
Ontological whiteness remixesAt a recent press conference, during the question and answer period, Mr. Peter Turnquest trying to justify the proposed hike in Vat was asked by a reporter about his views on the growing public accusation that the tax levied against the Gaming operators was racially motivated. Mr. Turnquest’s response was that the last time he looked in the mirror he was a black man. I find his response both curious and superficial.Obviously, Mr. Turnquest doesn’t have the capacity to think deeply enough to understand that his is not an epidemiological problem. It is not about the color of his skin; it is the about the color of his thinking. He thinks white. He views the world through a prism of white supremacy and white superiority. He always sees the world from the top down, never from the bottom up. Our Deputy Prime Minister, like many in our present cabinet with black skin, is ontologically white. He doesn’t have the ability to see the world from the perspective of the black masses in this country.For example, he is now making his rounds trying to do damage control concerning this egregious and unconscionable rise in Vat. He now wants our sympathy. He repeatedly claims, now, that the increase in Vat is needed because this sympathetic government must raise three hundred million dollars in order to pay long standing debts to Bahamian contractors and small venders. Can you imagine the hardships they must be experiencing, he says in his most concerned voice; disingenuous of course.The poor vendor is never the concern of white thinking. How is it possible for this compassionate administration to borrow a whopping 1.6 billion dollars, supposedly to pay bills left by the previous administration, but these poor, suffering, black vendors was not a priority to be paid. Now you are going to tax them to pay them? This is the thinking of ontological whiteness.In addition, when one reads this new budget, presented with pomposity and hubris by Mr. Turnquest in the Honorable House, ones sees that every element of this contemptible document is motivated by outside forces: the IMF, the IDB, WTO etc. For Mr. Turnquest and his white thinking these predominantly white organization, from predominantly white nations have all the answers. These white God’s descending from Mount Olympus can’t ever be wrong. Whatever the country has that is working, as long as they say it must be dismantled, persons with Mr. Turnquest’s thinking goes on an immediate rampage firing persons in mass numbers and destroying tax systems.With regards to taxing the gaming houses disproportionately, in race relations nothing has more historical precedence. In this post slavery Western world, every time black people, particularly in an organized group, try to amass wealth ontological whiteness destroys the collective effort. Two close examples would be Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 1, 1921 and Rosewood, Florida in January 1923. And what do you think our own Burma Road Uprising in 1942 was about? It certainly was not about the color of one’s skin in the first instance; it was about the color of money, who should have it and who shouldn’t. It was about the historical suppression of black wealth by white thinking, fueled by white supremacy.The systemic racist system that governs America, our neighbors to the north, has used a myriad of tools over the year to suppress black progress: Jim Crow, Redlining, voter suppression, redistricting, racial profiling, incarceration etc. In these small black island states they use the IMF, OECD, IDB, WTO etc; they just find persons with Mr. Tournquest’s white thinking to do their bidding. What is even more disturbing is that Mr. Turnquest has been thinking in this manner for so long he isn’t even aware of his malady. He believes that his is superior thinking. This is why he is now defending this unspeakable nonsense. Because of the masterful brainwashing of whiteness, he lacks imagination; he doesn’t know how to think outside the box or color outside the line. The thinking that he inherited from his whiteness convinces him that one size fits all; therefore, whatever the big industrial white nations and their organizations say we must do he does it without question; he makes every effort to force that big round peg into the hole of our small island state. Mr. Turnquest is just incompetent; he is dangerous.I write; you decide ................

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