Happy Thanksgiving,

Merry Christmas ,

and Happy New Year!

The Gift of Joy!

Among the most tragic words ever penned are those found in Luke’s account of the first Christmas. “There was no room for them in the inn.” There was room for merchants, tax collectors, travelers, and sightseers, but no room for the gentle Mary and the divine Christ, who was to be born that night.

What was the cause of this tragedy? Why was there no room for Mary and Joseph and their expected Baby, except in a stable? I have some sympathy for the innkeeper. He was not hostile; he was not opposed to the couple; but his inn was crowded; his hands were full; his mind was preoccupied. After all, it was an unusually busy time, with guests arriving from every corner of Israel for the census and taxation. He probably told Joseph, “I wish I could help you, but I must keep my priorities. But I’m not a hardhearted man. Over there is the stable. You are welcome to use it if you care to, but that is the best I can do. Now I must get back to work.”

No room for Jesus? No room for the King of kings? This is the answer that millions are giving today. It is the answer of preoccupation --- not fierce opposition, not furious hatred, but unconcern about spiritual things.

Things have not really changed since that Bethlehem night two thousand years ago. God is still on the fringes of most of our lives. We fit Him in when it is convenient for us, but we become iirritated when He makes demands on us. Our lives are so full. There is so much to be done. But in all our busy activities are we in danger of excluding from our hearts and lives the One who made us?

The Gift of Peace!

Christ came into a world that had problems much like the ones with which we grapple today. We often imagine that the world to which Jesus came was not complicated and that its problems were not complex. But historians tell us otherwise. They tell us that the problems of that day were similar to the problems of our day.

(Continued on Page 7)

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 2


Ironton Church welcomes all of our church family, friends

and the community to worship with us at this

special time of year and all year long!

Sunday, November 2 – Worship - 11 AM – Communion and Food Pantry – Day light Savings Time Begins!

Tuesday, November 4 – Election Day – Be sure to exercise your right to vote!

Sunday, November 9 – Worship – 11AM

Tuesday, November 11 – Veterans Day! Thank a veteran for serving our country.

Sunday, November 16 – Worship - 11 AM

Sunnybank – 3:30 PM – Visit and worship with the residents when Pastor Michael

Leads a Worship Service

Sunday, November 23 – Worship – 11AM

Thursday – November 27 – Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

Sunday, November 30 – 1st Sunday in Advent

Worship - 11 AM

Boulder Park – 3:30 PM – Visit and worship with the residents when Pastor Michael

Leads a Worship Service

Sunday, December 7 – 2nd Sunday in Advent

Advent Bible Study – 10:15 to 10:40 AM

10:40 to 11:00 - Children practice songs for December 14th Worship Service

Worship – 11 AM

Hanging of the Greens – Join us as we decorate the church for Christmas.

Pizza Lunch will be shared.

Sunday, December 14 – 3rd Sunday in Advent

Advent Bible Study – 10:15 to 10:40 AM

Worship – 11 AM

Addition of New Chrismons for Tree and Children’s Singing

Potluck Lunch after Worship. Church will provide the meat dish. Bring dish or two to pass.

Women’s Fellowship – “M & M’s” leads Christmas Bingo and Angel Craft Project

Sunday, December 21 – 4th Sunday in Advent

Advent Bible Study – 10:15 to 10:40 AM

Worship – 11 AM

Sunnybank – 3:30 PM – Visit and worship with the residents when Pastor Michael

Leads a Worship Service

Wednesday, December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship Service – 7 PM

Please join us as we celebrate the night of Jesus’s Birth. Social Time to Follow.

Sunday, December 28 – Worship Service at 11 AM

Boulder Park – 3:30 PM – Visit and worship with the residents when Pastor Michael

Leads a Worship Service

May the peace and joy of that holy night fill your heart!

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 3

Happy Holiday Greetings from Carol:

I am happy to be sending out a newsletter to all our church family and friends again. Our little church was blessed with good attendance this summer and it was so nice to see our returning summer friends and to have new friends also join us.

