Necromancer Spell Book

Necromancer Class Book

A magic user wishing to study the necromantic arts is treading a dangerous path indeed. Few necromancers willingly share their secrets without demanding something in return, for slowly but surely the nature of the magic takes its toll on the body and mind of the necromancer. The ability to talk with spirits is not without its price, the dead always ask for something in return! Many people learn about necromantic magic from dark tomes written long ago by ancient wizards (namely the Shianti), but even this method of study is not without its drawbacks. Most texts on the subject are written in the dark tongue or some other ancient language and needs to be translated to be fully understood. This takes a great deal of time and the deciphering of some of these ancient and usually dark languages puts a mental strain on the would-be necromancer.

Many wizards practicing necromancy are forced to live in isolation by suspicious townsfolk, more still choose to do so as no one is around to notice the ‘results’ of their experimentations. Most are resentful of the distrust and fear their studies cause in common folk, sometimes falling in with servants of the Darklords and other cruel regimes around Magnamund. The majority of necromancers however, only contact civilization to acquire supplies and hirelings they may need to collect the more hard to find components for some of their spells or experiments. Some of them may have been respected members of other organisations such as the Magician’s Guild of Toran or Sages of Lyris, but have taken an interest in necromancy. Once this unsavoury interest is discovered by their peers it is not long before they are asked to leave their guild lest its name be associated with such an unhealthy study.

Adventures: Necromancers are a secretive group, mainly due to the distrust and disgust that others have of their ‘art’. Most Necromancers are evil, but even those with the best intentions must use some fairly distasteful research material from time to time to aid their study, which most common folk would not understand. As a result they are often hounded out of most settled areas of Magnamund, or leave for their own safety to continue their research uninterrupted. For this reason they rarely are seen out of their homes, only travelling when they become aware of the location of some tome or artefact they believe could aid their study. Most prefer to have others do the unearthing for such items for them but it can be difficult to get hirelings to work for them if they know the nature of the Necromancer’s work.

Characteristics: Spending most of their adult lives studying death and ways to avoid and control it, Necromancers are usually very secretive, driven and usually selfish individuals. Spending many days if not months locked away in dank crypts or ancient dark libraries they are usually very intelligent, strong willed scholars, dedicated to their art above all else. The power of their will can be phenomenal as it is through this they control any undead servitors they have. They can be charismatic at times, after all they are not suited to direct confrontation and many have groups of followers willing to protect their Necromancer leader or employer.

Religion: Necromancers are usually either not religious at all or follow one of the dark gods. Their studies (so they believe anyway) allow them to surpass the forces of nature and deities by reversing the effects of death and bringing life to that which was dead. In the minds of many powerful Necromancers their work is the work of their gods and their followers revere and fear them as if they were almost gods themselves, after all, who but gods can control life and death.

Background: Many Necromancers are drawn to the field by personal tragedy or a lust for power over death. They are generally learned folk, possibly having studied for a time as a member of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star or other magician’s guild. Some are simply evil individuals who wish to use the art to further their power or influence over others. Still others enter into their studies with the best of intentions, seeking to use the knowledge to prolong or enhance the lives of others, often however, their good intentions are forgotten as their thirst for knowledge takes over and they become twisted by their failure to save all those they are close to. Regardless of how or why they choose Necromancy as their main focus of study many also study other fields too as they often lead solitary lives and Necromancy alone is not always enough to protect them from those who would wish them ill. Many Necromancers learn a range of offensive and defensive spells from the Brotherhood’s grimoire or fields of study from the Sages of Lyris, and indeed some were once Sages themselves.

Other Classes: Necromancers rarely mix with any other classes except those serving them as henchmen. Even then they are not always easy to get along with as their outlook on ‘life’ may be far from that of those they travel with. The only classes they would choose to associate with are the Cener Druids and Dark Cultists which whom they at least have something in common. More powerful Necromancers may have several Adepts and Warrior henchmen in tow, but they generally prefer to work alone. Some however join sects such as the Dazudskul cult of Ruel and others like it scattered about the nations of Northern Magnamund. Many find refuge in lands loosely allied to the Darklands, but that does not mean then serve the Darlklords or are their loyal subjects.

Game Rule Information

The Necromancer has the following game statistics.

Racial Note: The Necromancer has a very versatile background in Lone Wolf, The Roleplaying Game. As a consequence any nationality can be chosen by the player for his/her character and they will receive the usual benefit for their race in addition to any class benefits and abilities granted for this class.

Abilities: The main ability score for a Necromancer, like all magic users is Intelligence as this determines how difficult it is for an enemy to avoid the effects of his magic, grants additional uses of spells and broadens the Necromancer’s usable skills. Intelligence also forms the basis for the Occult skill, a vital part of the Necromancer’s arcane learning. Necromancers also benefit from a high Wisdom and Constitution.

