Mrs. Murchison's 8th Grade Science and Biology Classes

Human Body Tissues

Levels of Organization

1. Cells

2. ____________________ = groups of similar cells that perform a _________________________

3. Organ = ______________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________ = group of organs __________________________________________

Four Major Tissues





Epithelial Tissue


Connective Tissue


Nerve Tissue


Muscle Tissue


Anatomical Compass

Consider the planes of the body. Understanding these will facilitate learning terms related to position of structures relative to each other and movement of various parts of the body.


Terms of Relation or Position

Most of these are pairs of opposites.

|superior (closer to the head) |inferior (closer to the feet) |reference point -- horizontal plane |

|posterior (dorsal) closer to the posterior |anterior (ventral) closer to the anterior |reference point -- frontal or coronal plane |

|surface of the body |surface of the body | |

|medial (lying closer to the midline) |lateral (lying further away from the |reference point -- sagittal plane |

| |midline) | |

|proximal closer to the origin of a structure |distal further away from the origin of a |reference point -- the origin of a structure |

| |structure | |

|superficial |deep |reference point -- surface of body or organ  |

|median | |reference point -- along the midsagittal or median plane |

|intermediate | |between two other structures  |

Nervous System (Chapter 35-2 through 35-4)


Label the diagram of the brain, using the following terms: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, medulla, brain stem/spinal cord, pituitary, hypothalamus, and thalamus.

Short Answer

1. What role does the nervous system play in the functions of the body?

2. What is the function of a neuron?

3. Compare the autonomic and somatic nervous systems.


Identify the parts of the neuron, using the following terms: dendrites, axon, myelin sheath, nodes, cell body, nucleus and axon terminals.


Write the correct sequence of events that occur during the transmission of a nerve impulse.

_____1. Action potential continues to move along the axon.

_____2. Sodium gates open. Action potential occurs.

_____3. Neuron returns to rest.

_____4. Neuron is stimulated by another neuron or stimulus from environment.

_____5. As the action potential passes, the potassium gates open.

_____6. Neuron is at rest.


Indicate each of the following functions as somatic or autonomic or both.

1. heart beating _________________________________________________

2. turning a page ________________________________________________

3. chewing food _________________________________________________

4. digesting food _____________________________________

5. breathing _________________________________________

Skeletal System (Chapter 36-1)

Directions: Label the following skeleton using these terms: pelvis, radius, cranium, metacarpals, femur, ulna, tibia, mandible, tarsals, sternum, rib, phalanges, humerus, clavicle, carpals, patella, vertebra, rib, fibula, and metatarsals.

Short Answer:

Answer the following questions about the skeletal system.

1. What are the functions of the skeletal system?

1. 4.

2. 5.

2. What types of tissues make up the skeletal system?

3. What are bones?

4. What is the advantage of spongy bone issue in the ends of long bones?

5. Which cells are produced in red bone marrow? (define)




6. What are the 3 types of joints? Describe each.

1. Immovable -

2. Slightly movable -

3. Freely Movable -

7. Describe the four freely movable joint movements.

1. 3.

2. 4.


Use your textbook to label the parts of the bone.

• Tendons are connective tissues that join ______________ to _____________.

• Ligaments are connective tissue that holds _________________ together at a ____________.

Muscular System (Chapter 36-2)

Short Answer:

1. What are the 3 types of muscles and their function?

2. Explain the statement: “Most skeletal muscles work in opposing pairs.” (Use Page 931.)

3. What connects skeletal muscles to bones? (See Skeletal notes.)


Identify the type of muscle.


___________________ ____________________ ______________________

Compare and Contrast

Complete the following chart using the words YES or NO to compare the three types of muscles.

| |Skeletal |Smooth | |

| | | |Cardiac |

| | | | |

|Voluntary Control | | | |

| | | | |

|Striated | | | |

| | | | |

|Individual Nuclei in cells | | | |

| | | | |

|Attached to bone | | | |

| | | | |

|Can contract | | | |

| | | | |

|Spindle shaped | | | |

Integumentary System (Chapter 36-3)


Label the diagram of the skin.



