Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

FOUR PROPHETIC DREAMS OF PASTOR DANAVideo of the three dreams posted June 25, 2020 YouTube. Video of the fourth dream posted June 27, 2020“Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana” Pastor Dana is Pastor of Cornerstone of Living Word Ministries, Assembly of God, Burkesville, Kentucky. He has been a pastor for 30 years. He does not claim to be a prophet, but felt he must share these dreams, as they pertain to all believers. Not one thing in his presentation of his dreams is out of line with what is really happening and preparing to happen. As one who has had the gift of interpreting dreams since 1966, and a thorough researcher, I know he’s reporting from Abba.FIRST DREAM, December 2019: He saw a calendar being flipped. It stopped at March. Then the calendar was flipped again, and it stopped at June. The one flipping the calendar tapped “June” three times. Then he saw marching, protests, people wearing masks, people in hospitals. He saw ambulances. He saw cities on fire. He saw vultures flying over the cities because of the dead. He saw lots of fire and horror. He saw a fist in the air, much hatred was felt. Courthouses and other government buildings were being surrounded. Barriers were put around cities. Much chaos. A voice said to him: “Brace yourself; brace yourself; brace yourself.”The beginning of the first dream has been, and is, happening now.SECOND DREAM early inside 2020 He saw the calendar again being flipped. A right-hand finger appeared. This was Part II – June, July, August, September. September was emphasized. The finger tapped September three times. Then the calendar was flipped to October and November. November was underlined. A fist hit November. November is when things became more intense. Chaos started. Armed protesters were in the streets. Schools were closed. Banks were in trouble. He saw money flying up through the ceiling of banks. He said wealth will be taken away. He saw Washington D.C. burning. He saw Chinese and Russian soldiers, and blue-helmet U.N. soldiers in the streets. There was no sign of any government control. People were hiding, guns in their hands. Then he heard “brace yourself; brace yourself; brace yourself.”THIRD DREAM, June 24 He saw that there was no change available at the bank. He had gone to the bank to get coins. A teller said that the U.S. mint was no longer taking coins. She said $1.00 and $5.00 bills would be next to be removed. He asked questions, and the teller gave him these answers. Then he heard the words again “brace yourself.”He went on to tell how we must prepare. He said “The antichrist is alive on planet earth.” Yes, he is, and his kingdom is rising!FOURTH DREAM June 26 This is on a separate video posted June 27th, “Coming Persecution Dream”He got up at 3:30 AM on June 26. [That is strange. I also got up at 3:30 AM the morning of June 26th and came into the living room and prayed.] In this dream he was standing on a high rise, looking down into a field. In the valley below him, he saw hundreds, maybe thousands, of wolves sleeping. They were dark gray in color. All of a sudden, a dark figure in the form of a man came with a whip. He began furiously whipping the wolves. The wolves feared this “man,” and they cowered. Then they got angry because he kept whipping them. Then this being pointed his finger to them and said for them to go into the cities. They went off howling loudly. The sky was darkened, but not like night. NEXT SCENE: He is in front of a TV screen watching various people preaching the gospel, teaching Biblical principles, calling for righteousness. He saw a church where there was this preaching. He saw himself also preaching. Most all of the people sitting in the pews were looking at their watches, they were uncomfortable with what the preachers were saying, they did not want to be there, some were walking out the back door. A small remnant was up front, whom he called a “core group.” The wolves amassed outside and began howling. They began scratching on the door. Those at the altar praying kept on praying. Then the wolves began to come in. Those who were not receiving the message of righteousness being preached did not notice the wolves. The wolves had red eyes. The wolves watched what was going on. The wolves came and sat by the people who were not listening, not receiving the Word. The wolves began to growl; they were disturbed. The came towards the platform. [He mentioned Matthew 7:15 and 7:21-23] As they began to move towards the platform, they began biting those preaching. Their growing got louder and louder. He said one came to bite him.The wolves were not attacking those who were praying at the altar. The wolves began upsetting those in the pews who were discontent with the messages of righteousness and Jesus. They began to grow angry.They began saying “we will not listen.” A spirit of rebellion came on them. NEXT SCENE: He was in a courtroom. Judges were seated, pounding gavels. Pastors were before them in chains and shackles. He had shackles on himself.They were told “you can no longer preach this message.” “You cannot say `this’ or ‘that.’” “You cannot say `Jesus is the only way.’” “You cannot say `abortion is wrong.’” “You cannot preach from the Bible.” The judges were angry. Some of the people were screaming for the churches to be shut down; some screamed for churches to be burned. NEXT SCENE: He saw mobs of people outside of a church. He saw the faces of many who were in the crowded at the church, sitting in the pews and being disgusted with the messages of righteousness. He said those raised in churches were rejecting its message. He said these were those who had fallen away. He mentioned youth going to college and their faith destroyed by professors. [Yedidah: Brother Ken Dornhecker takes the Good News to colleges and universities across America. He preaches in what they call “free speech zones.” He said most of the listener-youth were hateful, sadistic, filthy-mouthed, and full of venom against “Christianity” and “Jesus.” What breaks his heart, he said, is all the former youth, raised in Christian homes, who are hostile towards the faith. They became disillusioned in the college/university and joined the mockers against the Bible, righteousness, purity, set-apartness, and belief in Jesus as the only Savior of mankind.] Pastor Dana said he saw all races preaching the “Gospel” – black, whites, Asians, Mexicans, etc. He said “the biggest persecution will come from those who sat in the churches but walked away from their faith.” He said he saw the enraged mob harassing the ones going into and coming out of the church. He saw them going in and breaking down the pulpits, chopping them up in their anger and hate. Then he heard: “Brace yourself; endure to the end.”----------- Yedidah: Refer to Tom Horn’s Blood on the Altar, which says the same things.I learned of these dreams this morning. I would not post them or podcast them, except that they are exactly right-on true, backing everything He’s shown me, and many of you! Yahuwah is giving many dreams and visions to His people now, to warn others, to wake up the spiritual sleeping, and let His faithful servants know that the time approaches for our overcoming and victory. Here we see a present-day picture of what is coming, i.e. Mark 13:9-13. We see Revelation 6:9-11. We see Revelation 7:9-17. We see Revelation 14:9-14. In Revelation 14:9-14, we see both groups – the haters who take the mark of the Beast, and those who are martyred. What is so tragic is, and so true, that a great number of those who will “turn in” believers to their death were once “believers” of some type. Note: In the calendar-flipping to certain months, this is not “date-setting,” but “season-setting,” “time-setting,” – “launch-point setting!” This “season” and “launch-point” timing is also being reported by seasoned watchmen right now. Matthew 10:32-39: This is the message: Do not deny Messiah! Do not love anyone more than you love Him! Stay loyal! Stay in prayer!Shalom in the mighty Names of Yahuwah and Yahushua, YedidahJune 28, 2020 ................

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