Home Page Admin Settings: - Blackboard Inc.

4275322413846273214465674SEU- e Training CenterDynamic Home PageEnd User Journey Guide 00SEU- e Training CenterDynamic Home PageEnd User Journey Guide Worldwide HeadquartersInternational HeadquartersBlackboard Inc.Blackboard International B.V.650 Massachusetts Avenue NWSixth FloorWashington, DC 20001-3796Paleisstraat 1-51012 RB AmsterdamThe Netherlands+1 800 424 9299 toll free US & Canada+1 202 463 4860 telephone+31 20 788 2450 (NL) telephone+1 202 463 4863 facsimile+31 20 788 2451 (NL) facsimileCopyright ? 1997-2018. Blackboard, the Blackboard logo, BbWorld, Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Transact, Blackboard Connect, the Blackboard Outcomes System, Behind the Blackboard, and Connect-ED are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackboard Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. U.S. Patent Numbers: 6,988,138; 7,493,396; 6,816,878.Sun?, Java?, JDK?, JVM?, JDBC?, Solaris?, Microsoft?, Windows?, Windows Server?, Windows Vista?, SQL Server?, Internet Explorer?, Oracle?, Red Hat?, Enterprise Linux?, Apple?, Mac OS?, Tiger?, Leopard?, Snow Leopard?, Safari?, Apache Tomcat?, Tomcat?, Mozilla?, Firefox?, JAWS for Windows?, VMware?, Xen?, Wimba Pronto?, Acxiom IdentifyX?, NBC?, Follett?, Macmillan Higher Education, Bedford/St. Martin’s, W.H. Freeman, Worth Publishers are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Other?product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, Blackboard Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Home Page Admin Settings PAGEREF _Toc14876007 \h 4Section 1 – Top Banner PAGEREF _Toc14876008 \h 6Section 2 – Milestones10Section 3 – The Journey13Section 4 – Featured Courses15Section 5 – Categories18Section 6 – Our Partners20Section 7 – Footer27Section 8 – Social Icons34 The User Registration and Program View apps be installed and enabled for use in the system. Home Page Admin Settings:1. Access the eTC environment with the role of eTC Admin2. Click the link - Sign In 3. Enter the Credentials in the Login Page and click the button - Login 4. Select Catalog Admin from the menu of Admin 5. Click the Icon – Homepage Settings6. Homepage Settings are displayed with 8 sectionSection 1 - Top BannerSection 2 - MilestonesSection 3 - The JourneySection 4 - Featured CoursesSection 5 - CategoriesSection 6 - Our PartnersSection 7 - FooterSection 8 - Social Icons Section 1 – Top Banner:1. Section 1 – Top Banner, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the value for the below fields using JSON. Sample JSON is provided below.URL for background imageTitle text Sub-title textRead More buttonLabelURLTarget Optional element on the pageSample JSON:{ "bannerBackgroundImageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "title": { "en": "Get The Best Online,Face to Face and Mixed Courses", "ar": "?????? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ? ???? ???? ???????? ????????" }, "subTitle": { "en": "A public university that offers high-quality programs for all segments of society through the use of blended learning. It promotes knowledge production and community services to achieve development goals by optimal utilization of technology and engagement in local and global partnerships.", "ar": "A public university that offers high-quality programs for all segments of society through the use of blended learning. It promotes knowledge production and community services to achieve development goals by optimal utilization of technology and engagement in local and global partnerships." }, "callToAction": { "label": { "en": "Read More", "ar": "Read More" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enableButton": true }}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 1 - Top Banner and click the button – Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 1 - Top Banner, are displayed as per the data provided in the JSON 5. Enter the text in the text box and click the button – Search, it will navigate to Catalog UI Home Page, title matched with the text in text box based on Course Name, will be displayed 6. Disable the toggle button for Section 1 - Top Banner and in another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 1 - Top Banner, is not displayed.Section 2 - Milestones:1. Section 2 - Milestones, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the JSON File for Milestones. Sample JSON is provided below. In Milestones, only the numbers (statistics) will be dynamic and if they want to enable/disable a Milestone and they can enable up to 4 (max) preset Milestones (Instructors, Trainees, Courses, Programs)Sample JSON:{ "instructors": { "value": "1200", "enable": true }, "learners": { "value": "16k", "enable": true }, "courses": { "value": "234", "enable": true }, "programs": { "value": "3792", "enable": true }}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 2 - Milestones and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 2 – Milestones, are displayed as per the data provided in the JSON5. Disable the toggle button for Section 2 - Milestones and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 2 – Milestones, is not displayedSection 3 - The Journey:1. Section 3 - The Journey, are displayed with toggle button and text box.2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the JSON File for The Journey. Sample JSON is provided below. This section contains only an image that fits in to different screen sizes. The JSON need contain configuration for the image url for mobile and desktop views.Sample JSON:{ "desktopViewImgUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "mobileViewImgUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 3 - The Journey and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 3 - The Journey, are displayed as per the data provided in the JSON5. Disable the toggle button for Section 3 - The Journey and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 3 - The Journey, is not displayedSection 4 – Featured Courses:1. Section 4 - Featured Courses, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. To display the course in the Section 4 – Featured Courses, eTC Admin has to enable the option – ‘Feature this offering on the Homepage?’, while creating or updating the Offering. 