§ One: Heading One

Biblical Demonology & the Occult

Spring 2014 – Lewis – Independent Study

The Occult ABCs

1 Akashic Records

1 Tantric Hinduism

2 Contains the collective memories of all beings

2 Alchemy

1 An Occult Science

3 Angels

4 Animal Psi or Anpsi

1 Psychic Phenomena

2 Animal/Human interaction

5 Anthropomancy

1 Divination

2 Reading Human Entrails

6 Aportation

1 Moving objects from one time/space location to another, without the normal space/time moving process.

7 Astral Projection

1 Traveling out of body with your spirit or a less dense body

2 Related terms: Astral Plane

8 Astrology

9 Athame

1 A ritual dagger used by Neopagan Witches

10 Auras

1 Energy fields generated by living beings

11 Automatic Writing

1 Writing through possession

12 Bibliomancy

1 Divination through random selection of words and phrases in a book

13 Blood Pacts

1 Blood covenants, usually with the Devil

14 Cabala (or Kabbalah)

15 Ceremonial Magic

1 Magic emphasizing long, complex rituals.

16 Chakras

1 Tantrism

2 Psychic Centers in the human body.

17 Channeling

18 Charming

19 Clairaudience

20 Clairsentience

21 Clairvoyance

22 Cryptozoology

23 Crystals

1 Some claim that possess inherent psychic power

24 Crystalomancy

1 Divination by crystals, crystal balls, etc.

25 Dactylomancy

1 Finger movements on tripods, pendulums, or planchettes

2 Ouija Boards

26 Deliverance Ministries

27 Demon Possession/Multiple Personality Disorder

28 Divination

1 Finding hidden information about the past, present, or future through occult/psychic means

29 Dwarves and Elves

30 Eckankar

31 Ectoplasm

32 Elementals

1 Personification of the 4 or five basic "elements" in Western and Eastern occultism

33 Elves

34 ESP

35 Evil

36 Exorcism

37 Faerie World

38 False Memory Syndrome

39 Familiars

1 Animals used by Gothic Witches to help them with their magic

2 Often thought of as incarnate spirits

40 Fetishism

41 Fortune Telling

42 Ghosts and Poltergeists

43 Gnomes

44 Goddess Worship and Neo-Paganism

45 Goetia

1 Medieval books of ceremonial magic

2 E.g., The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon

46 Grimoires

1 The Black Magic books of medieval Goetic magic, usually consisting of: potion recipes, spirits names and biographies, means for contacting these spirits.

47 Healing

48 Holistic Health

49 Hypnosis (Occultic)

1 Mesmerism

50 I Ching (Chinese Divination)

51 Incubi and Succubi (Sexual Demons)

52 Left-handed & Right Handed Paths

53 Levitations

54 Lycanthropy

55 Magic(k) & Sorcery

56 Materialization (see Apports)

57 Mirror, Glass and Water Gazing

58 Monsters

59 Mormonism (Occultism in)

60 Near Death Experience (NDE)

61 New Age Movement

62 Ouija Boards

63 Parapsychology & ESP

64 Occult Prophecy (Michel de Nostredame, et alii))

65 Psychic Surgery

66 Pyramid Power

67 Reincarnation

68 Santeria

69 Satanic Ritual Abuse

70 Satanism

71 Scientology (Occultism in)

72 Sortilege

1 Divination by sticks, coins, bones, dice, or any other small object

73 Spirit Guides

74 Spiritual Warfare

75 Table Lifting

76 Talisman

77 Tantrism

1 Hindu systems of occultism

78 Tarot Cards & Palm Reading

79 Telekinesis & Psychokinesis

80 Telepathy

81 Thaumaturgy

1 Magic for non-religious purposes

82 Theurgy

1 Magic for religious purposes

83 Third Eye

84 Time Travel

85 Trance Speaking

86 Truth Encounters v. Power Encounters

87 UFOs & Alien Abduction

88 Visionary Dreams

89 Voodoo



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