Teacher - Weebly

Teacher Nina Cook (Ann Schultz) Week# 4 of semester 2 Week of: February 27 – March 2, 2012 Subject: Biology Hours: 3rd, 5th, 6th


Student Name: XXXXXXXXXX

Identification Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Hour: 6

Resource Teacher: Marsha Burrell

Lesson Modification: Close proximity, multi-sensory activities, small group instruction, extended time

Area(s) for Modification

__ LD __AI __HI __CI __POHI

Student Name: XXXXXXXXXX

Identification Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Hour: 5

Resource Teacher: Marsha Burrell

Lesson Modification: Close proximity, multi-sensory activities, small group instruction, extended time

Area(s) for Modification

__ LD __AI __HI __CI __POHI

Student Name: XXXXXXXXXX

Identification Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Subject: Biology

Hour: 6

Resource Teacher: Marsha Burrell

Lesson Modification: Close proximity, multi-sensory activities, small group instruction, extended time

Area(s) for Modification

_X_ LD __AI __HI __CI __POHI

Accommodations (continued):

Student Name: XXXXXXXXXX

Identification Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Subject: Biology

Hour: 6

Resource Teacher: Marsha Burrell

Lesson Modification: Close proximity, multi-sensory activities, small group instruction, extended time

Area(s) for Modification

_X_ LD __AI __HI __CI __POHI

Overarching Question:

How are characteristics of living things passed from generation to generation?

Focus Question:

How are recessive and dominant traits inherited in humans?

Key Concepts/Vocabulary:






Homologous chromosome

Crossing over

Law of segregation

Law of independent assortment







Genetic variation





Teaching Resources/Materials:

Black History Month - 2/28 Granville T. Woods (1856-1910) 3/1 Louis Tompkins Wright (1891-1952

Quote from Granville T. Woods: “I believe I can do anything if I just try.”

Heredity Practice Websites:

Punnett Square Practice

Punnett Square Practice Quiz

Practice Quiz for Probability of Inheritance

Drag and Drop Genetics

Furry Family Punnett Square practice activity

Globe Fearon Success in Science: Basic Biology

Glencoe Science Biology: the Dynamics of Life

Copies of Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia worksheet

Copies of Mendelian Genetics Quiz

Copies of Observable Traits worksheet

Copies of Complex Inheritance of Human Traits

Copies of Inherited Human Traits PowerPoint Project description

Copies of Inherited Human Traits PowerPoint Project grading rubric

Paper for Pedigree Foldable

Student NetBooks, Projector

Assessment/Criteria for Success (How will you know students have gained an understanding of the concepts?)

Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia worksheet

Mendelian Genetics Quiz

Pedigree Foldable

Observable Traits worksheet

Cook E-Question: Predict the chance of an individual with Huntington’s disease having an affected child if the other parent is unaffected.

Problem-Solving Lab 12.1

Copies of Complex Inheritance of Human Traits reading and comprehension questions

Research Based Instructional Strategies (check strategy that applies to the lesson)

X Identifying similarities and differences X Reinforcing effort and providing recognition X Nonlinguistic representation X Setting objectives and

X Questions, cues and advance organizers X Summarizing and note taking X Cooperative learning providing feedback

X Homework and practice X Technology  Generating and testing hypotheses

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Do Now’s: |Do Now’s: |Do Now’s: |Do Now’s: |Do Now’s: |

|What is the probability of two heterozygous |Black History Month Notebook #16 |What is the difference between incomplete |Black History Month Notebook #19 |What is polygenic inheritance? |

|individuals producing an offspring that is |Granville T. Woods |dominance and codominance? |Louis Tompkins Wright |Pages 320, 327-328 |

|homozygous recessive? Pages 260-262 | |Pages 315-317 | | |

| |Copy information about Granville T. Woods | |Copy information about Louis Tompkins Wright| |

|Objective: |Objective: |Objective: |Objective: |Objective: |

|B1.1D Identify patterns in data and relate |B1.2C Develop an understanding of a |B1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a |B1.2C Develop an understanding of a |B1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a |

