BLACK SCREEN: The sound of fingertips gently drumming on …


An original short script by Steve Meredith

BLACK SCREEN: The sound of fingertips gently drumming on a table is heard along with the ticking of a clock.


Daylight streams through dirty windows. Two teenagers are in the garage. One is sitting at a table, his name is JACK, and he is about 17 years old. He is gently drumming his fingertips on the table. JACK appears very calm. The other teenager is pacing slowly across the garage floor. His name is IAN, and he is also about 17 years old. IAN does not appear as calm as JACK, but has control of his emotions. IAN suddenly stops pacing.

IAN: (matter of fact)

Something isn’t right…the job should have been finished by now.

JACK ignores this comment, continuing to tap his fingertips on the table

Ian: (more concerned)

What if something got fucked up?

Jack (calmly)

Calm down Ian—


I can’t be calm…too much time has passed—

Jack (firmly)

Calm the fuck down, Ian. Today’s going to be the longest day of all of our lives. The seconds seem like minutes, the minutes seem like hours, the hours seem like days, and the days…well, today’s going to take a week’s worth of energy out of all of us.

Jack’s cell phone rings, JACK picks it up and answers it.

Jack (into the phone)

Yeah…where the fuck are you guys? (Pause) How’d he get hurt?

Ian (under his breath)

Oh fuck.

Jack (into the phone)

Look, just get the fuck back to my house as fast as you can…(angrily)…yes we’re fucking bailing, now get the FUCK back here!

Jack ends the call.

Jack (to Ian)

Tyler got shot.

Ian (shouting)

FUCK! (Nervously) Shit, I knew we shouldn’t have done this. Who the fuck shot him?


Jason didn’t say. He just said that Tyler came out with blood all over his fucking shirt. He said Tyler got shot in his stomach.


Shit, how we gonna get him to a hospital.

Jack (firmly)

Look, would you just calm the fuck down? This isn’t helping either of us. They’re on their way back now, we’re gonna regroup when they get here, and part of the regrouping plan is to get Tyler to a hospital.

The garage door suddenly starts to lift, as it does so, it slowly reveals JASON, who is about 18, holding a weak and blood covered TYLER, who is also 18.


Where the fuck is Devin?


He’s still back at the school.



Tyler grabs Jack

Tyler (whispering)

I’m so fucking scared dude, I’m so fucking sca—

The garage door closes shut, cut to black.

Roll Opening Credits


Tyler is stable. Jack, Ian, and Jason are all at Tyler’s bedside as Tyler starts to come to consciousness. Jack, Ian, and Jason are all watching T.V.

Ian (noticing Tyler waking up)

Guys…hey guys, he’s waking up.

Jack and Jason turn towards Tyler.

Tyler (groggily)

Where the fuck am I?


You got shot, man, don’t you remember?


Well I remember that, how’d I get here?


I drove you, you conked about halfway here. You had a bullet in your stomach.

Tyler (groggy)

Guys, it’s fucking hell over at the school.


What the fuck happened?


Close up on the clock on the wall which reads 1:15pm. The teacher is at the front of the room teaching, but there is no sound. Students raise their hands to answer questions, the teacher writes some things on the board. And then, all of a sudden, three gunshots ring out in the hallway. A teenager named DEVIN enters the classroom with a gun pulled. Tyler gets up and pulls his own gun.





Tyler grabs a student and forces their head to the ground



Devin grabs the teacher and puts his gun to her head.


This includes you Mrs. Myers, get the FUCK down!!

Mrs. Myers, along with the rest of the students, is terrified. The camera sits in the corner of the room as it watches as some students tremble in fear as they cry out for help. There is no sound with this camera shot. The gunmen walk around the room shoving desks and school supplies in front of the windows. Cut to black.


Close up on the clock which now reads 2:30pm.


The students are still very scared. One student however, moves his head so that he is no longer face down on the floor. His name is KYLE. After a few minutes of looking around the room, assessing where the gunmen are, and the severity of the situation, Kyle gets up off the floor.


Get the fuck down, Kyle!

Kyle (pissed)

Or what, Devin?! What the fuck are you going to do to me?

Devin walks up to Kyle and points his gun at Kyle’s forehead. Devin then cocks the gun’s hammer back. There is a moment of pause.


Tyler…do it now!

Tyler shoots Mrs. Myers, as Tyler does this; Devin looks over towards Tyler for a split second. When Devin does this, Kyle grabs Devin’s gun and gains possession of the weapon. Kyle points the gun at Devin’s forehead.

Devin (laughing)

You actually think that you’re going to be the hero here, Kyle?

Devin reaches behind his back and pulls out another gun and points it at Kyle’s forehead.


