Fact Sheet - BlackRock




Fund Highlights ? High-Conviction Large Growth Holding ? Combines Diversified Sources of Growth ? Seeks Strategic Balance of Growth and Risk


Without Sales Charge Class I Class III Morningstar Category Avg. Russell 1000 Growth3

1 Year 59.33 59.01 63.57 62.74

3 Years 22.44 22.11 20.44 22.80

5 Years 22.04 21.74 19.42 21.05

10 Years 16.46 16.16 14.73 16.63


Class I Class III Morningstar Category Avg. Russell 1000 Growth3

2016 7.89 7.54 3.23 7.08

2017 29.56 29.23 27.67 30.21

2018 3.01 2.77 -2.09 -1.51

2019 32.70 32.33 31.90 36.39

2020 43.74 43.43 35.86 38.49

YTD -0.93 -1.00 2.23 0.94

1Q21 -0.93 -1.00 2.23 0.94

Performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal values may fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than that shown. All returns assume reinvestment of all dividend and capital gain distributions. Insurance fees and charges are not included. Refer to for current month-end performance. Investment returns reflect total fund operating expenses, net of all fees, waivers, and/or expense reimbursements. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.

Morningstar Category Large Growth

Overall Morningstar RatingTM

Rated against 1,186 Large Growth Funds, as of 3/31/21, based on riskadjusted total return. Ratings are determined monthly and subject to change. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics.


Invests at least 80% of its net assets in large cap equity securities, and derivatives that have similar economic characteristics to such securities, that are components of, or have characteristics similar to, the securities included in the Russell 1000 Growth? Index.

Portfolio Manager Lawrence Kemp


Inception Date Number of Holdings Total Net Assets

Fund 4/30/99

40 $273.5 M


Inv. I Class III

Total 0.95 1.20

Net, Including Investment Related



Expenses stated as of the fund's most recent prospectus. Investment dividend expense, interest expense, acquired fund fees and expenses and certain other fund expenses are included in the Net, Including Investment Related Expenses and excluded from the Net, Excluding Investment Related Expenses. Class I, Class III have contractual waivers with an end date of 4/30/21 terminable upon 90 days' notice. Net, Excluding Investment Related Expenses for Class I, and Class III are 0.81, 1.06 respectively.

*Performance shown above for periods prior to June 12, 2017 reflect the investment process and strategies utilized by the fund under the name "BlackRock Large Cap Growth Fund".



Morningstar Rankings

Quartile Rankings




10 Y

1 Y 3 Y 5 Y 10 Y

Class I









Class III









Out of 245 Out of 243 Out of 234 Out of 211

Morningstar Category: US Insurance World Allocation. Rankings based on total return excluding sales charges, independently calculated and not

combined to create an overall ranking.


Standard Deviation Beta R-Squared Sharpe Ratio

Fund 19.03%

0.95 93.90%


Bench3 19.41%

1.00 -- 1.08


1. 2. Microsoft 3. MasterCard 4. Facebook 5. Visa 6. Alphabet 7. S&P Global Inc 8. ASML Holding 9. Apple 10. Servicenow Inc

% of Net Assets 10.4

7.6 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.1 3.0 2.9

Important Risks: The fund is actively managed and its characteristics will vary. Holdings shown should not be deemed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Stock and bond values fluctuate in price so the value of your investment can go down depending on market conditions. Investing in small-cap companies may entail greater risk than large-cap companies, due to shorter operating histories, less seasoned management or lower trading volumes. The fund may use derivatives to hedge its investments or to seek to enhance returns. Derivatives entails risks relating to liquidity, leverage and credit that may reduce returns and increase volatility. You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the fund carefully before investing. The prospectus and, if available, the summary prospectus contain this and other information about the fund and are available, along with information on other BlackRock funds, on investing/products/variable-insurance-funds or from your financial professional. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. Shares of the fund are offered to separate accounts of participating life insurance companies for the purpose of funding variable annuity contracts and variable life insurance policies. Shares of the fund are not offered directly to the public. This material must be accompanied by performance information reflecting net returns for this investment option within the specific annuity contract or insurance policy under consideration. Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal.

1 All data refers to underlying variable insurance product and not the retail mutual fund of the same name, Total investment returns exclude separate account fees, insurance-related fees and expenses. See the fund's prospectus and that of the applicable variable insurance product for more information including fees and expenses. 2 Inception dates are 4/30/99 for Class I, 9/30/04 for Class II and 9/30/04 for Class III. 3 The Russell 1000 Growth Index measures performance of companies in the Russell 1000 Index with greater-than-average growth orientation. All indexes referenced are unmanaged and cannot be directly purchased by investors. 4 Risk statistics are based on the fund's monthly returns for the 3-year period. Benchmark risk measures are calculated in relation to the Russell 1000 Growth Index. Standard Deviation measures the volatility of the fund's returns. Higher deviation represents higher volatilty. Sharpe Ratio uses a fund's standard deviation and its excess return (difference between the fund's return and the risk-free return of 90-day Treasury Bills) to determine reward per unit of risk. Beta measures the fund's sensitivity to market movements; beta greater than 1 is more volatile than the market; beta less than 1 is less volatile than the market. R-Squared reflects the percentage of a fund's movements that are explained by movements in its benchmark, showing the degree of correlation between the fund and benchmark. This figure is helpful in assessing how likely it is that beta is statistically significant. The Morningstar RatingTM for funds, or "star rating", is calculated for managed products (including mutual funds, variable annuity and variable life subaccounts, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and separate accounts) with at least a three-year history. Exchange-traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. It is calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a managed product's monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The top 10% of products in each product category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars, and the bottom 10% receive 1 star. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a managed product is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three-, five-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics. The weights are: 100% three-year rating for 36-59 months of total returns, 60% five-year rating/40% three-year rating for 60-119 months of total returns, and 50% 10-year rating/30% five-year rating/20% three-year rating for 120 or more months of total returns. While the 10-year overall star rating formula seems to give the most weight to the 10-year period, the most recent three-year period actually has the greatest impact because it is included in all three rating periods.The fund was rated against the following numbers of U.S.-domiciled Large Growth funds over the following time periods: 1,186 in the last 3 years, 1,065 in the last 5 years and 788 in the last 10 years. With respect to these Large Growth funds, the fund received a Morningstar Rating of 4, 4 and 4 stars for the 3-, 5and 10-year periods, respectively. Other classes may have different performance characteristics. Underlying Funds are rated using an overlay of the open end mutual fund rating bell curve. For more detailed information about Morningstar's Rating, including its methodology, please go to .


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Prepared by BlackRock Investments, LLC, member FINRA.

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