Levels of Bloom’s - The Online PD

Levels of Bloom’s |Idea for Practice | |

|Knowledge |Match word to definition |

|Students are asked to |Answer simple recall questions |

|remember pieces of |Recite a poem, policy or definition |

|information, specific |Quote something from memory |

|terms, and techniques |Write down a formula from memory |

| |Label a diagram |

| |List the steps, characteristics of a concept. |

| |Make a timeline of events |

|Comprehension |Fill out a graphic organizer or concept map that has blank boxes |

|Students are asked to |Put something into your own words |

|demonstrate their |Write a comic strip, story or children’s book that teaches the content |

|understanding by |Create an illustration showing a the concept |

|paraphrasing or |Write a summary |

|explaining. |Create a powerpoint to teach a concept |

| |Do I really know it? () |

| |Concept cards () |

| | |

|Application |Solve a problem the student hasn’t seen before. |

|Students are expected to|Case studies |

|take what they know and | |

|apply it to a new | |

|situation or problem. | |

|Analysis |Divide the whole concept into parts. |

|Answers why. Students |Describe relationships between parts. |

|are asked to break down |Describe the cause/effect pattern of a topic |

|the knowledge into parts|Pull out patterns in a topic (without having seen them before) |

|and describe the |Put steps in order (without having seen the proper order beforehand) |

|relationship between |Predict what would happen to the whole system or a part of the system if you removed one or more parts of |

|those parts to each |the system. |

|other or those parts to |Agree/disagree matric () |

|the whole. |Concept attainment model () |

|Synthesis |Design an experiment |

|Students are asked to |Integrate information from several units to solve a problem |

|collect information and |Create their own graphic organizer or concept make using their knowledge of the topic |

|then create a new |Create a model |

|insight |Create an analogy that describes the concept |

|Evaluation |Select the most effective solution to a problem |

|Students are asked to |Explain and justify a solution |

|judge the value of the |Debate or defend an idea. |

|information given a |Judges the work of another |

|certain purpose. |Looks at a solution and evaluates its accuracy |

| |Assess the soundness or significance of a finding |

| |Evaluate the credibility, believability, completeness, and clarity of an argument or decision |

| |Four corners () |


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