|them to theoretical models. |scientific concept by accessing information |peer review process or discussion format. |scientific concept by accessing information |peer review process or discussion format. |

|B4.1e Determine the genotype and phenotype |from multiple sources. Evaluate the |B1.2C Develop an understanding of a |from multiple sources. Evaluate the |B4.1c Differentiate between dominant, |

|of monohybrid crosses using a Punnett |scientific accuracy and significance of the |scientific concept by accessing information |scientific accuracy and significance of the |recessive, codominant, polygenic, and |

|Square. |information. |from multiple sources. Evaluate the |information. |sex-linked traits. |

|CCSS 7 Translate quantitative or technical |B4.1e Determine the genotype and phenotype |scientific accuracy and significance of the |B4.1c Differentiate between dominant, |CCSS 2 Determine the central ideas or |

|information expressed in words in a text |of monohybrid crosses using a Punnett |information. |recessive, codominant, polygenic, and |conclusions of a text; trace the text’s |

|into visual form and translate information |Square. |B4.1c Differentiate between dominant, |sex-linked traits. |explanation or depiction of a complex |

|expressed visually or mathematically into |CCSS 7 Translate quantitative or technical |recessive, codominant, polygenic, and |CCSS 2 Determine the central ideas or |process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an |

|words. |information expressed in words in a text |sex-linked traits. |conclusions of a text; trace the text’s |accurate summary of the text. |

| |into visual form and translate information |CCSS 4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key|explanation or depiction of a complex | |

| |expressed visually or mathematically into |terms, and other domain-specific words and |process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an | |

| |words. |phrases as they are used in a specific |accurate summary of the text. | |

| | |scientific or technical context relevant to | | |

| | |grades 9–10 texts and topics. | | |

|Materials: |Materials: |Materials: |Materials: |Materials: |

|Copies of Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia | |Copies of Observable Traits worksheet |Copies of biography of |Copies of Complex Inheritance of Human |

|worksheet |Copies of biography of | |Louis Tompkins Wright |Traits |

|Students NetBooks |Granville T. Woods | | |Copies of Inherited Human Traits PowerPoint |

|Internet access | | |Projector |Project description and grading rubric |

| |Copies of Mendelian Genetics Quiz | |Sex-linked Traits PowerPoint Presentation |Students NetBooks |

| | | | |Internet access |

|Procedure: |Procedure: |Procedure: |Procedure: |Procedure: |

|Differential Learning Strategies |Differential Learning Strategies |Differential Learning Strategies |Differential Learning Strategies |Differential Learning Strategies |

| | | | | |

|Teacher will review Impromptu question and |Teacher will lead class reading about |3rd hour students will attend Honors |Teacher will lead class reading about | |

|clarify student misconceptions in |Granville T. Woods |Assembly |Louis Tompkins Wright |Teacher will introduce Inherited Human |

|preparation for quiz tomorrow. | | | |Diseases PowerPoint Project and distribute |

| |Teacher will distribute Mendelian Genetics |Teacher will distribute Observable Traits |Teacher will present PowerPoint slides on |instructions and grading rubric (Projects |

|Teacher will remind students that tomorrow |Quiz |worksheets |Sex-linked Traits |must be emailed to |

|will be the last day they can turn in late | | | |Ms. Cook by 3/13/2012; Student presentations|

|work from before mid-winter break |Students will take Mendelian Genetics Quiz |Students will work with a partner to |Students will take notes on Sex-linked | |

| | |individually complete Observable Traits |Traits NB#20 |3/15/2012 - 3/16/2012) |

|Teacher will refer to student question two |Teacher will introduce Pedigree Foldable |worksheets | | |

|weeks ago when ES asked why her brother has |NB#17 on Page 309 of Biology: the Dynamics | | |Teacher will distribute Complex Inheritance |

|sickle cell anemia but she does not when |of Life |Teacher will lead class discussion about | |of Human Traits |

|both of her parents are carriers of the | |information gathered on Observable Traits | | |

|disease. Teacher will tell students they |Students will create Pedigree Foldable NB#17|worksheets | |Teacher will lead class reading of Complex |