To those waiting for our summer “annual” meeting the council apologizes for missing it. Everyone was really busy and the time slipped away. We want all of you “summer folk” to know that we are really sorry and we assure you that it will not be skipped next year. It was also decided to welcome new members to our church each year at that meeting. This will be an “official” recognition of those desiring to join our church.

Last week we had a very successful potluck lunch after church and an interesting Dream Team Meeting. At our Dream Team meetings we usually just make plans for the future but at this meeting we had a “SOS”! We shared our successes. In review, the following is a list of projects accomplished by our congregation and major purchases that have been made in the last few years.

Major Facility Improvements: New roof and new siding (many years ago); parking lot paved, drainage around foundation repaired; new counter and cabinetry installed in sanctuary for social hour.

Basement Upgrades: New lighting fixtures, new dining tables and chairs; new wicker seating area (gift from Mary and Enos Bacon); New storage cabinetry; Ceiling was painted; and we have a new refrigerator and hot water heater.

Future plans are to make a handicap ramp and new stairs into the basement from the back of the church; to finish the music project of getting more hymns recorded; some repairs to be done on the front stairs and railing; and some white paint on the exterior to freshen it up.

We have had a lot of questions about some of the issues that the UCC has been promoting and how their funds are being spent and we have decided to have a year long study about the UCC and to decide if we will remain with that church affiliation.

I am once again printing a “Members and Friends” list for our church membership. I hope that you will continue to keep it updated by giving me changes as they come up. I also would appreciate e-mail addresses. I do send out announcements periodically and you may also decide to have your newsletter sent that way to help us keep down costs.

I love our little Ironton church and the community of love that I find there. Thank you all for being part of my life.

In Celebration of all that He has done for us, all that He is to us, and all that He means to us…May God make your Christmas wonderful in everyway.

In love and peace, My address: 3430 Chula Vista Drive, East Jordan, MI 49727

Carol Goodenough Phone: 231-582-7042; E-Mail: cgooden123@


What a beautiful time of year in Northern Michigan. Besides the footballs flying and the baseball playoffs (not that I’m that interested in sports) there is the wonder in the leaves turning incredible colors, maybe you have a favorite place to sit and admire God’s handiwork. There is a patch of trees about a mile from our house on old 31 (close to Green Sky Hill Church) that turns “burning bush red” it’s as if these tress are on fire, it is magnificent.

(Continued on Page 4)


Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 4

(Pastor Michael’s Update Continued from Page 3)

This fall quarter I have two seminary courses at Bethel (St. Paul MN.) the first is “World Religions” studying other religions and their beliefs; a great quote from Wilber Stone our professor: "All roads do not lead to God, but God can be found walking on all of those roads." WE do not take God to any people, rather we can if trained properly to do so, become vessels through which to enable others to discover the God who has been ever present in their midst. Another interesting comment Dr. Stone makes is that when coming in contact with someone of another faith one must be open to hear and consider their faith story if they are to consider ours. One of the insightful books we are reading for class is “Understanding Folk Religion” by Paul Hiebert, he contends that Christianity can become “Split” that is to be fused with other beliefs, especially at this time of year (Halloween) it’s good to check and see if indeed we are centered on Christ or if there are other customs and traditions (Astrology, horoscopes…) that we rely on Monday through Saturday that are not of God.

My other class is Mentored Leadership 2; this is the second installment of this particular class. The class involves creating a new ministry under the guidance of a local mentor. I’ve been getting to know Neil Wilson the new pastor of our sister Congregational church in downtown Charlevoix. We’ve come up with an idea of an early Sunday morning informal worship service that we be held at his church in fellowship hall. The unique piece of the service is that the folks coming (all are welcome) will be the ones deciding the format and direction of the service; I’m excited to see where God leads us and you can’t get more Congregational than that.

