Catheterization, Residual Use - HumanGood

|Catheterization, Residual Use H5MAPR0052 |Level III |

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|Purpose |The purpose of this procedure is to assess the amount of urine left in the bladder after a resident voids. |

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|Preparation |Verify that there is a physician’s order for this procedure. |

| |Review the resident’s care plan to assess for any special needs of the resident. |

| |Assemble the equipment and supplies as needed. |

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|Equipment and Supplies |The following equipment and supplies will be necessary when performing this procedure. |

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| |Straight catheter tray; * |

| |Cotton balls; |

| |Antiseptic solution; |

| |Sterile towels; |

| |Sterile forceps; |

| |Lubricant; |

| |Fenestrated towel; |

| |Straight catheter (size ordered by physician); |

| |Wash basin; |

| |Washcloth; |

| |Soap and water; and |

| |Personal protective equipment (e.g., gowns, gloves, mask, etc., as needed). |

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| |* Most of the equipment/supplies listed above are contained in the straight catheter tray. However, they are |

| |listed individually because there may be times when you will need to obtain and assemble such supplies without the|

| |benefit of a straight catheter tray. |

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|Steps in the Procedure |Place the clean equipment on the bedside stand or overbed table. Arrange the supplies so they can be easily |

| |reached. |

| |Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. |

| |Allow resident to void and assist resident back to bed. |

| |Fill the wash basin one-half (1/2) full of warm water. Place the wash basin on the bedside stand within easy |

| |reach. |

| |If the resident’s physical or medical condition permits, assist the female resident into the dorsal recumbent |

| |position or the male resident into the supine position. Refer to the resident’s plan of care and/or request |

| |information from the nurse supervisor regarding safe positioning for the resident. |

| |Put on disposable gloves. |

| |Wash the resident’s genitalia and perineum thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse the area well and towel dry. |

| |Pour the wash water down the commode. Flush the commode. |

| |Discard soiled linen into designated container. |

| |Discard disposable gloves into designated container. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. |

| |Open the straight catheter tray using sterile technique. |

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|Steps in the Procedure (continued)| |

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| |Put on sterile gloves. |

| |Position sterile drape under buttocks of resident. |

| |Place fenestrated drape over the perineum. |

| |Open the antiseptic solution and pour it over the cotton balls. Open the antiseptic ointment and lubricate the |

| |catheter tip about two inches for the female resident and five inches for the male resident. |

| |Place sterile tray onto sterile drape between the resident’s thighs. |

| |With nondominant hand separate the labia of the female resident or retract the foreskin of the uncircumcised male |

| |resident. Maintain the position of this hand throughout the procedure. (Note: This glove is now contaminated.) |

| |Assess the urethral meatus. |

| |For the female: Use the forceps and cotton balls to cleanse the labia. Use only one cotton ball for each downward,|

| |cleansing stroke. Next, cleanse around the urethral meatus. Using a new cotton ball, cleanse directly over the |

| |meatus. |

| |For the male: Use the forceps and cotton balls to cleanse around the meatus. Cleanse the glans using circular |

| |strokes from the meatus outward. Repeat three times. Use only one cotton ball per cleansing stroke. Return |

| |foreskin to normal position. |

| |With your sterile hand, pick up the sterile straight catheter approximately 5-6 inches from the tip. |

| |Insert the catheter gently into the meatus (approximately 2-3 inches in a female or 5-6 inches in a male) until |

| |urine begins to flow from the bladder. Place the end of the straight catheter into a measuring device. When the |

| |urine flow begins to cease, pinch the catheter and remove. |

| |Discard straight catheter and disposable items into designated containers. |

| |Note amount of residual urine collected. |

| |Flush residual urine into the commode. |

| |Clean and sanitize measuring device if reusable. Store in designated area. |

| |Dry resident’s perineal area. |

| |Remove gloves and discard into designated container. |

| |Clean the bedside stand and/or overbed table. Return the overbed table to its proper position. |

| |Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. |

| |Reposition the bed covers. Make the resident comfortable. |

| |Place the call light within easy reach of the resident. |

| |If the resident desires, return the door and curtains to the open position and if visitors are waiting, tell them |

| |that they may now enter the room. |

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|Documentation |The following information should be recorded in the resident’s medical record: |

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| |The date and time the procedure was performed. |

| |The name and title of the individual(s) who performed the procedure. |

| |All assessment data obtained during the procedure. |

| |How the resident tolerated the procedure. |

| |If the resident refused the procedure, the reason(s) why and the intervention taken. |

| |The amount of residual urine obtained. |

| |The character (i.e., color, clarity, etc.) of the residual urine obtained. |

| |The signature and title of the person recording the data. |

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|Reporting |Notify the supervisor if the resident refuses the procedure. |

| |Notify the physician of the amount of residual urine, if any, and if there are any abnormalities in the character |

| |of the urine. |

| |Report other information in accordance with facility policy and professional standards of practice. |

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|References |

|MDS (CAAs) |Section H; (CAA 6) |

|Survey Tag Numbers |F315 |

|Related Documents | |

|Risk of Exposure |Body Fluids–Infectious Diseases |

|Procedure |Date:________________ By:__________________ |

|Revised |Date:________________ By:__________________ |

| |Date:________________ By:__________________ |

| |Date:________________ By:__________________ |


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