Short Answer

1. What are the functions of sebaceous glands and sweat glands?

2. You cut your arm and it begins to bleed. Which layer of skin must have been penetrated for the cut to begin bleeding?

3. What is the function of melanin?

4. What are the two functions of integumentary system?

5. How does the humidity of the air around you affect how well your skin cools your body?


Read the following article about Acne and answer the following questions for homework.

Contrary to one popular belief, pimples are not caused by chocolate. Pimples are caused by acne, a disorder of the sebaceous glands in the skin. Sebaceous glands secrete a fatty lubricant know as sebum, through the pores and hair follicles. Humans have sebaceous glands all over the body, except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Acne occurs when sebum from the sebaceous glands clogs the pores in these areas of the body. Blackheads are external plugs made of sebum and dead cells. If the plugs are invaded by bacteria, they become pimples, or pus-filled inflammations.

Hormones trigger the production of sebum. Hormone cycles change throughout adolescence, so adolescents are most likely to suffer from acne. The exact cause of acne is not clear. Genetic factors, as well as hormonal changes, seem to trigger the disorder. While they do not cause acne, poor skin care, lack of sunlight, and lack of exercise may aggravate it. In some people, certain foods may also irritate symptoms of the disorder.

Most adolescents, and many adults, suffer from some form of mild acne; a few people have more severe cases. Treatments vary greatly. For minor cases, gently cleansing the skin with mild soap and warm – not hot – water can help irritations heal more quickly. For more severe cases, antibiotics, especially tetracycline, can reduce infections and prevent new infections. When antibiotics are used over a long period of time, however, bacteria often become resistant to them.

Two drugs have been developed from treating acne, both related to vitamin A. Tretinoin (Retin A) and isotrertinoin (Accutane) have successfully been used to treat acne. Both drugs however may have side effects.

1. Do different types of food cause pimples? Explain your answer.

2. What are some possible factors that cause acne?

Immune System (Chapter 40)

*Review* Complete as homework.


|Key Terms |Explanations |

|Antigen | |

| | |

| | |

|Antibody | |

| |Spleen: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Lymph Nodes: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Bone Marrow: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Thymus: |

|Nonspecific Defense Mechanisms |Specific Defense Mechanisms |

| |(Immune Response) |

|First Line of Defense |Second Line of Defense |Third Line of Defense |

|Goal: |Goal: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Details: |Details: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Digestive System (Chapter 38-2)

Labeling and Explaining

Label the organs of the digestive system and describe each organs function. Use the following terms: pancreas, gallbladder, large intestine, rectum, salivary glands, small intestine, stomach, mouth, esophagus, liver and pharynx.

Short Answer

1. What are two functions of the digestive system?



2. What is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion?

Mechanical --

Chemical --

3. What is the route food takes through the body?

4. How are the internal intestines’ structures, called villi, adapted to absorb food?

5. Describe two diseases of the digestive system.



Excretory System (Chapter 38-3)

Labeling and Explaining

Label the parts of the excretory system and describe their function. Use the following terms: bladder, ureter, urethra, and kidneys, (5)glomerulus,(6) Loop of Henle,(7) collecting duct, (8)Bowman’s capsule, (9)proximal tubule, (10)distal tubule.


Short Answer

Use the diagram of the nephron above to answer the following questions.

1. Where does filtration take place in the nephron?

2. What substance diffuses out of the glomerulus?

3. What happens to the filtrate as it flows through the renal tubule?

1. What is the material called that remains after reabsorption?

Respiratory System (Chapter 37-3)


Label the diagram of the respiratory system.