I would be remiss if I did not speak to the current financial crisis that is gripping not only our country, but the global economy. How does one respond in faith to such a crisis whether it is financial or otherwise? Do we pray for God to change the circumstances around us or to change us, to transform us from the inside out in the midst of the crisis? I would contend the ladder is the more powerful prayer, realizing that some of you are facing difficult issues, more than I know, not diminishing those challenges in the least, but remembering that we are God’s and have a place in His eternal kingdom, come what may in this lifetime, and that Christ is always with us (Matt. 28:20). I want to encourage those of you who are hurting not to lose hope that God cares about you and I want to inspire those of us that have the opportunity to be the hands of feet of Christ for others, to show God’s love, to make our faith real. “My friends, consider yourselves blessed when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure” (James 1:2).  Please call, write or email me if I can be of service.

May God bless you - as we grow together in our faith.   

Pastor Michael   


Have you heard of Angel Food Ministries? It is a Christian food pantry that is open to everyone and is in many communities in our area through local churches. You order your food at the pantry of your choice the first two weeks of the month and then return at the end of the month to pick it up. The basic box that costs you $30 has about $75 worth of food products in it. When you purchase the basic box you may then order extra boxes of meat packages, produce packages, or fresh fruit. Call 1-877-FOOD-MINISTRY (1-877-366-3646) or go to their website – .

The American Red Cross has sent our church a letter asking us to donate blankets to their “Project Connect” which will be at the Fairgrounds in February. They said that used blankets are acceptable provided they are clean and in good condition. The M & M’s will NOT be donating any of their fleece afghans to this project because the request is specifically for blankets. If you would like to donate to this good project please bring donations to the church in December.

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 5

Treasurer, Sue Kitely, has provided us with the following financial report:

Ironton Congregational Church

Financial update


General Fund 5/31/08 $4,237.56

General Fund 9/30/08 $2,223.60 (est)

January Expenses $2,066.26

January Income $1,828.29

$ 237.97

February Expenses $1581.28

February Income $1,726.43

$ 145.15

March Expenses $1,754.14*

March Income $1,914.80

$ 160.66

April Expenses $1,744.40

April Income $1,439.53

$ 304.82

May Expense $1,233.53

May Income $1,560.00

$ 326.47

June Expense $2,533.71 (Incl. 850.00 Ins. fees)

June Income $1,746.00

$ 787.71

July Expense $3,121.25 (includes winter heat prepay bill)

July Income $1,598.50


August Expense $1,361.23

August Income $1,672.13

$ 310.90

September Expense $1,353.40

September Income $1,911.00

$ 557.60

Charitable giving to date $1,432.85


Contingency Fund $13,619.37

Fuel acct $ 2,128.86

Chx. State Bank $ 9,978.14

Cornerstone $12,409.00

Cornerstone $25,000.00


(M & M’s Continued from Page 6)

AFGHAN RAFFLE – Once again we will hold an afghan raffle for your choice of 4 afghans. Tickets will again sell for $2 each or 3 for $5. The drawing will be held on Sunday, December 14th. This year your choices will be:

Crocheted Afghan – Rose and green tones

Crocheted Afghan – Southwestern style, in turquoise, black, brown, and coral

Fleece Afghan – Plaid in black and red

Fleece Afghan – Plaid in royal blue and green

(For those out of the area but wishing to buy tickets please send your money to Susan Parks, 4095 Brock Rd., Charlevoix, MI 49720. Be sure to indicate if you have 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice of afghans.)

NEW CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER TO SUPPORT TWO FAMILIES – M & M’s have decided to adopt two families this year to help them have a happier holiday than they might otherwise have. If you would like to donate to this project please give donations of cash or gifts to Susan Parks before December 14th. She will have more information on the two families soon.

We appreciate any support that you can give our group and we encourage all the women of the church to join us Monday nights at 7 PM (we will begin again in May) as we work on mission projects and have fellowship with our fellow church women.


Carol Goodenough

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 6

Greetings from the Women’s Fellowship – “M & M’s” (Mission and More)


I am happy to report that the M & M’s are back at our projects again and we have been busy with several throughout the past year. Thank you to those of you that have contributed your time on our projects, your donations of money and materials, and to those of you supporting our fundraisers. We have been able to do many projects because of all the support (and the annual donation from the church budget which we really appreciate!).

