


Late 18th century to circa 1900 (including marks on Britannia metal, iron, steel, copper alloys and silver-plated goods)


Environment Canada Parks Service

Environnement Canada Servicedes pares









Late 18th century to circa 1900 (including marks on Britannia metal, iron, steel, copper alloys and silver-plated goods)


Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History National Historic Sites Parks Service Environment Canada


?Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1991.

Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores, or by mail from the Canada Communication Group, Publishing, Supply and Services Canada,


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OS9.


Published under the authority

of the Minister of the Environment, Ottawa, 1991


The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and not necessarily those of Environment Canada.



Editing and Layout: Sheila Ascroft Desktop Production: Suzanne Rochette Cover Design: Rod Won Translation: Department of the Secretary of State


Parks publishes the results of its research in archaeology, architecture, and history. A list


of publications is available from National Historic Sites Publications, Parks Service, Environment Canada, 1600 Liverpool Court, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OH3.


Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data


Eileen Woodhead


Trademark on base-metal tableware: late 18th century to circa 1900 (including marks on Britannia metal, iron, steel, copper alloys and silver-plated goods) (Studies in archaeology, architecture and history, ISSN-0821-1027) Includes an abstract in French Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-660-13629-5



DSS cat. no. R61-2/9-50E


1. Tableware - Trademarks. 2. Tableware - Marks of origin. 3. Tableware - Col-

lectors and collecting - Canada. 4. Art metal-work - Collectors and collecting - Ca-


nada. I. Canadian Parks Service. National Historic Parks and Sites. 11. Title. Ill. Title: Trademarks on base-metal tableware from the late 18th century to the end of the 19th century. IV. Series.














HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ix

MODE D'UTILISATION DE CE GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ix







INDEX TO NUMBERS USED IN TRADEMARKS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 289



INDEX TO SYMBOLS NOT LISTED ELSEWHERE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 329

Submitted for publication in 1987 by Eileen Woodhead, Material Culture Research, Parks Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa.

Drawings by Carol Piper and Dorothy Kappler, Drafting Unit, Archaeological Research Division, Parks Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa.


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Over tbe past decade tbe Metal Unit of tbe Material Culture Section, Arcbaeology Researcb Division, Canadian Parks Service, has maintained a reference file identifying marks found on metal artifacts. This book is a selection of marks on file that relate primarily to tableware items, from the late 18tb century to about 1900. These marks were used on tableware and otber small bardware goods made in base metals in Great Britain, Germany, France and the United States. The Parks file bas proven to be useful to researcbers and arcbaeologists for identifying tbe origin and tbe date range of tableware and related metal artifacts from a variety of archaeological sites.

Au sein de la Direction des recbercbes archeologiques du Service canadien des pares, le Groupe metal de la Section des recherches sur la culture materielle s' occupe, depuis la derniere decennie, d'un dossier de references sur les poincons estampilles sur les artefacts en metal. Le present ouvrage traite de certains de ces poincons retrouves essentiel-

lement sur la vaisselle, entre la fin du xvnr siecle et

1900 environ. Ces poincons ont ere utilises sur la

vaisselle et autres petits articles de quincaillerie fabriques en metaux non precieux en GrandeBretagne, en Allemagne, en France et aux EtatsUnis. Ce dossier a permis aux cbercbeurs et archeologues du Service canadien des pares de preciser I' origine et la periode de fabrication de la vaisselle et autres artefacts en metaux provenant de divers sites archeologiques .

Tbe manufacture of base metals bas never had the continuous control tbat has been applied to precious metals, even wbere silver-plating was concerned. Tbe variety of metals used for tableware products meant tbat several differen t metal industries were involved, eacb witb their own particular tecbnology and manufacturing metbods .

La fabrication d' objets en metaux non precieux n' a jamais fait l' objet du controle strict auquel a ete soumis le secteur des metaux precieux, meme dans le cas du placage d'argent. Vu la diversite des metaux utilises pour la fabrication de la vaisselle, plusieurs entreprises differentes sont concernees, cbacune possedant ses propres methodes de fabrication et sa tecbnologie.

Tbe base metals used in tbe manufacture of domestic goods included tbe ferrous metals, iron and steel, tin alloys (including pewter), and copper alloys sucb as tbe brasses and nickel-silver. Tin and silver were used as plating materials. Sbeffield and Birmingbam were among the large metal manufacturing centres in England tbat bad local registries of marks kept by trade organizations: tbe Cutlers' Company of Sbeffield or the Worsbipful Company of Pewterers. These compendiums only include marks used by manufacturers. Marks were also applied to metal goods by wbolesalers or factors, and retailers. In some instances there would bave been more tban one manufacturer, as in tbe case of many knives in which the blades were made by one manufacturer, tbe bandIes by another and yet

Les metaux non precieux qui entraient dans la fabrication des articles domestiques comprennent les metaux ferreux, le fer et I' acier, les alliages de fer blanc (y compris l' etain) et les alliages de cuivre, tels le laiton et l' argenton. Le fer blanc et I' argent servaient au placage. Les villes de Sbeffield et Birmingbam comptaient parmi les grands centres de fabrication d'articles en metal en Angleterre ou on conservait des registres des poincons propres aux corps de metiers locaux: la Cutlers' Company of Sbeffield ou la Worshipful Company of Pewterers. Ces registres ne comprennent que les poincons utilises par les fabricants. Les grossistes ou agents et les detaillants apposaient egalement des poincons sur les articles en metal. Dans certains cas il pe ut y avoir eu plus d'un fabricant; pour de nombreux




a third manufacturer may have finished or plated the couteaux, les lames etant fabriquees par une entrefinal product. The retail firm selling the knives may prise et les manches par une autre et la finition ou le


also have had its own registered mark. In the early placage se faisant chez une troisieme. Le detaillant qui


