Entity and Attribute Information - Cornell University

Entity and Attribute Information

Section Index

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: Bailey's Ecoregions (Table Name = BVBBAIL.PAT)


Attribute Label: DIVISION

Attribute Definition:

Description = The second ecosystem subdivision

Label Type = ARC

Width = 100

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: Hot Continental Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Hot Continental Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Marine Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Marine Regime Mountains Redwood Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Mediterranean Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Mediterranean Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Prairie Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Savanna Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Subtropical Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Subtropical Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Temperate Desert Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Temperate Desert Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Temperate Steppe Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Temperate Steppe Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Tropical/Subtropical Desert Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Tropical/Subtropical Regime Mountains

Enumerated Domain Value: Tropical/Subtropical Steppe Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Warm Continental Division

Enumerated Domain Value: Warm Continental Regime Mountains


Attribute Label: DOMAIN

Attribute Definition:

Description = The coursest ecosystem subdivision

Label Type = ARC

Width = 100

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: DRY DOMAIN

Enumerated Domain Value Definition:

The essential feature of a dry climate is that annual losses of water through evaporation at the earth's surface exceed annual water gains from precipitation. Due to the resulting water deficiency, no permanent streams originate in dry climate zones. Because evaporation, which depends chiefly on temperature, varies greatly from one part of the earth to another, no specific value for precipitation can be used as the boundary for all dry climates. For example, 25 in (610 mm) of annual precipitation may produce a humid climate and forest cover in cool northwestern Europe, but the same amount in the hot tropics produces semiarid conditions.

Enumerated Domain Value: HUMID TEMPERATE DOMAIN

Enumerated Domain Value Definition:

The climate of the Humid Temperate Domain, located in the middle latitudes (30 to 60 degrees N), is governed by both tropical and polar air masses. The middle latitudes are subject to cyclones; much of the precipitation in this belt comes from rising moist air along fronts within these cyclones. Pronounced seasons are the rule, with strong annual cycles of temperature and precipitation. The seasonal fluctuation of energy and temperature is greater than the diurnal. Climates of the middle latitudes have a distinctive winter season, which tropical climates do not.

The Humid Temperate Domain contains forests of broadleaf deciduous and needleleaf evergreen trees. The variable importance of winter frost determines six divisions: warm continental, hot continental, subtropical, marine, prairie, and Mediterranean.

Enumerated Domain Value: HUMID TROPICAL DOMAIN

Enumerated Domain Value Definition:

The humid tropical group of climates found at low latitudes is largely controlled by equatorial and tropical air masses. Every month of the year has an average temperature above 64F (18C), and there is no winter season. In these tropical systems, the primary periodic energy flux is diurnal: temperature variation from day to night is greater than from season to season. Average annual rainfall is heavy and exceeds annual evaporation, but varies in amount and in seasonal and areal distribution.

Two types of climates are differentiated on the basis of seasonal distribution of precipitation. The tropical wet (or rainforest) climate has ample rainfall through 10 or more months of the year. The tropical wet-and-dry (or savanna) climate has a dry season more than 2 months long.


Attribute Label: ECOCODE

Attribute Definition:

Description = codes associated with province, domain, division, sections

Label Type = ARC

Width = 5

Attribute Type = C


Attribute Label: FDIGIT

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts four characters from the ECOCODE field

Label Type = ARC

Width = 4

Attribute Type = C


Attribute Label: KEY

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts the first three characters from the Section field

Label Type = ARC

Width = 3

Attribute Type = C


Attribute Label: MCODE

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts the first character from the ECOCODE field

Label Type = ARC

Width = 1

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: M

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Mountainous areas

Enumerated Domain Value: "-"

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: absence of mountains


Attribute Label: MTEXT

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts the first four character from the ECOCODE field.

Label Type = ARC

Width = 4

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: -212

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Laurentian Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -221

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -222

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Continental) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -231

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Southeastern Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -232

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -234

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Lower Mississippi Riverine Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -242

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Pacific Lowland Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -251

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Prairie Parkland (Temperate) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -255

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Prairie Parkland (Subtropical) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -261

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: California Coastal Chapparral Forest and Shrub Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -262

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: California Dry Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -263

Enumerated Domain Value: -311

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Great Plains Steppe and Shrub Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -313

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Colorado Plateau Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -315

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Southwest Plateau and Plains Dry Steppe and Shrub Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -321

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Chihuahuan Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -322

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: American Semi-Desert and Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -331

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Great Plains-Palouse Dry Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -332

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Great Plains Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -341

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Intermountain Semi-Desert and Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -342

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Intermountain Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: -411

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Everglades Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M212

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Adirondack-New England Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M221