We love the Christmas season at M & M’s and we have several projects coming up that you can help us with. Please consider one or more of the following projects:

CURRENT FUNDRAISER: We are once again holding a Current Catalog Fundraiser. If you would like to see a catalog see Susan Parks. All orders and the money for them need to be turned in to Susan by November 9th.

WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER - As usual we have been very busy working on our afghans to give to the Womens Resource Center for the women and children there. This year we will be donating 14 fleece afghans, 5 crocheted afghans, and 8 lap quilts that were crocheted by Mo Dixon’s sister, Mary Moore. What a blessing that extra addition was to our annual donation. We are also working on hats, scarves, and mittens to go along with our afghans. If you would like to help out this resource center this holiday season their recent newsletter mentioned they need Coffee/Coffee Creamer; Cold cereal; Crackers (saltine, graham); Healthy kid snacks; ketchup; Salad dressings; Mayonnaise/Miracle Whip; Vegetable Oil; Laundry Baskets; Liquid laundry Soap; Paper Towels; Protective pillow covers; Baby food – Stage 1; Baby monitors; Baby nail clippers; Bay nose aspiraors; Baby wipes; Diapers – Size 4 and 6; Gift certificates for Kmart, Walmart, local grocery stores, local merchants; Spill-proof sippy cups; Construction paper, Basketballs. Bring all donations to the church in a bag marked for the Womens Resource Center before December 7th.

MITTEN TREE – On November 30 and December 7th we will have a small Christmas tree in the back of the sanctuary. We want to “decorate” it with hats, scarves, and mittens for the women and children at the Safe House of the Womens Resource Center. Please hang your donations on the tree.

CHRISTMAS POTLUCK AND BINGO – After the December 14th service everyone is invited to a potluck lunch. After lunch everyone (all ages) is invited to play “Christmas Bingo.” For prizes we ask that those attending bring something homemade such as baked goods, canned goods, simple crafts, etc. For the last game we will cover the card and the prize is a special holiday fleece afghan that the women have made. Don’t miss this fun-filled event.

ANGEL CRAFT – After the potluck and fun Bingo game on December 14th we will have a quick and easy craft to make an angel for your Christmas tree. This will be a wonderful addition to your holiday decorations.

SPECIAL LAP QUILT RAFFLE: This year we have been blessed by another donation. Maureen Sievertson’s mother, Karen Hitchcock, presented us with a beautiful, handmade, quilted lap quilt. She has agreed to let us raffle it off to aide in our projects. The colors are in brown tones and have a unique geometric square pattern. It is 52 x 64 inches in size. We will be selling tickets for this special raffle for $3 each or 2 for $5. (For those out of the area but wishing to buy tickets please send your money to Susan Parks, 4095 Brock Rd., Charlevoix, MI 49720). We assure you that you will be entered in the drawing that will be held on December 14th.

(Continued on Page 4)

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 7

(The Gift of Joy Continued from Page 1)

To those without the joy of living, Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10b).

To those who bore the chafing burden of the guilt of sin, he said, “Be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” (Matthew 9:2b).

To the friendless He said, “I call you not servant…but I have called you friends” (John 15:15 KJV)

Christmas means that Immanuel has come --- that God is with us (Matthew 1:23). It means that our sordid, failure-fraught pasts can be defeated and changed by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His victorious resurrection. It means that we can be brought into god’s family, heirs of God and citizens of Heaven. Christmas means that God comes into the night of our suffering and sorrow, saying, “I am with you always” and, “I will give you rest” (Matthew 28:20; 11:28).

This Christmas season I ask you, Is Christ real to you? Does He actually live in your heart? Has He taken up residence in your life?

Make sure this Christmas of your salvation, by repenting of your sins and asking Christ to come into your life and be your Savior and Lord forever.

From CHRISTMAS – The Father’s Gift by Billy Graham

But You

It isn’t your gold or silver,

Your talents great or small,

Your voice, or your gift of drawing,

Or the crowd you go with at all;

It isn’t your friends or pastimes,

Your looks or your clothes so gay;

It isn’t your home or family,

Or even the things you say;

It isn’t your choice of amusements,

It isn’t the life you lead,

It isn’t the thing you prize the most,

Or the books you like to read;

No, it isn’t the things you like to do,

The Master is searching deeper...

