Black History Essay Contest

Black History Essay Contest

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is a private, non-profit organization, whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in communities throughout the world. The San Diego Alumnae Chapter sponsors an annual Black History Essay Contest to enhance students' knowledge of contributions made by African Americans. Monetary awards will be provided in the following categories: Grades 3-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12. In each category, 1st place recipients will receive $100, 2nd place recipients will receive $75, and 3rd place recipients will receive $50.

African Americans have made inventions which have benefited society. With a well-written essay in your own words, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge about significant inventions by African Americans and win a monetary award toward your educational future.

Research an African American in history who has made a significant contribution through their invention(s). Students must respond to the following questions according to their grade level:

Grades 3-8: 1) What do you think the person you have selected would say about how his or her contribution has helped society? 2) What does this person's particular contribution mean to you and how would life be different without it?

Grades 9-12: 1) Explore the importance of this person's contribution and what it means to you. 2) What do you think this person might say regarding the changes that have taken place due to his/her contribution?

Guidelines: 1. Do not rewrite a biography. 2. All entries must be typewritten: Times New Roman, 12 pt. and double spaced. 3. Essay Length: Essays not containing the number of words as listed below based on grade level will be disqualified Grades 3-5: 300 - 500 words Grades 6-8: 500 - 800 words Grades 9-12: 800 - 1000 words 4. Plagiarized entries will be disqualified. 5. All submitted entries must have a cover page that includes the following information Name and Grade: School and Teacher: Address: Guardian(s) Name and Phone number(s) and email address 6. Entries may be submitted by mail or email. Incomplete entries and entries received after the deadline will be disqualified. All entries must be received by January 31, 2014. Mailed Entries (Postmarked by January 20, 2014) or Emailed Entries (Time and date stamped midnight (P.S.T) January 31, 2014).

* Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ATTN: Black History Essay Contest P.O. Box 84781 San Diego, CA 92138-4781

* bhe@

Entries received after the deadline will lead to disqualification

Essays will be judged on content, originality, personal reflections and adherence to guidelines. Essays will not be returned. Winners will be notified by mail or email. All other participants may visit our website at to obtain a list of winners.


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