Other mixed background | |

|Other Pakistani | |

|Other White | |

|Other White British | |

|Polynesian | |

|Portuguese | |

|Refused | |

|Serbian | |

|Sierra Leon | |

|Singaporean Chinese | |

|Sinhalese | |

|Somali | |

|Sri Lankan Tamil | |

|Sudanese | |

|Taiwanese | |

|Thai | |

|Traveller - Irish Heritage | |

|Turkish | |

|Turkish Cypriot | |

|Vietnamese | |

|White Eastern European | |

|White English | |

|White European | |

|White Irish | |

|White Scottish | |

|White Welsh | |

|White Western European | |

|White/Any other | |

|White/Any other Asian | |

|White/Black African | |

|White/Black Caribbean | |

|White/Chinese | |

|White/Indian | |

|White/Pakistani | |

|Yemeni | |

|Parental Agreement: |

|1. Internet Use |I grant permission for my son or daughter to use the Internet. Children will not have |

| |access to emails and will not be given email accounts. |

|2. Local Visits |I give permission for my child to be taken on short visits at various times during the |

| |school day. |

|3. Head Lice |I agree to check my child’s hair for head lice every week and treat if necessary. In the |

| |event that my child has head lice I agree to notify the school as soon possible in order |

| |to prevent the spread |

|4. Seesaw |I agree for my child to be allocated a seesaw account to complete any online work if and |

| |when necessary. |

|5. Microsoft Teams |I agree for my child to be allocated a Microsoft teams account to complete and online work|

| |if and when necessary. |

|I consent to all of the above: |

| |

|Parent/Carer signature: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………………………….. |

|Media Permissions |

Occasionally we may take photographs of pupils in our school. We may use these images in printed publications as well as on our website. We may also make video recordings for school-to-school conferences, monitoring or other educational use.

Photographs or film footage taken by parents or carers of their children at school events is permitted under an exemption in the GDPR Act of 2018. However any images taken must be for private use only and not be published on any social media site as Data Protection legislation may be contravened. To comply with the GDPR Act of 2018 we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child. Please circle your permissions below, sign and date the form where shown. I give permission for the Trust to take photographs/videos/recordings of my child during their time at the school. Any photographs/videos/recordings may be used for the following reasons:

Please circle Yes or No for each reason:

|To be used on the school website |Yes |No |

|To be used on the school’s Facebook and Twitter pages |Yes |No |

|To be used in printed publications (e.g. school prospectus) and local media |Yes |No |

|To be used in the school Newsletter |Yes |No |

|To be displayed around the School |Yes |No |

|To publish my child’s name on publications that can be viewed on the school website e.g. the weekly newsletter |Yes |No |

|Nursery and Reception Pupils Only: |Yes |No |

|To be use on 2Simple: A platform in the form of a journal to keep parents updated on their child’s progress and work in | | |

|school. Please note your child may appear in a photograph with another child if they are interacting in group play. | | |

If you change your mind at any time you can let us know by contacting your child’s school

Conditions of Use

1. This form is valid for 7 years from the date you sign it, or for the period of time your child attends this school. The consent will automatically expire after this time.

2. We will not re-use any photographs or recordings after your child leaves this school.

3. We will not use the personal details or full name of any child or adult in a photographic image on video, on our website, or in any of our printed publications.

4. If we use photos of individual pupils we will not use the name of that child in the accompanying text or photo caption.

5. We will not include any personal email or postal addresses, or telephone numbers on video, on our website, or in any printed publications.

6. If we name a pupil in the text, we will not use a photo of that child to accompany the article.

7. We may include pictures of pupils and teachers that have been drawn by the pupils.

8. We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels, such as ‘a science lesson’ or ‘geography trip to Dorset’.

9. We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately.

I have read and understood the conditions of use as detailed above:

Parent/Carer signature ……………………………………….………… Date……………………..

|Medical Information: |

|Name of Doctor’s Surgery/Health Centre: | |

|Address: | |

|Telephone Number: | |

|Does your child have any Medical conditions that the school needs to be aware of which have been confirmed by your GP |

|Yes/No |

|You may need to complete additional healthcare forms which are more specific to the condition if necessary |

|Please specify condition(s): |

|What are the symptoms of the condition(s): |

|Does your child have medication for the condition(s): |

|Yes/No (please specify medication): |

|Does your child have any Allergies that the school needs to be aware of which have been confirmed by your GP |

|Yes/No |

|If your child has any special dietary requirements please see the school office as you will need to complete additional forms and provide evidence of |

|this by your GP |

|Please specify Allergy/Allergies: |

|What are the symptoms of the Allergy/Allergies: |

|Does your child take any medication for the Allergy/Allergies: |

|Yes/No (please specify medication): |

|None |Please tick |I confirm that my child has no medical conditions or Allergies of |

| | |which the school needs to be aware |

Parent/Guardian signature: ………………………………………. Date: ………………………………


We are delighted to welcome you and your child to the Catholic community of St. Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School. As a Catholic school, the gospel values are the foundation of everything we do. We strive to create an environment where every member of our community feels safe, loved, valued and respected and this is underpinned by our mission statement:

We are committed to high academic achievement as well as providing our pupils with a rich and diverse range of opportunities that inspire a lifelong of love of learning. By choosing to send your son/daughter to our school we have become your partners in the education and well-being or your child. The aim of our home-school agreement is to set ways that we can work together to ensure that your child achieves his/her potential in all aspects of school life.