He seeks not yours, but you.

It’s your heart that Jesus longs for;

Your will to be made His own.

With self on the cross foreever,

And Jesus alone on the throne.

By Ruth Bell Grahm

Collected Poems

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 8


Members and Friends Membership List

November 1, 2008

Pastor: Michael C. Smith, Charlevoix (231-881-7601)

E-Mail: pastormichael@

Church Address: 03582 Washington Avenue, Charlevoix, MI 49720

Church Phone: (231-237-0270)

Church Website -

Pastor Emeritus: Harold Kruse, Eastport (231-599-2321)

Church Secretary and Newsletter: Carol Goodenough (231-582-7042)

E-Mail Address: cgooden123@

Church Council Members

Robert Goodenough – Moderator/President – 231-582-7042 (term expires January, 2009)

Enos Bacon Jr. – Member-at-Large – 231-675-2832 (term expires January, 2011)

Maurice “Mo” Dixon – Building and Grounds – 231-547-3590 (term expires January, 2011)

Shirley Kemp – Member-at-Large – 231-547-4243 (term expires January, 2010)

Sue Kiteley – Treasurer – 231-547-3387 (term expires January, 2009)

Synthea Smith – 231-547-3008 – Worship (term expires January, 2010)

Ironton Congregational Women’s Fellowship - “M & M’s” (Mission and More…)

Carol Goodenough - 231-582-7042

Susan Parks – 231-237-0492

Church Website: Webmaster – Chad Ervin





BACON, Enos Jr. and Mary, 5201 Norwegian, East Jordan, MI 49727, Phone: 231-536-2137

CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. Sherman (Betty), 06730 Ferry Ave.,Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-237-9790

CHAMBERLAIN, Sherman, 210 East Lincoln Street, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-7046, Phone – Work: 231-547-6882, E-Mail – SURVEY@

DIXON, Maurice and Rosemary, 12995 Ferry Rd., Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-3590

FERGUSON, Nancy and FRATRICK, John, 11665 Shaw Road, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-2285, E-Mail: nancyfern@

GOODENOUGH, Robert “Bob” and Carol, 3430 Chula Vista Drive, East Jordan, MI 49727, Phone: 231-582-7042, E-Mail: (Carol) Cgooden123@ or (Bob) Good4Ins@

HODGE, Herbert and Laurita, 03391 M-66 North, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-9194

KEMP, Shirley, 10420 Second Street, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-4243

KITELEY, Mike and Sue, Fisher, Katie, 11419 Roberts Rd. West, Charlevoix, MI 49720,

Phone: 231-547-3387, E-Mail: KiteleyFarms@.

KROLL, Earl and Ethel, 10444 Second Street, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-2074

KRUSE, Pastor Harold and Naomi, 5975 M-88 N - P.O. Box 1, Eastport, MI 49627-0001, Phone:


PARKS, Susan, Chris, Sarah, 4095 Brock Rd., Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-237-0492, E-Mail: sparks1@.

SIEVERTSON, Maureen, Joe, 10658 Phelps Rd., East Jordan, MI 49727, (Mailing Address: PO Box 407, Charlevoix, MI 49720), Phone: 231-536-7942.

SMITH, Pastor Michael and Synthea, Gracie Jane, David Thomas, 08195 Shrigley Road, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: Michael Cell – 231-881-7601, Synthea Cell – 231-881-7602, E-Mail: Michael – , pastormichael@,

Ironton Newsletter – November, 2008 Page 9

WILLIAMS, Jeanne, Summer – 03327-B M-66 N, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-6784, Winter – 11689 S. W. Ann St., Lake Suzy, FL 34269.