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Central Appalachian Broadleaf Forest-Coniferous Forest-Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M222

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Ozark Broadleaf Forest - Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M231

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Ouachita Mixed Forest - Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M242

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Cascade Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M261

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Sierran Steppe-Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M262

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: California Coastal Range Open Woodland-Shrub-Coniferous Forest-Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M313

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Arizona-New Mexico Mountains Semi-Desert-Open Woodland-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M331

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Southern Rocky Mountain Steppe-Open Woodland-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M332

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Middle Rocky Mountain Steppe-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M333

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Northern Rocky Mountain Forest-Steppe-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M334

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: M341

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Nevada-Utah Mountains-Semi-Desert-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province


Attribute Label: PCODE

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts three characters from the ECOCODE field.

Label Type = ARC

Width = 3

Attribute Type = I

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 212

Enumerated Domain Value: 221

Enumerated Domain Value: 222

Enumerated Domain Value: 231

Enumerated Domain Value: 232

Enumerated Domain Value: 234

Enumerated Domain Value: 242

Enumerated Domain Value: 251

Enumerated Domain Value: 255

Enumerated Domain Value: 261

Enumerated Domain Value: 262

Enumerated Domain Value: 263

Enumerated Domain Value: 311

Enumerated Domain Value: 313

Enumerated Domain Value: 315

Enumerated Domain Value: 321

Enumerated Domain Value: 322

Enumerated Domain Value: 331

Enumerated Domain Value: 332

Enumerated Domain Value: 333

Enumerated Domain Value: 334

Enumerated Domain Value: 341

Enumerated Domain Value: 342

Enumerated Domain Value: 411


Attribute Label: PROVINCE

Attribute Definition:

Description = the third ecosystem subdivision

Label Type = ARC

Width = 100

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: Adirondack-New England Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: American Semi-Desert and Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Arizona-New Mexico Mountains Semi-Desert-Open Woodland-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: California Coastal Chapparral Forest and Shrub Province

Enumerated Domain Value: California Coastal Range Open Woodland-Shrub-Coniferous Forest-Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: California Dry Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Cascade Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Central Appalachian Broadleaf Forest-Coniferous Forest-Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Chihuahuan Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Colorado Plateau Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Continental) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Everglades Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Great Plains Steppe and Shrub Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Great Plains Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Great Plains-Palouse Dry Steppe Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Intermountain Semi-Desert and Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Intermountain Semi-Desert Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Laurentian Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Lower Mississippi Riverine Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Middle Rocky Mountain Steppe-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Nevada-Utah Mountains-Semi-Desert-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Northern Rocky Mountain Forest-Steppe-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Ouachita Mixed Forest - Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Ozark Broadleaf Forest - Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Pacific Lowland Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Prairie Parkland (Subtropical) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Prairie Parkland (Temperate) Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Sierran Steppe-Mixed Forest-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Southeastern Mixed Forest Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Southern Rocky Mountain Steppe-Open Woodland-Coniferous Forest-Alpine Meadow Province

Enumerated Domain Value: Southwest Plateau and Plains Dry Steppe and Shrub Province


Attribute Label: SCODE

Attribute Definition:

Description = Redefined Field that extracts one character from the ECOCODE field

Label Type = ARC

Width = 1

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: A

Enumerated Domain Value: B

Enumerated Domain Value: C

Enumerated Domain Value: D

Enumerated Domain Value: E

Enumerated Domain Value: F

Enumerated Domain Value: G

Enumerated Domain Value: H

Enumerated Domain Value: I

Enumerated Domain Value: J

Enumerated Domain Value: K

Enumerated Domain Value: L

Enumerated Domain Value: M

Enumerated Domain Value: N


Attribute Label: SECTION

Attribute Definition:

Description = the forth and final ecosystem subdivision

Label Type = ARC

Width = 100

Attribute Type = C

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: LAHONTAN BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: CHALLIS VOLCANICS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: NORTHWESTERN BASIN AND RANGE SE

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BONNEVILLE BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BLUE MOUNTAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: MODOC PLATEAU SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BEAVERHEAD MOUNTAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: YELLOWSTONE HIGHLANDS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: IDAHO BATHOLITH SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BITTERROOT MOUNTAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: HIGH LAVA PLAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BIGHORN BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: COLUMBIA BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: POWDER RIVER BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: PALOUSE PRAIRIE SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BELT MOUNTAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BITTERROOT VALLEY SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: GREATER GREEN RIVER BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: KLAMATH MOUNTAINS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: ROCKY MOUNTAIN FRONT SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: BEAR LAKE SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: CENTRAL BASIN AND HILLS SECTION