Endurance Die: d4.

Base Speed: 30 feet.

Class Skills

The Necromancer’s class skills (and key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (any, taken as separate skills) (Int), Occult (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none) and Survival (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (3 + Int modifier) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 3 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Necromancer.

Armour and Weapons Proficiency: Necromancers are not proficient with any armour or shields. They are proficient in the use of the dagger, quarterstaff, spear and dart.

Necromantic Spells (Sp): As Brotherhood spells description.

As with the spells of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, Tier I spells can be cast as often as the necromancer wishes. Tier II spells can be cast once per day plus a number of times equal to the necromancers Intelligence modifier. Tier III spells can only be cast as often as the necromancers Intelligence modifier (placing them beyond the reach of a Necromancer without at least a +1 Intelligence modifier).

Whenever a Necromantic spell allows a saving throw to avoid or reduce its effects, the Difficulty Class for the spell is always 10 + casters Intelligence modifier + Tier of effect + half the Necromancer’s class level.

Magical Combat (Su): As Brotherhood magic combat description.

Arcane Expertise (Su): As mystic expertise description for Brotherhood mage.

Necromancer’s Staff (Sp): A necromancer reaching 5th level has the ability to create a staff that he can use to store his life force to supplement his own endurance when casting spells. Each day he can transfer up to half his level in END points from his own END to the staff. The END used to fuel the staff is recovered in the usual way. The maximum END that can be stored in the staff is equal to twice the casters class level at the time of the creation of the staff – so a staff created by a 5th level Necromancer can hold a maximum of 10 END, where a staff created at 10th level can store up to 20 END. The END stored in the staff can only be used to supplement the casters own END for the casting of spells that have an END cost, not to top up END lost to injury.

The act of creating a staff requires a material component of either wood or bone, between 4 to 6 foot in length. The wizard must then transfer some of his END to the staff (the exact amount is up to the wizard – anything up to the maximum capacity of the staff). At this point the Necromancer must make an Occult roll with a DC of 25 – the number of END points used when creating the staff. A failure with this roll results in the END points used being lost and the staff being broken. If the roll succeeds then the staff has been created, though at this point it only has 1 END in it (the END used by the Necromancer is consumed during the creation of the staff), though the staff is now ready to use and the wizard can transfer END to it immediately. The process of creating the staff is a ritual taking 1 hour to complete and also requires a black onyx gem worth 200gc per level of the caster. The gem is fused to the top of the staff during the creation.

The staff has a hardness and endurance as a normal staff, plus a number of hit points equal to the creator’s class level at the time it was created. If it is ever destroyed then the END is lost from the staff and the wielder of the staff must make a Fort save with a DC of 15, failure of the save will result in the wizard suffering a permanent -1 to Con. If the necromancer’s staff is destroyed, the life energy released by the event causes damage to all within 20 feet equal to the END stored in the staff, divided evenly between all creatures in the area of effect. If any undead are in the area, they will be healed for whatever END others would be damaged for as the damage comes in the form of negative energy. Would be victims of this burst of negative energy are allowed a Ref save against a DC of 15 to reduce the damage by half.

Greater Necromantic Spells (Sp): (As Greater Brotherhood spells.)

Gift of the Dead (Su): Necromancer is ignored by all unintelligent undead unless he comes within 10 feet of the creature or attacks it – in which case they act as normal for undead. (Work with Cener Druid and Shadakine Wytch abilities)

Curse of the Dead: At 5th level, the Necromancer only gains 1 END and also shows visible signs of the strain of his chosen path. (Work with Cener Druid Curses)


As with certain Right-Handed-Magic spells some Necromantic magic brings with it the chance that the caster will have his soul consumed by evil and be corrupted by Naar’s dark influence. (See rules in The Darklands for full rules on corruption.)

Necromantic Grimoire


Tier I - Animate Dead (Endurance: 1 for every full BMD of undead created)

This spell turns the bodies or bones of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the casters commands. It takes a standard action to cast and a further round for the bodies to become animated. Summons a number of Skeletons or Zombies equal to the casters Base Magical Damage die roll. They can be commanded to protect the caster or remain in the area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the area. The summoned undead carry out the casters command given during the summoning round and carry out that order until they are destroyed or are commanded by the Control Undead spell. The caster can maintain control over a number of undead equal to his class level multiplied by his WIS modifier (minimum of class level +1.)

Material Component: Dead bodies.