ALLEN, Jim and Ruth, P.O. Box 234, Eastport, MI 49627, Phone: 231-599-3536, E-mail: eastportangels@

BACON, Jesse and Maria, Jesse, Elizabeth, Jazmine, 8252 Rogers Road, East Jordan, MI 49727, Phone: 231-536-1556

BERGMANN, Rose, C/O Eastport Village Care Home, 5988 M-88N, Eastport, MI 49627

CHAMBERLAIN, Josh and Maegan, Carson Road, East Jordan, MI 49727, Cell Phone: 231-675-2832

CHAMBERLAIN-CREANGA, Rebecca and Creanga, Ovidiv, 2a Clancarty Road, London SW6 3AB, United Kingdom, Phone: 011-44-736-4421,

CISNE, John and Nancy, 3443 Brock Rd., P.O. Box 85, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-237-9351

CLINGER, Ann Kilgore, 1442 East Park Pl, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, Phone: 737-994-5667

ERVIN, Charles “Chad” and Sally, Summer – 04300 Sequanota Club Lane S., Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone:

231-547-9372, Winter - 151 Carriage Trace, Marietta, GA 30068-3708, Phone: 770-973-5895,

E-Mail: chaderv@.

ELZINGA, Rose, P.O. Box 1025, East Jordan, MI 49727

EWING, Jack and Virginia, 04300 Sequanota Road, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-9674

FAIRBANKS, Grace, Summer – 03700 Lake St., Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-2160; Winter – C/O Shane McCook, Tempe, Arizona, 480-839-1414

GOLDSMITH, Matt and Julie (Stevenson),, Children at home: Ian, Peter

GRANDY, Mr. and Mrs, Avenue Assisted Living, 400 Community Drive, # 201, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Phone: 440-930-6780

HARRISON, Bill and Nancy, Summer – 3276 M-66 North, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-6691, Winter – 124 Northwestern Ave., Monroe, OH 45050, E-Mail: NONNYBILL4@

HENKLE, George, 210 Mt. Pleasant Place, # 204, Monroe, OH 45050

HUDSON, Esther

KEELY, Jim and Linda, 19535 Brinkman Road, Traverse City, Michigan 49686, Phone: 231-223-7244

KING, Kevin and CROSS, Gena, 4020 Pops Road. Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-675-8228, E-Mail: kingkw@

LARSON, Connie and Jack Lambdon, #225 – 1000 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte, FL 33980

LYNGKLIP, John “Jack” H. and Marilyn J., Summer Phone: 231-547-4713, Winter - 22619 Walsingham Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48335-3867, Phone: 248-474-8992

LYNGKLIP, Mary Alice, 29040 Oak Pointe Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-2714

MOUSSEAU, Dennis “Denny” and Candy, 03847 Wickersham Road, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-5138,

ROTTSCHAFER, Kirk and Lynn, 2641 Cascade Springs Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, 616-949-5109, E-Mail: kirk@; lynn@, Kirk’s Cell Phone: 616-450-5607, Lynn’s Cell Phone:


SANDERSON, William, PO Box 169, East Jordan, MI 49727

SIMONDS, Marjory, 17 Penhurst, Pittsburg, PA 16202

SMITH, Richard and Barbara, 10 Jefferson Ct., Grosse Pte. Park, MI 48230, Phone: 313-640-1790

Winter – 1798 Kings Lake Blvd. #101, Naples, FL 34112, Phone: 239-732-0946


STEVENSON, Rob and Heidi, 14440 Dellwood Road N., Stillwater, MN 55082, Phone: 651-430-0877, E-Mail: heidi14440@

TRANTOW, Heidi, 1522 North Harlem Avenue, Unit # 1-S, River Forest, IL 60305.

TRANTOW, Pete, and Martha, 723 William St., River Forest, IL 60305-1925, 708-771-7055, E-Mail: pctrantow@, mtrantow@.

WADLAND, Bill and Betty, 3800 Binghampton, Okemos, MI 49865

WARNER, Allan, 11 Chicago Club, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-2211

WILSON, John, P.O. Box 159, Tenafly, NJ 07670

WINN, Janna, PO Box 228, Cadillac, MI 49601

ZINN, Joanne, Summer – 03336 M-66 North, Charlevoix, MI 49720, Phone: 231-547-9846, Winter – Apt. 1212, 200 Silver Maples Dr., Chelsea, MI 48118

Ironton Congregational Church, UCC

03582 Washington Avenue

Charlevoix, MI 49720





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