Remember the Titans PowerPoint Project

Movie of Your Choice

PowerPoint Project

Create a PowerPoint Presentation with the following specifications:

Slide One: Title - name of film Subtitle – your name

Slide Two: Bulleted List Layout with the setting of the movie (place, time, rating, gross)

Slide Three: Add a Chart or Table here. (Table needs to be at least- 2 columns and 5 rows)

attendance, money earned, characters/voices, etc.

Slide Four: Your choice of layout – Film Summary

Slide Five, Six and Seven: Your choice of placeholder – 3 Life Lessons Learned (one slide needs have a video)

Slide Eight: Your Choice – Whatever you want to tell us about the movie. One animation on this slide.

Slide Nine: Bulleted List Layout – Choose one character and “list” 5 personal experiences of the character

SLIDE TEN: Sources

• Move SLIDE FOUR after SLIDE NINE. (make sure the sources page stays last)

• Apply a design/theme of your choice that works for your movie.

• Add transitions to the slides

• Use the Slide Master to add a footer that is 14pt bold italic – Name of the film

• Insert slide numbers

• Change the bullets on SLIDE TWO to a different shape

• Insert 9 graphics to your presentation (clipart or internet)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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