The school aims to:

❖ Ensure that our mission statement “Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus” provides the foundation for everything we do.

❖ Demonstrate our faith by the way we teach, live together and worship.

❖ Encourage spiritual and moral development through daily prayers, reflection, masses and assemblies.

❖ Treat your child fairly and consistently, care for him/her and ensure his/her happiness and safety.

❖ Ensure that your child is well taught and achieves his/her best in all aspects of school life.

❖ Help your child to develop a sense of responsibility and to be considerate of others.

❖ Work together with you to ensure that your child follows our 5 “Golden Rules”.

❖ Arrange Parent’s evenings to discuss your child’s progress and produce our Annual Report.

❖ Keep you well informed about school’s activities through newsletters and notices about special events.

As Parents/Carers we agree to:

❖ Support the development of our child at St. Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School.

❖ Ensure that my child arrives at school on time (by 8.50am) and that he/she is wearing correct uniform.

❖ Ensure that my child is collected on time at the end of the day (3.20pm).

❖ Let the school know about any concerns or problems which might affect my child’s work, behaviour or welfare.

❖ Ensure my child has good attendance and provide an explanation if my child is absent.

❖ Support my child with reading and other home tasks and sign his/her Reading Record Book

❖ Attend Parents Evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.

❖ Support the school’s behaviour policy by working together with the school to ensure that your child follows the “5 Golden Rules”.

❖ Keep the school informed about addresses/telephone numbers and emergency contacts

❖ Complete the school medication form, granting permission for the school to administer medication to my child as necessary.

The Child’ agreement:

I agree to:

❖ Try my best in every lesson and ask for help is if get stuck.

❖ Be attentive and respectful during assemblies, prayer and reflection time.

❖ Share my ideas and listen to the ideas of others.

❖ Respect and look after people, equipment and property.

❖ Tell my teacher or an adult in the school if anything is worrying me.

❖ To do my best to follow the school’s “5 Golden Rules”.

Parents/Carer signature: ……………………………………. Child’s signature: ………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………..

British Values Statement

The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and these values have been reiterated by the Prime Minister this year. The DfE states the need 'to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values.' These are:

▪ Democracy

▪ The rule of law

▪ Individual liberty

▪ Mutual respect

▪ Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

As a Catholic community, our ethos is based on the Gospel values of love, respect and tolerance of others. Our mission statement – “Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus” – recognises that Jesus is our greatest teacher. Following Jesus’ example, we strive for our school to be a place where everyone is equally respected and unconditionally loved.

We are committed to serving all within our community and local area. In so doing, we reinforce British values regularly and in the following ways:

Democracy: Democratic values are an explicit part of the ethos at St. Ethelbert’s. All adults listen to the views of the pupils and value their opinions. Pupils are taught to listen to and respect the views of others. Pupils have further opportunity to experience democracy in action through elections for pupil leadership roles, and have their voices heard through our School Council. Parents also have the opportunity to express their views through regular parent voice surveys.

The Rule of Law: The importance of laws and rules are consistently reinforced in the classroom, as well as through school assemblies. Pupils are taught to understand the need for laws and that they are there for individual protection as well as the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Pupils follow a positive behaviour policy and clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used. Five golden rules are used throughout school. Assemblies and discussions in class focus on recognising right from wrong. For more information, please see our “Behaviour for Learning” Policy available on the school website.

Individual Liberty: Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices, within a safe and supportive environment. Developing their self -esteem and self-confidence is very important. Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to use these rights to best effect. All pupils are keen to support charities, whether local, national or global. They are taught consideration for others through our Religious Education curriculum and PSHE lessons in particular. E-safety teaching enables them to make choices in a safe manner.

Mutual Respect: Our school’s ethos and behaviour policy are based on Gospel values. Our mission statement – Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus – recognises that Jesus is our greatest teacher. Following His example, we strive for our school to be a place where everyone is equally respected and unconditionally loved. Assemblies constantly promote respect for others, acting with kindness and the importance of good manners. All pupils are taught to respect others, to communicate honestly and openly with one another, and to play and work fairly. Pupils work collaboratively and value the opinions of others.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs: As a Catholic worshipping community, pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society. This is achieved through our Religious Education curriculum and the spiritual life of the school. Assemblies and class work promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge and enhance learning within assemblies and in class.

Approved by the IEB/Governing Body in September 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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