Enumerated Domain Value Definition: OWYHEE UPLANDS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: OKANOGAN HIGHLANDS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: EASTERN CASCADES SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: NORTHERN ROCKIES SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: SIERRA NEVADA FOOTHILLS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: SNAKE RIVER BASALTS SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: NORTHEASTERN GREAT BASIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: WESTERN CASCADES SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: MONO SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: SIERRA NEVADA SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: WIND RIVER MOUNTAIN SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: SOUTHERN CASCADES SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: FLATHEAD VALLEY SECTION

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: OVERTHRUST MOUNTAINS SECTION


Distribution Information

Section Index


Contact Information:

Contact Person Primary:

Contact Person: Becky Gravenmier

Contact Organization: Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

Contact Position: ICBEMP Spatial Team Lead

Contact Address:

Address Type: Mailing & Physical Address

Address: USDA Forest Service, Regional Office R6, 333 S.W. First Avenue, 4th Floor

City: Portland

State or Province: OR

Postal Code: 97204

Country: USA

Contact Voice Telephone: (503) 808-2851

Contact Facsimile Telephone: (503) 808-2622

Contact Electronic Mail Address: bgravenmier@fs.fed.us

Resource Description: BVBBAIL

Distribution Liability:

The ICBEMP cannot assure the reliability or suitability of this information for a particular purpose. Original data were compiled from various sources. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification.

Standard Order Process:

Digital Form:

Digital Transfer Information:

Format Name: EXE

Format Version Number: 7.0

Format Specification: Self-extracting zip files for the PC

File Decompression Technique: Double-click on the file to extract files from the self-extracting zip file.

Digital Transfer Option:

Online Option:

Online Computer and Operating System: Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, Windows NT

Digital Form:

Digital Transfer Information:

Format Name: TAR

Format Specification: Compressed tar files on the Unix operating system.

File Decompression Technique: type: zcat .tar.Z | tar xvf - to extract the contents of the archive.

Digital Transfer Option:

Online Option:

Online Computer and Operating System: Unix workstations

Fees: None for download from ICBEMP web site

Ordering Instructions: Download ICBEMP data from ICBEMP web site at spatial

Turnaround: Same day for download from ICBEMP web site

Custom Order Process:

If unable to download data directly from the ICBEMP web site (spatial), follow these instructions for the manual ICBEMP data request process.

Complete and mail the Data Request Form and the Available Data List to ICBEMP, Attn: Carole Smith, c/o USDA Forest Service, 333 S.W. First Ave, 4th Floor, Portland, OR 97204 (Internet: c3smith@or.). These forms are available from the Project web site or can be requested via e-mail from bgravenmier@fs.fed.us. Please specify requested datasets by placing a checkmark in the space provided on the Available Data List.

Spatial data are released in Unix ARC/INFO export format. ARCVIEW files are made available when applicable. The digital data are provided on 8mm tape unless otherwise specified. Please specify special instructions for export format and tape density on the request form.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon State Office will telephone the requester to advise the cost of requested data. The requested data are mailed to the requester after payment has been received by the BLM.

Cost is based on a manual labor charge of $20.00 per hour (prorated), cost of the tape(s), and size of the map/plot(s). Digital data are provided on 8mm tape (cost $9.00) unless special instructions are specified on the request form. Federal offices are provided the information free of charge.

Technical Prerequisites:

Spatial data are released as both compressed Unix-based archive ARC(.TAR.Z) export files and PC-based executable (.EXE) files. Attribute files are released in dBASE IV (.DBF) format as Unix-based archive (.TAR.Z) files and PC-based (.EXE) files. Additionally, databases are released in both dBase IV and Paradox (.DB) format as .TAR.Z and .EXE files. All files within the archive .TAR.Z files and .EXE files follow the 8.3 naming convention to enable use on the Windows 3.1 operating system.


Metadata Reference Information

Section Index

Metadata Date: 5/2/2001

Metadata Review Date:

Metadata Future Review Date: 9/1/2001

Metadata Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Person Primary:

Contact Person: Becky Gravenmier

Contact Organization: Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

Contact Position: ICBEMP Spatial Team Lead

Contact Address:

Address Type: Mailing & Physical Address

Address: USDA Forest Service, Regional Office R6, 333 S.W. First Avenue, 4th Floor

City: Portland

State or Province: OR

Postal Code: 97204

Country: USA

Contact Voice Telephone: (503) 808-2851

Contact Facsimile Telephone: (503) 808-2622

Contact Electronic Mail Address: bgravenmier@fs.fed.us

Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Metadata Standard Version: June 1998

Metadata Time Convention: Local Time


SMMS Metadata report generated 6/21/2001


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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