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World History Study Guide for DBAsUse these sample questions to help you prepare for your DBAs in World History. *Please note that your instructor may not ask these exact questions, though they will be similar and on these topics.Module 1 – Religions of the World – NO DBA – Project Instead. Student must complete project in order to move on to Module 2.Module 2 – Byzantines, Islam and The MongolsWhat is one cause of the decline of the Byzantine Empire?How did the Byzantine Empire affect the development of Russia?What were some of the cultural contributions of the Byzantine Empire? What is the most important, lasting legacy of the Byzantine Empire?Who were the Mongols? How did they live?What were the major effects, good and bad, of the spread of the Mongols over Asia and into India?Why was the movement of goods and troops an intricate part of the spread of Islam from the beginning?What were the Crusades, and how did they serve to weaken the Byzantine Empire? What role did the Western Church play in inciting the Crusades?How were the Crusades different from some of the wars we’re more familiar with today? What are the similarities and differences between Judaism, Islam and Christianity?Module 3 DBAs - Early African and Meso-American Societies What role did geography play in the rise of the three great West African empires: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?How did the Bantu Migrations affect the agricultural settlements of Africa?What does the rise and fall of Great Zimbabwe demonstrate about southern African kingdoms of this time?What was the historical significance of King Sundiata and the travels of Mansa Musa to the development of the Sudanic kingdoms?Why might most of the major pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations have existed in the areas of southern Mexico?Why is the discipline of archeology an important tool in discovering more about the cultures of pre-Columbian civilizations?In what ways were the Olmec influenced cultures of the Aztecs and Maya both similar and different from each other? What role did the Olmecs and Mayans play in the development of civilization in Meso-America?How do we know that Pacal the Great was a successful and influential Mayan leader?In what way did Huayna Capac contribute to the decline of the Inca empire?What were the major characteristics and achievements of the Aztecs and Mayans?How did the geography of these regions affect the way people lived?Module 4 DBAs- Middle Ages, Renaissance and ReformationIn what way did the spread of the Black Death effect long-term social and economic change in Europe? How was the social hierarchy of the Middle Ages an outgrowth of feudalism? What were the major accomplishments of Charlemagne?How did Charlemagne’s Christianity affect the way he expanded and ruled his empire? How did the Crusades lead to the increasing development of towns and trade during the Middle Ages?What effect did the process of urbanization in Europe have on the economies of Europe? In what ways can we see the influence of the Renaissance on the how we live today? What are some of the Cultural Achievements of the Renaissance, and who are the Writers, artists, etc.What were the major political and economic factors that allowed the Renaissance to begin in northern Italy?What was the Reformation? How did the Catholic Church respond to the Reformation? What role did King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth play in the Protestant Reformation?How did the development of the Gutenberg printing press help spread the thoughts of the Reformation? Module 5 DBAs- Age of Exploration What are the various reasons for Exploration?What was the significance of the discoveries of explorers such as Zheng He, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain?What were the positive effects of the Columbian Exchange on the New World? The negative effects? What were the positive effects of the Columbian Exchange on the old world? The negative effects?Who's Who of Explorers – Have students choose one and explain his significance.In what way did technology help to facilitate the discovery of new lands and peoples during the Age of Exploration?What economic and social motivations resulted in the discovery and exploration of the New World?What changes in politics and social structure occurred in Japan and China from 1600- 1900?What were the major political, social, and cultural changes brought about by the development of the "Gunpowder Empires" in the Middle East during the 16th?and 17th?centuries?Module 6 – DBAs - The Age of Enlightenment and The Age of Revolutions How did ideas developed during the Renaissance lead to the scientific innovations of the Scientific Revolution? What were the trends in Europe that resulted in the emergence of the Age of Enlightenment? What were the major ideas and philosophies of the enlightened philosophers John Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau?How did the ideas of the Enlightenment contribute to the start of the French Revolution, The American Revolution or the Haitian Revolution? How did the absolute rulers Louis XIV, Peter the Great, and Tokugawa Ieyasu effect their respective societies?What were the circumstances surrounding Napleon's rise and fall? How were his policies good for Europe? Bad?What role did the French Revolution play in sparking independence movements in the Spanish colonies of the Americas? How did Commodore Perry's visit effect the Japanese? What were the effects of the Taiping Rebellion and the Opium War?How did China respond to the attempts by European nations to colonize the country? Module 7 – DBAs - Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, and Imperialism in the 19th CHow did a few agricultural innovations in Britain result in the start of the Industrial Revolution? What were some of the ways the Industrial Revolution changed society? Changed cities?How did the new urbanization affect the roles of women in society?In what way was communism and a reaction to socialism? Why might factory workers have found these ideas appealing?How did the rise of nationalism effect countries such as Germany and Japan in the late 19th?century?How were events such as the rise of the Young Turks, the Russo-Japanese War, and the Boxer Rebellions connected to the new nationalism?What were the economic and social circumstances that resulted in the rise of modern European imperialism? How did Imperialism affect the areas of Africa and Asia in the 19th?century?Module 8 – DBAs - World War I, and The Years Between the Wars.What role did nationalism and alliance systems play in the outbreak of the First World War? What technological innovations contributed to the high death tolls during World War I?What are three reasons fighting from the trenches was a nightmare for the soldiers?What were three conditions placed on Germany at the Treaty of Versailles?What were Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points"?Following World War I, what attempts did Europe make to try to prevent wars in the future? How did the post-World War I Germany react to the world economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s? How did authoritarian governments emerge in the different countries of Spain, Germany, and Italy? Module 9 – DBAs - World War II and The Cold WarHow did Hitler use the concept of German nationalism to provoke a war in Europe? What were the strongest arguments for using the atomic bomb against Japan to end the war in the Pacific? What was the Nazi ideology that led to its decisions to eradicate the Jewish population?What are some of the 20th century genocides, and how did they come about? How did the United States and the Soviet Union go from allies during the Second World War to enemies engaged in a cold war? What were the factors that led to the outbreak of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?What was one of the major events of the Cold War and how did it impact Soviet/U.S. relations? What was the "Marshall Plan"?What were some of the attempts by the early communist state in China to modernize collectivize industry? How did the United States go from a successful containment measure in Korea to a failed war in Vietnam? Why did Africa become the site of so many proxy wars during the post-war era?How did the conflict in Israel and Palestine emerge from competing national movements? Module 10 - Global Issues 1945-Today – There is no DBA for this Module *Student must submit the module summative activity in order to have access to the exam. ................

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