Video: Camera up on vertically split screen.

Setting is rural or suburban two lane highway.

Image on left side of screen is pick-up truck moving away from viewer’s foreground into the horizon.

Image on right side of screen is Kansas Highway Patrol car moving toward viewer from horizon into foreground.

Images are moving simultaneously… one toward the viewer… one away from the viewer.

As images of the two vehicles “cross paths” on screen, quick cut to full screen of Highway Patrol car, lights flashing and sirens blowing, chasing pick-up truck. Viewer’s POV is behind and above both cars.

Audio: Ambient sound of the two vehicles moving, giving way to siren and “radio chatter” of Highway Patrol car. Music filler.

Video: Cut to Highway Patrol car, stopped behind pick-up truck, Patrolman exits patrol car and approaches pick-up.

Via reverse angle shots and other cut-away shots, the viewer’s POV quickly alternates from interior of Patrol car… to behind Officer… to in front of pick-up truck… to interior of pick-up truck, where image becomes stationary and viewer’s POV is that of a passenger in the truck.

Audio: Dialogue.

Officer (authentic, non-actor): “Good afternoon.”

Driver (actor): “What’s the problem officer?”

Officer: “The reason I stopped you is that I just checked your vehicle’s speed by moving radar at 65 in the 55 mile per hour zone.”

Dialogue continues, authentic, based on research derived from Kansas Highway Patrol.

Page Two

Video: POV allows viewer to see and hear exchange between Officer and Driver. Inter-cut b-roll of event from exterior angles.

Audio: Dialogue.

Officer: “Also, you are not wearing your seat belt, which is against the law in Kansas.”

Driver: “You’re kidding. I’ve been driving this highway for a long time. I’m only a few miles from home. You mean I’m getting a ticket just for not wearing this seat belt (pulls seat belt across his torso, looking both flustered and irritated)?”

Officer: “No, sir you are getting two tickets, one for speeding and one for not wearing your seat belt. In Kansas, if you’re pulled over and issued a citation and you’re not wearing a seat belt, you’re going to get two tickets.”

Driver: Grumbles to himself, shakes his head as if perturbed, as Officer turns and walks away and then… buckles up.

Video: Cut to close-up, floating in to extreme close-up of Officer standing beside Highway Patrol car, viewer’s POV is eye-to-eye with Officer.

Audio: Officer

Officer: “We’re getting tough on Kansans who don’t wear seat belts, and it’s about time. I’ve seen more than my share of fatalities that could have been prevented, but weren’t, just because someone was in too much of a hurry to buckle up.”

Officer (continuing, and gesturing to pick-up truck in background): “This fellow seemed upset that I gave him a seat belt citation, but do you know what? I’d rather see him angry than dead.”

Video: Dissolve to logo/signature card. (Kansas Department of Transportation and your Kansas Law Enforcement Community)

Voice-Over Narration: Click it or ticket. It’s Kansas law. No excuses, no exceptions.

Fade to black.



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