Civil Rights Movement Worksheet

African-Americans Civil Rights Worksheet

Purpose: To understand the basic facts of the African-American Civil Rights Movement and how they relate to each other

1. Timeline Create a timeline for 5 of the major event involved in the struggle for African-American civil rights. Include a description of each of the events within your timeline.

|Events |

|Boston Busing |

|Brown v Board of Education |

|The Civil Rights Act of 1964 |

|The Congress of Racial Equality is formed |

|Desegregation of the military |

|Formation of the NAACP |

|The Freedom Riders |

|Freedom Summer |

|Little Rock Nine |

|Malcolm X begins leading the Nation of Islam |

|Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a Dream” Speech |

|Martin Luther King’s assassination |

|Montgomery Bus Boycott |

|The Murder of Emmitt Till |

|Plessy v Ferguson |

|Race Riots in Watts and other cities |

|Rodney King Trial |

|Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed |

|Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee is formed |

|The Strategy of Sit-Ins |

|The Voting Rights Act of 1965 |

2. Vocabulary Write a definition or explanation for each of the following terms and people.

|Boycott |Lynching |Nation of Islam |

|Civil Disobedience |Segregation |Rosa Parks |

|Integration |Bull Connor |Thurgood Marshall |

|Jim Crow Laws |WEB Du Bois |Black Power |

|Literacy Tests |Booker T Washington |Huey Newton |

|Black Panthers |Reconstruction | |

3. Short Answer Write a one paragraph response to this question: Was the African-American Civil Rights Movement successful? To help you clarify the question, think of it this way: what was the purpose of the Civil Rights Movement, and did it achieve that purpose?


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