Scouts rule, always come prepared.


Why the fuck are you doing this?

Devin (pissed)

Ah yes, the “why?” Well I’ll tell you why, Kyle. It’s because I’m not bulletproof. Now, you’re a smart person, Kyle, so I take it you understand that I’m speaking figuratively. But I’ll elaborate anyway. You see, Kyle, I come to school everyday to find the word “faggot” written in spray paint on my locker. I get the shit kicked out of me in “touch” football, and on top of that, I’ve stopped thinking about dating any girl in this school, because all they do is turn me down. Don’t give me this line of bullshit about how everyone is going through the same shit, Kyle. I watch people who get ridiculed every single day brush it off like it’s nothing. Like it’s NOTHING, Kyle. And they can do it because they’ve been ridiculed so much that they become numb. It’s like they’re entire body is bulletproof to the hits they take everyday. Well I’ll tell you something, Kyle. I’ve been ridiculed like that since preschool, and I never got numb, I never became bulletproof, Kyle.



Devin, nobody’s bulletproof.


Yeah, sure, then why the FUCK doesn’t it bother people when dumbass mother fuckers act like they’re better than you?


You want to feel better, Devin? (To SARA) Sara, stand up.


Hey, I make the fuckin rules here—

Kyle (pressing the gun to Devin’s head)

Calm the fuck down. (To Sara) Sara, do you have any clue what’s written about you in the boy’s locker room?

Sara (nervously)


Kyle (to Sara)

It says, and I quote, “Sara Maiden has the widest pussy in the entire fuckin world.”

Sara (beginning to cry)

Why are you doing this, Kyle?


Sara, it’s alright, you can sit down now. (to Devin) You see that, Devin? It happens to everyone, everyday. Sara is crying right now, but she’s not gonna fuckin’ haul off and shoot people because of it.

Devin (shouting)



Alright Devin, just calm dow—


No! (to Tyler) Tyler, pick somebody, we’re going down the line!

Tyler picks up a boy and throws him against a wall. Tyler then puts a gun to the boy’s head. The boy shuts his eyes, preparing to die.

Kyle (shouting)


Tyler grabs the kid, holds him and puts the gun to the boys head.





Tyler shoots the boy, the boy falls dead. A look of shock passes Kyle’s face.

Devin (to Kyle)

Now, what was it you said about shooting Tyler?

Kyle is still in shock.


We’re in control here, Kyle, not you. Now give me that fucking gun.

Kyle’s face changes to a look of rage.

Kyle (with quiet rage)

Thank you for cocking the hammer back for me, Devin.

Kyle quickly points the gun at Tyler and shoots him twice. He then points it back at Devin, who is horrified.


You mother fucker. You killed him you mother FUCKER!!

Devin points the gun at Kyle, his hand trembles as he points it at Kyle’s forehead. Kyle points his gun at Devin’s forehead.

Devin (cocking the gun)

Say goodnight you mother fuc—

Tyler moans on the ground and rolls over onto his back. He is bleeding badly. Devin punches Kyle in the mouth, causing Kyle to bleed from his lip. Devin rushes over to Tyler.


Oh, oh, shit Tyler.

Tyler (stuttering, choking on his own blood)

You gonna kill that mother fucker or what?


I’ll get him for you, Ty.

Devin looks around the room at the hostages. His eye catches a student.

Devin (to the student)

Hey, you, get the fuck over here.

The student obliges.

Devin (to the student)

Congratulations, you get to live. You’re gonna carry this kid out and leave him by the side of a white van. Do not read the license plate of the van or the guys inside are going to kill you, do you understand?

Student (trembling)


The student takes the now bloody Tyler out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Devin gets up and proceeds to shoot three students execution style.


What the fuck are you doing!!! STOP IT!!


You want me to stop?! Because I thought it would just be fun to shoot everyone and then kill you last. Then I could put this gun in your hands, wipe everything clean, and make it look like YOU did it! Wouldn’t that be fun, motherfucker?!

Devin picks up another student and puts a gun to her head. She is hysterical, begging for her life.


Do not do this Devin, don’t fucking do this?


Or what Kyle?! I seem to remember that those were you’re exact words when I told you to lie on the floor.


Devin, no one else has to die if you don’t want to.


Well maybe I want more people to die!

Devin pulls the hammer back on his gun.


Devin’s finger moves to the trigger. A gunshot rings out. The camera moves to a wider view of the scene to reveal that Kyle has shot Devin in the head. Devin falls and dies. The camera zooms out on the scene as Kyle wipes the blood from his lip. Kyle disarms his gun and the hysterical girl runs into his arms. Kyle comforts her as he drops his gun to the floor.

Fade to black.

Roll Credits.

The end.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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