3. Enable the toggle button for Section 4 - Featured Courses and in another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . In Section 4 - Featured Courses, cards are displayed in a slick carousel and clicking on a course card opens the catalog page that displays only the course card specific to the course.5. Disable the toggle button for Section 4 - Featured Courses and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 4 - Featured Courses, is not displayed.Section 5 - Categories:1. Section 5 - Categories, are displayed with toggle button and text box.2. As per the Jira Ticket - BCLCCU-1938, development is going on. It will be updated, once it is done.3. Enable the toggle button for Section 5 - Categories and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 6 - Categories, is displayed with hard coded categories. 5. Disable the toggle button for Section 5 - Categories, click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 5 - Categories, is not displayed.Note: Yet to be implemented.Section 6 – Our Partners:1. Section 6 – Our Partners, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the JSON File for Our Partners. Sample JSON is provided below. This Section contains dynamic image url and the link url for the icons, configuration to decide if the link opens in the same window or in a new window / tab and icons to be placed in the slick carousal which can be scrolled.Sample JSON:{ "partners": [ { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": true }, { "imageUrl": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank", "enable": false } ]}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 6 - Our Partners and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 6 - Our Partners, is displayed as per the data provided in the JSON.5. Disable the toggle button for Section 6 - Our Partners and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 6 - Our Partners, is not displayed.Section 7 - Footer:1. Section 7 - Footer, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the JSON File for Footer. Sample JSON is provided below. In Section - 7, the below items will be displayed as per the data configured in JSON File.There will be 4 columns in the footer.Each column will have a heading and list of text items below.Each item in the list can be a plain text or a hyperlink.The text of the items in each column will be dynamic.If it is a hyperlink then the url for each of the links will be dynamic.The number of items in each footer column may vary.Sample JSON:{ "column1": { "headerLabel": { "en": "Contact Info", "ar": "Contact Info" }, "listItems": [ { "type": "text", "label": { "en": "Saudi Arabia - Riyad", "ar": "Saudi Arabia - Riyad" } }, { "type": "text", "label": { "en": "00966112613500", "ar": "00966112613500" } }, { "type": "text", "label": { "en": "contact@seu.edu.sa", "ar": "contact@seu.edu.sa" } } ], "enable": true }, "column2": { "headerLabel": { "en": "eTC", "ar": "eTC" }, "listItems": [ { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Who We Are", "ar": "Who We Are" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Partner", "ar": "Partner" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Career", "ar": "Career" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "News", "ar": "News" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" } ], "enable": true }, "column3": { "headerLabel": { "en": "Legal", "ar": "Legal" }, "listItems": [ { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Privacy Policy", "ar": "Privacy Policy" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Accessibility Policy", "ar": "Accessibility Policy" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Trademark Policy", "ar": "Trademark Policy" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" } ], "enable": true }, "column4": { "headerLabel": { "en": "Support", "ar": "Support" }, "listItems": [ { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Contact & FAQ", "ar": "Contact & FAQ" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Twitter", "ar": "Twitter" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, { "type": "hyperlink", "label": { "en": "Tech Requirement", "ar": "Tech Requirement" }, "url": { "en": "", "ar": "" }, "target": "_blank" } ], "enable": true }}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 7 - Footer and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 7 - Footer, is displayed as per the data provided in the JSON.5. Disable the toggle button for Section 7 - Footer and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 7 - Footer, is not displayed.Section 8 - Social Icons:1. Section 8 - Social Icons, are displayed with toggle button and text box2. In the text box, eTC Admin enters the JSON File for Social Icons. Sample JSON is provided below. In Section 8 – Social Icons, they can enable upto 4 (max) preset Social Icons (Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook Messenger)Sample JSON:{ "twitter": { "enable": true, "url": { "en": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, "instagram": { "enable": true, "url": { "en": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, "linkedin": { "enable": true, "url": { "en": "" }, "target": "_blank" }, "facebook": { "enable": true, "url": { "en": "" }, "target": "_blank" }}3. Enable the toggle button for Section 8 - Social Icons and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 8 – Social Icons, is displayed as per the data provided in the JSON.5. Disable the toggle button for Section 8 - Social Icons and click the button - Submit, Success Message is displayed. In another browser, enter the Homepage URL - . Section 8 - Social Icons, is not displayed. ................

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