Black History Month Research Project-Mr - Cooper Blog

Black History Month Research Project-Mr. Munoz-6-4 Social Studies

Objective: Each student will research an African-American individual who made a positive and significant contribution to our world during his or her lifetime. This can be someone who is deceased or still alive.

Materials Needed: Poster Board, minimum 8 ½ inches by 11 inches, Research Information via Internet, Books, Videos, etc., Markers, Pencils, Pens.


1. Students will select a person to research and must get the approval of the teacher first before finalizing a selection. The individual chosen must represent someone who has been a positive role model in society.

2. Students will then research their selection, take notes, and create a rough draft of their report on their selection.

3. The final report must be a minimum of two pages, double spaced and include an introduction paragraph, a main body consisting of multiple paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The teacher would prefer the report be typed, but if that is not possible, the final copy can be on 8 ½ inch by 11 inch notebook paper, minimum of two pages and double spaced. The teacher will also review how to create a reference page at the end of the report giving credit to resources used on the report.

4. Students have an option to put the final report on a larger display board and decorate the poster board accordingly around the main report with things related to the individual.

Grading Rubric

Following Procedures-20 Points-Did the student follow the procedures? Does the selection match the requirements of the project?

Content-30 Points- Did the student include specifics about the life of their selected person: childhood, education, career, family life and other important aspects of their life?

Final Report-30 Points- Does the final report include an introduction paragraph, main body consisting of multiple paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph? Is there a reference page noting sources used to complete project? Any part of a final report that is found to be a printout of an internet website will invalidate the report resulting in a grade of zero for the project. The teacher will explain this in detail upon explaining project to the class.

Presentation-20 Points- Does the student present the project to the class in a clear and concise manner?

Student Signature: _________________

Parent Signature: _________________

Project Due Date and Value: Monday February 27th, 2012 (100 points/Project Category 35%).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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