Tier II - Create Undead (Endurance: 4)

This is a much more powerful spell than Animate Dead, creating a more powerful undead servitor for the caster. It takes an hour long ritual to create the undead and can only be cast at night. Unlike the previous spell any undead created with Create Undead is not automatically under the control of its creator (something that less knowledgeable necromancers may not be aware of.. to their cost) and will need to be controlled using the Control Undead spell. The ritual to cast this spell required a jar of grave dirt to be placed on the chest of the body used and a black onyx gem (value of at least 100gc) to be placed in each of the eye sockets of the corpse. At the end of the hour long ritual the undead servitor will rise up (taking a full round to do so) and unless controlled by the caster (or some other person) it will attack all living beings it sees until it is destroyed or otherwise stopped.

Material Component: Dead body, a heart taken from a living being, jar of grave dirt, 2 onyx gems (worth at least 100gc each).

Tier III – Stealing Graves (Endurance: 6)

Possibly the most frightening thing to witness a necromancer doing, Stealing Graves is best carried out (for obvious reasons) in a Graveyard or other mass burial site. The spell is cast as a full round action and all corpses over a day old in an area equal to the casters BMD x10 feet are raised as if by the Animate Dead spell. The undead created by this spell are not all under the control of the caster – only those equal to the casters class level multiplied by his WIS modifier are initially under their control. Remaining undead behave as normal for their type. In subsequent rounds the caster (or others how know the spell Command Undead) can try to gain control of other undead.

Material Component: Dead bodies.

Leech from the Living

Tier I – Death Knell

This spell takes what life remains from those already near death. As a result it is quite easy for the necromancer to affect their intended target, but the rewards to the necromancer are not great. It takes one action to cast this spell and then a successful touch attack on the target. The target must already be at -1 END or less to be affected by the spell. The target gets to make a Fortitude save to avoid the effects of Death Knell. Failure results in the target loosing the necromancers BMD in Endurance. The Necromancer gains this much END temporarily and also a +2 STR bonus. These temporary effects last for 1 hour. The spell cannot grant the caster more END than would take the victim to -10 END.

Tier II – Death Rictus (Endurance: 2)

While this spell does not cause damage to those unfortunate enough to be affected by it, it paralyses them and also causes their skin to give of the stench of a rotting corpse. It costs one standard action to cast followed by a successful touch attack. The target is allowed a Fort save to completely avoid the effects of this spell. If the save fails the victim is paralysed for a number of rounds equal to the casters BMD roll +1 per level of the caster and also gives of the stink of a rotting corpse for the same length of time out to a radius of 10 feet. This causes nausea and retching in all living creatures within that area, amounting to a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks until the spell ends.

Tier III – Steal Life Force

This spell leeches the life force of even strong, vital creatures fuelling the energies of the necromancer. It takes one standard action to cast and a successful touch attack against the target, with a Will save to avoid the effects of the spell. The target takes the casters BMD+1 per caster level in END damage. The caster receives this as a temporary bonus to his END and also this can increase his maximum END if it would take it above that level. However, the caster can only gain up to the targets remaining END plus 10 (i.e. caster cannot take target to below -10 END). The temporary Endurance points wear of in 24 hours.

Affecting the Dead

Tier I – Halt Undead (Endurance: 1)

This spell affects a number of undead equal to the casters WIS modifier (1 if not a positive modifier). It takes a standard action to cast. Non-intelligent undead like skeletons and zombies get no Will saving throw, intelligent undead do so in the usual way. Those affected by the spell are rendered immobile for the duration of the spell, which is a number of rounds equal to the casters BMD+1 round per two full levels of the caster. The undead affected must all be within 60 feet of the caster and no two can be more than 10 feet from each other.

Tier II – Disrupt Undead (Endurance: 2)

The necromancer uses his learned powers to affect the substance of the undead, causing them physical damage. It takes a standard action to cast. Maximum range is 30 feet. The caster does BMD to the single undead targets END by using the positive aspect of his necromantic learning to disrupt the physical and magical nature of the undead.

Tier III – Control Undead (Endurance: 4)

This spell enables the necromancer to command undead creatures for a period of time. It takes 1 action to cast, has a range of 30 feet and can be used to control a maximum number of undead up to the casters level x WIS modifier. Each casting affects up to the casters BMD in END Die of undead. The undead targeted make a Will save against the control spell. The undead are commanded by voice. Psychic communication is not possible, but the undead understand the caster no matter what language is spoken. Even if vocal communication is not possible (in an area of a Silence spell for example), the controlled undead do not attack the caster of this spell. At the end of the spell the undead revert back to their normal behaviour. Intelligent undead remember the necromancer that controlled them.

Halt Death

Tier I – Gentle Repose (Endurance: 2)

This spell is used to preserve the remains of dead creatures so they do not decay. Doing so extends the time limit on raising that creature from the dead. Days spent under the influence of this spell do not count against the time limit. Additionally, this spell makes transporting a fallen comrade more pleasant. It takes 1 action to cast this spell, and lasts for 1 day per caster level. It can also be cast on severed limbs and has the same effect.