Short Answer

1. What are the functions of the respiratory system?

2. What part of the brain controls breathing?

3. How does emphysema affect the respiratory system?

4. How does the diaphragm aid in breathing?

5. Explain how the respiratory and the circulatory system work together to respond to your body’s needs during exercise.

Drawing Conclusion

Illustrate the capillaries in the alveoli and show how gas exchanges.

Describe the process of gas exchange.

Circulatory System (Chapter 37-1)

The circulatory system can simply be diagramed in a box, like below. We will complete this together and then you will label the real parts at the bottom of the page.

| | |

| | |


Label the parts of the heart. Use the following terms: pulmonary vein, bicuspid valve, ventricle (right, left), superior vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery, and tricuspid valve.



Complete the outline tracing the pathway of blood through the heart.

1. A large vein called the ______________________________ brings the blood from the upper part of the body to the heart, where it enters the _____________________________.

2. The blood is pumped out of the right atrium into the __________________________.

3. Travels through the ___________________________ to the ___________________, where it picks up oxygen.

4. From the lungs, blood travels through the _________________________ and returns to the heart, where it enters the ______________________.

5. Finally, the blood is forced from the _______________________ into the ______________________, which carries it to the tissues of the body.

Short Answer

1. What are the major components of blood?

2. What are the 3 types of vessels and their function?

3. What might happen if a blood clot forms inside in the circulatory system and lodges in a major blood vessel?

4. The only vein that carries oxygenated blood is the _______________________ and the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood is the _________________________.

Endocrine System (Chapter 39-1)


Label the diagram of the endocrine system and list its major function. Use the terms: thyroid, testes, pituitary, pancreas, ovaries, parathyroid, thymus, and pineal.


Short Answer

1. What is a hormone?

2. What is the relationship between a hormone and a target cell? Use a specific example to explain your answer.

|Endocrine gland |Hormone(s) Secreted |Hormone Function(s) |

| |Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone | |

|Hypothalamus | | |

| |a. Prolactin | |

|Pituitary Gland |b. Oxytocin | |

| |c. Growth Hormone | |

| |Parathyroid Hormone | |

|Parathyroid Gland | | |

| |Thymopoietin | |

|Thymus | | |

| |a. Cortisol | |

|Adrenal Glands |b. Androgen | |

| |c. Adrenaline | |

| |Melatonin | |

|Pineal Gland | | |

| |Thyroxine | |

|Thyroid | | |

| | | |

| |a. Insulin | |

|Pancreas |b. Glucagon | |

| | | |

| |a. Estrogen | |

|Ovary |b. Proestrogen | |

| |Testosterone | |

|Testes | | |

Reproductive System (Chapter 39-3) state each part’s function.


Urethra -

Seminal Vessicle-

Prostate Gland-

Bulbourethral Gland-

Vas deferens-




Ovary -

Fallopian tube-




Anal canal – waste excretion

Perineum – skin between anus and vagina


Pubic Bone




Label the drawing of a sperm with the following structures: head, tail, nucleus, and midpiece.

What part is full of mitochondria?

1. Trace the pathway of sperm out of the body, from where it is produced to where it exits.

2. Trace the pathway of the egg to the uterus.

3. What happens during child birth (pathway)?

Interpreting Graphics

Use the diagram to answer the following questions. LH is luteinizing hormone and FSH is follicle stimulating hormone.

4. What occurs when the hormone LH peaks?

5. What days on the chart show the menstruation phase?


The _____________ skeleton is the central part of the skeleton used to protect vital organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs.

The _____________ skeleton is used for movement and includes the pectoral and pelvic girdle and the extremities attached to them.

FRONTAL (or coronal) separates the body into ____________ and _____________ parts

MEDIAN (or midsagittal) separates body into ________ and _________ parts

HORIZONTAL separates the body into _____________ and ______________ parts

SAGITTAL any plane parallel to the _______________ plane


Pectoralis major


Rectus Abdominus





Latissimus dorsi

Gluteus maximus









Nephron -








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