19th century, before there was a viable steel industry in America, knife blades were often imported from Great Britain, but the handles were made by American manufacturers. Thus even the origin of the item is confusing. In the late 19th century many American retailers commissioned such products from well-known manufacturers, but

vendait ces couteaux pouvait egalement y apposer son propre poincon homologue. Au debut du XIXe siecle

avant que l'industrie de racier ne soit viable en

Amerique, les lames de couteaux etaient souvent

importees de Grande-Bretagne et les manches fabri-

ques aux Etats-Unis. Il est done parfois difficile de

determiner I' origine d'un article. A la fin du XIXe




applied their own trade names, as they do to the siecle, plusieurs detaillants americains commandaient

present time. These, and other such manufacturing des produits a des fabricants bien connus, puis y


complexities, were common throughout the period appliquaient leurs propres pomcons, comme cela se


concerned, but the mark on the final product usually provides some indication of the source of the artifact.

fait encore de nos jours. Malgre toutes ces complexites, frequentes au cours de la periode etudiee, le poincon qui apparait sur un article donne generalement une bonne indication de sa provenance.



Many companies manufacturing small hardware items, such as hand tools and tableware, were in existence for a long period of time, using the same mark or marks. Many marks used by firms with

Bien des entreprises qui fabriquaient de petits

articles de quincaillerie, par exemple des outils a

main et de la vaisselle, etaient en activite depuis

long temps et utilisaient le ou les memes poincons. Il


established reputations were bought by a successor arrivait aussi que des poincons utilises par des

who continued their use long after the original entreprises a la reputation etablie aient continue


company had ceased operation. Thus, it may appear that the same mark was used by more than one manufacturer until the dates of the two companies

d'etre utilises, meme lorsque l'entreprise passait a

d' autres. Done il semble que le meme pomcon puisse avoir ete utilise par plus d'un fabricant, mais


are compared. When a mark has been in use over a prolonged period, as it has in many British firms, the dating of a particular piece may have to be

il suffit de comparer les periodes d' activite des deux entreprises pour constater qu' ils ne l' etaient jamais en meme temps. Lorsqu'un poincon a ete utilise



determined on stylistic grounds, or on an analysis of durant une periode prolongee, comme c'est le cas

the metal or metal technology used in its manu- dans nombre d'entreprises britanniques, la datation



d'une piece doit parfois se faire en fonction des


caracterisuques stylistiques, du metal employe, ou

de la technologie utilisee pour la fabrication.


In Canada all tableware in base metals was imported from Great Britain, Europe or the United States until the final years of the 19th century. Several American firms established branches in Canadian cities during the 1880s. Although some casting and stamping was done in a few of these plants, much of the work was in the finishing or plating of items that were made in the United States. A few

Toute la vaisselle en metaux non precieux retrou-

vee au Canada a ete importee de la Grande-

Bretagne, de l'Europe ou des Etats-Unis jusqua la toute fin du XIXe siecle. Plusieurs entreprises ame-

ricaines ont ouvert des filiales dans des villes can a-

diennes au cours des annees 1880. Bien qu'on ait pratique la fonte et I' estampillage dans quelques-

unes de ces usines, elles servaient surtout a la fini-




Canadian companies, which manufactured sterling silver goods, often made small quantities of base metal items that were silver-plated.

tion et au placage des articles fabriques aux EtatsUnis. Quelques entreprises canadiennes, qui fabriquaient des articles en argent sterling, produisaient souvent aussi de petites quantites d' articles en


metaux non precieux plaques argent.





The examination of archaeological material and source documents such as retailers' records show that nearly all tableware goods were imported from Great Britain until the 1870s. After the D.S. Civil War, American manufacturers became successful rivals for the Canadian market. During the 19th century, most of the common tableware goods were sold through ironmongers or hardwaremen, with the finer silver-plated goods to be found in jewelry or watchmakers' shops. Department stores and mailorder houses supplied many of these wares to the consumer towards the end of the century .

L' etude des materiaux archeologiques et de documents comme les registres des detaillants montre que presque toute la vaisselle etait importee de Grande-Bretagne avant les annees 1870. Apres la guerre de Secession, les fabricants americains deviennent de solides concurrents sur le marche canadien. Au cours du XIXe siecle, la majorite de la vaisselle ordinaire se vendait chez les ferronniers ou

les quincailliers, alors que les articles plaques argent se trouvaient chez le bijoutier ou l'horloger.

Les magasins arayons et les entreprises de vente par

la poste ont fourni nombre de ces articles aux consommateurs vers la fin du siecle.

As tableware was often only a small portion of the total production of many of the larger manufacturers, the entries listed in this work may also prove useful in identifying marks on other basemetal objects such as edge tools, building hardware, household utensils and toiletry items .

Puisque la vaisselle ne constituait souvent qu'une faible partie de la production totale de plusieurs des fabricants les plus importants, les renseignements contenus dans le present ouvrage peuvent egalement etre utiles pour lidentification des poincons places sur d' autres objets en metaux non precieux, notamment les outils tranchants, la quincaillerie de batiment, les ustensiles domestiques et les necessaires de toilette .




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