|have the skills to answer ES’s question with|on Page 309 of Biology: the Dynamics of Life| | |Inheritance of Human Traits and students |

|what they have learned so far about | | | |will answer comprehension questions |

|genetics, as an introduction to the small | | | | |

|group activity Genetics of Sickle Cell | | | | |

|Anemia. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Teacher will distribute Genetics of Sickle | | | | |

|Cell Anemia worksheets | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Students will work in groups of four to | | | | |

|complete Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia | | | | |

|worksheets | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Teacher will answer student questions about | | | | |

|Mendelian Genetics Quiz | | | | |

| | | | | |

|If time allows, teacher will direct students| | | | |

|to practice genetics problems via Heredity | | | | |

|Practice Websites on their NetBooks | | | | |

|Closure: |Closure: |Closure: |Closure: |Closure: |

|Teacher will direct students to study for | | | | |

|their Mendelian Genetics Quiz and to |Teacher will direct students to finish |Teacher will remind students to respond to |Teacher will direct students to answer |Teacher will direct students to begin |

|practice genetics problems via Heredity |creating Pedigree Foldable NB#17 on Page 309|new Cook E-Question on : |Problem-Solving Lab 12.1 Thinking Critically|researching an inherited human disease they |

|Practice Websites for homework |of Biology: the Dynamics of Life for |Predict the chance of an individual with |Questions 1-3 on Page 311 of Biology: the |would like to learn more about and thinking |

|Teacher will remind students that tomorrow |homework |Huntington’s disease having an affected |Dynamics of Life for homework |about students they would like to form a |

|will be the last day they can turn in late | |child if the other parent is unaffected. | |group with |

|work from before mid-winter break |Teacher will remind students to answer last |Page 314 |Teacher will remind students to respond to | |

| |week’s Cook E-Question on | |Cook E-Question on : Predict |Teacher will remind students to respond to |

|Teacher will remind students to answer last |before tomorrow: Describe Mendel’s two rules| |the chance of an individual with |Cook E-Question on : Predict |

|week’s Cook E-Question on |of heredity. Page 257 | |Huntington’s disease having an affected |the chance of an individual with |

|before Wednesday: Describe Mendel’s two | | |child if the other parent is unaffected. |Huntington’s disease having an affected |

|rules of heredity. Page 257 | | |Page 314 |child if the other parent is unaffected. |

| | | | |Page 314 |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|Genetics of Sickle Cell Anemia worksheet |Mendelian Genetics Quiz | | | |

| |Pedigree Foldable NB#17 Page 309 of Biology:|Observable Traits worksheet |Problem-Solving Lab 12.1 Thinking Critically|Complex Inheritance of Human Traits reading |

| |the Dynamics of Life | |Questions 1-3 on Page 311 of Biology: the |and comprehension questions |

| | |Online Cook E-Question: Predict the chance |Dynamics of Life | |

| | |of an individual with Huntington’s disease | | |

| | |having an affected child if the other parent| | |

| | |is unaffected. Page 314 | | |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|Study for Mendelian Genetics Quiz |Pedigree Foldable Page 309 of Biology: the |3rd hour students will complete Observable |Problem-Solving Lab 12.1 Thinking Critically|Begin researching inherited human disease |

|Practice genetics problems via Heredity |Dynamics of Life |Traits worksheets for homework |Questions 1-3 on Page 311 of Biology: the |for PowerPoint project |

|Practice Websites |Cook E-Question on before |Cook E-Question on : Predict |Dynamics of Life |Cook E-Question on : Predict |

|Cook E-Question on before |Wednesday: Describe Mendel’s two rules of |the chance of an individual with |Cook E-Question on : Predict |the chance of an individual with |

|Wednesday: Describe Mendel’s two rules of |heredity. Page 257 |Huntington’s disease having an affected |the chance of an individual with |Huntington’s disease having an affected |

|heredity. Page 257 | |child if the other parent is unaffected. |Huntington’s disease having an affected |child if the other parent is unaffected. |

| | |Page 314 |child if the other parent is unaffected. |Page 314 |

| | | |Page 314 | |

Lesson Plans are subject to Change.


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