Material Component: The body or body part to be preserved.

Tier II – Regenerate (Endurance: 4)

Tier III – Restoration (Endurance: 6)

Blight the Living

Tier I – Chilling Touch (Endurance: 1)

Tier II – Contagion (Endurance: 2)

Tier III – Desiccating Touch (Endurance: 4)

Of Spirits and the Dead

Tier I – Death Watch (Endurance: 1)

Tier II – Commune with Dead (Endurance: Special)

Tier III – Command Spirit (Endurance:)

Closer to Death

Tier I – Slow Healing (Endurance:)

Tier II – Weaken Blood (Endurance:)

Tier III – Stop Healing (Endurance:)

Steal from Living

Tier I - Steal Beauty (Endurance:)

Tier II – Steal Attribute (Endurance:)

Tier III – Age (Endurance: Special + 2 END per round)

This spell ages the target by the caster’s BMD each round and prolongs the mage’s life by the same length of time. It does not make the caster younger or make the mage appear more youthful. It takes a full round to cast and requires a successful touch attack against the target. Initially the victim gets a Will save to avoid the effects of the spell, success indicates the target only takes the casters BMD in END damage. If the target fails the save he then suffers the full effects of the spell as indicated above. The initial cost is 1 END per level of the target. Each round the caster maintains concentration he can steal his BMD in years from the victim as above. However each round costs 2 END to maintain the spell and the target gets a Fort save each round to resist the effects. On a successful Fort save the spell is broken but the mage still pays that rounds END cost.

Material Component: The brain taken from a corpse no more than a week old.

Aura of Death

Tier I - Cause Fear (Endurance:)

Tier II - Circle of Doom (Endurance:)

Tier III - Circle of Death (Endurance:)

Greater Necromancy Spells

Greater Summoning

Summon Greater Undead (Endurance: Special)

This spell can be used in the sane way as Summon Undead to animate/summon a creature of up to END Die equal to the casters level. The spell takes 1 minute per END Die of the creature to cast and at the end of the casting the creature needs to be controlled or it will act as normal for its type until destroyed or controlled. The Endurance cost of the spell is equal to 1 per END Die of the creature being summoned. Only creatures already of the undead type can be summoned using this spell.

Material Component: Pentagram drawn on ground around earth from the environment from which the creature originally inhabited, a black onyx gem worth 100gc x END Die of creature and a fresh pint of blood from a sentient creature.

Greater Halt Death

Raise Dead

Greater Affecting the Dead

Ride Corpse

Greater Affect the Living

Slay Living

Greater Blight the Living

Rotting Death

Greater Closer to Death


Greater Of Spirits and the Dead

Spirit Jar

This spell allows a Necromancer to store his spirit in an object, so that it can then be transferred into a different host body.

Greater Steal from the Living

XXX (To be confirmed)

Greater Aura of Death

XXX (To be confirmed)

Greater Leech from the Living

XXX (To be confirmed)

Necromantic Rituals

Certain Necromantic spells have been created by powerful necromancers for particular purposes when the more common spells were not sufficient to meet their (or their masters) requirements. Certain historical events document to a certain extent their use if not the exact ritual or invocations used.

Animate Crew

From Book of the Sea. Summons undead sailors to crew ship. Have the skill Profession (Seamanship) at +5. This also summons a captain for the ship if needed.

Create Greater Undead (Endurance: Special)

Using this ritual the caster(s) will create an undead creature from the remains of some dead creature. The creature will inherit all undead type characteristics, including the loss of the Con attribute, becoming immune to critical hits etc. The creature can be of any type other than undead – in this case it needs to be summoned by the Summon Greater Undead Spell. It takes a ritual of 1 hour and END equal to the END Die of the creature to be created plus a base of 10 END due to the necromantic energy involved in raising the creature from the dead. The DC of casting this ritual is increased by 1 per END Die of the creature to be summoned. Hence it is advisable that this ritual is cast using followers willing (and able) to lend both END and knowledge (or at least the ability to chant the correct phrases at the right time).

Raise from the Deep (Endurance: Special)

This rare spell summons the hulk of a ship from the depths of the sea. It does not animate the crew of the ship, but if their corpses remain on the ship (GM’s discretion) they will be readily available for the necromancer to cast Animate Crew on. The ships will have the appearance of rotting hulks as befitting something that has lain at the bottom of the sea for a long time. However, their appearance is deceptive as their statistics (if you are using full naval combat rules) will be those of a ship of its type in top condition. Any apparent damage is simply aesthetic in game terms, the power of the spell keeps the vessels afloat rather than their actual physical structure.


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