Student Name: ____________________ Date: ___________________________

Observer: _________________________ Time: ___________________________

Setting: ___________________________ Staff: ___________________________

Task/Lesson: _________________________________________________________

|Antecedent Events |Behavior |Consequent Events |

|(Describe what happened immediately prior |(Describe what the student did in |(Describe what happened immediately |

|to the behavior.) |objective, observable terms.) |following the behavior.) |

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The following are some examples of possible Antecedents, Behaviors and Consequences.

Please indicate the number in the columns above and make notes about what you saw.

| Possible Antecedents | Behavior | Possible Consequences |

| | | |

|Task presentation |Delayed initiation |Task termination |

|Others’ comments |Refusal |Activity change |

|Activity change |Verbal threats/agg. |Neg. adult attention |

|Escalating chain |Physical aggression |Neg. peer attention |

|Rate of instruction |Specify: ____________ |Pos. adult attention |

|Other: ___________ |Running away |Pos. peer attention |

|____________________ |Other: __________ |Other: _________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |__________________ |

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Using the ABC Observation Form

The ABC Observation Form is helpful in gathering information on a specific behavior for a Functional Behavioral Assessment. Although several possible behaviors are listed on the form, it is more practical to limit the behavior that you are collecting information on to one.

Circle the behavior in the column at the bottom that you are observing. If it is not listed, write it in next to “Other.” When you observe the behavior occurring, write the number in the column under “Behavior” in the table above. Jot brief notes or key words to remind you of exactly how the behavior was displayed.

In the column under “Antecedent Events,” think about what happened immediately prior to the student displaying the behavior and write the number of the possible antecedent from the column below the table. Jot down brief notes to help you recall what happened. If it’s not listed as a possible antecedent, next to “Other” write what you think it was.

In the column under “Consequent Events,” write down the number of what you thought the possible consequence was from the list below the chart. If it’s not listed, write it next to “Other.” Make some brief notes to help you remember what form the consequence took.

Here are a couple of examples:

|Antecedent Events |Behavior |Consequent Events |

|(Describe what happened immediately prior |(Describe what the student did in |(Describe what happened immediately |

|to the behavior.) |objective, observable terms.) |following the behavior.) |

| | | |

|3. Rdg. to Wrtg. |2. “Don’t want to!” |5. Tchr. encouraged. “You’re gd. at math.” |

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|1. “Something you’re good at ….” | | |

|Antecedent Events |Behavior |Consequent Events |

|(Describe what happened immediately prior |(Describe what the student did in |(Describe what happened immediately |

|to the behavior.) |objective, observable terms.) |following the behavior.) |

|4. Con’t ref. → |5. Ran out of room. |3. Tried to catch |

|2. “Must do or no recess.” | |1. Sent to office rest of day. |


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